Freedom on display at a Kentucky school today

So do criminals.

and all the background checks in the world arent' going to stop them.

all the signs stating Gun Free Zone aren't going to stop them.

and the only option seem to be, take away the rights of the 99%, because of the 1%.

But then, you seem to be good with that.

Yeah I guess I don’t like innocent kids dying because some cowards feel they need a gun.

99 guns out of 100....


999 out of 1,000 guns have never killed, or even shot, a human.

You want to punish those that have NEVER used a firearm to hurt another.

I've said it before, I'll say it again.

your handle is totally inappropriate.

you dont' have a brain

Yes what a horrible punishment. Guns nuts get some gun control and innocent kids get to live. Some of our police would get to live too.

and you dont' realize, it doesn't work...

what a shame.
I don't see how you can say that when it is working in every other civilized nation in the world. You are right, it's not the only problem, but all these guns floating about are begging to be stolen or transferred illegally to folks who shouldn't have them. With rights come responsibilities. Gun owners have a certain responsibility to society same as drivers do. We can't drive drunk because we might hit someone else on the road. Limiting guns in this country is like that. Less access to guns means less gun deaths. That shouldn't surprise anyone.

Gun control isn't working in other parts of the world......Britain, and Australia both are having increasing gun crime...both are islands and both banned and confsicated guns.....the thing that kept their crime rates low, as well as the rest of Europe was their culture, not their gun control laws.....

You guys talk about this subject but have no idea what you are talking about.

As more Americans own and carry guns...our crime rates have gone down...showing, you don't know what you are talking about...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Britain...banned guns.... and now their gun crime rate is going through the roof....showing you don't know what you are talking about...

U.K. Begins Another Gun Surrender Initiative Amid Increase in Gun Crime

The United Kingdom's National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS) is conducting a new gun surrender program from Nov. 13 to Nov. 26 after gun crime in England and Wales increased by more than a quarter in the past year.
The Office for National Statistics found a 27 percent increase in crimes involving firearms during its most recent review of crime data. Despite a near ban on the civilian ownership of handguns the review found crimes committed with handguns increased by 25 percent and accounted for the majority of gun crimes. The agency said the increases in 2016 were part of a multiyear trend.

London mayor urged to tackle gun crime as offences rise

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has been urged to consider a gun crime strategy for the capital, following a steep rise in the number of offences and fears that victims and perpetrators are getting younger.

The Metropolitan police recorded 2,542 gun crime offences in 2017, the highest number in five years and 44% more than the 1,755 recorded in 2014, according to a report by the London assembly’s police and crime committee.


About a third of the victims of gun crime and almost three in five offenders were aged 25 or under in the 12 months to October 2017, according to the assembly’s report. There were anecdotal suggestions from police and a senior trauma doctor that they were seeing younger victims than in the past.

Drug dealing and gang activity were identified as the main drivers of gun crime, with gangs said to account for nearly half of all offences where lethal guns – as opposed to non-lethal airguns or stun guns – were fired.

I guess you didn't see the list where schools with the most strict gun control laws were in effect. Egad you are now the stupidest liberal yet not to be put on ignore, but will be soon.
Criminals and Liberals don't follow the law, why should they listen to gun control laws?
You know....there is a difference between "strict gun control laws" and "gun free zones". Just sayin'
And real criminals are all about strict gun control, right? And gun free zones are nothing more than soft targets.
I doubt real criminals care that much about "strict gun control laws"
Violent criminals love strict gun laws because they know law-abiding people won’t be able to protect themselves. Dumbass

Violent crime is increasing with concealed carry... isn't......violent crime is increasing after obama and black lives matter attacked the police.....
That’s because it is extremely easy to get a gun. That isn’t strong gun control obviously.

Well, Lessee: Anyone choosing to moniker themselves after a Brain tells me you are actually probably dumber than a box of shoes. Most smug people are. So -100 synapse just for the arrogance.

"Extremely easy to get a gun." FACT: It is harder to get a gun now than ever in the history of the country. There are now over TWENTY-THOUSAND GUN LAWS in the USA. When I was a kid, we took our guns to school! Had them in the gun rack of our rear window! No problems then! Now you get expelled just for SAYING the word gun. Deduct another 20,000 synapse.

SO I DID A LITTLE DIGGING across a number of websites to uncover some facts:

View attachment 173589

At the bottom, you can see the history of major gun legislation or actions taken to restrict gun ownership. The 19th century had triple that of the 18th century, restrictions in the 20th century went up by another 830%, and so far just 18 years into the new century, we have already had another 56% restrictions added on!

Meantime, gun shooting deaths in schools in the USA (I counted them) went from only 10 in the 18th century to 34 in the 19th century, then jumped to 282 deaths in the 20th century, and already, only into the 18th year of the new century, we are up to 255 deaths from guns shot in schools. That is over 90% the total for the 20th century.


School shootings and deaths have risen proportional to gun laws. One could almost argue that the gun laws are related to the killings! So obviously it isn't a lack of gun laws, restrictions or ease of access. Subtract another 25 million synapse for the Brain. If anything, there is most likely a direct or indirect link between school shootings and *population
*number of people in big cities
*degree of overcrowding
*size of classrooms
*preponderance of public school influence in child's life
*dwindling degree of parental / family influence in child's home life.

So subtract another 65 billion synapse. The Brain is comatose.

Put another way, lead pencils are far more available than guns, yet you don't see everyone grabbing a lead pencil and writing something with one, much less stabbing someone in the neck. Indeed, gun deaths have risen sharply proportional to the lack of familiarity, exposure, comfort and training in firearms, NOT their availability. Indeed, as we go back the centuries, years ago a gun was FAR MORE LIKELY to be a standard item on a person or in the household. And STILL, there weren't the killings of today.

There is no basis to blame school shootings on the availability of guns, lack of gun laws and regulations, except among the most imbecilic among us, and every reason to associate it with increased societal pressures living in large crowded cities combined with lack of training. Citing statistics from other countries is MEANINGLESS. It is a fool's errand to assume that what seems to have worked a certain way in another country with a completely different set of historical and cultural factors should work similar here. Considering that the top ten causes of death are (2016):
Suicide: 43,000
Kidney Disease: 48,000
Flu and Pneumonia: 55,000
Diabetes: 76,000
Alzheimer's: 94,000
Stroke: 133,000
Accidents: 136,000
COPD: 147,000
Cancer: 592,000
Heart Disease: 614,000

In fact, I cannot even find a statistic for where school shooting deaths at 282 for all of the 20th century would even fit in as a stat! Maybe right below number of deaths caused by paper cut or stubbing ones toe?

View attachment 173593

Firearms OVERALL of ALL KINDS doesn't even amount to more than a blip on the chart. WHICH MAKES IT ALL THE MORE TRAGIC THAT:
A). The Schools still can't seem to prevent them!
B). That so much media hyper-attention is focused on the matter as if this was even in the top 1,000 issues that we should be worried about as a NATIONAL CONCERN.

CONCLUSIONS: Those that make such a deal about guns and gun crimes in the USA as a function of the NRA, availability or lack of gun laws CLEARLY do so mainly out of total ignorance of the facts combined with a dislike and fear of guns and an untold desire just to see them totally banned from the law-biding populous.
Your statistics reminding me of something that happened in the 1990s, you know when William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) had banned assault rifles and high capacity mags. Columbine High School shooting still happened even with the gun ban.. Why did it happen, because INSANE liberals will still get the guns, illegally and kill people....

Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia

If the bombs that the 2 had made, worked, even more people would of died. Do you then ban lead pipes for plumbing and fertilizer? Funny how it seems that the left is the party of NO, all of a sudden, and willing to give up everyone's freedom....

The gun ban didn't remove a single gun. Clinton was right, just look at the Vegas shooting. Those guns shouldn't be legal.
Says who? Lol
Other peoples firearm ownership is none of your fucking business you cowardly motherfucker... lol

Cowardly would be you. We could save our children's lives, but instead you cowardly cling to your guns.
Na, Progressives love violence
You know....there is a difference between "strict gun control laws" and "gun free zones". Just sayin'
And real criminals are all about strict gun control, right? And gun free zones are nothing more than soft targets.
I doubt real criminals care that much about "strict gun control laws"
Violent criminals love strict gun laws because they know law-abiding people won’t be able to protect themselves. Dumbass

Violent crime is increasing with concealed carry... isn't......violent crime is increasing after obama and black lives matter attacked the police.....
I'd like to see the statistical evidence of that.
Indeed, gun crime and violence in countries such as the UK or Japan are low because neither have a culture of violence as is found in the US, having little to do with either’s respective gun control laws.
You should tell that to the posters citing the UK's violent crime rate.
How do you stop someone from murdering a person to get their firearms, so they can go on a rampage?
It's quite obvious. Amend the Constitution so that availability of handguns and military style semi automatics is heavily restricted. It's not rocket science, one can see its effect in other developed countries. Of course that won't work if a nation has decided the lives of school kids is a price worth paying for easy access to firearms.

Go right ahead and try! Let's see you get your Congresscritter to sponsor the bill! Then see how many Congresscritters will forego reelection by voting for it, and then how many state legislators do the same!

I would say your chances of success are between 0 and 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%
How many times do I have to say US politicians are controlled by those who think the occasional massacre of school kids a reasonable price to pay for easy access to handguns and mssa?
How do you stop someone from murdering a person to get their firearms, so they can go on a rampage?
It's quite obvious. Amend the Constitution so that availability of handguns and military style semi automatics is heavily restricted. It's not rocket science, one can see its effect in other developed countries. Of course that won't work if a nation has decided the lives of school kids is a price worth paying for easy access to firearms.

Go right ahead and try! Let's see you get your Congresscritter to sponsor the bill! Then see how many Congresscritters will forego reelection by voting for it, and then how many state legislators do the same!

I would say your chances of success are between 0 and 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%
How many times do I have to say US politicians are controlled by those who think the occasional massacre of school kids a reasonable price to pay for easy access to handguns and mssa?

I cannot help if you are a dumb ass who proposes a solution to a problem knowing damn well that it will not work.
I cannot help if you are a dumb ass who proposes a solution to a problem knowing damn well that it will not work.
I'm pointing out that those who control the politicians of the US don't consider the occasional massacre of school children to be a problem.
Let me carry a gun and all of the other teachers and students would be protected. That would be the difference. I am also trained to hit what I am shooting. Bullets would not be flying after one or two well-placed rounds.
Jesus. Another Duke blowhard.

Blowhard? No, that is what you do with your boyfriend.

I am well-trained and experienced with all types of weapons.

When our state police trained teachers on responses to active shooters, I gave them a new strategy for dealing with an intruder gaining access to a classroom that they had not considered before which I learned from a Special Forces instructor.

Placed in that situation, you would be pissing your pants, curling into a fetal position, while sucking your thumb, watching all of your students being gunned down.
I cannot help if you are a dumb ass who proposes a solution to a problem knowing damn well that it will not work.
I'm pointing out that those who control the politicians of the US don't consider the occasional massacre of school children to be a problem.

So, what is your solution there Einstein? Are you going to fish or cut bait?

This liberal whining or yours is getting irritating. It's like when your boyfriend forgets to lube you up sufficiently!
Nobody cares about gun deaths anymore. It's simply an acceptable part of our culture. #MAGA!

The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...

Stop with the lying bullshit.

We put up reasonable arguments which you can’t refute and you counter with partisan lies.

Americans clinging to their guns are like people with lung cancer clinging to their cigarettes. They’re killing you but you refuse to give them up.
Don't know if you people will ever wake up.

There are bad guys out there but there not who you think.
look at your government
The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...

Stop with the lying bullshit.

We put up reasonable arguments which you can’t refute and you counter with partisan lies.

Americans clinging to their guns are like people with lung cancer clinging to their cigarettes. They’re killing you but you refuse to give them up.
Liberals clinging to their bullshit arguments that never fucking work, is like a Cancer on the World. More cars, kill people than guns. Yet you aren't out there banning cars, you fucking tards..

Once again, it seems that the Democrat Party is the party of NO....
The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...

Stop with the lying bullshit.

We put up reasonable arguments which you can’t refute and you counter with partisan lies.

Americans clinging to their guns are like people with lung cancer clinging to their cigarettes. They’re killing you but you refuse to give them up.
Until the borders are closed, and liberal compassion stops freeing criminals with a rap sheet a mile long, i will continue to cling to my weapons, and not hesitate to shoot a liberal who decides that my stuff is his.. I wont shed a tear either....
I cannot help if you are a dumb ass who proposes a solution to a problem knowing damn well that it will not work.
I'm pointing out that those who control the politicians of the US don't consider the occasional massacre of school children to be a problem.
You have nothing for a solution except to control people you disagree with unnecessarily. That makes you a spineless piece of fucking shit
The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...

Stop with the lying bullshit.

We put up reasonable arguments which you can’t refute and you counter with partisan lies.

Americans clinging to their guns are like people with lung cancer clinging to their cigarettes. They’re killing you but you refuse to give them up.
People kill people not firearms Firearms have no control over people... you classless whore

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