"Freedom Watch" calls the President a criminal for killing Bin Laden

The judge is legally accurate that the assasination of bin laden and of the quadaffi family is unconstitutional.

this puts me in a dilemma, I dont have issue with what we did but I dont feel right ignoring a violation of the constitution either. Congress is supposed to authorize this stuff, not the president.

there is nothing in the constitution that speaks to this issue. international law speaks to the issue. and in accordance with international law, we had the right to go in. pakistan knew we were running ops. they can feign ignorance. but they already knew we were flying drones.

the bar to assassination is, i believe, a matter of executive order, but i'm not positive about that.

and, frankly, if it wasn't quite legal, i couldn't give a flying. pakistan violated their agreement with us not to harbor him and to work with us on the WOT ... for which agreement they were paid quite handsomely.

The zombified never cease to amaze me.

According to Fräulein Jillian, the prez has the authority to murder suspects, because when the President does it, that means it is not illegal."

And when the Prez says that he murdered OBL instead some innocent Pakistani retiree , well we mere mortals must accept his version of events as the gospel truth.

heil Hitler.


Remember the government is here to protect you and keep you safe, just depends who the president is if it's legal or illegal.
I think there are some UN articles 31 and 51 ( I am not sure, sorry) they trotted then out ala Reagan going after Qaddafi etc....

edit, yea I had the numbers half right...its iffy;

Some observers held the opinion that Article 51 of the UN Charter set limitations on the use of force in exercising the legitimate right of self-defense in the absence of an act of aggression, and affirmed that there was no such act by Libya. It was charged that the United States did not bother to exhaust the Charter provisions for settling disputes under Article 33. Others asserted that Libya was innocent in the bombing of the West Berlin discothèque.[36]

Bombing of Libya (1986) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
bin laden wasn't the head of state and the UN charter does not apply to him.

Well then what is to stop the next president from assassinating say, a citizen somewhere in the USA or elsewhere in the world?

What if im president and think you are a threat to national security......your not a head of state so would it be ok for me to assasinate you? Remember your a threat to national security after all..........sorry ron paul got in my head :)

Wow, I can't believe how many friends Bin Laden has acquired in death.

(just when you thought ODS couldn't get any worse).
bin laden wasn't the head of state and the UN charter does not apply to him.

Well then what is to stop the next president from assassinating say, a citizen somewhere in the USA or elsewhere in the world?

What if im president and think you are a threat to national security......your not a head of state so would it be ok for me to assasinate you? Remember your a threat to national security after all..........sorry ron paul got in my head :)

Wow, I can't believe how many friends Bin Laden has acquired in death.

(just when you thought ODS couldn't get any worse).

Do you know how stupid you look?
Discussing the legality of this does not make people Bin Ladens friends.
You really should think before you type and hit the send button.
and obamush is doing the same thing Bush did.

Who here accused Bush of criminality in going after al qaeda after 9/11? We invaded Afghanistan, remember?

obama invaded the sovereign nation of Pakistan or at least that’s how Pakistan is spinning this.

Afghanistan was a sovereign nation in 2001. You're saying Bush committed a crime of some sort by invading Afghanistan?

What's your position, exactly?
Who here accused Bush of criminality in going after al qaeda after 9/11? We invaded Afghanistan, remember?

obama invaded the sovereign nation of Pakistan or at least that’s how Pakistan is spinning this.

Afghanistan was a sovereign nation in 2001. You're saying Bush committed a crime of some sort by invading Afghanistan?

What's your position, exactly?

Hypocrtical of a nobel "PEACE" winner to invade a nation wouldn't you think?
Well then what is to stop the next president from assassinating say, a citizen somewhere in the USA or elsewhere in the world?

What if im president and think you are a threat to national security......your not a head of state so would it be ok for me to assasinate you? Remember your a threat to national security after all..........sorry ron paul got in my head :)

Wow, I can't believe how many friends Bin Laden has acquired in death.

(just when you thought ODS couldn't get any worse).

Do you know how stupid you look?
Discussing the legality of this does not make people Bin Ladens friends.
You really should think before you type and hit the send button.

Excuse me, this is no 'discussion of legality'. This is a bunch of deranged Obama haters trying desperately to shit on the president's accomplishment, without an iota of a rational argument.

When you irrationally take the side of Bin Laden against your own president and your own country,

you are Bin Laden's friend.
obama invaded the sovereign nation of Pakistan or at least that’s how Pakistan is spinning this.

Afghanistan was a sovereign nation in 2001. You're saying Bush committed a crime of some sort by invading Afghanistan?

What's your position, exactly?

Hypocrtical of a nobel "PEACE" winner to invade a nation wouldn't you think?

Not at all.

Why are you dodging the question, other than as an exercise of your innate cowardice?
Wow, I can't believe how many friends Bin Laden has acquired in death.

(just when you thought ODS couldn't get any worse).

Do you know how stupid you look?
Discussing the legality of this does not make people Bin Ladens friends.
You really should think before you type and hit the send button.

Excuse me, this is no 'discussion of legality'. This is a bunch of deranged Obama haters trying desperately to shit on the president's accomplishment, without an iota of a rational argument.

When you irrationally take the side of Bin Laden against your own president and your own country,

you are Bin Laden's friend.

well I'm sure it is in your warped little mind.:eusa_hand:
the united nations has launched an investigation into illegality of the bin laden raid and subsequent deaths of peace loving muhammadans...

expect much fallout from the eu, who is fearful of retalitory strikes....

obama administration department of justice, under the watchful eye of the eric holder and the democrat leadership, continues to move forward into the eventual prosecution of cia interrogators who helped break the al qaeda relocation program...

as the world turns completely upside down america is slipping down the toilet drain.

god help the usa......

U.N. rights boss asks U.S. for facts on bin Laden killing

May 03, 2011 · GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations' top human rights official called on the United States Tuesday to give the U.N. details about Osama bin Laden's killing ...

courtesy reuters..... U.N. rights boss asks U.S. for facts on bin Laden killing | Reuters
Wow, I can't believe how many friends Bin Laden has acquired in death.

(just when you thought ODS couldn't get any worse).

Do you know how stupid you look?
Discussing the legality of this does not make people Bin Ladens friends.
You really should think before you type and hit the send button.

Excuse me, this is no 'discussion of legality'. This is a bunch of deranged Obama haters trying desperately to shit on the president's accomplishment, without an iota of a rational argument.

When you irrationally take the side of Bin Laden against your own president and your own country,

you are Bin Laden's friend.

take the side of Bin Laden against your own president

Who has attacked several nations clearly for no reason and without the consent of congress and who clearly authorized the Assassination of a foreign citizen on foreign ground again without the willing consent of congress. I thought our nation was a Nation of laws not of men.

Who is it now that speaks against this country it is not those that question the Illegal actions of a person who should know better but those that support actions in clear contempt of the laws of this nation. Of course this complete leaves aside the Hypocrisy of tools like you who screamed bloody murder about the previous administration.
bin laden wasn't the head of state and the UN charter does not apply to him.

Well then what is to stop the next president from assassinating say, a citizen somewhere in the USA or elsewhere in the world?

What if im president and think you are a threat to national security......your not a head of state so would it be ok for me to assasinate you? Remember your a threat to national security after all..........sorry ron paul got in my head :)

Wow, I can't believe how many friends Bin Laden has acquired in death.

(just when you thought ODS couldn't get any worse).
Yep. I think they want to keep labeling President Obama an assassin and war criminal until the United States is completely undermined throughout the world.

It is sad, really, because there is no evidence that anything illegal occurred.
Well then what is to stop the next president from assassinating say, a citizen somewhere in the USA or elsewhere in the world?

What if im president and think you are a threat to national security......your not a head of state so would it be ok for me to assasinate you? Remember your a threat to national security after all..........sorry ron paul got in my head :)

Wow, I can't believe how many friends Bin Laden has acquired in death.

(just when you thought ODS couldn't get any worse).
Yep. I think they want to keep labeling President Obama an assassin and war criminal until the United States is completely undermined throughout the world.

It is sad, really, because there is no evidence that anything illegal occurred.

wtf? none of that stopped people from accusing Bush of these very same things.
so I call, bs.
Wow, I can't believe how many friends Bin Laden has acquired in death.

(just when you thought ODS couldn't get any worse).
Yep. I think they want to keep labeling President Obama an assassin and war criminal until the United States is completely undermined throughout the world.

It is sad, really, because there is no evidence that anything illegal occurred.

wtf? none of that stopped people from accusing Bush of these very same things.
so I call, bs.

Yes but don't you know hypocrites don't have a problem with that
Wow, I can't believe how many friends Bin Laden has acquired in death.

(just when you thought ODS couldn't get any worse).
Yep. I think they want to keep labeling President Obama an assassin and war criminal until the United States is completely undermined throughout the world.

It is sad, really, because there is no evidence that anything illegal occurred.

wtf? none of that stopped people from accusing Bush of these very same things.
so I call, bs.
I didn't.

So you are telling me because some made accusations against Bush it is okay for you morons to make accusations against Obama?

Personally, I thing the Obama has stepped out of bounds a few times as President. He has done a couple of things WITHOUT approval of Congress that should be investigated, not just this Bin Laden thing.

What the hell do we even have a Congress for with this guy?
Who here accused Bush of criminality in going after al qaeda after 9/11? We invaded Afghanistan, remember?

obama invaded the sovereign nation of Pakistan or at least that’s how Pakistan is spinning this.

Afghanistan was a sovereign nation in 2001. You're saying Bush committed a crime of some sort by invading Afghanistan?

What's your position, exactly?

The same as it was in 2001.... you fuck with us, or allow people to operate within your borders for the purpose of fucking with us, then all bets are off.

Obama no more committed a crime than did Bush. However.. most of the left was soiling their panties when Bush did it... but are applauding now that Obama has done it. That's the shit I am pointing out... you know... the abject hypocrisy of most n the left.

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