"Freedom Watch" calls the President a criminal for killing Bin Laden

The zombified never cease to amaze me.

According to Fräulein Jillian, the prez has the authority to murder suspects, because when the President does it, that means it is not illegal."

And when the Prez says that he murdered OBL instead some innocent Pakistani retiree , well we mere mortals must accept his version of events as the gospel truth.

heil Hitler.


"Murder"? The SEAL that pulled the trigger is a "murderer"?

You are a fucking moron.

"The first U.S. edited version of "The Killing Of Osama" made it look like one Seal found Osama and his wife in their third floor bedroom, the surprised and unarmed Osama used her as a shield so the Seal shot her first and then him. It did not seem to occur to them that this made the Seal both a coward – or a terrified incompetent – and a war criminal. By the second day they had edited this scene to have the wife rushing at the Seal, presumably scaring him witless, so he shot her and then shot the unarmed old Osama who was either sitting around or standing around doing nothing but, presumably, looking dumb. This still left the Seal a coward and war criminal, so on the third day they started editing it to have Osama sitting next to a pistolo and an AK-47 which he apparently was too witless, too scared, or too incompetent to use to defend his wife and himself. This still left the Seal a coward and a war criminal, so they started whispering the Seal thought Osama was wearing a suicide vest, in spite of that being a bit bulky and uncomfortable under his nighty."


No, your assessment is it makes the SEAL a coward or a murderer. The rest of us, some of us who have actually done CQB in tactical military units, realize that OBL didn't have to pull a gun on the SEALs to be perceived as a threat. I would be most concerned that he would try to blow himself up and destroy his body and take as many infidels as possible with him. In that light, if he moved his hands the wrong way, it could be perceived as a hostile act.

Again, you are a fucking moron.
Wow, I can't believe how many friends Bin Laden has acquired in death.

(just when you thought ODS couldn't get any worse).
Yep. I think they want to keep labeling President Obama an assassin and war criminal until the United States is completely undermined throughout the world.

It is sad, really, because there is no evidence that anything illegal occurred.

Wow more dishonest hackery....i guess I have to quote myself where I say i was glad obama did this on one hand but was concerned about our president issuing assasination without congress' approval.

Freaking desperate hacks are aggrivating me today.

You know...there is a thing called extenuating circumstances.

I have no issue with what Obama did....legal or not.
I had no issue with what Bush did
I had no issue with waterboarding our enemies if it helped catch Bin Laden and save American Lives

And if my son was kidnapped and buried somewhere and had 24 hours before his oxygen run out....and I had the culprit....I would torture his ass till he told me where he was buried...

ANd I defy anyone outr there to tell me they would let their kid die without trying the same if nothing else was working and time was running out.

Extenuating circumstances trumps all.
"Murder"? The SEAL that pulled the trigger is a "murderer"?

You are a fucking moron.

"The first U.S. edited version of "The Killing Of Osama" made it look like one Seal found Osama and his wife in their third floor bedroom, the surprised and unarmed Osama used her as a shield so the Seal shot her first and then him. It did not seem to occur to them that this made the Seal both a coward – or a terrified incompetent – and a war criminal. By the second day they had edited this scene to have the wife rushing at the Seal, presumably scaring him witless, so he shot her and then shot the unarmed old Osama who was either sitting around or standing around doing nothing but, presumably, looking dumb. This still left the Seal a coward and war criminal, so on the third day they started editing it to have Osama sitting next to a pistolo and an AK-47 which he apparently was too witless, too scared, or too incompetent to use to defend his wife and himself. This still left the Seal a coward and a war criminal, so they started whispering the Seal thought Osama was wearing a suicide vest, in spite of that being a bit bulky and uncomfortable under his nighty."


No, your assessment is it makes the SEAL a coward or a murderer. The rest of us, some of us who have actually done CQB in tactical military units, realize that OBL didn't have to pull a gun on the SEALs to be perceived as a threat. I would be most concerned that he would try to blow himself up and destroy his body and take as many infidels as possible with him. In that light, if he moved his hands the wrong way, it could be perceived as a hostile act.

Again, you are a fucking moron.


The target does not need to have a gun to be a threat...especially this target.
Actaully, this target and his followers have a reputation of using explosives attached to the body......all he had to do was NOT show his hands with palms facing forward and he was a legit target for a death shot.
Yep. I think they want to keep labeling President Obama an assassin and war criminal until the United States is completely undermined throughout the world.

It is sad, really, because there is no evidence that anything illegal occurred.

Wow more dishonest hackery....i guess I have to quote myself where I say i was glad obama did this on one hand but was concerned about our president issuing assasination without congress' approval.

Freaking desperate hacks are aggrivating me today.

You know...there is a thing called extenuating circumstances.

I have no issue with what Obama did....legal or not.
I had no issue with what Bush did
I had no issue with waterboarding our enemies if it helped catch Bin Laden and save American Lives

And if my son was kidnapped and buried somewhere and had 24 hours before his oxygen run out....and I had the culprit....I would torture his ass till he told me where he was buried...

ANd I defy anyone outr there to tell me they would let their kid die without trying the same if nothing else was working and time was running out.

Extenuating circumstances trumps all.

I dont have issue with those things either.

Im just concerned about the procedure, not the results. Im happy with the results.

People are too quick to assume that people like me, who might question if the way the president did it was within the constitution, are totally against the killing of bin laden or other things like you mentioned. Others assume we hate obama and are just questioning it to try and take this away from him.

A lot of us who question it are not trying to do these things (me for example), we just see an erosion of adherance to the constitution and are concerned for what actions may come in the future as a result of such precedence of behavior.
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So if the CIA has been aware of bin ladens compound and watching it since last August. Why the take out now? on the heels of the release of a birth certificate? pretty smooth campaigning
you may have latched on to something. apparently he (the chosen one) may have been wrestling with what to do for quite some time... too bad the economy is in the tank and unemployment on the rise....

don't worry though, the chosen one is going to start taxing americans for the miles they drive (on top of the gas taxes and host of other taxes and fees that get thrown at drivers and owners of cars). and, states are no accessing use tax on hybrid vehicles to make up for "lost" revenue of efficiency cars...

we are ****ed big time... But, at least Sheikh Usama bin Laden has been taken out. I agree this may be the one and only thing thing that the chosen one has done that was a "good" decision......

by the way, fuck the un, human rights watch, and all the others who are condemning the action.
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Wow more dishonest hackery....i guess I have to quote myself where I say i was glad obama did this on one hand but was concerned about our president issuing assasination without congress' approval.

Freaking desperate hacks are aggrivating me today.

You know...there is a thing called extenuating circumstances.

I have no issue with what Obama did....legal or not.
I had no issue with what Bush did
I had no issue with waterboarding our enemies if it helped catch Bin Laden and save American Lives

And if my son was kidnapped and buried somewhere and had 24 hours before his oxygen run out....and I had the culprit....I would torture his ass till he told me where he was buried...

ANd I defy anyone outr there to tell me they would let their kid die without trying the same if nothing else was working and time was running out.

Extenuating circumstances trumps all.

I dont have issue with those things either.

Im just concerned about the procedure, not the results. Im happy with the results.

People are too quick to assume that people like me, who might question if the way the president did it was within the constitution, are totally against the killing of bin laden or other things like you mentioned.

A lot of us who question it are not, we just see an erosion of adherance to the constitution and are concerned for what actions may come in the future as a result of such precedence of behavior.

When we elect a president we elect a CiC....

Approve of him or not, the majority of Americans chose that person to be the one to make the tough calls...

It is rare that a President must circumvent the constitution...or sidestep it....happens so rarely, I dont see it as an issue.....

But if there is anyone that should be allowed to without accusations, investigations and threats, it is the President.

We may not like Obama...I certainly dont.....but If he were to do something deemed as unconsitutional by some....so be it.

I just wish people let Bush be President......they didnt.

Now they wasnt us to let Obama be president, I say fine....ket him be President.
You know...there is a thing called extenuating circumstances.

I have no issue with what Obama did....legal or not.
I had no issue with what Bush did
I had no issue with waterboarding our enemies if it helped catch Bin Laden and save American Lives

And if my son was kidnapped and buried somewhere and had 24 hours before his oxygen run out....and I had the culprit....I would torture his ass till he told me where he was buried...

ANd I defy anyone outr there to tell me they would let their kid die without trying the same if nothing else was working and time was running out.

Extenuating circumstances trumps all.

I dont have issue with those things either.

Im just concerned about the procedure, not the results. Im happy with the results.

People are too quick to assume that people like me, who might question if the way the president did it was within the constitution, are totally against the killing of bin laden or other things like you mentioned.

A lot of us who question it are not, we just see an erosion of adherance to the constitution and are concerned for what actions may come in the future as a result of such precedence of behavior.

When we elect a president we elect a CiC....

Approve of him or not, the majority of Americans chose that person to be the one to make the tough calls...

It is rare that a President must circumvent the constitution...or sidestep it....happens so rarely, I dont see it as an issue.....

But if there is anyone that should be allowed to without accusations, investigations and threats, it is the President.

We may not like Obama...I certainly dont.....but If he were to do something deemed as unconsitutional by some....so be it.

I just wish people let Bush be President......they didnt.

Now they wasnt us to let Obama be president, I say fine....ket him be President.

I respect your position.
So if the CIA has been aware of bin ladens compound and watching it since last August. Why the take out now? on the heels of the release of a birth certificate? pretty smooth campaigning
you may have latched on to something. apparently he (the chosen one) may have been wrestling with what to do for quite some time... too bad the economy is in the tank and unemployment on the rise....

don't worry though, the chosen one is going to start taxing americans for the miles they drive (on top of the gas taxes and host of other taxes and fees that get thrown at drivers and owners of cars). and, states are no accessing use tax on hybrid vehicles to make up for "lost" revenue of efficiency cars...

we are ****ed big time... But, at least Sheikh Usama bin Laden has been taken out. I agree this may be the one and only thing thing that the chosen one has done that was a "good" decision......

by the way, fuck the un, human rights watch, and all the others who are condemning the action.

obama got elected becasue the economy was tanking. the economy is will what will undo him in 2012
So if the CIA has been aware of bin ladens compound and watching it since last August. Why the take out now? on the heels of the release of a birth certificate? pretty smooth campaigning
you may have latched on to something. apparently he (the chosen one) may have been wrestling with what to do for quite some time... too bad the economy is in the tank and unemployment on the rise....

don't worry though, the chosen one is going to start taxing americans for the miles they drive (on top of the gas taxes and host of other taxes and fees that get thrown at drivers and owners of cars). and, states are no accessing use tax on hybrid vehicles to make up for "lost" revenue of efficiency cars...

we are ****ed big time... But, at least Sheikh Usama bin Laden has been taken out. I agree this may be the one and only thing thing that the chosen one has done that was a "good" decision......

by the way, fuck the un, human rights watch, and all the others who are condemning the action.

obama got elected becasue the economy was tanking. the economy is will what will undo him in 2012

I tend to agree... I sure hope it rebounds, for obvious reasons. However, if it stays the way it is, he's toast. Inflation, collapsing dollar, $5 gasoline, $14,000,000,000,000 national debt, massive deficits, etc. It ain't pretty.
So if the CIA has been aware of bin ladens compound and watching it since last August. Why the take out now? on the heels of the release of a birth certificate? pretty smooth campaigning
you may have latched on to something. apparently he (the chosen one) may have been wrestling with what to do for quite some time... too bad the economy is in the tank and unemployment on the rise....

don't worry though, the chosen one is going to start taxing americans for the miles they drive (on top of the gas taxes and host of other taxes and fees that get thrown at drivers and owners of cars). and, states are no accessing use tax on hybrid vehicles to make up for "lost" revenue of efficiency cars...

we are ****ed big time... But, at least Sheikh Usama bin Laden has been taken out. I agree this may be the one and only thing thing that the chosen one has done that was a "good" decision......

by the way, fuck the un, human rights watch, and all the others who are condemning the action.

I am sure you guys could have run this operation much more efficiently if only you were in charge of something other then your keyboard.
Wow, I can't believe how many friends Bin Laden has acquired in death.

(just when you thought ODS couldn't get any worse).
Yep. I think they want to keep labeling President Obama an assassin and war criminal until the United States is completely undermined throughout the world.

It is sad, really, because there is no evidence that anything illegal occurred.

Wow more dishonest hackery....i guess I have to quote myself where I say i was glad obama did this on one hand but was concerned about our president issuing assasination without congress' approval.

Freaking desperate hacks are aggrivating me today.
What assassination order do you speak of? This was not an assassination.
article 1, section 8, clause 11 gives the congress the authority to issue letters of reprisal, not the president.

EDIT: and like I said...it puts me in a dilemma because I dont have a personal issue with what we, as a country, did with bin laden the other day but at the same time I can't stand for direct violations of the constitution.

Letters of Marque and Reprisal

a letter of reprisal is an instrument by which a privately owned ship is authorized by a govt to attack the shipping of another country. another name for it is a letter of marque. ships which had these letters were called privateers. without the letter, these ships were essentially pirates.

i don't think a letter of reprisal has been issued by the us since the war of 1812. in any event, it has nothing to do with land based warfare.

TY DEL! An actual discussion style response. I was starting to think there were no real minds left to talk to.

According to the link I provided:

Letters of marque and reprisal are commissions or warrants issued to someone to commit what would otherwise be acts of piracy. They will normally contain the following first three elements, unless they imply or refer to a declaration of war to define the enemies, and may optionally contain the remainder:

1.Names person, authorizes him to pass beyond borders with forces under his command.
2.Specifies nationality of targets for action.
3.Authorizes seizure or destruction of assets or personnel of target nationality.
4.Describes offense for which commission is issued as reprisal.
5.Restriction on time, manner, place, or amount of reprisal.

See in number 3, personnel, thats where I was coming from. This is the type of interpretation I learned at Umass. If its wrong then lets discuss why. I have no problem being challenged and finding out I'm wrong when its done the way you do it.

my understanding is that letters of reprisal/marque apply only to naval situations. i'm not an attorney, maritime, constitutional or otherwise, so this is only my quasi-educated opinion.

i believe the president is within his rights under the war powers act to send troops anywhere at any time without immediate congressional approval.
Bet Al-Qaida doesn't have any of these.

Yep. I think they want to keep labeling President Obama an assassin and war criminal until the United States is completely undermined throughout the world.

It is sad, really, because there is no evidence that anything illegal occurred.

Wow more dishonest hackery....i guess I have to quote myself where I say i was glad obama did this on one hand but was concerned about our president issuing assasination without congress' approval.

Freaking desperate hacks are aggrivating me today.
What assassination order do you speak of? This was not an assassination.

OMG WTH we have been after the little shit stick for 10 years and when we finnally get him, it's an assassination? Amen and hallelujah if is was.:evil:
He should have been assassinated day one and save us 10 years and lives and money. Saddam should have went quitely as should Qaddafi.
You can say Pissing me off. I think GOP is pissed that Obama got him and they didn't.
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a letter of reprisal is an instrument by which a privately owned ship is authorized by a govt to attack the shipping of another country. another name for it is a letter of marque. ships which had these letters were called privateers. without the letter, these ships were essentially pirates.

i don't think a letter of reprisal has been issued by the us since the war of 1812. in any event, it has nothing to do with land based warfare.

TY DEL! An actual discussion style response. I was starting to think there were no real minds left to talk to.

According to the link I provided:

Letters of marque and reprisal are commissions or warrants issued to someone to commit what would otherwise be acts of piracy. They will normally contain the following first three elements, unless they imply or refer to a declaration of war to define the enemies, and may optionally contain the remainder:

1.Names person, authorizes him to pass beyond borders with forces under his command.
2.Specifies nationality of targets for action.
3.Authorizes seizure or destruction of assets or personnel of target nationality.
4.Describes offense for which commission is issued as reprisal.
5.Restriction on time, manner, place, or amount of reprisal.

See in number 3, personnel, thats where I was coming from. This is the type of interpretation I learned at Umass. If its wrong then lets discuss why. I have no problem being challenged and finding out I'm wrong when its done the way you do it.

my understanding is that letters of reprisal/marque apply only to naval situations. i'm not an attorney, maritime, constitutional or otherwise, so this is only my quasi-educated opinion.

i believe the president is within his rights under the war powers act to send troops anywhere at any time without immediate congressional approval.

It does read like that in a lot of places im finding online del.
you may have latched on to something. apparently he (the chosen one) may have been wrestling with what to do for quite some time... too bad the economy is in the tank and unemployment on the rise....

don't worry though, the chosen one is going to start taxing americans for the miles they drive (on top of the gas taxes and host of other taxes and fees that get thrown at drivers and owners of cars). and, states are no accessing use tax on hybrid vehicles to make up for "lost" revenue of efficiency cars...

we are ****ed big time... But, at least Sheikh Usama bin Laden has been taken out. I agree this may be the one and only thing thing that the chosen one has done that was a "good" decision......

by the way, fuck the un, human rights watch, and all the others who are condemning the action.

obama got elected becasue the economy was tanking. the economy is will what will undo him in 2012

I tend to agree... I sure hope it rebounds, for obvious reasons. However, if it stays the way it is, he's toast. Inflation, collapsing dollar, $5 gasoline, $14,000,000,000,000 national debt, massive deficits, etc. It ain't pretty.

i'd love to see it rebound, but it won't. new jobs are going to be real slow. those who are working are in good shape. the economy is really not that weak. it's just over taxed. we have outsourced way to much and technology has replaced to many manual jobs. High gas prices are the real killer. and that is going to take an already taxes system and plunge it lower
So if the CIA has been aware of bin ladens compound and watching it since last August. Why the take out now? on the heels of the release of a birth certificate? pretty smooth campaigning
you may have latched on to something. apparently he (the chosen one) may have been wrestling with what to do for quite some time... too bad the economy is in the tank and unemployment on the rise....

don't worry though, the chosen one is going to start taxing americans for the miles they drive (on top of the gas taxes and host of other taxes and fees that get thrown at drivers and owners of cars). and, states are no accessing use tax on hybrid vehicles to make up for "lost" revenue of efficiency cars...

we are ****ed big time... But, at least Sheikh Usama bin Laden has been taken out. I agree this may be the one and only thing thing that the chosen one has done that was a "good" decision......

by the way, fuck the un, human rights watch, and all the others who are condemning the action.

I am sure you guys could have run this operation much more efficiently if only you were in charge of something other then your keyboard.

mmmmm they did a great job. because they had been watching the place since last august and knew exactly what they were up against. clean the shit out of your ears and start listening to something other than yourself
a letter of reprisal is an instrument by which a privately owned ship is authorized by a govt to attack the shipping of another country. another name for it is a letter of marque. ships which had these letters were called privateers. without the letter, these ships were essentially pirates.

i don't think a letter of reprisal has been issued by the us since the war of 1812. in any event, it has nothing to do with land based warfare.

TY DEL! An actual discussion style response. I was starting to think there were no real minds left to talk to.

According to the link I provided:

Letters of marque and reprisal are commissions or warrants issued to someone to commit what would otherwise be acts of piracy. They will normally contain the following first three elements, unless they imply or refer to a declaration of war to define the enemies, and may optionally contain the remainder:

1.Names person, authorizes him to pass beyond borders with forces under his command.
2.Specifies nationality of targets for action.
3.Authorizes seizure or destruction of assets or personnel of target nationality.
4.Describes offense for which commission is issued as reprisal.
5.Restriction on time, manner, place, or amount of reprisal.

See in number 3, personnel, thats where I was coming from. This is the type of interpretation I learned at Umass. If its wrong then lets discuss why. I have no problem being challenged and finding out I'm wrong when its done the way you do it.

my understanding is that letters of reprisal/marque apply only to naval situations. i'm not an attorney, maritime, constitutional or otherwise, so this is only my quasi-educated opinion.

i believe the president is within his rights under the war powers act to send troops anywhere at any time without immediate congressional approval.

The War Powers Act is a bold face usurpation of authority but it doesn't allow the prez unlimited powers:

"The original War Powers Resolution of 1973 is a federal law allowing the President to send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress, or if the United States is already under attack or serious threat. The War Powers Resolution requires that the president notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The Resolution is often regarded as unconstitutional, not just by strict constitutionalists like Ron Paul, but also by Presidents who actually regard it as a limitation of their powers."
you may have latched on to something. apparently he (the chosen one) may have been wrestling with what to do for quite some time... too bad the economy is in the tank and unemployment on the rise....

don't worry though, the chosen one is going to start taxing americans for the miles they drive (on top of the gas taxes and host of other taxes and fees that get thrown at drivers and owners of cars). and, states are no accessing use tax on hybrid vehicles to make up for "lost" revenue of efficiency cars...

we are ****ed big time... But, at least Sheikh Usama bin Laden has been taken out. I agree this may be the one and only thing thing that the chosen one has done that was a "good" decision......

by the way, fuck the un, human rights watch, and all the others who are condemning the action.

obama got elected becasue the economy was tanking. the economy is will what will undo him in 2012

I tend to agree... I sure hope it rebounds, for obvious reasons. However, if it stays the way it is, he's toast. Inflation, collapsing dollar, $5 gasoline, $14,000,000,000,000 national debt, massive deficits, etc. It ain't pretty.

yep, we're in big trouble. but all the Obamabots can think about is, waaaaaaa YOU PEOPLE aren't giving the Obama ENOUGH PRASIE for killing a stinking terrorist.

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