"Freedom Watch" calls the President a criminal for killing Bin Laden

Oh, and while we're on the subject of 'assassinations', remember Shock and Awe,

remember one of the little parts of that now pretty much forgotten?

The targeting of a specific location where our military believed Saddam Hussein was?

How many of you clowns accusing Obama of murder here objected to that?
when did bush go after obama

Bin Laden

When did the left criticize Bush for going after Bin Laden?
how does that question have anything to do with what I said?

That's not an answer.

There's a bunch of people here accusing the Left of hypocrisy on this issue, because they support the killing of Bin Laden, supposedly only because Obama is now president.

I would like to know who on the Left opposed going after Bin Laden when Bush was president.
How great a week has this been for our President?

Bitch slapped the Birthers, got Bin Laden, got a nice job number and a plunge in oil prices.

No wonder the Right is drowning its own tear stained snot! lololol

A 12 year old can do what obamush did when Bush left the plans for obamush to do it. Thank's bush your plans where real clear even a moron could get the job done.

Bush didn't. that's a lie. Grow up.

And think twice about calling our Navy Seals morons.

Former CIA Director Porter Goss said on Monday from his Sanibel home that Osama bin Laden’s capture and killing was the culmination of work that began even before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks rocked the nation.

“The truth is, this started in the last century before many people knew much of anything about al-Qaida or Osama bin Laden,” Goss said, referring to the work that began with the Clinton administration to identify bin Laden’s whereabouts after lower-profile terror attacks in the 1990s
Former CIA director Goss: Bin Laden capture years in the making » Naples Daily News Mobile
Bin Laden

When did the left criticize Bush for going after Bin Laden?
how does that question have anything to do with what I said?

That's not an answer.

There's a bunch of people here accusing the Left of hypocrisy on this issue, because they support the killing of Bin Laden, supposedly only because Obama is now president.

I would like to know who on the Left opposed going after Bin Laden when Bush was president.

That's exactly what a large portion on the left are, they praise Obamush for exactly the samething they wanted to jail Bush for.
This was not assassination. Bin Laden is a combatant. He was killed in action.

Excuse me Vern, did the events occurr on the battlefield or at his residence?


Where was Zarqawi when we bombed him? Was that illegal too?

That is irrelevant. And retarded. The poster I was responding stated :

This was not assassination. Bin Laden is a combatant. He was killed in action.

So, if the victim was in his house then he was not KIA.

Bin Laden

When did the left criticize Bush for going after Bin Laden?
how does that question have anything to do with what I said?

That's not an answer.

There's a bunch of people here accusing the Left of hypocrisy on this issue, because they support the killing of Bin Laden, supposedly only because Obama is now president.

I would like to know who on the Left opposed going after Bin Laden when Bush was president.

Never had a problem here.
how does that question have anything to do with what I said?

That's not an answer.

There's a bunch of people here accusing the Left of hypocrisy on this issue, because they support the killing of Bin Laden, supposedly only because Obama is now president.

I would like to know who on the Left opposed going after Bin Laden when Bush was president.

That's exactly what a large portion on the left are, they praise Obamush for exactly the samething they wanted to jail Bush for.

And you're not answering the question either.
I tend to agree... I sure hope it rebounds, for obvious reasons. However, if it stays the way it is, he's toast. Inflation, collapsing dollar, $5 gasoline, $14,000,000,000,000 national debt, massive deficits, etc. It ain't pretty.

yep, we're in big trouble. but all the Obamabots can think about is, waaaaaaa YOU PEOPLE aren't giving the Obama ENOUGH PRASIE for killing a stinking terrorist.

you know what confuses me. the whole dumping of his body so quickly. if we were really concerned about not offending muslims and wanted to get his body "buried" right away in muslim tradition, why did we leave the other 2 muslim bodies there to rot?
Excellent question! I've heard two theories. The first one is that the two bodies were actually the long lost twin sisters of President Obama and they were left behind to keep it secret that Obama is actually bin laden's son.


The other theory is that one of the helicopters crashed and they didn't have room. Yeah, who's going to believe that one! :lol:
Wow more dishonest hackery....i guess I have to quote myself where I say i was glad obama did this on one hand but was concerned about our president issuing assasination without congress' approval.

Freaking desperate hacks are aggrivating me today.

This was not assassination. Bin Laden is a combatant. He was killed in action.

Excuse me Vern, did the events occurr on the battlefield or at his residence?

A safe house.

Are you going to tell us now that the military isn't justified in raiding a safe house to go after a key AQ figure?

So have a variety of international law professors around the world. So?

Yeah...people like 'Professor Mikey Moore' that says we have LOST our soul and appears to be quite upset at Obama...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkOSgSsNXwM&feature=related"]YouTube - Michael Moore Speaks With Piers Morgan on CNN on Death of Bin Laden, 5/5/11 -- Part 1[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJrzidAc7m8"]YouTube - Michael Moore Speaks With Piers Morgan on CNN on Death of Bin Laden, 5/5/11 -- Part 2[/ame]
But we can't just fly into Pakistan and kill someone who lives there. Besides that, Osama wasn't read his rights. I think there should be an investigation. How dare the arrogant, imperialistic USA violate Pakistan's sovereignty. The Pakistani military, a fine organization I'll have you know, is doing all they can to help us in our fight against terrorism. God bless them and please send more financial aid.

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But we can't just fly into Pakistan and kill someone who lives there. Besides that, Osama wasn't read his rights. I think there should be an investigation. How dare the arrogant, imperialistic USA violate Pakistan's sovereignty. The Pakistani military, a fine organization I'll have you know, is doing all they can to help us in our fight against terrorism. God bless them and please send more financial aid.

Pakistan's army warns US not to stage more raids

When we start conferring American rights upon foreigners that have declared WAR on us...is the day that we, and the Constituion are doomed...

That's right...it's already happened.
"Freedom Watch" calls the President a criminal for killing Bin Laden

Freedom Watch can blow me. Twice.

There is absolutely nothing Obama did wrong. Instead of trying to come up with some weak, false, accusations on Obama they should be praising him and thanking him.

Freedom Watch is ridiculous.
There have been a lot of ridiculous things happening in the last 10 years, one of which has been the continual undermining of our mission by the rabid left. You rabid lefties who hate the USA can just suck on lemon for a while. We're enjoying watching you all contort your morals on this one.

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