"Freedom Watch" calls the President a criminal for killing Bin Laden

obama invaded the sovereign nation of Pakistan or at least that’s how Pakistan is spinning this.

Well, as I see it, Pakistan has two choices here:

They can claim that they were protecting Bin Laden, and thus say the US committed an act of war, in which case India and the US can team up and turn their country into a sheet of glass.

Or they can shut the fuck up, because they're in enough trouble already.
Holy shit, now the crazy idiot is starting another war in Pakistan. Hey, you lefties better talk to your President. He's completely lost his damn mind.

US Drone Strike Kills 15 Militants, Says Pakistan | South Asia | English

Yes, Pakistan.

Hey, remember when we invaded Iraq? Why was it we did that again?

Oh yeah:

* Because they had WMDs and might give them to terrorists.
* Because they were harboring known terrorists.
* and because there were links between their government and Al Qaeda.

Now, tell me this: Which of these factors actually applied to Iraq? No don't bother, the answer is none.

And what country do these factors actually apply to?

Hmmm, let's see:

* Pakistan not only has WMD's, but has disseminated them to other countries and organizations hostile to the west.
* Pakistan was, and is, harboring terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden
* Pakistan's intelligence service was, and is, actively assisting Al Qaeda and the Taliban to kill Americans.
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But we can't just fly into Pakistan and kill someone who lives there. Besides that, Osama wasn't read his rights. I think there should be an investigation. How dare the arrogant, imperialistic USA violate Pakistan's sovereignty. The Pakistani military, a fine organization I'll have you know, is doing all they can to help us in our fight against terrorism. God bless them and please send more financial aid.

According to Pakistan, he didn't live there. That's what they told us.

So, either he was under their protection, or he was trespassing in their country, and therefore it's none of their business.
How is pointing out that killing unarmed old men who are barely awake is not justice siding with Osama?

Who's civil rights were infringed upon? Osama Bin Laden's.

He is the party that was harmed.

So, if you are trying to get Obama charged with any criminality, you are... say it with me...

Defending Osama Bin Laden.

Pakistan cannot claim that it was the party that was harmed, because according to what they said, Osama Bin Laden was in their country illegally, and thus not under their protection.
Holy shit, now the crazy idiot is starting another war in Pakistan. Hey, you lefties better talk to your President. He's completely lost his damn mind.

US Drone Strike Kills 15 Militants, Says Pakistan | South Asia | English

Yes, Pakistan.

Hey, remember when we invaded Iraq? Why was it we did that again?

Oh yeah:

* Because they had WMDs and might give them to terrorists.
* Because they were harboring known terrorists.
* and because there were links between their government and Al Qaeda.

Now, tell me this: Which of these factors actually applied to Iraq? No don't bother, the answer is none.

And what country do these factors actually apply to?

Hmmm, let's see:

* Pakistan not only has WMD's, but has disseminated them to other countries and organizations hostile to the west.
* Pakistan was, and is, harboring terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden
* Pakistan's intelligence service was, and is, actively assisting Al Qaeda and the Taliban to kill Americans.

You forget that Saddam was sending arms and money to Hamas. Any Palestinian family that had a member who committed a suicide attack was given $25,000. Iraq was breaking the UN treaty every day. Besides that, The Dems were claiming Saddam had WMDs and had to go even before Bush became President. Please make my day and ask me for the quotes.
The judge is legally accurate that the assasination of bin laden and of the quadaffi family is unconstitutional.

this puts me in a dilemma, I dont have issue with what we did but I dont feel right ignoring a violation of the constitution either. Congress is supposed to authorize this stuff, not the president.

What does Bin Laden's death have to do with the Constitution? Bin Laden is not an American Citizen. He doesn't have any Constitutional rights.

And Congress did authorize the use of force against terrorists, or did you forget about that?
But we can't just fly into Pakistan and kill someone who lives there. Besides that, Osama wasn't read his rights. I think there should be an investigation. How dare the arrogant, imperialistic USA violate Pakistan's sovereignty. The Pakistani military, a fine organization I'll have you know, is doing all they can to help us in our fight against terrorism. God bless them and please send more financial aid.

According to Pakistan, he didn't live there. That's what they told us.

So, either he was under their protection, or he was trespassing in their country, and therefore it's none of their business.

Do you seriously believe no one in the Pakistani Government or military knew Osama was there?
Yep. I think they want to keep labeling President Obama an assassin and war criminal until the United States is completely undermined throughout the world.

It is sad, really, because there is no evidence that anything illegal occurred.

Wow more dishonest hackery....i guess I have to quote myself where I say i was glad obama did this on one hand but was concerned about our president issuing assasination without congress' approval.

Freaking desperate hacks are aggrivating me today.

This was not assassination. Bin Laden is a combatant. He was killed in action.

But we can't just fly into Pakistan and kill someone who lives there. Besides that, Osama wasn't read his rights. I think there should be an investigation. How dare the arrogant, imperialistic USA violate Pakistan's sovereignty. The Pakistani military, a fine organization I'll have you know, is doing all they can to help us in our fight against terrorism. God bless them and please send more financial aid.

According to Pakistan, he didn't live there. That's what they told us.

So, either he was under their protection, or he was trespassing in their country, and therefore it's none of their business.

Do you seriously believe no one in the Pakistani Government or military knew Osama was there?

100 yards from Pakistan's version of 'Westpoint'? If they didn't? They LIE profusely...:eusa_liar:
The Executive Director of Human Rights Watch is criticizing the U.S. for killing Terrorist Leader Osama Bin Laden without Due Process. What do you think of this criticizm?

Human Rights Watch chief condemns bin Laden killing | The Daily Caller


The New York-based Human Rights Watch has been relatively mum on the Al Qaeda leader’s death, issuing a terse statement quoting Mr. Roth: “At a time when citizens around the world have engaged in peaceful demonstrations in the name of freedom and democracy, bin Laden’s death is a reminder of the thousands of innocents who suffer when terrorist groups seek political change through brutal means.”

UPDATE: In a press release Wednesday afternoon, Human Rights Watch clarified that the organization has taken no official position on the legality of bin Laden’s killing.

don't you find that curious?
Holy shit, now the crazy idiot is starting another war in Pakistan. Hey, you lefties better talk to your President. He's completely lost his damn mind.

US Drone Strike Kills 15 Militants, Says Pakistan | South Asia | English

Yes, Pakistan.

Hey, remember when we invaded Iraq? Why was it we did that again?

Oh yeah:

* Because they had WMDs and might give them to terrorists.
* Because they were harboring known terrorists.
* and because there were links between their government and Al Qaeda.

Now, tell me this: Which of these factors actually applied to Iraq? No don't bother, the answer is none.

And what country do these factors actually apply to?

Hmmm, let's see:

* Pakistan not only has WMD's, but has disseminated them to other countries and organizations hostile to the west.
* Pakistan was, and is, harboring terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden
* Pakistan's intelligence service was, and is, actively assisting Al Qaeda and the Taliban to kill Americans.

You forget that Saddam was sending arms and money to Hamas. Any Palestinian family that had a member who committed a suicide attack was given $25,000. Iraq was breaking the UN treaty every day. Besides that, The Dems were claiming Saddam had WMDs and had to go even before Bush became President. Please make my day and ask me for the quotes.

1. How does "Hamas" have anything to do with what I said?
2. When did I say anything about who thought what? All I said is that Pakistan is everything we accused Iraq of being. But in Iraq, we were wrong.

Thus, according to the reasons given, Pakistan is the country we should have invaded in the first place. But Pakistan doesn't have oil.
Do you seriously believe no one in the Pakistani Government or military knew Osama was there?

I don't. But if they admit that they did, then they provide justification for war to be waged against them.

So, either they keep quiet, and thus have no reason to complain.

Or they tell the world that they knew he was there all along, and deal with the consequences of that.

So, again, Pakistan needs to STFU.
Yes, Pakistan.

Hey, remember when we invaded Iraq? Why was it we did that again?

Oh yeah:

* Because they had WMDs and might give them to terrorists.
* Because they were harboring known terrorists.
* and because there were links between their government and Al Qaeda.

Now, tell me this: Which of these factors actually applied to Iraq? No don't bother, the answer is none.

And what country do these factors actually apply to?

Hmmm, let's see:

* Pakistan not only has WMD's, but has disseminated them to other countries and organizations hostile to the west.
* Pakistan was, and is, harboring terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden
* Pakistan's intelligence service was, and is, actively assisting Al Qaeda and the Taliban to kill Americans.

You forget that Saddam was sending arms and money to Hamas. Any Palestinian family that had a member who committed a suicide attack was given $25,000. Iraq was breaking the UN treaty every day. Besides that, The Dems were claiming Saddam had WMDs and had to go even before Bush became President. Please make my day and ask me for the quotes.

1. How does "Hamas" have anything to do with what I said?
2. When did I say anything about who thought what? All I said is that Pakistan is everything we accused Iraq of being. But in Iraq, we were wrong.

Thus, according to the reasons given, Pakistan is the country we should have invaded in the first place. But Pakistan doesn't have oil.

I'm just saying Iraq was not the wrong country to invade. Saddam had to go. Oil is a consideration. Why is Obama involved in Libya and not in Syria? Oil protection. Oil is blood to the USA. Without oil we die. It's vital national security for this administration as well as the last one.
Holy shit, now the crazy idiot is starting another war in Pakistan. Hey, you lefties better talk to your President. He's completely lost his damn mind.

US Drone Strike Kills 15 Militants, Says Pakistan | South Asia | English

Yes, Pakistan.

Hey, remember when we invaded Iraq? Why was it we did that again?

Oh yeah:

* Because they had WMDs and might give them to terrorists.
* Because they were harboring known terrorists.
* and because there were links between their government and Al Qaeda.

Now, tell me this: Which of these factors actually applied to Iraq? No don't bother, the answer is none.

And what country do these factors actually apply to?

Hmmm, let's see:

* Pakistan not only has WMD's, but has disseminated them to other countries and organizations hostile to the west.
* Pakistan was, and is, harboring terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden
* Pakistan's intelligence service was, and is, actively assisting Al Qaeda and the Taliban to kill Americans.

You forget that Saddam was sending arms and money to Hamas. Any Palestinian family that had a member who committed a suicide attack was given $25,000. Iraq was breaking the UN treaty every day. Besides that, The Dems were claiming Saddam had WMDs and had to go even before Bush became President. Please make my day and ask me for the quotes.

Nice reminder.

Saddam's Suicide Bomb Funds<November 2004
You forget that Saddam was sending arms and money to Hamas. Any Palestinian family that had a member who committed a suicide attack was given $25,000. Iraq was breaking the UN treaty every day. Besides that, The Dems were claiming Saddam had WMDs and had to go even before Bush became President. Please make my day and ask me for the quotes.

1. How does "Hamas" have anything to do with what I said?
2. When did I say anything about who thought what? All I said is that Pakistan is everything we accused Iraq of being. But in Iraq, we were wrong.

Thus, according to the reasons given, Pakistan is the country we should have invaded in the first place. But Pakistan doesn't have oil.

I'm just saying Iraq was not the wrong country to invade. Saddam had to go. Oil is a consideration. Why is Obama involved in Libya and not in Syria? Oil protection. Oil is blood to the USA. Without oil we die. It's vital national security for this administration as well as the last one.

If OIL was a consideration? WE have yet to be paid in full... ;) :eusa_whistle:
That's not an answer.

There's a bunch of people here accusing the Left of hypocrisy on this issue, because they support the killing of Bin Laden, supposedly only because Obama is now president.

I would like to know who on the Left opposed going after Bin Laden when Bush was president.

That's exactly what a large portion on the left are, they praise Obamush for exactly the samething they wanted to jail Bush for.

And you're not answering the question either.

Who Obamush? Stupid when I said a large portion that should have given you a clue.
how does that question have anything to do with what I said?

That's not an answer.

There's a bunch of people here accusing the Left of hypocrisy on this issue, because they support the killing of Bin Laden, supposedly only because Obama is now president.

I would like to know who on the Left opposed going after Bin Laden when Bush was president.

Never had a problem here.

It's a ridiculously stupid lie, but of course, coming from the ridiculously stupid, not a surprise.
Tell us the difference then.
This is obvious to someone paying any attention at all.
The 'legal' question does not revolve around where the action took place, but the specifics of the actions themselves, the orders behind them, and who gave them.

Apples and oranges. Thus, your statement and the rleated question do not follow from the issue at hand.

And stop tossing around terms like non sequitur that you don't know the meaning of.
Let me guess - you can't Google latin terms.
You and Jillian need to broaden your horizons.

Still waiting for you to man up and admit you werw wrong.

The question again:

What's the material difference between Bush going into Afghanistan after Bin Laden, and Obama going into Pakistan after Bin Laden?
Asking your question again only denotes a willful refusal to understand the point made to you. I'm sorry, but since you CHOOSE to be stupid, I can't help you.


Still waiting for you to man up and admit you were wrong

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