Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

nfbw 240909 Vrvwgo12680

i. hynrm 240909 Srvwgo12645
ii. nfbw 240909 Vrvwgo12646
iii. hynrm 240909 Srvego12647
iv. nfbw 240909 Vrvwgo12648
v. hynrm 240909 Srvwgo12649
vi. nfbw 240909 Vrvwgo12651
vii. hynrm 240909 Srvego12652
viii. nfbw 240909 Vrvwgo12653
ix. blstrfngr 240909 Srvwgo12654
xi. nfbw 240909 Vrvwgo12655
xii. bjstrfngt 240909 Srvwgo12656
xiii. nfbw 240909 Vrvwgo12657
xiv. blstrfngr 249721 Srvwgo12331
xv. nfbw 240909 Vrvwgo12680

viii . Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240909 {post•12653}. NotfooledbyW Sep’25 Vrvwgo: Abortion is legal and a Constitutional Right. nfbw 240909 Vrvwgo12653. blstrfngr 249721 Srvwgo12331

xiv. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240721 {post•12331}. Blisterfinger Jul’24 Srvwgo: Trump didn't take away your abortion rights. blstrfngr 249721 Srvwgo12331

xv. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240909 {post•12680}.

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vrvwgo: We see that Saint_Blisterfinger in paragraph xiv. agrees with paragraph viii. that state Constitutions do not have to protect any living human organisms while in the womb and prior to birth. That means that a fetus does not have a right to life guaranteed in the US Constitution.

However the US Constitution does have a de facto “righ for women to terminate their pregnancy based on the fact that the unborn are not protected persons in our founding documents.

nfbw 240909 Vrvwgo12680
Your dog has no rights specified in the Constitution. It is morally reprehensible if I killed it however. You are truly a vicious person

Blisterfinger said: Your dog has no rights specified in the Constitution. It is morally reprehensible if I killed it however. You are truly a vicious person. blstrfngrr 240909 Vrvwgo12681

My daughter had her first baby 14 months ago. She could’ve died two weeks before the baby was due. About two weeks before the due date my granddaughter had turned about halfway so she was sideways and very active and she caused the water to break at 3 AM in the morning. Fortunately, they live seven minutes from one of the best rated maternity hospitals in the country. When they arrived they were told they had about an hour or two to take my granddaughter out cesarean. However, at the same time, another woman arrived with an even worse potentially fatal condition and they decided to take her first. A then another surgical team got there within 15 or 20 minutes.

I’m telling you this because Saint_Heynorm and you are the most vicious and repugnant male human beings writing bullshit here because you both think it’s morally OK for a boyfriend to kidnap his girlfriend and force her to give birth while locked up in his basement or garage or someplace where she would have to give birth on her own,

You two are sick.

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