"Freedom Watch" calls the President a criminal for killing Bin Laden

Faulty logic.
Accusing someone of doing something wrong in no way necessarily defends the person that was acted against.
If you are going to legally accuse someone of a crime, there must be an injured party.
Usually, it is the state of Ohio, as in "The state of Ohio v (insert accused killer's name here)".

The state doesn't prosecute on behalf of the victim, but of the people of the state.
BUT... you DO have to let them surrender, if they try to do so.
Not doing so is a war crime, as is giving an order to kill a combatant rather than take his surrender.
So Osama held up a white flag and said "I Surrender"?
Wow, where'd you hear that? News to me.
Where did I say it did?
It's not clear -what- happened.
The point is that IF that's what happened then someone has committed a crime.
That someone could be The Obama.
Faulty logic.
Accusing someone of doing something wrong in no way necessarily defends the person that was acted against.
If you are going to legally accuse someone of a crime, there must be an injured party.
Usually, it is the state of Ohio, as in "The state of Ohio v (insert accused killer's name here)".

The state doesn't prosecute on behalf of the victim, but of the people of the state.

It's like that everywhere. LAWS are written in the States, as it is in the FEDERAL Jusridiction on BEHALF of the people...
He was a combatant killed in action. You don't have to wait for enemy combatants to arm themselves before you shoot them.
BUT... you DO have to let them surrender, if they try to do so.
Not doing so is a war crime, as is giving an order to kill a combatant rather than take his surrender.

Which gives fodder to all of us to settle on ONE story of the scenario...I mean the Obama regime has given at least 8 versions of it...
Yes. That's my point. THEY don't even know what happened.

The Obama watched it in real time. There ight have been a pause, to wait for an order, which was then given by 'the highest leve'.

It's not beyond the realm of possibility.
bin laden is dead, people. Get over it and mourn in private. What an embarrassment you "conservatives" are.

i'm only mourning over the still failing economy and lack of jobs
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But I guess, what this whole thread comes down to is this one thing:

Even if there are any questions of legality surrounding Osama Bin Laden's death...

Why, for fucks sake, would you take the time and effort to try to draw attention to them???

Everyone knows what needed to be done, and it was done. End of story.

Was it legal, Mr Napolitano? Who the fuck cares?

You know it was the RIGHT thing to do, so shut the fuck up about it, and move on.

wow, so EVERYONE should just shut up and not QUESTION the Decisions by our Elected boyking. funny shit, People didn't have a problem questioning EVERYTHING Bush did.
can you believe this folks???:lol::cuckoo:

Who HERE questioned Bush going into Afghanistan after Bin Laden?

Please name some or yes, shut the fuck up and quit embarassing yourself.

hahaha, listen up you little twrep, you weren't here when Bush was in office, so I won't BOTHER with your stupid question. And as for embarrassing oneself, you need only look in a mirror. You've completely went over the Obama cliff as a cult follower ( and is now boarding on insane ). Some of you remind me of the followers of Jim Jones...now go drink the kool-aid or maybe not.:lol:
Utter Nonsense.

The Killing of Osama is perfectly legal under the laws that govern Armed Conflict. Osama and his lot Declared war on the US Openly and publicly. Not just with actions but with words. The US congress passed a resolution authorizing any and all means to neutralize the Threat posed by Osama and his organization. Nuff said.

Only under liberal logic, such as the kind Obama engages in all the time. The kind where you pretend this is not a war, and talk about handing out Miranda Rights and Trails to Enemy combatants in a war, could you fathom the idea that the killing of Osama could be illegal.

Ironic eh.

This was not some common Criminal, and he was not the Head of an Organized Criminal Enterprise. Osama was the Commander and Chief of an army that had Publicly Declared war on the US and inflicted mass Casualties to Civilians. Only a complete Idiot would say it is Illegal for a Nation to Target and Kill the Leader of an enemy Army it was at war with. Sheer Stupidity.
Liberals win wars.

Conservatives prolong them.
BUT... you DO have to let them surrender, if they try to do so.
Not doing so is a war crime, as is giving an order to kill a combatant rather than take his surrender.

Which gives fodder to all of us to settle on ONE story of the scenario...I mean the Obama regime has given at least 8 versions of it...
Yes. That's my point. THEY don't even know what happened.

The Obama watched it in real time. There ight have been a pause, to wait for an order, which was then given by 'the highest leve'.

It's not beyond the realm of possibility.

And the sooner that Obama comes clean with US...the better OFF he will be seeing HE is in a ratcheted-up version of campaign mode that he never left since before his Immacculation...

WE the people demand honesty from those we elect...so far? Those we elect...are feeding us a pile of YAKSQUEEZE...and that includes OBAMA...
Isn't it fun watching the US Right contort and spin and fall all over themselves trying to deny that the Prez is still eating their lunch?


President isn't doing a thing except being an ENEMY to Liberty...as he destroys the Private Sector with the help of the Statists in the Congress.
You're nuts.
President Obama is a breath of fresh air when it comes to liberty.
Yes... as evidenced by Him forcing everyone to buy health insurance, like it or not.
Isn't it fun watching the US Right contort and spin and fall all over themselves trying to deny that the Prez is still eating their lunch?


President isn't doing a thing except being an ENEMY to Liberty...as he destroys the Private Sector with the help of the Statists in the Congress.

You're nuts.

President Obama is a breath of fresh air when it comes to liberty.

He shows how effective the government of the United States can be in the right hands.

And Bush showed just the opposite.

obama's more like a fart
bin laden is dead, people. Get over it and mourn in private. What an embarrassment you "conservatives" are.

WHY would we MOURN a professional SHIT Disturber? Leader in DEATH of innocents?

Care to Elaborate? Or are YOU *Ravioli* a terrorist sympathizer incognito>?

You aren't fooling anyone. You've spent all week crying over the fact that bin laden is dead.

I want the NAMES of liberals of consequence who want to jail Bush for going after Bin Laden.

That was your claim. Now back it up.

You want names do your own research. I posted the link.
Rick Bronson
Gaddafi, Obama, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld – All War Criminals | _
Michael Haas
Nicole Belle
George W. Bush Admits He's A War Criminal In New Book | Crooks and Liars
Bob Fitrakis
Barack Obama - Zionist Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - War Crimes
Rachel Maddow / Should Dick Cheney Be Hanged? Does a duck quack?
     Should Dick Cheney Be Hanged?           : Information Clearing House - ICH
John Stewart
David Frum, CNN Contributor about Bush critics
Charge George W. Bush with war crimes? - CNN
Rachel Maddow/ THE RED CROSS
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qMJAlZnOqQ]YouTube - George Bush: War Criminal[/ame]
Press TV
PressTV - Will Bush be tried as war criminal??
Dan Gardner
Debate: George W. Bush ordered torture. He’s a war criminal | Full Comment | National Post
IF YOU WANT MORE DO YOUR OWN SEARCH. Page 2 of about 7,480,000 results (0.07 seconds)
list of people who wanted but charged with war crimes - Google Search
bin laden is dead, people. Get over it and mourn in private. What an embarrassment you "conservatives" are.

WHY would we MOURN a professional SHIT Disturber? Leader in DEATH of innocents?

Care to Elaborate? Or are YOU *Ravioli* a terrorist sympathizer incognito>?

You aren't fooling anyone. You've spent all week crying over the fact that bin laden is dead.

I know John Boehner has...
bin laden is dead, people. Get over it and mourn in private. What an embarrassment you "conservatives" are.

WHY would we MOURN a professional SHIT Disturber? Leader in DEATH of innocents?

Care to Elaborate? Or are YOU *Ravioli* a terrorist sympathizer incognito>?

You aren't fooling anyone. You've spent all week crying over the fact that bin laden is dead.

And you're fucking DAFT.

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