Oklahoma ready to put God back in the schools

And yet Pride and DEI have full access in some schools, and Religions are shut out entirely.
Full access?
During school hours?
That is the impetus behind the commandments thing. It's to force a court fight over all of this.

To me if you remove the first 4 commandments, the remaining 6 aren't an issue.
Like that would matter.
PLease cite schools that do not permit religious clubs.

PLease cite an Oklahoma school district doing this that doesn't permit religious clubs.

Not talking about clubs, talking about in class curriculums of DEI and Pride.

Stop trying to change the subject.
Are parents free to abstain their kids from having to study those bibles if they choose to? As a Christian I would want to rake the teacher over the coals as to not teach an alternative form of Christianity from mine. I'd make their lives very intetesting.
Christians don't want to be anywhere near of a public school.
Why do I have to cite something that is obviously happening?

Pride events don't happen in public schools? DEI is not part of public school curriculums?
Please cite where DEI is part of public school curriculums in schools that do not permit religious clubs.

You can't teach your brand of religion as part of the public school curriculum because the First Amendment keeps us from being Iran.
Please cite where DEI is part of public school curriculums in schools that do not permit religious clubs.

You can't teach your brand of religion as part of the public school curriculum because the First Amendment keeps us from being Iran.

Show me where I said schools don't allow religious clubs.

How a DEI Rebrand Is Playing Out in K-12 Schools

How is Pride any different than Religion?

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