French soldiers will be allowed to open fire if lives are threatened by yellow vest rioters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
French soldiers will be allowed to 'OPEN FIRE' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters | Daily Mail Online
French soldiers will be permitted to 'open fire' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters this weekend, the military governor of Paris said today.

Yellow vest.....
They are decades ahead of where the globalist want the US to be, we may fall much faster than this because globally many others are already falling.

This might be that shot heard around the world get ready...

As one commenter said this is MACRONS 4th REICH
French soldiers will be allowed to 'OPEN FIRE' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters | Daily Mail Online
French soldiers will be permitted to 'open fire' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters this weekend, the military governor of Paris said today.

Yellow vest.....
They are decades ahead of where the globalist want the US to be, we may fall much faster than this because globally many others are already falling.

This might be that shot heard around the world get ready...

As one commenter said this is MACRONS 4th REICH

So of course France is under a Dictatorship as ANY nation who has their capital city under a Military Governor that is a Dictatorship.

"French soldiers will be permitted to 'open fire' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters this weekend, the military governor of Paris said today."

Faggot Macron ONE of the Puppets of The International Globalists ordered to have Ethnic French SHOT, Macron HATES his OWN this is why he sucks Islamic and African dick and so this if it occur sets the precendent for other nations regarding ANY rioting so for example if we get Leftists rioting then WE can have them SHOT on sight where they stand and they will be SHOT under the SAME rule that Faggot Macron is giving that WE have SHOT them because WE considered them a risk to other lives.
French soldiers will be allowed to 'OPEN FIRE' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters | Daily Mail Online
French soldiers will be permitted to 'open fire' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters this weekend, the military governor of Paris said today.

Yellow vest.....
They are decades ahead of where the globalist want the US to be, we may fall much faster than this because globally many others are already falling.

This might be that shot heard around the world get ready...

As one commenter said this is MACRONS 4th REICH

So politicians and security experts on both the Right and the Left are angry at Faggot Macron, who ISN'T angry at Faggot Macron though he is the most HATED French President in French history, he has the LOWEST approval ratings of ANY French President in French history.

The Faggot Macron happy to have Ethnic French SHOT but when his PRECIOUS Islamics and Africans riot and set autos on fire and trash PRIVATE PROPERTY the Faggot Macron double his dick sucking of his PRECIOUS Savages but is happy to order his HATED Ethnic French to be shot for PROTESTING his attempt at destroying France WITH Importing MORE Islamics and Africans to REPLACE his HATED Ethnic French in the Globalists Great Replacement Agenda.

Yellow Vest protests: Macron's 'risky' plan to put army on streets

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced that soldiers will be deployed across the country to help maintain security during Yellow Vest protests planned this weekend. But the move has been met with fierce criticism.

The troops will be redeployed from the "Sentinelle" anti-terror operation during this weekend’s protests to secure government buildings and other sites, and to allow police forces to focus on maintaining public order.

However these soldiers are armed with automatic weapons, raising concerns about how they will respond if set upon by a group of rioters.

Opposition united on both sides:

The decision has united opposition MPs on both sides.

“Maintaining order in France should be the police’s and the National Gendarmerie’s business. It is not the army’s job,” Guillaume Larrivé, MP for the centre-right Les Républicains party told Radio Classique.

Larrivé criticised the government’s “improvised” response to the Yellow Vest crisis, and expressed concern the move would “end up weakening civil peace”.

On Wednesday, Bruno Retailleau, leader of Les Républicains Senators, called on Macron to “reverse this disastrous decision”.

The move was met with similar criticism on the Left. “In what European democracy is the army called in to police a social movement?” Raphaël Glucksmann, who will lead the Socialist Party at the EU elections, asked on Twitter.

“This shows the extent of Macron’s failure to reconcile the French and to ease the tensions in our society,” Glucksmann added.

“It’s unheard of,” Benoît Hamon, Socialist Party candidate in the last presidential election, said Thursday, adding that “the government was releasing an arsenal of security and martial measures to mask the Interior Minister Christophe Castaner’s incompetence”.

Yellow Vest protests: Macron's 'risky' plan to put army on streets
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Macron has no choice. The yellow vests are destroying the city. There is no black mayor to give them room to destroy. France is in a civil war.
French soldiers will be allowed to 'OPEN FIRE' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters | Daily Mail Online
French soldiers will be permitted to 'open fire' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters this weekend, the military governor of Paris said today.

Yellow vest.....
They are decades ahead of where the globalist want the US to be, we may fall much faster than this because globally many others are already falling.

This might be that shot heard around the world get ready...

As one commenter said this is MACRONS 4th REICH

Are them globalists the ones who want to impose our patent laws on other countries?

Or some UN patent laws on China or something?
French soldiers will be allowed to 'OPEN FIRE' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters | Daily Mail Online
French soldiers will be permitted to 'open fire' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters this weekend, the military governor of Paris said today.

Yellow vest.....
They are decades ahead of where the globalist want the US to be, we may fall much faster than this because globally many others are already falling.

This might be that shot heard around the world get ready...

As one commenter said this is MACRONS 4th REICH

Are them globalists the ones who want to impose our patent laws on other countries?

Or some UN patent laws on China or something?

All the above.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
French soldiers will be allowed to 'OPEN FIRE' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters | Daily Mail Online
French soldiers will be permitted to 'open fire' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters this weekend, the military governor of Paris said today.

Yellow vest.....
They are decades ahead of where the globalist want the US to be, we may fall much faster than this because globally many others are already falling.

This might be that shot heard around the world get ready...

As one commenter said this is MACRONS 4th REICH

Are them globalists the ones who want to impose our patent laws on other countries?

Or some UN patent laws on China or something?

All the above.

Too bad Trump has us in this trade war with China where we are the ones trying to enforce some kind of multi-national, new world order, one government the U.S.A. is subserviant to, patent office on China.
Hello, I can tell you really what it is going on because I live in France and what I see totally disgusts me ... we live under a dictatorship that Macron set up little by little, he does not want to hear the yellow vests. he treated them with no respect he use all possible new words to tell them they are as nothing. the yellow vests have no more purchasing power, they asks for a salary increase, a decrease in taxes. but Macron's answer is violence, the cynic, and now the army. and it's not the yellow jackets that are violent but the blacks blocks, the breakers. today if the soldiers shoot at the French we will surely be in a civil war all that to protect some buildings. it disgusts me

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