Fresh decapitations – Acapulco, Tourist Welcome!

We can legalize kidnapping next.

I am going to say something very unpopular. It has to be said.

These killings have nothing to do with drugs or the war on drugs. This kind of slaughter is done for the fun of it. This is like the raucous genocide in Africa.

If drugs have anything to do with it at all, it's the killers getting drugged up before they start the killing parties. Legalizing drugs will have no effect.

Are you seriously comparing kidnapping to marijuana smoking?

You. Are. A. Fucking. Idiot.

What you say is unpopular because it's wrong. There's a sadistic side to the murders absolutely, but the only reason it's done is because the Cartel has a stranglehold of fear over their people with insane amounts of money to be made. Marijuana is 60 percent of their profits. If you cut 60% of the profits out of any company in America they'd be in a world of hurt.

And don't give me that shit about, "they'll just sell to other countries." because it's wrong, and United States is the only country that takes in the sheer volume of drugs that Mexico Cartels traffick in.

Somebody doesn't fucking understand economics.
We can legalize kidnapping next.

I am going to say something very unpopular. It has to be said.

These killings have nothing to do with drugs or the war on drugs. This kind of slaughter is done for the fun of it. This is like the raucous genocide in Africa.

If drugs have anything to do with it at all, it's the killers getting drugged up before they start the killing parties. Legalizing drugs will have no effect.

In my opinion, You're absolutely right about some Mexicans in Mexico they love to slaughter and commit heinous mayhem they love to torture people and they have for centuries. They go out and kill people just so they can feed their pet big cats in their private zoos. They are as bad as the Middle East!

The population of Mexico is relatively low considering how they reproduce like jack rabbits. They’re killing off their population for fun and the numbers show it.

The Mexican people are sitting ducks because they have no guns to fight back. They depend on the corrupt Mexican government who's secretly working for the drug cartels. They do the minimum to keep people safe so they can continue to receive the stupid-o American’s funding. It’s all just a big game for the Mexican and American governments. They’re just having fun spending the taxpayer’s money.

Anyone who wants to legalize drugs should get a free lobotomy and then they would feel like they are always on that special high. It’s pretty much the “Old Druggies” that want to legalize drugs in America. It’s their “Get Rich Scheme” because they know so much about selling drugs already and all they need is drugs to be legal so they won’t go back to jail.
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We can legalize kidnapping next.

I am going to say something very unpopular. It has to be said.

These killings have nothing to do with drugs or the war on drugs. This kind of slaughter is done for the fun of it. This is like the raucous genocide in Africa.

If drugs have anything to do with it at all, it's the killers getting drugged up before they start the killing parties. Legalizing drugs will have no effect.

In my opinion, You're absolutely right about some Mexicans in Mexico they love to slaughter and commit heinous mayhem they love to torture people and they have for centuries. They go out and kill people just so they can feed their pet big cats in their private zoos. They are as bad as the Middle East!

The population of Mexico is relatively low considering how they reproduce like jack rabbits. They’re killing off their population for fun and the numbers show it.

The Mexican people are sitting ducks because they have no guns to fight back. They depend on the corrupt Mexican government who's secretly working for the drug cartels. They do the minimum to keep people safe so they can continue to receive the stupid-o American’s funding. It’s all just a big game for the Mexican and American governments. They’re just having fun spending the taxpayer’s money.

Anyone who wants to legalize drugs should get a free lobotomy and then they would feel like they are always on that special high. It’s pretty much the “Old Druggies” that want to legalize drugs in America. It’s their “Get Rich Scheme” because they know so much about selling drugs already and all they need is drugs to be legal so they won’t go back to jail.

What the fuck dude... now I get why you're pretty much the only one posting threads in the immigration section. You're a die hard xenophobic bordering on racist.

Mexicans love to slaughter and commit heinous crimes? Yeah... see that's where I draw my commentary from.

You indirectly support the cartels by being so adamant about keeping marijuana illegal. You keep it illegal, they rake in the money, you get a moral high. See the thing is, the drug cartels have lobbyists in Washington trying to keep it illegal as well. You're doing the same job, except not on the payroll.
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We can legalize kidnapping next.

I am going to say something very unpopular. It has to be said.

These killings have nothing to do with drugs or the war on drugs. This kind of slaughter is done for the fun of it. This is like the raucous genocide in Africa.

If drugs have anything to do with it at all, it's the killers getting drugged up before they start the killing parties. Legalizing drugs will have no effect.

In my opinion, You're absolutely right about some Mexicans in Mexico they love to slaughter and commit heinous mayhem they love to torture people and they have for centuries. They go out and kill people just so they can feed their pet big cats in their private zoos. They are as bad as the Middle East!

The population of Mexico is relatively low considering how they reproduce like jack rabbits. They’re killing off their population for fun and the numbers show it.

The Mexican people are sitting ducks because they have no guns to fight back. They depend on the corrupt Mexican government who's secretly working for the drug cartels. They do the minimum to keep people safe so they can continue to receive the stupid-o American’s funding. It’s all just a big game for the Mexican and American governments. They’re just having fun spending the taxpayer’s money.

Anyone who wants to legalize drugs should get a free lobotomy and then they would feel like they are always on that special high. It’s pretty much the “Old Druggies” that want to legalize drugs in America. It’s their “Get Rich Scheme” because they know so much about selling drugs already and all they need is drugs to be legal so they won’t go back to jail.

What the fuck dude... now I get why you're pretty much the only one posting threads in the immigration section. You're a die hard xenophobic bordering on racist.

Mexicans love to slaughter and commit heinous crimes? Yeah... see that's where I draw my commentary from.

You indirectly support the cartels by being so adamant about keeping marijuana illegal. You keep it illegal, they rake in the money, you get a moral high. See the thing is, the drug cartels have lobbyists in Washington trying to keep it illegal as well. You're doing the same job, except not on the payroll.

Bordering? He's a big fat racist.
In my opinion, You're absolutely right about some Mexicans in Mexico they love to slaughter and commit heinous mayhem they love to torture people and they have for centuries. They go out and kill people just so they can feed their pet big cats in their private zoos. They are as bad as the Middle East!

The population of Mexico is relatively low considering how they reproduce like jack rabbits. They’re killing off their population for fun and the numbers show it.

The Mexican people are sitting ducks because they have no guns to fight back. They depend on the corrupt Mexican government who's secretly working for the drug cartels. They do the minimum to keep people safe so they can continue to receive the stupid-o American’s funding. It’s all just a big game for the Mexican and American governments. They’re just having fun spending the taxpayer’s money.

Anyone who wants to legalize drugs should get a free lobotomy and then they would feel like they are always on that special high. It’s pretty much the “Old Druggies” that want to legalize drugs in America. It’s their “Get Rich Scheme” because they know so much about selling drugs already and all they need is drugs to be legal so they won’t go back to jail.

What the fuck dude... now I get why you're pretty much the only one posting threads in the immigration section. You're a die hard xenophobic bordering on racist.

Mexicans love to slaughter and commit heinous crimes? Yeah... see that's where I draw my commentary from.

You indirectly support the cartels by being so adamant about keeping marijuana illegal. You keep it illegal, they rake in the money, you get a moral high. See the thing is, the drug cartels have lobbyists in Washington trying to keep it illegal as well. You're doing the same job, except not on the payroll.

Bordering? He's a big fat racist.

I'll take your word for it. Haven't really been exposed much. I'm sure given more posts I would have pieced it all together.
In my opinion I heard on Fox News that the sharks in Mexico's ocean are so conditioned to the drug cartel throwing human bodies into the water they are now conditioned to think it is food.

PETA (People eating tasty animals) should get right down to old Meeheeco and stop those nasty drug lords from feeding tiger unsafe meat that’s probably infected with incurable tuberculosis or Hanson’s disease (leprosy).


A new victim in Mexico's drug wars: Narco-pets - National International Pets |

While exotic animals are mostly used by kingpins to show off their wealth, there are reports that Mexico’s drug rulers have other perverted uses, such as feeding their victims to large carnivores.Authorities also believe that the drug cartels are now trafficking these animals, specifically big cats, to the US along with their drugs.


Jesus 'The King' Zambada's Pets Strain Mexico's Zoos
Jesus 'The King' Zambada's Pets Strain Mexico's Zoos

Leaders of the ruthless Mexican Zetas cartel have been rumored to feed victims to lions and tigers kept in their properties, local media have reported.


"Los Zetas": Who they are and why they need to be stopped

It is said their (drug cartel) ways of killing are so barbaric, that many who have worked for them try to escape from the clutches of the organized network, by changing their identities. Those who have escaped report the burning and dismemberment of innocent people, who have disappeared. They say it is common for the "Los Zetas" to feed people to wild tigers, once they have extracted what they want from them. Paying protection to them instead of the "Mexican mafia" underground is becoming commonplace at border town now days.


Drug Lords In Mexico Feed Their Enemies To Tigers, Use Animals As Drug Mules

The Mexican drug war keeps out-crazying itself. We're sending the CIA down there and now Mexican cops are operating here. The latest: drug barons are building private zoos filled with big cats, symbolizing their own status as apex predators.
Oh, and the narco-gangsters are reportedly feeding their competitors to the beasts.


Mexican drug lords enjoy exotic 'narco zoos'
Gangsters keep tigers, lions and parrots but police aren't sure where to send animals when owners are arrested.

Members of the Zeta gang, one of Mexico’s most brutal and comprised of former military commandos, reportedly feed their enemies to backyard tigers."It does not surprise me that traffickers are feeding their competitors to animals in private zoos," Jeon, from Global Animal magazine, said. "I am sure if they could organize fights between the tigers, they would."


Captured drug kingpin pets strain Mexico's zoos

Mexican forces have discovered drug cartel private zoos that housed tigers, panthers and lions among other animals of exotic breeds, though the federal Attorney General's Office, which supervises all seizures from drug gangs, couldn't provide an exact count of the number of animals seized.


Suspected drug dealers in Mexico leave exotic pets behind
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Oh yeah, Americans are racists for wanting the Federal Immigration Laws enforced and for pointing out that the illegal aliens who are coming over the Southern border are a problem and menace to America.

The term "illegal alien" is not a race of people. It is a group of people from different countries who are breaking the United States Federal immigration laws. Using the term "illegal alien" is NOT a racist remark or a racial slur. It is a term created and used in the Federal Immigration Laws describing law breakers.

IMO, otherwise known as “Crimigrants.”


Many illegals that cross our borders have Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis.
The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons
"Illegal Aliens and American Medicine", PDF format
Page 8


The illegal aliens are bringing Leprosy into the United States.
Cases of Leprosy on The Rise in The U.S. - The New York Times


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Illegal immigrants bring diseases into States

This is a huge biological threat to the citizens of the United States. New strains of tuberculosis that are resistant to drug treatment have developed, and research by the Indiana University of Medicine affirmed it was introduced into the United States by Mexican Nationals.

A tuberculosis outbreak involving 131 immigrants occurred at a South Carolina poultry plant just a few weeks ago.
Thanksgiving Massacre!

26 bodies found in Guadalajara, a sign of rising mafia violence

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Guadalajara, Mexico – On Thanksgiving morning Police found 26 dead bodies stuffed into 3 cars. All the victims were men and they all had a bullet to the brain. There was a message left but the police chief didn’t want to say what it said. The men were gagged and hog tied.

Guadalajara is Mexico’s 2nd biggest city and is home to “Mexico’s billion-dollar methamphetamine trade.” It is speculated that the Zeta drug cartel are trying to muscle in and take over new territory.

The city is expected to host the International Book Fair on Saturday, 11/26/11 there are 600,000 tourists expected to show up. Isn’t that lovely… Such a peaceful people...
We can legalize kidnapping next.

I am going to say something very unpopular. It has to be said.

These killings have nothing to do with drugs or the war on drugs. This kind of slaughter is done for the fun of it. This is like the raucous genocide in Africa.

If drugs have anything to do with it at all, it's the killers getting drugged up before they start the killing parties. Legalizing drugs will have no effect.

Are you seriously comparing kidnapping to marijuana smoking?

You. Are. A. Fucking. Idiot.

What you say is unpopular because it's wrong. There's a sadistic side to the murders absolutely, but the only reason it's done is because the Cartel has a stranglehold of fear over their people with insane amounts of money to be made. Marijuana is 60 percent of their profits. If you cut 60% of the profits out of any company in America they'd be in a world of hurt.

And don't give me that shit about, "they'll just sell to other countries." because it's wrong, and United States is the only country that takes in the sheer volume of drugs that Mexico Cartels traffick in.

Somebody doesn't fucking understand economics.

You have absolutely NO understanding of what's really happening. You can't remove the profit from criminal activity by legalizing criminal activity. Once the profit from one activity is threatened, the criminal will just move on to another criminal activity. If competition is too fierce in drug running, the field of kidnapping is wide open. The kidnapping and beheading of entire busloads of tourists have nothing at all to do with drugs or drug profits. It's for the fun of it. It's also to train children in getting over fear and revulsion in killing innocents. The reason why these murders are occurring is because there is a lot of money to be made in kidnapping and killing others. A LOT of money. Criminals in the US have turned to kidnapping and killing beloved family pets for money. Should we legalize killing pets to take the profit out?

Nothing would please me more than to see the US government become the newest cartel on the block pushing their own newly minted legal drugs in direct competition with the existing cartels.
We can legalize kidnapping next.

I am going to say something very unpopular. It has to be said.

These killings have nothing to do with drugs or the war on drugs. This kind of slaughter is done for the fun of it. This is like the raucous genocide in Africa.

If drugs have anything to do with it at all, it's the killers getting drugged up before they start the killing parties. Legalizing drugs will have no effect.

Are you seriously comparing kidnapping to marijuana smoking?

You. Are. A. Fucking. Idiot.

What you say is unpopular because it's wrong. There's a sadistic side to the murders absolutely, but the only reason it's done is because the Cartel has a stranglehold of fear over their people with insane amounts of money to be made. Marijuana is 60 percent of their profits. If you cut 60% of the profits out of any company in America they'd be in a world of hurt.

And don't give me that shit about, "they'll just sell to other countries." because it's wrong, and United States is the only country that takes in the sheer volume of drugs that Mexico Cartels traffick in.

Somebody doesn't fucking understand economics.

You have absolutely NO understanding of what's really happening. You can't remove the profit from criminal activity by legalizing criminal activity. Once the profit from one activity is threatened, the criminal will just move on to another criminal activity. If competition is too fierce in drug running, the field of kidnapping is wide open. The kidnapping and beheading of entire busloads of tourists have nothing at all to do with drugs or drug profits. It's for the fun of it. It's also to train children in getting over fear and revulsion in killing innocents. The reason why these murders are occurring is because there is a lot of money to be made in kidnapping and killing others. A LOT of money. Criminals in the US have turned to kidnapping and killing beloved family pets for money. Should we legalize killing pets to take the profit out?

Nothing would please me more than to see the US government become the newest cartel on the block pushing their own newly minted legal drugs in direct competition with the existing cartels.

Are you retarded and that economically challenged? There IS NO OTHER ACTIVITY that is more profitable to the cartel than marijuana. They have to fund their other operations with the money they make from marijuana.

Please tell me exactly what the cartel is going to turn to next after marijuana that would generate 60% of their profits that they'd lose from it becoming legal? You must be some kind of retard. They can't just crank up their cocaine sales or any of their other drugs. Not enough demand to generate that kind of money.

You're one perturbed individual. You want the cartels to have their marijuana money out of some baseless fear that they can somehow miraculously create another equally great moneymaking operation. You think the cartel is just holding off on kidnapping as a safety net? "Oh well we won't kidnap quite as much as we could because we have all this marijuana money coming in. We could easily make up for it though if our marijuana money would stop coming"

You're the cartel's best friend. Idiot.
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Legalizing drugs will cause more people to drink alcohol. It always has and always will. Then they’ll get in their cars and kill people with them. Many bad decisions have been made while high and drunk.

It's useless to try to convince the druggie or people who are inline to make a lot of money off illegal drugs, why the morality of it is wrong. Or why we should not legalize drugs because they don’t want to understand. They’re just hoping the Sheep People will go along with them and help them legalize drugs in America so they can make money.

The Americans who read the newspapers see what the drug users are doing while they’re high on drugs and what they are capable of. Newspapers across this nation have been filled with stories of the actions of the drug users committing stupid self-inflicted acts to more serious crimes of rape, robbery and murder.

Many drug users commit heinous crimes while their high and then they face the consequences in front of the judges when their straight.

The druggies are doing everything from rolling over on their babies in beds and on couches and smothering them to raping 90 year old women and everything in-between. The legalization of drugs is not good for any civilized society. The American people realize that thankfully. It’s the die-hard drug users who want drugs legalized.
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Legalizing drugs will cause more people to drink alcohol. It always has and always will. Then they’ll get in their cars and kill people with them. Many bad decisions have been made while high and drunk.

It's useless to try to convince the druggie or people who are inline to make a lot of money off illegal drugs, why the morality of it is wrong. Or why we should not legalize drugs because they don’t want to understand. They’re just hoping the Sheep People will go along with them and help them legalize drugs in America so they can make money.

The Americans who read the newspapers see what the drug users do while they’re high on drugs and what they are capable of. Newspapers across this nation have been filled with stories of the actions of drug users committing stupid self-inflicted acts to murder.

Many drug users commit heinous crimes while their high and then face the consequences in front of the judges when their straight.

The druggies are doing everything from rolling over on their babies in bed and on couches and smothering them to raping 90 year old women and everything in-between. The legalization of drugs is not good for any civilized society. The American people realize that thankfully and it’s the die-hard drug users who continue to want drugs legalized.

Look at you. You're continuing to make ridiculous excuses to line the pockets of the drug cartels.

Legalizing drugs will cause more people to drink alcohol. It always has and always will. Then they’ll get in their cars and kill people with them. Many bad decisions have been made while high and drunk.

Are you shitting me? That's your reason to not legalize marijuana? Quit making up defensive plays to keep the cartels rolling in dough.
it's worse now.

The National Center for Victims of Crime - Library/Document Viewer

More than half of all the people arrested in the United States test positive for illegal drugs.(National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, 2007).

Many addicts commit crimes to get money to buy drugs. At least a quarter of men who commit acts of domestic violence also have drug abuse problems. (Ibid.)

In the 2004 Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correction Facilities, 32% of State prisoners and 26% of Federal prisoners said they had committed their current offense while under the influence of drugs. Among State prisoners, drug offenders (44%) and property offenders (39%) reported the highest incidence of drug use at the time of the offense. Among Federal prisoners, drug offenders (32%) and violent offenders (24%) were the most likely to report drug use at the time of their crimes. (Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, 2006).

In 2004, 17% of State prisoners and 18% of Federal inmates said they committed their current offense to obtain money for drugs. (Ibid.)
Thanksgiving Massacre!

26 bodies found in Guadalajara, a sign of rising mafia violence

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Guadalajara, Mexico – On Thanksgiving morning Police found 26 dead bodies stuffed into 3 cars. All the victims were men and they all had a bullet to the brain. There was a message left but the police chief didn’t want to say what it said. The men were gagged and hog tied.

Guadalajara is Mexico’s 2nd biggest city and is home to “Mexico’s billion-dollar methamphetamine trade.” It is speculated that the Zeta drug cartel are trying to muscle in and take over new territory.

The city is expected to host the International Book Fair on Saturday, 11/26/11 there are 600,000 tourists expected to show up. Isn’t that lovely… Such a peaceful people...

Bodies identified in Mexico mass slaying


A baker, a truck driver, a soft-drink vendor and a dental technician were among the 26 men found bound, gagged, slain and left in the center of Guadalajara, a state prosecutor said Friday.

Written in motor oil on the victims' bodies were the names of the Zetas and Millenium drug cartels.

Such little lambs they're just so cuddly.
Impact of Drugs on Society - National Drug Threat Assessment 2010

In 2007, there were approximately 1.8 million admissions to state-licensed treatment facilities for illicit drug dependence or abuse. The highest percentage of admissions reported opiates as the primary drug of choice (31%, primarily heroin) followed by marijuana/hashish (27%), cocaine (22%), and stimulants (13%).


National Drug Threat Assessment 2010

This report provides policymakers, law enforcement executives, resource planners, and counterdrug program coordinators with strategic intelligence regarding the threat posed to the United States by the trafficking and abuse of illicit drugs. The assessment highlights strategic trends in the production, transportation, distribution, and abuse of illegal and controlled prescription drugs. It also presents strategic intelligence regarding the operational trends and tendencies of drug trafficking organizations and street gangs that distribute illegal drugs and highlight drug trafficking trends along the Southwest Border.

Change Notice: May 25, 2010--The National Drug Threat Assessment 2010 was updated to reflect information regarding alien smuggling that was provided to the National Drug Intelligence Center after initial publication. Changes were made in the U.S. Southwest Border Smuggling and Violence section in the paragraph after the second textbox and the last two paragraphs of the section.

Click on Links below:


Executive Summary

Impact of Drugs on Society

The Demand for Illicit Drugs

The Consequences of Illicit Drug Use

Impact on Health and Health Care Systems

Impact on Crime and Criminal Justice Systems

Impact on Productivity

Impact on the Environment

Drug Trafficking Organizations

Drug Trafficking by Criminal Gangs

U.S. Southwest Border Smuggling and Violence

Drug Movement Into and Within the United States

Overland Smuggling Into the United States

Maritime Smuggling Directly Into the United States

Air Smuggling Into the United States

The Flow of Drugs Within the United States

Drug Availability in the United States

Cocaine Availability

Heroin Availability

Methamphetamine Availability

Marijuana Availability

MDMA Availability

Controlled Prescription Drugs

Illicit Finance



Appendix A: Maps

Appendix B: Tables

Appendix C: Scope and Methodology

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Thanksgiving Massacre!

26 bodies found in Guadalajara, a sign of rising mafia violence

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Guadalajara, Mexico – On Thanksgiving morning Police found 26 dead bodies stuffed into 3 cars. All the victims were men and they all had a bullet to the brain. There was a message left but the police chief didn’t want to say what it said. The men were gagged and hog tied.

Guadalajara is Mexico’s 2nd biggest city and is home to “Mexico’s billion-dollar methamphetamine trade.” It is speculated that the Zeta drug cartel are trying to muscle in and take over new territory.

The city is expected to host the International Book Fair on Saturday, 11/26/11 there are 600,000 tourists expected to show up. Isn’t that lovely… Such a peaceful people...

Bodies identified in Mexico mass slaying


A baker, a truck driver, a soft-drink vendor and a dental technician were among the 26 men found bound, gagged, slain and left in the center of Guadalajara, a state prosecutor said Friday.

Written in motor oil on the victims' bodies were the names of the Zetas and Millenium drug cartels.

Such little lambs they're just so cuddly.

I guess now that more bodies are being identified as common folk, the mexican government will cease and desist from saying that ALL these killings are ALL drug related??? I guess they will have to find another means to cover their inept proverbial ASS!!!!
Somebody tell me the difference between the Mexican government and any other third-world shit hole government (Congo, Rwanda, Iran, North Korea, etc.)? The only difference I know is that this third-world shit hole sits right on our southern border.

Some 40,000 Mexicans lost their lives last year to this violence. If you have to live in Mexico City, you better have a security detail that rivals Obama's. Kidnapping and extortion is so rampant that it's expected. And people wonder why in the world some of these people will risk everything to climb a fence or swim a river to get to the United States.

Most of you know me and you know that I am a conservative, card carrying member of the Tea Party. But I have to tell you that if I was a Mexican, I would try and try and try as many times as possible to cross that border. Legally, illegally... wouldn't make me any difference. Providing for your family is a basic instinct.

What's the answer? All I know is that legalizing marijuana and drugs is an ignorant solution. Gee, we can't keep people from doing destructive things to themselves so let's get tax money off of it. And then of course, their is the collateral damage from drugs. The people killed outright by people who are driving high and those that go to work stoned and accidentally run a fork lift over a worker.

I also know that I am CONCERNED that this kind of crap will spill over the border into one of the border states more than it already has. That is why Obama and who ever replaces him in 2012 better get off their ass and get some boots on the ground at the border. They've got a WAR going on down there. We need to respond to this threat like it's a WAR and not like it's some disagreement between political parties...

Tough situation. But AMERICAN INTERESTS are all that I'm concerned about...
Those kinds of killings are usually training murders. Used to get killers used to murdering innocent people. Most of the time, these killers are kids. Not long ago a 14 year old was captured. He said he started training when he was 11.

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