Freudian Slip by Joe?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
“President Joe Biden suffered yet another gaffe Thursday as he mixed up the date of the Jan. 6 riots during a glitzy fundraiser hosted by Hollywood stars Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones at their Westchester home.
Biden, the oldest-ever US president at 81, made the blunder as he ripped his Republican rival, former President Donald Trump, 77, in front of the star-studded crowd.

"We'll certainly never forget the dark days of June 6, January 6th, excuse me," the commander-in-chief said, according to a White House pool report.“

June 6th is famous for one event - the invasion for the liberation of Europe from NAZI tyranny.
NAZIS consider June 6 a very very dark day.

Very sad.
We are witnessing the final months, maybe year of Joe Biden's life. This is the final stage of Dementia Biden is entering into. It is very sick that Biden's wife has her husband shot up with super-drugs to keep his brain going like a car with a flat tire.

10 Signs Death Is Near in People With Dementia​

In the period of time leading up to the end of life, an individual with dementia may show signs that they are nearing death. They may:
  1. Have more infections
  2. Experience more medical complications
  3. Move around less/be unable to move without help
  4. Become very frail
  5. Fall more often
  6. Have trouble swallowing
  7. Have problems eating and drinking
  8. Be unable to speak
  9. Have difficulty showing facial expressions
  10. Sleep more

The President of the United States is dying before our eyes. The Democrats are so fucking evil they use an old man for power. The Democrats are using Biden, all the scandals, all the poor policy decisions the Democrats are making, we are witnessing the Democrats blame on President Biden.​

Biden has been a lousy democrat his entire life. But as a dying human being, Biden deserves respect and dignity. People should vote for Trump simply to save Joe Biden, give him the rest, so that he can pass on to his maker, how we all wish to die, peacefully at home with our loved ones by our side..

This should be our campaign, people should be protesting the extreme abuse, of the President of the United States. We have a saying in the United States Marine Corp. Respect the Rank. The individual could be rotten, but we respected the rank.

Respect the United States President. Let him rest, die in peace, not as a spectacle. Democrats and Republicans, we are fucking up, we both are wrong. Democrats for abusing a dying President of the United States. Republicans for not doing what is right, taking him out of office to die with dignity.

But hey, Democrats are always doing something never done in history, this time they will have the dishonor of forcing a man with no control of what he is doing because of disease, die while President of the United States of America.

I feel bad I laugh at the gaffes, I am sorry President Biden, I am sorry I laughed, honestly. I am ashamed.

10 Signs Death Is Near in People With Dementia​

In the period of time leading up to the end of life, an individual with dementia may show signs that they are nearing death. They may:
  1. Have more infections
  2. Experience more medical complications
  3. Move around less/be unable to move without help
  4. Become very frail
  5. Fall more often
  6. Have trouble swallowing
  7. Have problems eating and drinking
  8. Be unable to speak
  9. Have difficulty showing facial expressions
  10. Sleep more
Last edited:
Very sad.
We are witnessing the final months, maybe year of Joe Biden's life. This is the final stage of Dementia Biden is entering into. It is very sick that Biden's wife has her husband shot up with super-drugs to keep his brain going like a car with a flat tire.
I prefer to think of Joe Bribem as an EV that has batteries with bad cells. No matter how much you try to charge them, it just wont keep the voltage necessary to keep it going for long. Soon those batteries are going to go completely and there is no replacement available to substitute for. When the batteries get too hot, it will combust into a 5 alarm fire, and that will be when Joe Bribem, checks out.

The President of the United States is dying before our eyes. The Democrats are so fucking evil they use an old man for power. The Democrats are using Biden, all the scandals, all the poor policy decisions the Democrats are making, we are witnessing the Democrats blame on President Biden.​

Biden has been a lousy democrat his entire life. But as a dying human being, Biden deserves respect and dignity. People should vote for Trump simply to save Joe Biden, give him the rest, so that he can pass on to his maker, how we all wish to die, peacefully at home with our loved ones by our side..

This should be our campaign, people should be protesting the extreme abuse, of the President of the United States. We have a saying in the United States Marine Corp. Respect the Rank. The individual could be rotten, but we respected the rank.

Respect the United States President. Let him rest, die in peace, not as a spectacle. Democrats and Republicans, we are fucking up, we both are wrong. Democrats for abusing a dying President of the United States. Republicans for not doing what is right, taking him out of office to die with dignity.

But hey, Democrats are always doing something never done in history, this time they will have the dishonor of forcing a man with no control of what he is doing because of disease, die while President of the United States of America.

I feel bad I laugh at the gaffes, I am sorry President Biden, I am sorry I laughed, honestly. I am ashamed.

10 Signs Death Is Near in People With Dementia​

In the period of time leading up to the end of life, an individual with dementia may show signs that they are nearing death. They may:
  1. Have more infections
  2. Experience more medical complications
  3. Move around less/be unable to move without help
  4. Become very frail
  5. Fall more often
  6. Have trouble swallowing
  7. Have problems eating and drinking
  8. Be unable to speak
  9. Have difficulty showing facial expressions
  10. Sleep more
I am posting this, because it explains why the Marxists are doing what they are to Joe Bribem.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
“President Joe Biden suffered yet another gaffe Thursday as he mixed up the date of the Jan. 6 riots during a glitzy fundraiser hosted by Hollywood stars Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones at their Westchester home.
Biden, the oldest-ever US president at 81, made the blunder as he ripped his Republican rival, former President Donald Trump, 77, in front of the star-studded crowd.

"We'll certainly never forget the dark days of June 6, January 6th, excuse me," the commander-in-chief said, according to a White House pool report.“

June 6th is famous for one event - the invasion for the liberation of Europe from NAZI tyranny.
NAZIS consider June 6 a very very dark day.

That all ya got?!?! :rolleyes-41:
Back in 2018, For months. we had nothing but liberal mockery over Trump's single infamous "kofeefee" gaffe. Be then we get Biden's numerous gaffes like these gems:

Joe Biden has a lifelong stutter and has been making gaffes all of his professional life.

Donald Trump is suddenly unable to speak in complete sentences, or finish a thought. He can't say some words at all, and he's forgotten who's he's running against more times than I can count. Not to mention both of his parents died with dementia.
Joe Biden has a lifelong stutter and has been making gaffes all of his professional life.

Donald Trump is suddenly unable to speak in complete sentences, or finish a thought. He can't say some words at all, and he's forgotten who's he's running against more times than I can count. Not to mention both of his parents died with dementia.
^^^ maximum gaslighting America!

Biden is a corrupt lifetime loser and now WEF puppet.
Very sad.
We are witnessing the final months, maybe year of Joe Biden's life. This is the final stage of Dementia Biden is entering into. It is very sick that Biden's wife has her husband shot up with super-drugs to keep his brain going like a car with a flat tire.

If Joe hadn't been a complete and total piece of shit his entire life, I might have some sympathy for him.
As it is I fear his death won't be painful enough.
Someone else mentioned Joe stroking out during a debate.
That would be fantastic TV.
I dont want it to happen.

I wont gloat over it. Don't you think that just maybe the Democrats are purposely created all this so that when people look back in history they see that our Republic failed.

Democrats are Communists, they must destroy our Republic so that they can build a Communist Nation.
I dont want it to happen.

I wont gloat over it. Don't you think that just maybe the Democrats are purposely created all this so that when people look back in history they see that our Republic failed.

Democrats are Communists, they must destroy our Republic so that they can build a Communist Nation.

We had a good run.

Most Governments with elected leaders don't last this long.
I do not want to see the Presidency of the United States of America denigrated with the President dying of Dementia while everyone laughs at us.

The World is laughing at us. The World is losing respect for us. The World, history will forget who Joe Biden was. The World will remember that The Republic of the United States of America allowed and used and laughed at our own President.
The World is losing respect for us.

The proof is the Wars

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