Friday, the cavalry is coming.

I will be reserving judgment until this election is fully litigated in court. In my opinion, nobody has won.

Joe Biden is not president-elect unless the courts, through a preponderance of evidence say he is. And no, "more people voted for him" is not evidence inasmuch as one party claiming there are cases of voter irregularities and/or fraud. Nor is "the media called the race for Biden" namely because the media are unelected pundits whose main job is to advise the electorate on the progress of an ongoing election, not dictate a winner. The claims and 'evidence' need to be tried in a court of law.

I repeat, Biden is not "President-elect"

Learn basic due process, you nitwits.

So..what happened four years ago? I don't remember the courts being called to step in. Oh yeah, that's right, because your man was winning.
Wow, in addition to being idiots, Trump supporters have become cancers. Sad.

There weren't a massive number of mail-in ballots. I am quite sure Hillary cheated then too, but the machine wasn't in place to cheat like it did this time.
Trump lost. We aren't a dictatorship yet, much as you guys seem to want it.

Dictatorships decide elections without letting one side or the other challenge the veracity of the results. You seem to be suggesting Trump be denied his day in court.

I think it is required that legitimate allegations are presented in court, with supporting evidence.

Remember Banana Republicans feel they can lie to anyone and everyone if it will help their agenda, unless of course if they are under oath.

Republicans? LOL...immoral Democrats don't care one iota about an oath. Most have no belief system for which to be held accountable.
I think it is required that legitimate allegations are presented in court, with supporting evidence.

And you are probably sitting there assuming there is no evidence out of hand, with no supporting evidence of your own to buttress your assumption.

I'll neither assume any evidence or lack thereof exists until the facts are fully vetted in the court of law.

You are done with what? At least try to understand what FACTS are.


Says the moderator who doesn't even know the difference between evidence and proof.
Your hubris is offensive, misplaced, unwarranted, and utterly typical of Leftists, who always think they know everything.

Live free or die, right New Hampshire?

Take your cancerous shit somewhere else.
You lost. Deal with it.

LOL are you always so frustrated?

Go burn a target

I will be reserving judgment until this election is fully litigated in court. In my opinion, nobody has won.

Joe Biden is not president-elect unless the courts, through a preponderance of evidence say he is. And no, "more people voted for him" is not evidence inasmuch as one party claiming there are cases of voter irregularities and/or fraud. Nor is "the media called the race for Biden" namely because the media are unelected pundits whose main job is to advise the electorate on the progress of an ongoing election, not dictate a winner. The claims and 'evidence' need to be tried in a court of law.

I repeat, Biden is not "President-elect"

Learn basic due process, you nitwits.

So..what happened four years ago? I don't remember the courts being called to step in. Oh yeah, that's right, because your man was winning.
Wow, in addition to being idiots, Trump supporters have become cancers. Sad.

Need I remind you that you tried to impeach and remove a duly elected president? Why the courts when you could simply use Congress? Do not lecture me, churl. Your actions over the past four years simply told us all how unsatisfied you were with the result.

Also, notice you didn't dispute any of my facts.

Idiocy and stupidity are your exclusive domain. Your willful ignorance instead of being a "cancer" as you so describe it, is a virus you inflict on the unsuspecting.

The act for that which he was impeached (and sorry, he was) was more than warranted. He did that to himself.
What facts did you present? You presented your "opinion". The courts do not decide elections snowflake, the people do.
The media just reports the news. I'm sorry if you believe your side is aggrieved. I honestly don't care.
Not one case of voter fraud has been legitimately presented. But you assholes don't like outcome so you bitch.
It really is completely un-American.
The courts do not decide elections snowflake, the people do.

Uh yeah, they do. If a candidate calls the results of the election into question, the courts are the final say on whether he is right or wrong.

Spare me your colossal legal ignorance.

In this case they don't..and they won't. But thanks for playing.
You idiots really do need a life.

Live free or die, right New Hampshire?

Take your cancerous shit somewhere else.
You lost. Deal with it.

LOL are you always so frustrated?

Go burn a target


Go scream at the sky. Because that's about all you'll be able to do. :)

The really sad thing here is that you won and are more frustrated now than you were before.

So enjoy your no cop world


I don't support a no cop world so your large pictures are just taking up server storage space.
The courts do not decide elections snowflake, the people do.

Uh yeah, they do. If a candidate calls the results of the election into question, the courts are the final say on whether he is right or wrong.

Spare me your colossal legal ignorance.

In this case they don't..and they won't. But thanks for playing.
You idiots really do need a life.
Why aren't you happy kid. You won, we still own the stock market and you are still a heroin addict
I think it is required that legitimate allegations are presented in court, with supporting evidence.

And you are probably sitting there assuming there is no evidence out of hand, with no supporting evidence of your own to buttress your assumption.

I'll neither assume any evidence or lack thereof exists until the facts are fully vetted in the court of law.

I'm not assuming anything. They have a certain amount of time to present any evidence they have in a court.

I think their total obstruction with the transition can only hurt them in the end.
I'm sorry if you believe your side is aggrieved. I honestly don't care.

No, you don't care. You only care if the result works one way, for you, and you only. It's as if nobody gets to dispute the results, regardless of whether there was provable fraud or not.

You're in the business of silencing people and their grievances, not of listening to them. Your emotions tell you what you believe, they don't tell you what is true, or what is reality.

Unlike you, I show concern for the rights of everyone, not just those of whom I support politically.

Live free or die, right New Hampshire?

Take your cancerous shit somewhere else.
You lost. Deal with it.

LOL are you always so frustrated?

Go burn a target


Go scream at the sky. Because that's about all you'll be able to do. :)

The really sad thing here is that you won and are more frustrated now than you were before.

So enjoy your no cop world


I don't support a no cop world so your large pictures are just taking up server storage space.

You just support the people chanting to kill cops and do away with cops.

We are finished presenting facts to you ignorant deranged yapping monkeys on strings.
Trump lost. We aren't a dictatorship yet, much as you guys seem to want it.
Our days of presenting facts while you mock them are done. Put up with it for 50 years of your abuse and godless shit.

We are done. You have all laughed while calling down the thunder, well now you are gonna get it.
:lol: calm down there, poopy pants. You're having a cute parade, not overthrowing Biden's white house :itsok:

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