Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

The benefits of a productive life are pretty hard to realize when you're sitting in a section 8 apartment, collecting welfare, eating food purchased with food stamps.

Yeah, life is hard. I get it.

But a handout never helped anyone, at least not over the long haul....

My step granddaughter does pretty well. Her benefits net over $60,000 a year. Aside from food stamps, the kids eat 3 meals a day at school, she goes to the pantry for free food once a week, she is the only one in the family that can afford beef roasts. She brings one over for dinner once in awhile. She has a very nice 3bedroom apartment on section 8 with central air conditioning. She doesn't have a car. She gets a bus card free and has taxi vouchers also free. Her landline telephone is reduced to $5.00 a month but the cell phone is free. The cell has outgoing 250 minutes a month so she has three of them. In addition she provides child care services to her friend and gets paid by the state for that. The friend provides child care services for my step granddaughter and gets paid by the state for that.

Poverty is a very big well paid scam.

There is something wrong when someone can get over $1000a week for being unemployed. I work and I only earn around $24,000 a year.

How does she do it?

You are never going to be the winner winner of that chicken dinner are you! :cuckoo:
The worst thing about my step granddaughter's poverty is that she had dreams at one time. She wanted a career. She wanted to go to culinary school and be a chef. When she saw how well paid she would be in poverty it sucked the ambition right out of her. She's content to lay around smoking dope all the time now.

Sounds like she could be a success but requires the motivation. Its a shame but people can be so talented and have so much to offer but prefer not to show the world their talents.

It sounds like she has shown her 'talents' to a number of men. LOL. Are you retarded? Why did I ask. Of course you are.
Sounds like she could be a success but requires the motivation. Its a shame but people can be so talented and have so much to offer but prefer not to show the world their talents.

Why bother? It's hard to motivate yourself. It's even harder when you have nothing to lose.

Depending on expenses, sometimes I can understand why people stay on welfare. If they were paid more to work, they'd get a job.

Some single mums here stay on welfare because they won't earn enough with a full time job when you factor in the massive costs of childcare. I can understand that - you want to have as much money as possible to care for your kids.

"Single mums" as you call them have a house full of children they produced for the sole purpose of collecting benefits for them. They are not some poor widow or divorcee who had to leave an abusive husband. They planned their single mumhood hood because it pays better than working. You stupid fool.
The worst thing about my step granddaughter's poverty is that she had dreams at one time. She wanted a career. She wanted to go to culinary school and be a chef. When she saw how well paid she would be in poverty it sucked the ambition right out of her. She's content to lay around smoking dope all the time now.

Sounds like she could be a success but requires the motivation. Its a shame but people can be so talented and have so much to offer but prefer not to show the world their talents.

She doesn't exist.

Yes she does. I saw them every day I worked in the Nashville projects. Her number is legion.
To what end? we already spend more per student than anywhere else in the world (somewhere around 14k per student per year). Statistically, test scores are static regardless of how much money we spend, so throwing more money at schools isn't the answer. So what is it you want school to do that it isn't now?

I want our educational system so we aren't 17th in the world.

How about adopting Japans, Norway or south Korea's system that kicks our ass by far.

All of those countries have socialized medicine and don't let their hungry citizens, starve.

How many Americans have starved this year? Inquiring minds want to know.
We don't let our citizens starve either...
Food stamp enrollment has hit record numbers...

Then why are they living on the streets, unable to afford food and shelter?

I have worked with many homeless people. A person who is homeless in America often has a great deal of money. I've seen many veterans come to the hospital and find that their pension accounts are as high as $800,000. Homeless people who are not veterans also get money from the state. They often have post office boxes where they receive their money. I have seen them with very large amounts of cash. One little bag lady came to the hospital with $1500 in cash and 10 cartons of cigarettes in a pillow case. Just because someone is homeless in America doesn't mean they are broke, nor does it mean they want a place to live. $2000/month in pension money over 30 years adds up to one hell of a lot of money.
You know, if more thought like me relative to giving a chit about the rest of the world, or their neighbor for that fact, America would be better off.

Keep your own house in order and not worry about the Jones's


I have a feeling that our resident Australian doesn't have her own place. I think she may be 'kept.'
You know, if more thought like me relative to giving a chit about the rest of the world, or their neighbor for that fact, America would be better off.

Keep your own house in order and not worry about the Jones's


Yes..there was a Queen in France that thought that way too.

She said something about cake..and letting the poor eat that.

Didn't turn out to well.

Because she was part of a government that was taking money from people who had earned it. There was a big picture there and you don't have it.
You know, if more thought like me relative to giving a chit about the rest of the world, or their neighbor for that fact, America would be better off.

Keep your own house in order and not worry about the Jones's


I have a feeling that our resident Australian doesn't have her own place. I think she may be 'kept.'

Maybe.. She is no doubt intrigued with the American culture, like I was with the folks in Sydney and Perth a few year ago. :redface:

This is why you need to stay away from American topics, you're clueless.
Remember him?
Jason Greenslate, Food Stamp Surfer

Is he Australian? We don't have food stamps here.

with your answer shows that you are fucking clueless about America. Some homeless chose to be homeless and out on the street.

And they collect state and VA pensions. Many have large amounts of money. I had a patient once who walked away from a boarding home because he didn't like the color of the carpet.
How about we improve the regulatory system for labor so that people aren't paid sub-substantial wages?

That or we could remove governmental protections on management. Now..that would be fun.

Why don't government withdraw the extreme burdens (EPA compliance, taxes etc) put on corporations and business so that the cost of doing business which is passed onto the consumer is reduced. Then the lower wages buy more product


That's never been the case and they aren't "extreme" burdens.

Taxes are mandated by the Constitution and we should happily pay them, because we, the people, are the ones that "own" the government.

Regulations are really what "ethical" companies should do..but absolutely refuse to do..

Like make stuff without damaging the environment or make stuff that doesn't kill people.

In any case, most companies have shown, time and time again, that the time honored conservative caveat, that less overhead will translate into cheaper products and higher wages, is a myth. In FACT, the opposite is shown to be true.

Taxes are not 'mandated' by the Constitution. Taxes are merely ALLOWED by the Constitution.

AUTHOR: Daniel Webster (1782–1852)
QUOTATION: The power to tax is the power to destroy.
ATTRIBUTION: This quotation comes from the words of DANIEL WEBSTER and those of JOHN MARSHALL in the Supreme Court case, McCulloch v. Maryland.

Webster, in arguing the case, said: “An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy,” 17 U.S. 327 (1819).

In his decision, Chief Justice Marshall said: “That the power of taxing it [the bank] by the States may be exercised so as to destroy it, is too obvious to be denied” (p. 427), and “That the power to tax involves the power to destroy … [is] not to be denied” (p. 431).

1798. Daniel Webster (1782-1852). Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989
I want our educational system so we aren't 17th in the world.

How about adopting Japans, Norway or south Korea's system that kicks our ass by far.

All of those countries have socialized medicine and don't let their hungry citizens, starve.

Exactly. America sucks at so much these days, there's no way to say we are number one with a straight face.

After which country should American model herself in order not to 'suck.'

Are you saying the people who currently collect welfare would be willing to go out and work in the heat and cold repairing our crumbling bridges and dams? Somehow I seriously doubt that. But it is moot anyway because we give too much money to people who do not work to have any left over to pay people who do work to fix our infrastructure.
I want our educational system so we aren't 17th in the world.

How about adopting Japans, Norway or south Korea's system that kicks our ass by far.

All of those countries have socialized medicine and don't let their hungry citizens, starve.

How many Americans have starved this year? Inquiring minds want to know.

This cuts going to hit 47 Million Americans.

That help?

47M Americans hit by food stamp cuts starting today
Hey folks feel free to donate to food banks,soup kitchens what have you.
Democrats by nature always feel that America is a shitty nation who doesn't do
enough to help people.So no matter what we do and I mention again the fact that
food stamp enrollment is through the roof it's never enough.

One minute Libs bitch that we have all these hungry people.
The next we are a nation of fat fucks who need Michelle Obama to guide them to look as beautiful as she is.

If I wanted to look as "beautiful" as Mooshell, I'd break out the spackle and paint sprayer. A selection of paper bags with varying decorative themes would be even better.

She is definitely a 3 bagger. I bet Barry throws a flag over her face and fucks for Old Glory! :eek:
Hey folks feel free to donate to food banks,soup kitchens what have you.
Democrats by nature always feel that America is a shitty nation who doesn't do
enough to help people.So no matter what we do and I mention again the fact that
food stamp enrollment is through the roof it's never enough.

One minute Libs bitch that we have all these hungry people.
The next we are a nation of fat fucks who need Michelle Obama to guide them to look as beautiful as she is.

If I wanted to look as "beautiful" as Mooshell, I'd break out the spackle and paint sprayer. A selection of paper bags with varying decorative themes would be even better.

Let's see your picture, sunshine.

I have posted a pic of myself.

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