Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

And what's crazy?

Pick up a book.

Historically, laissez-faire capitalism has translated into monopoly, political cronyism, huge disparity in wages, bust and boom economies, a concentration in wealth and overall misery for most people in this very country.

It's never worked.

It never will work.

It's like saying, "Oh just let that fire go uncontrolled, it will figure itself out."

Crazy is when an elected representative who votes on bills who had the nerve to actually say
"We must pass the bill to see what is in it"
Don't go there.

Congratulations on changing the subject.

You just lost the debate.

No the subject wasn't changed I was just commenting on what winger claimed was crazy. Did he lose the debate and you agreeing with him also made you lose the debate?
Crazy is when an elected representative who votes on bills who had the nerve to actually say
"We must pass the bill to see what is in it"
Don't go there.

Congratulations on changing the subject.

You just lost the debate.

No the subject wasn't changed I was just commenting on what winger claimed was crazy. Did he lose the debate and you agreeing with him also made you lose the debate?






Buh-bye now. Bye!! Buh-bye.
We're talking an average of $9 a week less.

No one and I do mean NO ONE is going to "starve" because of such a small reduction.

The kids might get less sugary cereal and cupcakes and juice boxes but no one will starve.
Congratulations on changing the subject.

You just lost the debate.

No the subject wasn't changed I was just commenting on what winger claimed was crazy. Did he lose the debate and you agreeing with him also made you lose the debate?






Buh-bye now. Bye!! Buh-bye.
Run like a good little liberal. all I did was comment on wingers what's crazy comment So tell me who change the debate?
Yes we do. There are plenty of people who can't get help much less what they are owed.

That statement ^^^^ (see bolded) right there is the biggest part of the problem I have with this whole public assistance bullshit. Just what is anybody owed? My employer owes me my wages I have earned. I owe my debtors money I have promised to repay them. No one is owed a living at the expense of anybody else.

OWE: definition obligated to pay back money: to be under an obligation to pay or repay somebody an amount of money financially in debt: to be financially in debt to somebody or for something indebted for something: to have something, usually some desirable thing, only because of something or somebody else
Hey folks feel free to donate to food banks,soup kitchens what have you.
Democrats by nature always feel that America is a shitty nation who doesn't do
enough to help people.So no matter what we do and I mention again the fact that
food stamp enrollment is through the roof it's never enough.

One minute Libs bitch that we have all these hungry people.
The next we are a nation of fat fucks who need Michelle Obama to guide them to look as beautiful as she is.

If I wanted to look as "beautiful" as Mooshell, I'd break out the spackle and paint sprayer. A selection of paper bags with varying decorative themes would be even better.
Hey folks feel free to donate to food banks,soup kitchens what have you.
Democrats by nature always feel that America is a shitty nation who doesn't do
enough to help people.So no matter what we do and I mention again the fact that
food stamp enrollment is through the roof it's never enough.

One minute Libs bitch that we have all these hungry people.
The next we are a nation of fat fucks who need Michelle Obama to guide them to look as beautiful as she is.

If I wanted to look as "beautiful" as Mooshell, I'd break out the spackle and paint sprayer. A selection of paper bags with varying decorative themes would be even better.

Let's see your picture, sunshine.
Hey folks feel free to donate to food banks,soup kitchens what have you.
Democrats by nature always feel that America is a shitty nation who doesn't do
enough to help people.So no matter what we do and I mention again the fact that
food stamp enrollment is through the roof it's never enough.

One minute Libs bitch that we have all these hungry people.
The next we are a nation of fat fucks who need Michelle Obama to guide them to look as beautiful as she is.

If I wanted to look as "beautiful" as Mooshell, I'd break out the spackle and paint sprayer. A selection of paper bags with varying decorative themes would be even better.

Just try to find work at your age, too!

I could have a job tomorrow if I wanted it. I have never not been able to find a job. Jobs come looking for me.

Same for me. Have I mentioned that I was recently offered a full professorship at the University? I'm not really interested, though. Some of us have ensured we have "marketable" skills. Others...not so much. Some have the entrepreneurial drive...others, not so much. Any way you look at it, some of us will always work for what we want, others would rather beg government to give it to them. How...inhuman.

Spot on.

More consumers = more profit for the supplier = more jobs.

Maybe not as good as it generated based on innovation and new businesses. That of course takes education which would expand the jobs market.

Switching pockets the money is located in does not expand the job market or the economy. The people who earn the money also spend money. When they get to keep some of it, that is. And the money the wage earners spends goes to things other than the big grocers.
Is this going to damage the economy? Less food stamps means sales will go down, correct?

I don't see sales of fishing boats suffering because some welfare queen in Detroit got $7 dollars less to spend at Wal Mart.
As I understand it, that's the plan. I don't get the benefits of a haves vs have nots society, but that seems to be their goal.

I don't get the benefits of the government taking money I have earned and giving it to someone who has not earned it. But that seems to be their goal.
To what end? we already spend more per student than anywhere else in the world (somewhere around 14k per student per year). Statistically, test scores are static regardless of how much money we spend, so throwing more money at schools isn't the answer. So what is it you want school to do that it isn't now?

I want our educational system so we aren't 17th in the world.

How about adopting Japans, Norway or south Korea's system that kicks our ass by far.

We'll have to go back to teaching math and science, and cut out this transgender pride crap.

The libs will never allow that.
I don't owe lazy, drug addicted, malcontents of society jack diddly.

They can kiss my arse

That makes no sense. If anything they'd go down, from death by starving, right?

They'll be homeless first.

now now... we are talking food stamps... not section 8 and welfare....

Don't you just love it. There are thousands and thousands of homeless in HER country, and she is spazing out over seven or eight dollars a month in food stamps on THIS country.
Soon Republicans will have food stamps banned altogether and the number of homeless people will skyrocket.
and how in the fuck would a god damn foreign bitch know this about America? Do you fucking live here?
Jesus fucking christ just shut the fuck up. We know you hate this country because your country will never be as great as America is.

LOL. America was about to send the world into a recession because they couldn't decide whether or not to raise the debt ceiling. Not to mention YOUR country caused the last recession, which MY country avoided.

And lets not mention the fact that you started a war you couldn't win without OUR help, because no way would you Yanks fight a war yourselves, gotta spread the death around, don't we?

Your country shouldn't be so dependent on my country.
LOL. America was about to send the world into a recession because they couldn't decide whether or not to raise the debt ceiling. Not to mention YOUR country caused the last recession, which MY country avoided.

And lets not mention the fact that you started a war you couldn't win without OUR help, because no way would you Yanks fight a war yourselves, gotta spread the death around, don't we?
oh horse fucking shit.

So you never fell into a recession? People never lost their jobs?


You bet we did. Under Obama!
Soon Republicans will have food stamps banned altogether and the number of homeless people will skyrocket.

The government is bankrupt. It cannot pay 233 trillion in unfunded liabilities, 17 trillion in debt, or 1 quadrillion from the derivitive scam. It will collapse, and the Republicans will be just as much to blame as the left. We're all going to starve. The U.S. is only concerned with maintaining the wealth of elitists via it's never ending lust for war and empire expansion. 162 out of some 190 countries have U.S. boots on the ground, including yours. The U.S. is a blight on humanity and deserves to swept into the dustbin of history.

RC someone has hacked your account! Whocoulditbe?

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