Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

LOL. America was about to send the world into a recession because they couldn't decide whether or not to raise the debt ceiling. Not to mention YOUR country caused the last recession, which MY country avoided.

And lets not mention the fact that you started a war you couldn't win without OUR help, because no way would you Yanks fight a war yourselves, gotta spread the death around, don't we?
oh horse fucking shit.

So you never fell into a recession? People never lost their jobs?

And again horse shit, America didn't cause the world recession nor start a war they couldn't win. America could bomb the hell out of the world and kill ever cock sucker there is
There fore as I said Horse shit.
Why bother? It's hard to motivate yourself. It's even harder when you have nothing to lose.

Depending on expenses, sometimes I can understand why people stay on welfare. If they were paid more to work, they'd get a job.

Some single mums here stay on welfare because they won't earn enough with a full time job when you factor in the massive costs of childcare. I can understand that - you want to have as much money as possible to care for your kids.

Makes sense.

But if the "safety net" wasn't there, I think they'd find a way to provide for their kids just as mothers have been doing since time began.

Or they wouldn't have kids they couldn't afford. Or maybe the women would be a bit more selective of their potential baby daddies.
To what end? we already spend more per student than anywhere else in the world (somewhere around 14k per student per year). Statistically, test scores are static regardless of how much money we spend, so throwing more money at schools isn't the answer. So what is it you want school to do that it isn't now?
SNAP critics, alarmed that the government’s tab for food stamps has more than doubled since 2008 to almost $80 billion, say the program needs to be scaled back.
No, House republicans need to stop wasting time with this and similar nonsense and focus instead on jobs and the economy.

With Americans back to work and earning more income, the need for food stamps will decrease, and with it its budget.

Instead we have republicans refusing to address jobs and the economy and at the same time seeking to decrease food stamp benefits for Americans who need SNAP as a consequence of republican inaction.
To what end? we already spend more per student than anywhere else in the world (somewhere around 14k per student per year). Statistically, test scores are static regardless of how much money we spend, so throwing more money at schools isn't the answer. So what is it you want school to do that it isn't now?

I want our educational system so we aren't 17th in the world.

How about adopting Japans, Norway or south Korea's system that kicks our ass by far.
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The worst thing about my step granddaughter's poverty is that she had dreams at one time. She wanted a career. She wanted to go to culinary school and be a chef. When she saw how well paid she would be in poverty it sucked the ambition right out of her. She's content to lay around smoking dope all the time now.

Sounds like she could be a success but requires the motivation. Its a shame but people can be so talented and have so much to offer but prefer not to show the world their talents.

She doesn't exist.
SNAP critics, alarmed that the government’s tab for food stamps has more than doubled since 2008 to almost $80 billion, say the program needs to be scaled back.
No, House republicans need to stop wasting time with this and similar nonsense and focus instead on jobs and the economy.

With Americans back to work and earning more income, the need for food stamps will decrease, and with it its budget.

Instead we have republicans refusing to address jobs and the economy and at the same time seeking to decrease food stamp benefits for Americans who need SNAP as a consequence of republican inaction.

The White House and senate are controlled by democrats ..... Republicans are incompetent, stupid, racist, jingoistic, inbreds.... But they've outsmarted the brilliant campaigner in chief and his laser like focus on the economy.




Sell crazy somewhere else pal.

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LOL. America was about to send the world into a recession because they couldn't decide whether or not to raise the debt ceiling. Not to mention YOUR country caused the last recession, which MY country avoided.

And lets not mention the fact that you started a war you couldn't win without OUR help, because no way would you Yanks fight a war yourselves, gotta spread the death around, don't we?
oh horse fucking shit.

So you never fell into a recession? People never lost their jobs?


I think he was reacting to the whole Australia war winning thing.:confused:
What a pompous ass Penn Gillette is.. beating up strawmen seems to be his forte.

NOBODY thinks its "compassion" to vote for a government that helps its CITIZENS.

Its enlightened SELF INTEREST to see to it that everybody in your nation is doing as well as possible.

That DOES seem to be the one thing most of our resident libertarians cannot quite fathom: the whole POINT of government is to help citizens because when you neighbors do well, so do YOU.

Then convince me, don't force me.

and the whole point is most of this crap is fine at the state/local level, but it was never the intent of the federal government to do it.

Finally, these programs are not designed to get people back into being productive, they are designed to keep them fat, entertained and paid, and to give a cushy lifetime job to some burecratic hack(s) to keep the people on the program.

I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all.
I pledge of Allegiance to the flag of
the United States of America and to the Republic
for which it stands, one nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all.
Anti America and a liar.:eusa_whistle:
Anti America is shutting down the government and threatening the world economy while having a temper tantrum.

Really ? Allowing failure to continue as normal day to day operation that should be shut down. Either fix the failure or stop the process. Since democrats don't want to fix it, We stop it.

LOL. And get your assed kicked right out the door in 2014:lol:
Anti America is shutting down the government and threatening the world economy while having a temper tantrum.

Really ? Allowing failure to continue as normal day to day operation that should be shut down. Either fix the failure or stop the process. Since democrats don't want to fix it, We stop it.

LOL. And get your assed kicked right out the door in 2014:lol:

So you think failure is a good thing.
To what end? we already spend more per student than anywhere else in the world (somewhere around 14k per student per year). Statistically, test scores are static regardless of how much money we spend, so throwing more money at schools isn't the answer. So what is it you want school to do that it isn't now?

I want our educational system so we aren't 17th in the world.

How about adopting Japans, Norway or south Korea's system that kicks our ass by far.

All of those countries have socialized medicine and don't let their hungry citizens, starve.

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