Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

The benefits of a productive life are pretty hard to realize when you're sitting in a section 8 apartment, collecting welfare, eating food purchased with food stamps.

Yeah, life is hard. I get it.

But a handout never helped anyone, at least not over the long haul....

My step granddaughter does pretty well. Her benefits net over $60,000 a year. Aside from food stamps, the kids eat 3 meals a day at school, she goes to the pantry for free food once a week, she is the only one in the family that can afford beef roasts. She brings one over for dinner once in awhile. She has a very nice 3bedroom apartment on section 8 with central air conditioning. She doesn't have a car. She gets a bus card free and has taxi vouchers also free. Her landline telephone is reduced to $5.00 a month but the cell phone is free. The cell has outgoing 250 minutes a month so she has three of them. In addition she provides child care services to her friend and gets paid by the state for that. The friend provides child care services for my step granddaughter and gets paid by the state for that.

Poverty is a very big well paid scam.
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Soon Republicans will have food stamps banned altogether and the number of homeless people will skyrocket.

The government is bankrupt. It cannot pay 233 trillion in unfunded liabilities, 17 trillion in debt, or 1 quadrillion from the derivitive scam. It will collapse, and the Republicans will be just as much to blame as the left. We're all going to starve. The U.S. is only concerned with maintaining the wealth of elitists via it's never ending lust for war and empire expansion. 162 out of some 190 countries have U.S. boots on the ground, including yours. The U.S. is a blight on humanity and deserves to swept into the dustbin of history.
The benefits of a productive life are pretty hard to realize when you're sitting in a section 8 apartment, collecting welfare, eating food purchased with food stamps.

Yeah, life is hard. I get it.

But a handout never helped anyone, at least not over the long haul....

My step granddaughter does pretty well. Her benefits net over $60,000 a year. Aside from food stamps, the kids eat 3 meals a day at school, she goes to the pantry for free food once a week, she is the only one in the family that can afford beef roasts. She brings one over for dinner once in awhile. She has a very nice 3bedroom apartment on section 8 with central air conditioning. She doesn't have a car. She gets a bus card free and has taxi vouchers also free. Her landline telephone is reduced to $5.00 a month but the cell phone is free. The cell has outgoing 250 minutes a month so she has three of them. In addition she provides child care services to her friend and gets paid by the state for that. The friend provides child care services for my step granddaughter and gets paid by the state for that.

Poverty is a very big well paid scam.

There is something wrong when someone can get over $1000a week for being unemployed. I work and I only earn around $24,000 a year.

How does she do it?
The worst thing about my step granddaughter's poverty is that she had dreams at one time. She wanted a career. She wanted to go to culinary school and be a chef. When she saw how well paid she would be in poverty it sucked the ambition right out of her. She's content to lay around smoking dope all the time now.
The benefits of a productive life are pretty hard to realize when you're sitting in a section 8 apartment, collecting welfare, eating food purchased with food stamps.

Yeah, life is hard. I get it.

But a handout never helped anyone, at least not over the long haul....

My step granddaughter does pretty well. Her benefits net over $60,000 a year. Aside from food stamps, the kids eat 3 meals a day at school, she goes to the pantry for free food once a week, she is the only one in the family that can afford beef roasts. She brings one over for dinner once in awhile. She has a very nice 3bedroom apartment on section 8 with central air conditioning. She doesn't have a car. She gets a bus card free and has taxi vouchers also free. Her landline telephone is reduced to $5.00 a month but the cell phone is free. The cell has outgoing 250 minutes a month so she has three of them. In addition she provides child care services to her friend and gets paid by the state for that. The friend provides child care services for my step granddaughter and gets paid by the state for that.

Poverty is a very big well paid scam.

There is something wrong when someone can get over $1000a week for being unemployed. I work and I only earn around $24,000 a year.

How does she do it?

She learned how to game the system and has four children by four different men. Not that she knows who the men are. She hasn't a clue.
The worst thing about my step granddaughter's poverty is that she had dreams at one time. She wanted a career. She wanted to go to culinary school and be a chef. When she saw how well paid she would be in poverty it sucked the ambition right out of her. She's content to lay around smoking dope all the time now.

Sounds like she could be a success but requires the motivation. Its a shame but people can be so talented and have so much to offer but prefer not to show the world their talents.
The worst thing about my step granddaughter's poverty is that she had dreams at one time. She wanted a career. She wanted to go to culinary school and be a chef. When she saw how well paid she would be in poverty it sucked the ambition right out of her. She's content to lay around smoking dope all the time now.

That is my point. Life is worthless when you're given everything for free. We've lost our national work ethic.
The worst thing about my step granddaughter's poverty is that she had dreams at one time. She wanted a career. She wanted to go to culinary school and be a chef. When she saw how well paid she would be in poverty it sucked the ambition right out of her. She's content to lay around smoking dope all the time now.

Sounds like she could be a success but requires the motivation. Its a shame but people can be so talented and have so much to offer but prefer not to show the world their talents.

Why bother? It's hard to motivate yourself. It's even harder when you have nothing to lose.
so we cut the food stamp program by 5% and save about 1.8 billion. The actual reduction in benefits paid to recipients is just 1.34 billion. The .46 billion is administration and fraud costs, the majority of which goes to pay bureaucrats employed by the program.
The money doesn't go away, in fact the people who actually earned the money will be able to spend it themselves.
Yup some people will eat less, but, ya know, why not let the producers get fat for the moment. That will give them more incentive to produce more while the people who are a bit hungry may just get the incentive to join those that produce.

The Food Stamp Program is one of the nation’s largest programs providing benefits directly to low-income families. In 2006, the program provided benefits to 26.7 million people in an average month, at a combined federal and state cost of $35.8 billion. While most of these funds were spent on food stamp benefits for families, administrative costs totaled $4.8 to $5.7 billion, depending on how such costs are defined.
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The worst thing about my step granddaughter's poverty is that she had dreams at one time. She wanted a career. She wanted to go to culinary school and be a chef. When she saw how well paid she would be in poverty it sucked the ambition right out of her. She's content to lay around smoking dope all the time now.

Sounds like she could be a success but requires the motivation. Its a shame but people can be so talented and have so much to offer but prefer not to show the world their talents.

Hunger is great motivation. So is shame. The largest problem with current society is that people are no longer ashamed to live off of the labor of others.
The worst thing about my step granddaughter's poverty is that she had dreams at one time. She wanted a career. She wanted to go to culinary school and be a chef. When she saw how well paid she would be in poverty it sucked the ambition right out of her. She's content to lay around smoking dope all the time now.

Sounds like she could be a success but requires the motivation. Its a shame but people can be so talented and have so much to offer but prefer not to show the world their talents.

Why bother? It's hard to motivate yourself. It's even harder when you have nothing to lose.

Depending on expenses, sometimes I can understand why people stay on welfare. If they were paid more to work, they'd get a job.

Some single mums here stay on welfare because they won't earn enough with a full time job when you factor in the massive costs of childcare. I can understand that - you want to have as much money as possible to care for your kids.
Soon Republicans will have food stamps banned altogether and the number of homeless people will skyrocket.
and how in the fuck would a god damn foreign bitch know this about America? Do you fucking live here?
Jesus fucking christ just shut the fuck up. We know you hate this country because your country will never be as great as America is.

LOL. America was about to send the world into a recession because they couldn't decide whether or not to raise the debt ceiling. Not to mention YOUR country caused the last recession, which MY country avoided.

And lets not mention the fact that you started a war you couldn't win without OUR help, because no way would you Yanks fight a war yourselves, gotta spread the death around, don't we?

then why are you so worried about us cutting our spending?

You should the one saying cut out every entitlement... boot the damn illegals... kill obamacare....

but what do you do... you cheer it all on. spend spend spend.....
The benefits of a productive life are pretty hard to realize when you're sitting in a section 8 apartment, collecting welfare, eating food purchased with food stamps.

Yeah, life is hard. I get it.

But a handout never helped anyone, at least not over the long haul....

My step granddaughter does pretty well. Her benefits net over $60,000 a year. Aside from food stamps, the kids eat 3 meals a day at school, she goes to the pantry for free food once a week, she is the only one in the family that can afford beef roasts. She brings one over for dinner once in awhile. She has a very nice 3bedroom apartment on section 8 with central air conditioning. She doesn't have a car. She gets a bus card free and has taxi vouchers also free. Her landline telephone is reduced to $5.00 a month but the cell phone is free. The cell has outgoing 250 minutes a month so she has three of them. In addition she provides child care services to her friend and gets paid by the state for that. The friend provides child care services for my step granddaughter and gets paid by the state for that.

Poverty is a very big well paid scam.

There is something wrong when someone can get over $1000a week for being unemployed. I work and I only earn around $24,000 a year.

How does she do it?

entitlements..... you know...the ones you dont want cut back..... :lol:
Sounds like she could be a success but requires the motivation. Its a shame but people can be so talented and have so much to offer but prefer not to show the world their talents.

Why bother? It's hard to motivate yourself. It's even harder when you have nothing to lose.

Depending on expenses, sometimes I can understand why people stay on welfare. If they were paid more to work, they'd get a job.

Some single mums here stay on welfare because they won't earn enough with a full time job when you factor in the massive costs of childcare. I can understand that - you want to have as much money as possible to care for your kids.

Makes sense.

But if the "safety net" wasn't there, I think they'd find a way to provide for their kids just as mothers have been doing since time began.
Why bother? It's hard to motivate yourself. It's even harder when you have nothing to lose.

Depending on expenses, sometimes I can understand why people stay on welfare. If they were paid more to work, they'd get a job.

Some single mums here stay on welfare because they won't earn enough with a full time job when you factor in the massive costs of childcare. I can understand that - you want to have as much money as possible to care for your kids.

Makes sense.

But if the "safety net" wasn't there, I think they'd find a way to provide for their kids just as mothers have been doing since time began.

the problem is...the "softy net" is a warm fuzzy comfortable nest.
Depending on expenses, sometimes I can understand why people stay on welfare. If they were paid more to work, they'd get a job.

Some single mums here stay on welfare because they won't earn enough with a full time job when you factor in the massive costs of childcare. I can understand that - you want to have as much money as possible to care for your kids.

Makes sense.

But if the "safety net" wasn't there, I think they'd find a way to provide for their kids just as mothers have been doing since time began.

the problem is...the "softy net" is a warm fuzzy comfortable nest.

With plasma tv sets, swimming pools, a gym, and pleather furniture!!


Hilarious! Typical liberal economic idiocy.

More consumers = more profit for the supplier = more jobs.

Maybe not as good as it generated based on innovation and new businesses. That of course takes education which would expand the jobs market.

More consumers = more profit for the supplier = more jobs.

That assumes the people taxed to provide these benefits don't also consume, create profit for suppliers and create more jobs.

Like I said, typical liberal economic idiocy.

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