Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

What's so bad about being hungry? I grew up hungry. It's a great motivator. At 15 I got a part time job while going through high school. $1.10/hr. Loaned money to our mother to buy groceries and clothing. My younger brother sold weed to buy the younger siblings things they otherwise would never have had. It didn't last long - only 7 years before we climbed out of poverty and paid the bills dad left behind.

Get a fucking grip. Americans are spoiled rotten.

Time to legalize pot so hundreds of thousands of jobs can be made legal.
congress beats up on the hungry - chicago sun-times

i guess all i can say is i am glad my grandparents are dead, and nobody in my extended family is in need. I cannot think about those who will be affected. My government refuses to - so i can't.

I do hope everybody sees the disconnect between "this is a christian nation" and "we are done feeding the hungry."

nearly 1 million vets face food stamps cut |

anybody else wondering why corporate welfare is good, but helping our fellow americans is bad?

you're glad your grandparents are dead?

if i had family members that were struggling, they wouldn't need the government for assistance.

but i see that you would leave it up to the almighty government to help those in your family that may be in need.

You've indeed shown your true character.
Bingo? Really.

Or maybe I have enough to make my own ends meet.

You can be SUCH an ass.
Our local food bank (run by the Lutheran church, manned by Lutheran volunteers, supplemented by a big garden that is on the grounds and grown by the lutherans) is wonderful. You walk through a big storage room with a volunteer, they give you a choice of meats, and whatever they have on their shelves. Milk, flour, a variety of specialty items, veggies...fresh and canned, beans, rice, bread. Is it necessarily what you WANT? No, it's donated. So you get what you get. But what you get will keep you and your family from starving.

You want insane? I make cheese. Lots of cheese. Because of government regulation, I am prohibited from selling my cheese to willing buyers. Not only that, I cannot donate my cheese to food pantries. No matter, I and my family eat this cheese with no ill affect. That my cheese is made the way cheese has been made for centuries before government interference. People can damned well starve before government sanctioned food pantries will allow their clients to eat my (very healthy) cheese.
Not the whole board. :)
Just a few that have no clue but like to place judgement.
Already covered it.
Soldiers should be paid more.
Let's give them a living wage, vets should not be forced onto food stamps.
We could fund better paid soldiers and cater to our veterans if we cut aid to, mmmmmm, let's say India, india doesn't need billions in aid from the USA.

The elderly should have budgeted better, they didn't realise they were going to old one day?
What children? Do children apply for foodstamps?
Shouldn't their parents be feeding them?

Let's not forget that government has been extorting funds from the (currently) elderly for most of their lives, promising some modicum of financial security when they retired. I'd be perfectly happy to forgo any potential benefit if only they'd pay me back what I'd paid into SS.

That's right. A private fund manager would likely find himself in jail if he absconded with the money. But this is government. What's theirs is theirs and what's ours is theirs.

Wish I had more rep to give you! That's too horribly true.
DoD: 5,000 Military Families Losing Food Stamps |

"Military members who receive SNAP tend to be made up of members in junior pay grades with larger than average household sizes," said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, a Defense Department spokesman.

And we seniors were told when we were young that we should not depend on SS to be our only source of income in our old age. Some just didn't listen and spent every dime they ever had. Planning for retirement is really hard when you are a widow raising two children alone. But security your own future is the biggest favor you can ever do your children.

And some planned, but didn't see what was coming healthwise. I should still be working. I MISS working. I MISS being in the public, painting furniture, hauling persian rugs in and out of the shop or managing someone else's shop or being front desk clerk at a motel or managing apartment complexes and painting and rehabing them. I MISS being needed and earning a wage. But...I have been denied FIVE TIMES from SSI. They said my health problems don't stop me from working. Um. yes they do. So...I have to make due until I turn 62 and get my SS. THEN I can get OFF the foodstamps. I hate handouts. Although I paid for that right all my life, for others, when I started working at age 16. My turn.

Just try to find work at your age, too!
And we seniors were told when we were young that we should not depend on SS to be our only source of income in our old age. Some just didn't listen and spent every dime they ever had. Planning for retirement is really hard when you are a widow raising two children alone. But security your own future is the biggest favor you can ever do your children.

And some planned, but didn't see what was coming healthwise. I should still be working. I MISS working. I MISS being in the public, painting furniture, hauling persian rugs in and out of the shop or managing someone else's shop or being front desk clerk at a motel or managing apartment complexes and painting and rehabing them. I MISS being needed and earning a wage. But...I have been denied FIVE TIMES from SSI. They said my health problems don't stop me from working. Um. yes they do. So...I have to make due until I turn 62 and get my SS. THEN I can get OFF the foodstamps. I hate handouts. Although I paid for that right all my life, for others, when I started working at age 16. My turn.

Just try to find work at your age, too!

What makes you think I haven't?
Speaking of foodbanks and churches. Here in my neck of the woods, there are a few churches that give out food on a weekly basis. I never go, but the roomie does, and so does the inlaws. They have to draw a ticket with a number on it, then wait. Some people get there hours early, write their name on the bag, leave the bag in the line, go somewhere, then come back and get in the line where their bag is. First ones in the door get the pick of the food, so those WAYYY back there? They are shit out of luck. And, what is worse, the food being given is dated 2011 and some 2012. Nothing is 2013 expiration. And the meat, if any is there? Rotten. Stinks. I told the roomie to stop bringing her meat home...if she wants meat, I will share some of mine. And the canned food? Watch for bulging cans..of which there were quite a few. I say shame on the church for handing out poison.

UP here, you can sign up on the "moose call" list. When a moose it hit by a car or train, they call down the list until someone responds and agrees to come salvage the meat. An average sized moose can yield 600 lbs of meat. That'll feed a family for a good while.

They made eating road kill legal in TN. Shame to let that nice deer just lie there and rot!

Absolutely! Lots of good meat. Once, I counted 160 dead deer carcasses on trip half-way through PA. What a waste!
A moose died in my yard one year. She had been "lightly" hit by an auto. The Troopers called in the next name on the list. All that remained were a few bloodstains in the snow. Meat is meat, regardless of how it finds its way onto the table. Alaskans are keenly aware of this fact.
you're glad your grandparents are dead?

if i had family members that were struggling, they wouldn't need the government for assistance.

but i see that you would leave it up to the almighty government to help those in your family that may be in need.

You've indeed shown your true character.
Bingo? Really.

Or maybe I have enough to make my own ends meet.

You can be SUCH an ass.

So can you. You have a point...other than the one on your head?
And some planned, but didn't see what was coming healthwise. I should still be working. I MISS working. I MISS being in the public, painting furniture, hauling persian rugs in and out of the shop or managing someone else's shop or being front desk clerk at a motel or managing apartment complexes and painting and rehabing them. I MISS being needed and earning a wage. But...I have been denied FIVE TIMES from SSI. They said my health problems don't stop me from working. Um. yes they do. So...I have to make due until I turn 62 and get my SS. THEN I can get OFF the foodstamps. I hate handouts. Although I paid for that right all my life, for others, when I started working at age 16. My turn.

Just try to find work at your age, too!

What makes you think I haven't?

Goozfrabbe! I'm on your side on this issue. The value of "seasoned" workers is highly undervalued.
And we seniors were told when we were young that we should not depend on SS to be our only source of income in our old age. Some just didn't listen and spent every dime they ever had. Planning for retirement is really hard when you are a widow raising two children alone. But security your own future is the biggest favor you can ever do your children.

And some planned, but didn't see what was coming healthwise. I should still be working. I MISS working. I MISS being in the public, painting furniture, hauling persian rugs in and out of the shop or managing someone else's shop or being front desk clerk at a motel or managing apartment complexes and painting and rehabing them. I MISS being needed and earning a wage. But...I have been denied FIVE TIMES from SSI. They said my health problems don't stop me from working. Um. yes they do. So...I have to make due until I turn 62 and get my SS. THEN I can get OFF the foodstamps. I hate handouts. Although I paid for that right all my life, for others, when I started working at age 16. My turn.

Just try to find work at your age, too!

I could have a job tomorrow if I wanted it. I have never not been able to find a job. Jobs come looking for me.
UP here, you can sign up on the "moose call" list. When a moose it hit by a car or train, they call down the list until someone responds and agrees to come salvage the meat. An average sized moose can yield 600 lbs of meat. That'll feed a family for a good while.

They made eating road kill legal in TN. Shame to let that nice deer just lie there and rot!

Absolutely! Lots of good meat. Once, I counted 160 dead deer carcasses on trip half-way through PA. What a waste!
A moose died in my yard one year. She had been "lightly" hit by an auto. The Troopers called in the next name on the list. All that remained were a few bloodstains in the snow. Meat is meat, regardless of how it finds its way onto the table. Alaskans are keenly aware of this fact.

So are Kentuckians. We had on our ballot this past election the choice between reducing the deer overpopulation by hunting or by euthanasia. Hunting won.
Considering that the food stamp rolls were artifically increased by recruiters, those who signed up just because they got free stuff can go back to taking care of themselves. Why wont these greedy sobs think of the really in need and stop bleeding the system.
Considering that the food stamp rolls were artifically increased by recruiters, those who signed up just because they got free stuff can go back to taking care of themselves. Why wont these greedy sobs think of the really in need and stop bleeding the system.

Because they don't care about anyone else, sad to say. I know someone like that....take, take, take. Even though they have money to spare...if they can get something free that could go to someone that really truly needs it, they will park themselves to get it themselves. Sad sad sad. And nothing anyone can do until the system is fixed.
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