Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

Speaking of foodbanks and churches. Here in my neck of the woods, there are a few churches that give out food on a weekly basis. I never go, but the roomie does, and so does the inlaws. They have to draw a ticket with a number on it, then wait. Some people get there hours early, write their name on the bag, leave the bag in the line, go somewhere, then come back and get in the line where their bag is. First ones in the door get the pick of the food, so those WAYYY back there? They are shit out of luck. And, what is worse, the food being given is dated 2011 and some 2012. Nothing is 2013 expiration. And the meat, if any is there? Rotten. Stinks. I told the roomie to stop bringing her meat home...if she wants meat, I will share some of mine. And the canned food? Watch for bulging cans..of which there were quite a few. I say shame on the church for handing out poison.

I know for a fact that church food banks in this area do not accept food that is outdated for liability reasons. But I myself have outdated food on my shelf and I use it. It does not turn to poison on the day it expires. Try again. That was an epic fail.

It's the grasping, elitist, "I DESERVE BETTER! even though I've done nothing to deserve ANYTHING" mantra.

Combined with the complete cluelessness of the takers like gracie and her buds.

Anyone who has cooked for any amount of time knows how you deal with meat. I've cooked a lot of meat that didn't smell fantastic..sometimes it doesn't. So you (pay close attention, gracie) wash it off. Yeah. It's tricky.

Chicken, pull the skin off. They have nasty skin, and if they have been sitting a bit, it is exceedingly rank. Pull it off.

I canned some chicken here a few weeks back that had been sitting in the bottom of my fridge for WEEKS. It made the best canned chicken I've ever made so far, lol. I pulled the skin off, rinsed it off..I didn't even bone it (and I was concerned that the bone in cooking might render it too strong for human which event, I was going to feed it to the dogs).

I kept the bone in because pressure cooking results in soft bones, which I then feed to my pack.

The stuff is delicious, I'm going to use some tonight.

I've used venison that hung for weeks, and then went into my fridge for weeks. You could cut it with a fork.

Did it smell great? No, not before I dressed it. I.e., cut off the hard, dry stuff, removed the white stuff, rinsed it all off thoroughly. It doesn't taste good if your fridge smells like shit.

Anyway. The graspers and the takers don't know how to make do because they've never had to. They just sit on their fat lard asses and wait for other people to shovel the food in.

And it better be Grade A wonderful shit, too!
congress beats up on the hungry - chicago sun-times

starting friday, food stamp benefits will be trimmed back because a temporary boost from the 2009 stimulus bill is expiring. More than 47 million americans — one in seven — will see less food on their plates. A family of four, for example, will get $36 less a month. That might not seem like much until you consider the average household monthly benefit is only $287. The congressional budget office expects spending on food stamps in fiscal 2014 to fall by $5 billion.

As a result, the illinois hunger coalition says, more than 2 million illinois residents — including about 349,000 seniors and 886,000 children — will have to tighten their belts just as home heating bills are about to soar.

And it could just be a step on the way to more cuts. Both houses of congress have passed bills that would further trim food stamps, technically known as the supplemental nutrition assistance program. The house would cut food stamps by $4 billion a year and would tighten eligibility. The senate bill would cut just $400 million. Talks on a compromise bill began wednesday afternoon.

Snap critics, alarmed that the government’s tab for food stamps has more than doubled since 2008 to almost $80 billion, say the program needs to be scaled back. But that’s not taking into account how many people are struggling financially. Although about 20 percent of the increase is due to the stimulus, which is ending, much of the rest is due to the struggling economy, as more people’s incomes drop to levels at which they qualify for aid.

i guess all i can say is i am glad my grandparents are dead, and nobody in my extended family is in need. I cannot think about those who will be affected. My government refuses to - so i can't.

I do hope everybody sees the disconnect between "this is a christian nation" and "we are done feeding the hungry."

nearly 1 million vets face food stamps cut |

about 900,000 veterans and 5,000 active duty troops face cuts in their food stamp benefits beginning thursday as $5 billion is automatically trimmed from the supplemental nutrition assistance program (snap) program for low-income families.

"the coming benefit cut will reduce snap benefits, which are already modest, for all households by 7 percent on average, or about $10 per person per month," according to an analysis by the center for budget and policy priorities.

"nationwide, in any given month, a total of 900,000 veterans nationwide lived in households that relied on snap to provide food for their families in 2011," according to an analysis of census data, the center's report said.

anybody else wondering why corporate welfare is good, but helping our fellow americans is bad?

you're glad your grandparents are dead?

if i had family members that were struggling, they wouldn't need the government for assistance.

but i see that you would leave it up to the almighty government to help those in your family that may be in need.

You've indeed shown your true character.
Congress beats up on the hungry - Chicago Sun-Times

Starting Friday, food stamp benefits will be trimmed back because a temporary boost from the 2009 stimulus bill is expiring. More than 47 million Americans — one in seven — will see less food on their plates. A family of four, for example, will get $36 less a month. That might not seem like much until you consider the average household monthly benefit is only $287. The Congressional Budget Office expects spending on food stamps in fiscal 2014 to fall by $5 billion.

As a result, the Illinois Hunger Coalition says, more than 2 million Illinois residents — including about 349,000 seniors and 886,000 children — will have to tighten their belts just as home heating bills are about to soar.

And it could just be a step on the way to more cuts. Both houses of Congress have passed bills that would further trim food stamps, technically known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The House would cut food stamps by $4 billion a year and would tighten eligibility. The Senate bill would cut just $400 million. Talks on a compromise bill began Wednesday afternoon.

SNAP critics, alarmed that the government’s tab for food stamps has more than doubled since 2008 to almost $80 billion, say the program needs to be scaled back. But that’s not taking into account how many people are struggling financially. Although about 20 percent of the increase is due to the stimulus, which is ending, much of the rest is due to the struggling economy, as more people’s incomes drop to levels at which they qualify for aid.

I guess all I can say is I am glad my grandparents are dead, and nobody in my extended family is in need. I cannot think about those who will be affected. My government refuses to - so I can't.

I do hope everybody sees the disconnect between "this is a Christian nation" and "we are done feeding the hungry."

Nearly 1 Million Vets Face Food Stamps Cut |

About 900,000 veterans and 5,000 active duty troops face cuts in their food stamp benefits beginning Thursday as $5 billion is automatically trimmed from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program for low-income families.

"The coming benefit cut will reduce SNAP benefits, which are already modest, for all households by 7 percent on average, or about $10 per person per month," according to an analysis by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.

"Nationwide, in any given month, a total of 900,000 veterans nationwide lived in households that relied on SNAP to provide food for their families in 2011," according to an analysis of census data, the Center's report said.

Anybody else wondering why corporate welfare is good, but helping our fellow Americans is bad?

As a result, the Illinois Hunger Coalition says, more than 2 million Illinois residents — including about 349,000 seniors and 886,000 children — will have to tighten their belts just as home heating bills are about to soar.

This is awful!
Does this mean the inner-city obesity rate will drop?
Our local food bank (run by the Lutheran church, manned by Lutheran volunteers, supplemented by a big garden that is on the grounds and grown by the lutherans) is wonderful. You walk through a big storage room with a volunteer, they give you a choice of meats, and whatever they have on their shelves. Milk, flour, a variety of specialty items, veggies...fresh and canned, beans, rice, bread. Is it necessarily what you WANT? No, it's donated. So you get what you get. But what you get will keep you and your family from starving.
Well no..not really.

Liberals believe in fair play, equality, liberty, know..stuff you know nothing about.

It's incredible we live in a country that literally throws food away to up the profit margin and we have people that bust their humps on a daily basis that can't adequately feed their families.

This country was never started to create a new aristocracy.

Stop blowing smoke up your arse. Liberals only believe in one thing their agenda and how to get more votes to push their agenda.

What is it with conservative men and men's asses?


And what's that agenda?

I mean I know your guys agenda.

White Evangelist Theocracy.

So go..what's "our" agenda?

Well we know your agenda. You have been sitting here all day posting and will be here most of the night. You either get SNAP or you are working for the DNC.
I spoke with a crazy woman who complained about the food pantry. She was disabled because of some accident she'd been in. She received over a thousand a month in child support, she received various disability and insurance payments, bringing her gross income well over $2000 a month, for herself and one child.

And she could whine for HOURS about how desperate she was, how she *needed* OHP even though she already had MEDICARE, how her foodstamps weren't enough for her and her child to eat (oh, no rent, lived with dad), how she'd gone to the food pantry once but the food looked wilted.

I tell ya. My heart about broke. Not.
I can assure any Conservative on this board I'm in a whole other league when it comes to necessary sadism. But beating up on poor folks is wrong and beating up on hungry folks is disgraceful. I know there is rampant fraud in the EBT system. I know illegals and refugess from all over the world are eating on our dime. But c'mon....the vast majority of SNAP users cannot find work and have to feed their families on less than $5 a day per person. Junk food serves two purposes for most of these's cheaper than good nutrious food, and it's comfort against the despair of years of joblessness. When I see the want-ads for work going unanswered then I will believe as some of you do to just end the EBT....until then you should channel your anger at the banker sons of bitches who did this to our country 5 years ago and are in the middle-stages of doing it to us again.

And then there are those who sit and post on here all day............just sayin'.
Soldiers, veterans, children and the elderly. DO try to focus.

Already covered it.
Soldiers should be paid more.
Let's give them a living wage, vets should not be forced onto food stamps.
We could fund better paid soldiers and cater to our veterans if we cut aid to, mmmmmm, let's say India, india doesn't need billions in aid from the USA.

The elderly should have budgeted better, they didn't realise they were going to old one day?
What children? Do children apply for foodstamps?
Shouldn't their parents be feeding them?

Let's not forget that government has been extorting funds from the (currently) elderly for most of their lives, promising some modicum of financial security when they retired. I'd be perfectly happy to forgo any potential benefit if only they'd pay me back what I'd paid into SS.
The cuts come at a time when food pantries across the country are already stretched to the limit, Triada Stampas, senior director of government relations for the Food Bank For New York City, the nation’s largest emergency food organization, told NewsOne. The USDA says 49 million Americans are food insecure, meaning they cannot afford adequate amounts of food. That amounts to 1 in 6 Americans.

“We are talking about asking people to purchase a year’s worth of food with 11 months of money. The benefits were barely adequate to begin with,” said Stampas.

Instead of having just $1.50 to spend per meal, SNAP participants will see that drop 10 cents to $1.40 per meal. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says that will add up to 21 less meals per month. With most SNAP participants running out of food by the third week of the month, advocates fear that will happen even earlier.

Food Stamp Cuts Will Leave 47 Million Families Hungrier | News One

And how do the fine people of this board suggest that they cope.

Veterans, soldiers and their families shouldn't need to be on assistance anyway. But they do. And they are. And seniors. I know there's fraud. This is NOT how to fix that. A lot of good people are going to be in a world of hurt because of what's happening here.

DoD: 5,000 Military Families Losing Food Stamps |

"Military members who receive SNAP tend to be made up of members in junior pay grades with larger than average household sizes," said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, a Defense Department spokesman.

And we seniors were told when we were young that we should not depend on SS to be our only source of income in our old age. Some just didn't listen and spent every dime they ever had. Planning for retirement is really hard when you are a widow raising two children alone. But security your own future is the biggest favor you can ever do your children.
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Wish our churches could learn from that Lutheran one. And the people leaving bags there in the line, then leaving, then coming back.....good thing I don't go. I'd put the bags at the end of the line.

The grocery store has a HUGE bin for food donators...people and pets. When we go to the grocery store...we stock up on what is on sale then toss in a few items. Kinda spread the courtesy sorta thing. I was afraid the roomie would eat some of that crap being handed out so I said when I can..I will share meals with her. She and hubby had stroganof tonight. I had a gluten free hotdog. :)
Doesn't sound like much but fills me up and noodles filled up the roomie and hubby. I ain't complainin'!
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Soldiers, veterans, children and the elderly. DO try to focus.

Already covered it.
Soldiers should be paid more.
Let's give them a living wage, vets should not be forced onto food stamps.
We could fund better paid soldiers and cater to our veterans if we cut aid to, mmmmmm, let's say India, india doesn't need billions in aid from the USA.

The elderly should have budgeted better, they didn't realise they were going to old one day?
What children? Do children apply for foodstamps?
Shouldn't their parents be feeding them?

Let's not forget that government has been extorting funds from the (currently) elderly for most of their lives, promising some modicum of financial security when they retired. I'd be perfectly happy to forgo any potential benefit if only they'd pay me back what I'd paid into SS.

That's right. A private fund manager would likely find himself in jail if he absconded with the money. But this is government. What's theirs is theirs and what's ours is theirs.
Food Stamp Cuts Will Leave 47 Million Families Hungrier | News One

And how do the fine people of this board suggest that they cope.

Veterans, soldiers and their families shouldn't need to be on assistance anyway. But they do. And they are. And seniors. I know there's fraud. This is NOT how to fix that. A lot of good people are going to be in a world of hurt because of what's happening here.

DoD: 5,000 Military Families Losing Food Stamps |

"Military members who receive SNAP tend to be made up of members in junior pay grades with larger than average household sizes," said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, a Defense Department spokesman.

And we seniors were told when we were young that we should not depend on SS to be our only source of income in our old age. Some just didn't listen and spent every dime they ever had. Planning for retirement is really hard when you are a widow raising two children alone. But security your own future is the biggest favor you can ever do your children.

And some planned, but didn't see what was coming healthwise. I should still be working. I MISS working. I MISS being in the public, painting furniture, hauling persian rugs in and out of the shop or managing someone else's shop or being front desk clerk at a motel or managing apartment complexes and painting and rehabing them. I MISS being needed and earning a wage. But...I have been denied FIVE TIMES from SSI. They said my health problems don't stop me from working. Um. yes they do. So...I have to make due until I turn 62 and get my SS. THEN I can get OFF the foodstamps. I hate handouts. Although I paid for that right all my life, for others, when I started working at age 16. My turn.
The church used to take of this but now everyone hates Christians because of the faggot agenda so it's hard to give a damn about people and their food stamps.
Speaking of foodbanks and churches. Here in my neck of the woods, there are a few churches that give out food on a weekly basis. I never go, but the roomie does, and so does the inlaws. They have to draw a ticket with a number on it, then wait. Some people get there hours early, write their name on the bag, leave the bag in the line, go somewhere, then come back and get in the line where their bag is. First ones in the door get the pick of the food, so those WAYYY back there? They are shit out of luck. And, what is worse, the food being given is dated 2011 and some 2012. Nothing is 2013 expiration. And the meat, if any is there? Rotten. Stinks. I told the roomie to stop bringing her meat home...if she wants meat, I will share some of mine. And the canned food? Watch for bulging cans..of which there were quite a few. I say shame on the church for handing out poison.

I know for a fact that church food banks in this area do not accept food that is outdated for liability reasons. But I myself have outdated food on my shelf and I use it. It does not turn to poison on the day it expires. Try again. That was an epic fail.

It's the grasping, elitist, "I DESERVE BETTER! even though I've done nothing to deserve ANYTHING" mantra.

Combined with the complete cluelessness of the takers like gracie and her buds.

Anyone who has cooked for any amount of time knows how you deal with meat. I've cooked a lot of meat that didn't smell fantastic..sometimes it doesn't. So you (pay close attention, gracie) wash it off. Yeah. It's tricky.

Chicken, pull the skin off. They have nasty skin, and if they have been sitting a bit, it is exceedingly rank. Pull it off.

I canned some chicken here a few weeks back that had been sitting in the bottom of my fridge for WEEKS. It made the best canned chicken I've ever made so far, lol. I pulled the skin off, rinsed it off..I didn't even bone it (and I was concerned that the bone in cooking might render it too strong for human which event, I was going to feed it to the dogs).

I kept the bone in because pressure cooking results in soft bones, which I then feed to my pack.

The stuff is delicious, I'm going to use some tonight.

I've used venison that hung for weeks, and then went into my fridge for weeks. You could cut it with a fork.

Did it smell great? No, not before I dressed it. I.e., cut off the hard, dry stuff, removed the white stuff, rinsed it all off thoroughly. It doesn't taste good if your fridge smells like shit.

Anyway. The graspers and the takers don't know how to make do because they've never had to. They just sit on their fat lard asses and wait for other people to shovel the food in.

And it better be Grade A wonderful shit, too!

When I was a girl, if we ran out of something we didn't go to the grocery and get more. We were just out of it. Now, if you run out of may, you drop by Wally World and get another along with several bags of junk. People don't know how to manage their money because they have never had to. There have always been people who are givers and people who are takers. They could not do without one another. Seriously. Our government needs to get out of that game.
I see my stalker is still vying for my attention by twisting whatever I say into something else. Eye roll.
DoD: 5,000 Military Families Losing Food Stamps |

"Military members who receive SNAP tend to be made up of members in junior pay grades with larger than average household sizes," said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, a Defense Department spokesman.

And we seniors were told when we were young that we should not depend on SS to be our only source of income in our old age. Some just didn't listen and spent every dime they ever had. Planning for retirement is really hard when you are a widow raising two children alone. But security your own future is the biggest favor you can ever do your children.

And some planned, but didn't see what was coming healthwise. I should still be working. I MISS working. I MISS being in the public, painting furniture, hauling persian rugs in and out of the shop or managing someone else's shop or being front desk clerk at a motel or managing apartment complexes and painting and rehabing them. I MISS being needed and earning a wage. But...I have been denied FIVE TIMES from SSI. They said my health problems don't stop me from working. Um. yes they do. So...I have to make due until I turn 62 and get my SS. THEN I can get OFF the foodstamps. I hate handouts. Although I paid for that right all my life, for others, when I started working at age 16. My turn.

Most people who want disability just want to retire. Or they don't want to move away from friends to a place where a jobs is. I've had them up to my eyeballs everywhere I work. I had one who came to me and I would bite, then he went to the Dr. and he wouldn't bite, then he went to another of our clinics. The administrator said, 'you have said he is not disabled, Dr. So and So said he is not disabled, how did he get an appointment in another clinic for the same agenda.'

Anyone who can sit on the computer all day is doing data entry. Just sayin'.
Uh-huh. Okay.

Listen, I don't know about you lot, but I've been pretty damn poor. And my budget likely would not have done well with "Sorry, but that raise we gave you four years ago? Yeah - we're taking that back."

Hell, I wouldn't do so fine NOW.

then the lesson to be learned from never EVER give them a bonus again

A NOT a raise.

fuck 'um.
Awwwwwwww EBT card holders like the surfer dude will have to cut down on his lobster lunches. It's just heartbreaking.

We have the fattest poor people in the world. They are not only NOT going hungry, they are stuffed to the point where their health is impaired. If the poor get any hungrier, we will be able to roll them down the street to McDonalds for a refill.

And we, the hard-working stiffs, are now being forced to subsidize their health care for their obesity.

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