Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

Stop blowing smoke up your arse. Liberals only believe in one thing their agenda and how to get more votes to push their agenda.

And you think conservatives don't?

Actually it isn't.

Conservatives simply don't believe in the vote.

Rafael "Ted" Cruz son of Rafael Cruz, "Reformed" Commie Castro Fighter is now a "Dominionist" and believes that leaders are chosen by god. And that those leaders should gain power by any means possible and create a Theocracy.

Sure we do. Legally registered and verified votes. Why do liberals fear that? Can't win without fraud?
I can assure any Conservative on this board I'm in a whole other league when it comes to necessary sadism. But beating up on poor folks is wrong and beating up on hungry folks is disgraceful. I know there is rampant fraud in the EBT system. I know illegals and refugess from all over the world are eating on our dime. But c'mon....the vast majority of SNAP users cannot find work and have to feed their families on less than $5 a day per person. Junk food serves two purposes for most of these's cheaper than good nutrious food, and it's comfort against the despair of years of joblessness. When I see the want-ads for work going unanswered then I will believe as some of you do to just end the EBT....until then you should channel your anger at the banker sons of bitches who did this to our country 5 years ago and are in the middle-stages of doing it to us again.
And you think conservatives don't?

Liberal agenda has been shown to be bad for America it's in action right now and yes Conservatives have an agenda also back to the roots of the founding of this country.

Yes..Conservatives wanted to remain British Subjects.

They were called Tories and Loyalists back then.

so what do we call you liberals/lefties today who are subjects to the Democrat Party?
I call you UnAmercian lock stepping sheep
I can assure any Conservative on this board I'm in a whole other league when it comes to necessary sadism. But beating up on poor folks is wrong and beating up on hungry folks is disgraceful. I know there is rampant fraud in the EBT system. I know illegals and refugess from all over the world are eating on our dime. But c'mon....the vast majority of SNAP users cannot find work and have to feed their families on less than $5 a day per person. Junk food serves two purposes for most of these's cheaper than good nutrious food, and it's comfort against the despair of years of joblessness. When I see the want-ads for work going unanswered then I will believe as some of you do to just end the EBT....until then you should channel your anger at the banker sons of bitches who did this to our country 5 years ago and are in the middle-stages of doing it to us again.

This is all because of obama's policy.
I can assure any Conservative on this board I'm in a whole other league when it comes to necessary sadism. But beating up on poor folks is wrong and beating up on hungry folks is disgraceful. I know there is rampant fraud in the EBT system. I know illegals and refugess from all over the world are eating on our dime. But c'mon....the vast majority of SNAP users cannot find work and have to feed their families on less than $5 a day per person. Junk food serves two purposes for most of these's cheaper than good nutrious food, and it's comfort against the despair of years of joblessness. When I see the want-ads for work going unanswered then I will believe as some of you do to just end the EBT....until then you should channel your anger at the banker sons of bitches who did this to our country 5 years ago and are in the middle-stages of doing it to us again.

This is all because of obama's policy.'s on Alan Greenspan for believing the Wall Street boys could control themselves.....he's admitted it and is very depressed. Bring the jobs back home...end the outsourcing and offshoring and you'll see this economy BOOM....and the welfare rolls cut to the bone.
Awwwwwwww EBT card holders like the surfer dude will have to cut down on his lobster lunches. It's just heartbreaking.

We have the fattest poor people in the world. They are not only NOT going hungry, they are stuffed to the point where their health is impaired. If the poor get any hungrier, we will be able to roll them down the street to McDonalds for a refill.
I generally don't talk about men's asses. Not something I am into.

And what about California? After they punted Conservative Hero and Hitler Praiser, the Lying Govenator himself, Ahnold "I never cheated on Maria but I have an out of wedlock son" Schwarzenegger..they are getting on sound fiscal footing thanks to Jerry Brown.

So what do you want to discuss? The clean cities? Their economy? What?

I was just there. Couldn't believe how nice it was.

That was funny.

California's fiscal footing is solid air and empty promises.


I'm sure Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck and the boys and girls at Saudi FOX propaganda tell you that each and every day..


Here in the real world, we work with math.

That is cute.

I will use a local source to refute your puff piece.

Even liberals should reject Gov. Brown - Daily Democrat Online

I live in California, you can't fool me.
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I live in California too. California fiddles the books until they get to a projected budget surplus. Then they spend it as if it was real.
Hmm I kept thinking how in the world a temporary stimulus program ending is beating up on the poor. Then I remembered Leftytoons think not raising spending is a cut.
Hmm I kept thinking how in the world a temporary stimulus program ending is beating up on the poor. Then I remembered Leftytoons think not raising spending is a cut.


Even permitting a "temporary" increase to go un-renewed is a "cut." The lesson to be learned is actually, that one can never ever rationally trust a Democrat seeking a "temporary" increase in ANY spending legislation.
Uh-huh. Okay.

Listen, I don't know about you lot, but I've been pretty damn poor. And my budget likely would not have done well with "Sorry, but that raise we gave you four years ago? Yeah - we're taking that back."

Hell, I wouldn't do so fine NOW.
The cuts come at a time when food pantries across the country are already stretched to the limit, Triada Stampas, senior director of government relations for the Food Bank For New York City, the nation’s largest emergency food organization, told NewsOne. The USDA says 49 million Americans are food insecure, meaning they cannot afford adequate amounts of food. That amounts to 1 in 6 Americans.

“We are talking about asking people to purchase a year’s worth of food with 11 months of money. The benefits were barely adequate to begin with,” said Stampas.

Instead of having just $1.50 to spend per meal, SNAP participants will see that drop 10 cents to $1.40 per meal. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says that will add up to 21 less meals per month. With most SNAP participants running out of food by the third week of the month, advocates fear that will happen even earlier.

Food Stamp Cuts Will Leave 47 Million Families Hungrier | News One

And how do the fine people of this board suggest that they cope.

Veterans, soldiers and their families shouldn't need to be on assistance anyway. But they do. And they are. And seniors. I know there's fraud. This is NOT how to fix that. A lot of good people are going to be in a world of hurt because of what's happening here.
The cuts come at a time when food pantries across the country are already stretched to the limit, Triada Stampas, senior director of government relations for the Food Bank For New York City, the nation’s largest emergency food organization, told NewsOne. The USDA says 49 million Americans are food insecure, meaning they cannot afford adequate amounts of food. That amounts to 1 in 6 Americans.

“We are talking about asking people to purchase a year’s worth of food with 11 months of money. The benefits were barely adequate to begin with,” said Stampas.

Instead of having just $1.50 to spend per meal, SNAP participants will see that drop 10 cents to $1.40 per meal. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says that will add up to 21 less meals per month. With most SNAP participants running out of food by the third week of the month, advocates fear that will happen even earlier.

Food Stamp Cuts Will Leave 47 Million Families Hungrier | News One

And how do the fine people of this board suggest that they cope.

Veterans, soldiers and their families shouldn't need to be on assistance anyway. But they do. And they are. And seniors. I know there's fraud. This is NOT how to fix that. A lot of good people are going to be in a world of hurt because of what's happening here.

DoD: 5,000 Military Families Losing Food Stamps |

"Military members who receive SNAP tend to be made up of members in junior pay grades with larger than average household sizes," said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, a Defense Department spokesman.
if I recall, obama is spending something like $110 more per head than bush did....?

The reduction is equal to $11 per head, I think thats the correct figure.......


Democrats Protest $5 Billion Food Stamp Cut They Voted For

Posted: 10/29/2013 3:46 pm EDT

WASHINGTON -- A group of nine Democratic members of the House of Representatives held a press conference outside the Capitol on Tuesday to demand Congress avert an automatic food stamp cut scheduled to take effect on Friday.

"The average family of four will see a $36 cut in their monthly benefits, bringing the average per-person benefit from $1.50 a meal to $1.40 a meal," Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) said. "Shame on this Congress for allowing this to happen."

But the cut, which will reduce monthly benefits for all 47 million Americans enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program by roughly 7 percent, is happening thanks mainly to Democratic votes that hastened the demise of a benefit increase from the 2009 stimulus bill. Each of the representatives at Tuesday's presser voted with their party for a pair of 2010 spending bills that set the cuts in motion.
more at-
Democrats Protest $5 Billion Food Stamp Cut They Voted For
The cuts come at a time when food pantries across the country are already stretched to the limit, Triada Stampas, senior director of government relations for the Food Bank For New York City, the nation’s largest emergency food organization, told NewsOne. The USDA says 49 million Americans are food insecure, meaning they cannot afford adequate amounts of food. That amounts to 1 in 6 Americans.

“We are talking about asking people to purchase a year’s worth of food with 11 months of money. The benefits were barely adequate to begin with,” said Stampas.

Instead of having just $1.50 to spend per meal, SNAP participants will see that drop 10 cents to $1.40 per meal. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says that will add up to 21 less meals per month. With most SNAP participants running out of food by the third week of the month, advocates fear that will happen even earlier.

Food Stamp Cuts Will Leave 47 Million Families Hungrier | News One

And how do the fine people of this board suggest that they cope.

Veterans, soldiers and their families shouldn't need to be on assistance anyway. But they do. And they are. And seniors. I know there's fraud. This is NOT how to fix that. A lot of good people are going to be in a world of hurt because of what's happening here.

they'll cope the same way the last 40 million that were supposed to go hungry and live on the streets did when Clinton signed the Welfare Bill.....
I was in Wally World this morning to snag the T-Day turkey.....28lbs.....98 cents a pound....cheapest and most nutritious meat on the market this time of year. No rioters, nobody screaming or speaking in tongues.....I guess the EBT crowd just has to tighten the belt a little tighter is all. What I did notice is the canned goods have all SHRUNK. Same with bread....anybody notice how tiny the slices are anymore? And forget beef.......too expensive to mess with although I did go to another market for a nice pot roast that would have cost $6 when Dubya was in office but now costs $13. My point is the SNAP crowd not only has less to spend on decent food, but there's also less of it for the money. It seems plentiful and cheap food is becoming a thing of the past thanks to the company bosses. Never in my life have I been so ashamed of the free enterprise system. :(
Congress beats up on the hungry - Chicago Sun-Times

Starting Friday, food stamp benefits will be trimmed back because a temporary boost from the 2009 stimulus bill is expiring. More than 47 million Americans — one in seven — will see less food on their plates. A family of four, for example, will get $36 less a month. That might not seem like much until you consider the average household monthly benefit is only $287. The Congressional Budget Office expects spending on food stamps in fiscal 2014 to fall by $5 billion.

As a result, the Illinois Hunger Coalition says, more than 2 million Illinois residents — including about 349,000 seniors and 886,000 children — will have to tighten their belts just as home heating bills are about to soar.

And it could just be a step on the way to more cuts. Both houses of Congress have passed bills that would further trim food stamps, technically known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The House would cut food stamps by $4 billion a year and would tighten eligibility. The Senate bill would cut just $400 million. Talks on a compromise bill began Wednesday afternoon.

SNAP critics, alarmed that the government’s tab for food stamps has more than doubled since 2008 to almost $80 billion, say the program needs to be scaled back. But that’s not taking into account how many people are struggling financially. Although about 20 percent of the increase is due to the stimulus, which is ending, much of the rest is due to the struggling economy, as more people’s incomes drop to levels at which they qualify for aid.

I guess all I can say is I am glad my grandparents are dead, and nobody in my extended family is in need. I cannot think about those who will be affected. My government refuses to - so I can't.

I do hope everybody sees the disconnect between "this is a Christian nation" and "we are done feeding the hungry."

Nearly 1 Million Vets Face Food Stamps Cut |

About 900,000 veterans and 5,000 active duty troops face cuts in their food stamp benefits beginning Thursday as $5 billion is automatically trimmed from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program for low-income families.

"The coming benefit cut will reduce SNAP benefits, which are already modest, for all households by 7 percent on average, or about $10 per person per month," according to an analysis by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.

"Nationwide, in any given month, a total of 900,000 veterans nationwide lived in households that relied on SNAP to provide food for their families in 2011," according to an analysis of census data, the Center's report said.

Anybody else wondering why corporate welfare is good, but helping our fellow Americans is bad?

You're glad your grandparents are dead, because foodstamp recipients are seeing a small cut in their benefits?



Were your grandparents on foodstamps, too?
Christians are perfectly willing to provide food and other things to the poor. We do it all the time.

Lefties, on the other hand, hate churches, and expect them to allow government to do it...and they expect churches to PAY the government TO do it.

No thanks. Those of us who defend liberty defend our right to disburse our money and largesse at will. Not to have the government take it from us by force, and then redistribute it as THEY see fit.

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