Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

Okay, it's different if the product is defective. I don't think gun manufacturers do background checks. Those are the people who MAKE and/or assemble the weapons. Besides, it's already been established that a background check would not have prevented this crime

One phone call to Joker's university. "Hey, we have one of your students here, and he wants to buy a AR-15 and a 100 round drum magazine. Oh yeah, and his hair is dyed orange and he keeps repeating Heath Ledger's lines from The Dark Knight."

Oh, wait. That sentence by itself should have raised flags.

"But the Founding Slave Rapists wanted us to have guns! Freeeeeedom!!!!!"
What is the line? Oh yeah, that's right. If you don't want to have a gun, don't buy one.

And watch out, I heard there are packs of feral guns roaming the countryside, and there's one in your backyard.
more idiocy. the gun makers don't water down background checks

nor do the dealers. Idiot

Of course thy have. The reason why this couple lost (and it makes you feel good to soak grieving parents for a quarter of a million doesn't it?) is because after the DC Sniper went on his rampage, a court found the gun dealers and manufacturers liable for one million dollars. (Mohammed was a convicted felon and Malvo was a minor- either of which should have disqualifed them from buying guns). The NRA went back to congress and got a law passed that immunized gun sellers from liability.
What is the line? Oh yeah, that's right. If you don't want to have a gun, don't buy one.

And watch out, I heard there are packs of feral guns roaming the countryside, and there's one in your backyard

Actually, what I had in my condo complex was a neighbor who shot out into the parking lot in a suicide attempt before doing it right a few weeks later.

If the cops had taken his gun then, he might still be alive today.
dont confuse a background check with a background investigation

But why aren't we doing background investigations?

The Media was able to find out Joker Holmes was batshit crazy within a day of the shooting. The same with Loughner, or Cho, or Lanza.

It wasn't like their insanity was a secret. IN Holmes case, his university was in the process of expelling him for his mental issues.

Now, finding it hard to believe any of these guys were brilliant at hiding their issues. But it really should be on the gun industry to make sure these guys can't get guns.

After Timothy McVeigh did his thing, the manufacturers of fertilizers put in a whole series of checks to monitor who was buying their product and reporting anything suspicious to the government. After 9-11, we did a whole lot of things to make the airports more secure.

But guns? Meh, let's slap the grieving parents of someone killed by a madman who was able to buy a gun with a quarter million dollar penalty for wanting their day in court.
What is the line? Oh yeah, that's right. If you don't want to have a gun, don't buy one.

And watch out, I heard there are packs of feral guns roaming the countryside, and there's one in your backyard

Actually, what I had in my condo complex was a neighbor who shot out into the parking lot in a suicide attempt before doing it right a few weeks later.

If the cops had taken his gun then, he might still be alive today.

if frogs had wings they wouldnt bump their asses.....
what is that sound....
o frogs bumping thier asses
if frogs had wings they wouldnt bump their asses.....
what is that sound....
o frogs bumping thier asses

Not really a good comparison.

This guy shot out his patio door window, and when the police responded, he lied to them and tried to claim someone shot in at him.

(Which was immediately proven a lie by the fact the glass was scattered OUTSIDE.)

Now, he had endangered his neighbors by firing a gun in a residential area, and he lied to the police. Two good reasons for the cops to take his gun. They didn't. He shot himself three weeks later.

Why didn't the cops take his gun? Probably because the NRA has police departments so scared of litigation they can't protect citizens. Instead they buy bigger guns, military surplus vehicles and we wonder why we don't feel all that safe.
hindsight is 20/20 and a person wanting to kill them selves will find a way....of the suicides i have known.....1 used a shotgun...1 used pills...1 used a car and then there are the questionable ones....accident or not....there are so many ways to kill oneself
What is the line? Oh yeah, that's right. If you don't want to have a gun, don't buy one.

And watch out, I heard there are packs of feral guns roaming the countryside, and there's one in your backyard

Actually, what I had in my condo complex was a neighbor who shot out into the parking lot in a suicide attempt before doing it right a few weeks later.

If the cops had taken his gun then, he might still be alive today.
Are there no laws against discharging a firearm in a residential area in your neighborhood? If there are and he violated them, it's a matter of the authorities not enforcing existing law.
if frogs had wings they wouldnt bump their asses.....
what is that sound....
o frogs bumping thier asses

Not really a good comparison.

This guy shot out his patio door window, and when the police responded, he lied to them and tried to claim someone shot in at him.

(Which was immediately proven a lie by the fact the glass was scattered OUTSIDE.)

Now, he had endangered his neighbors by firing a gun in a residential area, and he lied to the police. Two good reasons for the cops to take his gun. They didn't. He shot himself three weeks later.

Why didn't the cops take his gun? Probably because the NRA has police departments so scared of litigation they can't protect citizens. Instead they buy bigger guns, military surplus vehicles and we wonder why we don't feel all that safe.
Why don't you find out instead of speculating?
What is the line? Oh yeah, that's right. If you don't want to have a gun, don't buy one.

And watch out, I heard there are packs of feral guns roaming the countryside, and there's one in your backyard

Actually, what I had in my condo complex was a neighbor who shot out into the parking lot in a suicide attempt before doing it right a few weeks later.

If the cops had taken his gun then, he might still be alive today.

No, he would have got in his car and possibly killed someone else along with him. That's the deal with suicide, there are those who are going to succeed. The problem is when they take someone else with them.
Why don't you find out instead of speculating?

My town is urn by Republican assholes. the same kind that cheer when grieving parents have to pay money to the gun manufacturer that killed their daughter.
Does that mean you won't bother to find out, but will continue speculating?

I'm sure the Podunk PD was putting that fine casework on their weekly newsletter.

They messed up. They should have taken the guy's gun. That day.

But, um, er... Founding Fathers. Or something.
Does that mean you won't bother to find out, but will continue speculating?

I'm sure the Podunk PD was putting that fine casework on their weekly newsletter.

They messed up. They should have taken the guy's gun. That day.

But, um, er... Founding Fathers. Or something.
You're doing an awful lot of speculating and getting nowhere.
more idiocy. the gun makers don't water down background checks

nor do the dealers. Idiot

Of course thy have. The reason why this couple lost (and it makes you feel good to soak grieving parents for a quarter of a million doesn't it?) is because after the DC Sniper went on his rampage, a court found the gun dealers and manufacturers liable for one million dollars. (Mohammed was a convicted felon and Malvo was a minor- either of which should have disqualifed them from buying guns). The NRA went back to congress and got a law passed that immunized gun sellers from liability.

Gun sellers? You are full of it. Why do you lie? If you have an argument, then make it (although we all know that you do not) without lying.
[The NRA went back to congress and got a law passed that immunized gun sellers from liability.

Gun sellers? You are full of it. Why do you lie? If you have an argument, then make it (although we all know that you do not) without lying.

So essentially your profound ignorance of stuff is the other person lying?

Katrina vanden Heuvel The case for gun liability laws - The Washington Post

Then, in 2005, after a civil lawsuit brought after the Washington, D.C., sniper killings left the manufacturer Bushmaster with a $2 million bill, the NRA aggressively and successfully lobbied for the passage of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act , which offered permanent protection to gun makers.
why should the makers of a legitimate product be sued for the wrongful use of that product, hmmm? By that "logic' car makers should be liable for anyone who uses a car to kidnap, steal, kill, rape, etc, or to escape from justice. The entire concept of suing gunmakers was just a backdoor attempt at taking guns from legitimate owners, and we beat you at it. Just as we'll always beat you, cause we outnumber you, we're more passionate than you, we're smarter than you, we've got logic, reason and right on our side. Plus we've got all the guns, silencers, explosives and ability and willingness to use them. :)
We have every right to possess the means to effectively resist tyrants and their thugs. Bolt actions or shotguns don't suffice for that job. You need a takedown concealable military type autoloading rifle, with a silencer, so that you have no muzzleflash at night and so that Big Bro's thugs have trouble bringing accurate fire to bear on you.
Interesting thought: I'm watching "2001: A Space Odyssey" and the opening scene brings home the fact that people will find a way to kill, regardless of what tools are available to do so. The pre-humans are struggling to survive, until one figures out that he can kill prey using a large bone. The next thing, a member of a competing tribe falls victim to the bone-as-club. Take away firearms and the thugs will just use something else.

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