From 130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Were Shipped Across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 Election – Never Explained (VIDEO)

The DET 3AM van drop video exists for certain. Plus the initial Election crew denial. Then a yes, but it was food. Then another story, then more spin, then finally a “YES” it was late ballots.

be careful who you call liar. It is all out there and went over and over. Just not on CNN or FOX etc.
We need answers to how this happened and why it wasn't investigated. This was straight up treasonous voter fraud, plain and simple. People need to go to jail over this.

The Trump NaziCons just can't face the reality that Trump fairly lost the 2020 election. Trump also knows he lost. There was no widespread fraud that would have changed the outcome. Biden won - fairly. Period.

The Trump NaziCons just can't face the reality that Trump fairly lost the 2020 election. Trump also knows he lost. There was no widespread fraud that would have changed the outcome. Biden won - fairly. Period.

Why did leftist shitbirds cancel Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, motherfucker?

Was it nizigger Jim? Can't even say that shit here, what kind of free speech is that?

I'd have more free speech watching black dudes play Tonk n shit!

And they know my cracker ass ain't gonna play that shit, but we'll burn one.

I don't play Tonk, and they don't try to play 7 card no-peek.

That's reality. :102:
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3AM videos show the White Van backing up in the DET vote counting basement and Ballot people coming out to put the tubs on a cart to wheel back in.

It has probably been posted here many times for LW criminals to ignore. Then scream “you have no evidence”, “post some facts”. As you run off to other threads to sipn, lie and deflect. Do your own search you cheese dic’d arseJack.
Postal vans delivering MAIL!

Ohhhh myyyyy Godddddd!!!
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The driver (whistleblower) has made multiple public appearances and explained, in detail, the transportation of hundreds of thousands of fake ballots across state lines. The party of millionaires that like to fuck kids has only response - hey, look over there at Trump's bookkeeping error or fedsurrection or whatever.

They seem to be proud of being subhuman shit.

Whistleblower, you take care patriot. We don't want to find your carcass draped over a memorial cannon in a federal park with a suicide note in your pocket. There's more of us than them.... by 10's of millions.

stolen election asterisk.jpg
“Across state lines”… from one postal distribution center to another.

Jesus just stop you dopes
I want to throw mules in federal prison. Throw away the key. Just so I can hear you scream Felons should vote hogwash.

The vast majority of fentanyl entering the country comes through
Smuggled by CITIZENS
Postal vans delivering MAIL!

Ohhhh myyyyy Godddddd!!!

You are nothing but sheeple stock. Here is the video showing 3AM dropoff. It was not any postal truck.

Again, first they said it was food. Then the video came out and eyewitnesses. Then the spin began. They eventually owned up to the fact it was ballots. I can't find that right now as I am working. I need help in here. You can kiss off you spinning ArseJack.

Here the video showing many boxes of ballots.

suck on this maggots:

On Election Night 2020, multiple independent eyewitnesses claimed they saw a white van arrive at 3:30am, nearly 8 hours after the legal ballot deadline, with tens of thousands of illegal ballots for Joe Biden.

Shane Trejo ran to the GOP attorneys like an Election Day Paul Revere to warn them that fraud was occurring. Many others saw the Biden ballot drop. Jose Aliaga saw the ballots as they came into the counting boards at the TCF Center in Detroit, where every ballot was suspiciously marked the exact same way, and where under-voting down-ballot races were marked in the exact same suspicious way.

The media immediately brought cover to this potential evidence of fraud by claiming it was “camera equipment” and others said it was merely food being brought in for workers. But the witnesses are adamant that they saw boxes of ballots brought in, processed, and counted to add illegal votes to the totals for Joe Biden so that he could win Michigan’s electoral votes.

Even though there are no cameras allowed inside the counting area, where Detroit City officials would later cover the windows and illegally expel the GOP so they could not view the processing of ballots, there are over 600 cameras throughout the rest of the TCF center.

***video above clearly shows it was Ballot drop off. But the earlier claim was all Ballots were finished. Drop boxes had only ~1600 after midnight. Where did 60K ballots come from at 3AM. Never answered.

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