From Good to Bad to Worse

Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...
When Obama took office the stock market was at a 15 year low. The unemployment rate had been going up for 6 mos. and most economist expected it would reach 10% within a year. Retail sails were in the toilet. The Bush administration left him with largest budget deficit in actual dollars of any president. The banking criss was the worst the country had seen since the Great Depression.

Now, GDP is rising, consumer spending is the highest it has been since 2007 and unemployment is falling. The CBO estimates that the current 1.5 trillion dollar deficit will decrease by half by 2014.

I don't see any figures that support your statements.

Bush Leaving Next President Record Federal Budget Deficit
Congressional Budget Office - Home Page

Notice what they predict for after 2014? It's right back up there by 2020. And this is only the budget. Our Government hasn't stayed within the budget in decades. this Administration is spending way too much money we don't have. As did Bush. Only now it looks like a race to see how fast it can be spent.
This projection is from the Congressional Budget Office. It shows significant reductions in the deficit from the current high level. Is this projection correct? Of course it isn't. What economic projection is ever correct. However it does indicate a positive trend. If the economy continues to expand, tax revenues will rise. Provided tax increase are not too serve, they will increase revenue. I think gloom and doomsters are going to be proven dead wrong.

Projected Budget Deficit – Congressional Budget Office Baseline Plus Stimulus Bill | Perot Charts
Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...

how is your life bad right now? I can't speak for you, but I live in a nice home. I go to the store and get delicious food at an appropriate price with earned income. I sleep soundly at night.

What part of your life is bad right now? Are you so poor you can't afford basic living necessities and are looking for someone to blame? Are you undereducated and unemployed? Cuz it's easy to point fingers. So tell me - what part of your life has gone down the tubes since democrats have had a stronger say?
how is your life bad right now? I can't speak for you, but I live in a nice home. I go to the store and get delicious food at an appropriate price with earned income. I sleep soundly at night.

What part of your life is bad right now? Are you so poor you can't afford basic living necessities and are looking for someone to blame? Are you undereducated and unemployed? Cuz it's easy to point fingers. So tell me - what part of your life has gone down the tubes since democrats have had a stronger say?

Well.. I suppose since your doing fine.. life for everyone else is just a peachy..
So tell me. Is that really working out good for you?

I didn't vote for Obama and I'm giving him as much a chance as I give anybody who takes the job. He hasn't really pissed me off yet but I'm sure that will come. With Clinton it came with Waco. For Bush it was the War in Iraq, which was the one thing that kept me from voting for McCain. I would have voted for Ron Paul if I could have.

Is it working for me? I don't think it is working for anybody. But when I weigh a war I was against versus socialistic policies, I figure at least policies can be changed. Ever since '03 with the start of the Iraq War and '04 when we had so-called conservatives saying that "deficits didn't matter", I have figured the American Century is over. '03 & '04 reminded me so much of the 1970's, it surprises me how anybody views the resulting inflation that saw $4.00 a gallon gasoline and grocery and housing prices going through the roof as "good"? But then again, I saw the 70's as a train wreck and saw a repeat coming ever since '04.

In fairness, though, Gilbert... when you first joined the board you said that Obama voted aganst the Iraq War. You know jack shit.
how is your life bad right now? I can't speak for you, but I live in a nice home. I go to the store and get delicious food at an appropriate price with earned income. I sleep soundly at night.

What part of your life is bad right now? Are you so poor you can't afford basic living necessities and are looking for someone to blame? Are you undereducated and unemployed? Cuz it's easy to point fingers. So tell me - what part of your life has gone down the tubes since democrats have had a stronger say?

Well.. I suppose since your doing fine.. life for everyone else is just a peachy..

i noticed how you completely dodged the question. well done.

what i see is a bunch of whiners. babies with nothing wrong but cry because they see other babies crying. tell me what's wrong with your life, oh great complainers.
how is your life bad right now? I can't speak for you, but I live in a nice home. I go to the store and get delicious food at an appropriate price with earned income. I sleep soundly at night.

What part of your life is bad right now? Are you so poor you can't afford basic living necessities and are looking for someone to blame? Are you undereducated and unemployed? Cuz it's easy to point fingers. So tell me - what part of your life has gone down the tubes since democrats have had a stronger say?

Well.. I suppose since your doing fine.. life for everyone else is just a peachy..

i noticed how you completely dodged the question. well done.

what i see is a bunch of whiners. babies with nothing wrong but cry because they see other babies crying. tell me what's wrong with your life, oh great complainers.

For starters, they have a Black man in the White House and he's a Democrat. Can you think of a worse scenario for these goofballs than that?
how is your life bad right now? I can't speak for you, but I live in a nice home. I go to the store and get delicious food at an appropriate price with earned income. I sleep soundly at night.

What part of your life is bad right now? Are you so poor you can't afford basic living necessities and are looking for someone to blame? Are you undereducated and unemployed? Cuz it's easy to point fingers. So tell me - what part of your life has gone down the tubes since democrats have had a stronger say?

Well.. I suppose since your doing fine.. life for everyone else is just a peachy..

i noticed how you completely dodged the question. well done.

what i see is a bunch of whiners. babies with nothing wrong but cry because they see other babies crying. tell me what's wrong with your life, oh great complainers.

Why not ask the millions of unemployed since the Dems took over congress how their lives are doing. Some of us planned ahead for ourselves. Others couldn't. Regardless things do not look good in the USA today. (Unemployment, growing national debt, record deficits, etc...)
Well.. I suppose since your doing fine.. life for everyone else is just a peachy..

i noticed how you completely dodged the question. well done.

what i see is a bunch of whiners. babies with nothing wrong but cry because they see other babies crying. tell me what's wrong with your life, oh great complainers.

Why not ask the millions of unemployed since the Dems took over congress how their lives are doing. Some of us planned ahead for ourselves. Others couldn't. Regardless things do not look good in the USA today. (Unemployment, growing national debt, record deficits, etc...)

That's it. The bad economy hurried up our retirement as there simply wasn't enough work to go around. We can get by, certainly not luxuriously, but we didn't need the work in order to live. Others did. If things improve in the future and we still have our energy and stamina and all our marbles, we might wade back in.

But for the last several years, I've been looking at bottom lines of a lot of small and medium sized businesses, and I've never seen it as bad as it has been this past year or so. And it is foolish to think that just because we're doing okay, we don't have to consider how policy or legislation is affecting everybody else.

And if we don't turn this around soon, everybody is going to feel it.
Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Are you saying that spending $300,000 to "save" a $50,000/year job using money we don't have is a bad idea?

If that money was taken from a filthy rich dirty white boy, then no. It's called leveling the playing field.:lol:

Spoken like a true welfare mom.
Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...

right, the country wasn't struggling at all before Obama took office, and its not now rebounding a bit. Everybody knew this was a going to be a tough time economically, only partisan idiots like yourself would blame the dems and Obama solely for any economic downturn, which was obvious when even Bush was president
Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...

Prove it.

Prove it?

Summer 2006:
Economy was in better shape
Border w/ Mexico not as violent
Iran farther from a bomb than they are today
US president had not submitted and bowed to ever dictator and king within sight
US Gov't was not mandating that every citizen purchase a privately provided product
Supreme Court did not include an openly racist woman
GITMO was still open (wait, my bad)
It was not yet planned to bring terrorist to US soil for civilian trial
Unemployment was lower

Then, Democrats took control of House and Senate in 2006......presidency in 2008.....and look where we are now.

:cuckoo: typical ignorant hack post.
Why not ask the millions of unemployed since the Dems took over congress how their lives are doing. Some of us planned ahead for ourselves. Others couldn't. Regardless things do not look good in the USA today. (Unemployment, growing national debt, record deficits, etc...)
So just to be clear here: you're life is fine. And yet you're complaining. because numbers in a newspaper told you so. even though you are still fine.

I will repeat again: what i see is a bunch of whiners. babies with nothing wrong but cry because they see other babies crying. When the price of a gallon of milk or a gallon of gas exceeds $4, let me know. Alternately, find me someone who is willing to say how horrible their own life is. Until then, don't presume you should talk for others based on your interpretation of things.
Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...

Let's go to when the Dems took over congress in 2006. No one had a clue what the deficit was because the war funding was not included in Bush's budgets. The forces for the housing collapse were already in place. We had attacked the wrong country and lost 4K American soldiers as a result.

By the time Obama took office, the economy had already been run off the cliff and was heading for rock bottom. Health insurance costs were reducing companies' profit margins and employment had been stagnant since 2000.

Let's look at today. The economy has soft landed over the cliff it was driven over. The deficit has balooned in order to get this soft landing. Health insurance reform is now law (even thought the companies could use a public option rather than what the reform law has), financial reform is being prepared to try and not repeat the economic disaster from the last POTUS.

IF Obama can get the deficit undercontrol, all in all, I see progress.

As for your colorful language, IMO, it's just a ruse. Also, as for rose colored glasses, they beat the totally dark kind that you're apparently wearing which result in your only seeing doom and gloom despite what's really out there.
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Why not ask the millions of unemployed since the Dems took over congress how their lives are doing. Some of us planned ahead for ourselves. Others couldn't. Regardless things do not look good in the USA today. (Unemployment, growing national debt, record deficits, etc...)
So just to be clear here: you're life is fine. And yet you're complaining. because numbers in a newspaper told you so. even though you are still fine.

I will repeat again: what i see is a bunch of whiners. babies with nothing wrong but cry because they see other babies crying. When the price of a gallon of milk or a gallon of gas exceeds $4, let me know. Alternately, find me someone who is willing to say how horrible their own life is. Until then, don't presume you should talk for others based on your interpretation of things.

How about my 35 year old son who was laid off 8 months ago, still no work, had to move back home. And unemployment running out. Or a brother in a similar situation, but no where to move his family to. Or my next door neighbor. Certified Auto Mechanic, working out of his driveway to try to keep his house, since no one is hiring mechanics. The economy is not showing me any signs of recovery other than the modest gains on wall street, and this administration wants to punish them. And Gasoline is back up to $3 working towards $4. it will get there faster than you think.
How about my 35 year old son who was laid off 8 months ago, still no work, had to move back home. And unemployment running out. Or a brother in a similar situation, but no where to move his family to. Or my next door neighbor. Certified Auto Mechanic, working out of his driveway to try to keep his house, since no one is hiring mechanics. The economy is not showing me any signs of recovery other than the modest gains on wall street, and this administration wants to punish them. And Gasoline is back up to $3 working towards $4. it will get there faster than you think.


Not sure letting the kid move home would be what I'd do, but its your call, Sarge.

I've been where these guys are, and it ain't easy, (especially since it happened THRICE, and each time we just had another kid) but I had to Persevere, Improvise, and OVERCOME:

No more kids.
How about my 35 year old son who was laid off 8 months ago, still no work, had to move back home. And unemployment running out. Or a brother in a similar situation, but no where to move his family to. Or my next door neighbor. Certified Auto Mechanic, working out of his driveway to try to keep his house, since no one is hiring mechanics. The economy is not showing me any signs of recovery other than the modest gains on wall street, and this administration wants to punish them. And Gasoline is back up to $3 working towards $4. it will get there faster than you think.

Ah I see the complaint now. You need to put up with your son. :lol:
Why not ask the millions of unemployed since the Dems took over congress how their lives are doing. Some of us planned ahead for ourselves. Others couldn't. Regardless things do not look good in the USA today. (Unemployment, growing national debt, record deficits, etc...)
So just to be clear here: you're life is fine. And yet you're complaining. because numbers in a newspaper told you so. even though you are still fine.

I will repeat again: what i see is a bunch of whiners. babies with nothing wrong but cry because they see other babies crying. When the price of a gallon of milk or a gallon of gas exceeds $4, let me know. Alternately, find me someone who is willing to say how horrible their own life is. Until then, don't presume you should talk for others based on your interpretation of things.

How about my 35 year old son who was laid off 8 months ago, still no work, had to move back home. And unemployment running out. Or a brother in a similar situation, but no where to move his family to. Or my next door neighbor. Certified Auto Mechanic, working out of his driveway to try to keep his house, since no one is hiring mechanics. The economy is not showing me any signs of recovery other than the modest gains on wall street, and this administration wants to punish them. And Gasoline is back up to $3 working towards $4. it will get there faster than you think.

But you were against helping the auto companies (which w/o that help, I doubt your neighbor would even be repairing cars in his driveway). You were also against extending unemployment, which is what is keeping your brother afloat. You were also against trying to fix the finance industry where the credit comes from that would have allowed your son to keep his job.

You wingnuts complain and complain, then your families are the first to line up for the services you were complaining about.
How about my 35 year old son who was laid off 8 months ago, still no work, had to move back home. And unemployment running out. Or a brother in a similar situation, but no where to move his family to. Or my next door neighbor. Certified Auto Mechanic, working out of his driveway to try to keep his house, since no one is hiring mechanics. The economy is not showing me any signs of recovery other than the modest gains on wall street, and this administration wants to punish them. And Gasoline is back up to $3 working towards $4. it will get there faster than you think.


Not sure letting the kid move home would be what I'd do, but its your call, Sarge.

I've been where these guys are, and it ain't easy, (especially since it happened THRICE, and each time we just had another kid) but I had to Persevere, Improvise, and OVERCOME:

No more kids.

He hasn't been the first, I've had 2 of our kids, two of my brothers, and one niece with 1 year old son. thankfully at mostly different times. My house is the last stop before the street it seems like.

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