From the heart: Navajo Code Talkers

hahahahah--very silly
1. we didn't help much in beating the Germans--the Russians did it---if I need to provide proof for you, you do not know much about the war
2. the Pacific War was MUCH different than the European War
You have never been right about anything in your life and today is no different.
we broke the Japanese codes YET they DESTROYED our fleet at PHarbor
we LOST that battle
The best intelligence came from breaking Japanese codes.
Attack on Pearl Harbor: Why Weren't We Warned | HistoryNet
end of story

please go play in the kiddie area
Japanese codes were not broken until after Pearl.

On the morning of the 7th, Sunday, the fourteenth and last part of the final Japanese note was intercepted and decoded.
HyperWar: US Army in WWII: Strategy and Command: The First Two Years
Attack on Pearl Harbor: Why Weren't We Warned | HistoryNet
they were reading the secret information BEFORE the Japanese ambassadors were!!
The fourteen-part message breaking off negotiations with the United States in December 1941 on the eve of Pearl Harbour was in Purple; and was translated by the Americans in advance of the Japanese embassy staff who were preparing it for delivery.
Japanese army and diplomatic codes - Wikipedia
Apparently you’re unaware of the Japanese had different codes.
how did the Russians win with the CTs?
You have never been right about anything in your life and today is no different.
we broke the Japanese codes YET they DESTROYED our fleet at PHarbor
we LOST that battle
The best intelligence came from breaking Japanese codes.
Attack on Pearl Harbor: Why Weren't We Warned | HistoryNet
end of story

please go play in the kiddie area
Japanese codes were not broken until after Pearl.

On the morning of the 7th, Sunday, the fourteenth and last part of the final Japanese note was intercepted and decoded.
HyperWar: US Army in WWII: Strategy and Command: The First Two Years
Attack on Pearl Harbor: Why Weren't We Warned | HistoryNet
they were reading the secret information BEFORE the Japanese ambassadors were!!
The fourteen-part message breaking off negotiations with the United States in December 1941 on the eve of Pearl Harbour was in Purple; and was translated by the Americans in advance of the Japanese embassy staff who were preparing it for delivery.
Japanese army and diplomatic codes - Wikipedia
Apparently you’re unaware of the Japanese had different codes.
how did the Russians win with the CTs?
Your inability to understand military operations is self evident. Stop embarrassing yourself.
!!!!! 1. Navajo talkers were mainly tactical--they had nothing to do with the Midway/German codes etc operations
Code talker - Wikipedia
......tactical---so Iwo Jima is surrounded by the, IF the Japanese can break a ''standard'' USMC code, WTF do you think the Japanese are going to do?? come out of their caves/etc???!! NO.....
2. the USMC would've found another way to code messages

you people are typical of armchair generals----you think it's like a movie--like Windtalkers
.it's like these people that make up these '''what if''' WW2 situations that are so ridiculous, they are laughable
..the USMC would've found another way --would it have been unbreakable--maybe not---but they still would've won
I never said they were utilized world wide. I was discussing your statement that breaking codes was no big deal, when in fact it was everything.

Well, if the Japanese knew an assault was going to take place on the West side of the hill, you’d move all of your forces there to counter it. The tunnels were for movement within the ground as much as concealment.

And sure other codes could have been created. Half hour to code, another half hour to decode. Vs 20 seconds of “he says this” by a Navajo.

Don’t get all huffy.
.....that's right--that's what I said--the Code Talkers were not that big of a deal--not that important --not that important to winning the war/battles
Your opinion vs every military historian.
sure--we would've lost all those battles
Lousy straw man. But you need straw men.
I've been reading/researching WW2 for over 35 years
.....ALSO---until Iwo, most of these were SMALL/short/sharp/etc battles --Tarawa 76 hours !!!!---even Iwo was a very small island-small battle area compared to the Ost and Western fronts...... = Code Talkers are not going to make much of a difference in these type of battles
we broke the Japanese codes YET they DESTROYED our fleet at PHarbor
we LOST that battle
Attack on Pearl Harbor: Why Weren't We Warned | HistoryNet
end of story

please go play in the kiddie area
Japanese codes were not broken until after Pearl.

On the morning of the 7th, Sunday, the fourteenth and last part of the final Japanese note was intercepted and decoded.
HyperWar: US Army in WWII: Strategy and Command: The First Two Years
Attack on Pearl Harbor: Why Weren't We Warned | HistoryNet
they were reading the secret information BEFORE the Japanese ambassadors were!!
The fourteen-part message breaking off negotiations with the United States in December 1941 on the eve of Pearl Harbour was in Purple; and was translated by the Americans in advance of the Japanese embassy staff who were preparing it for delivery.
Japanese army and diplomatic codes - Wikipedia
Apparently you’re unaware of the Japanese had different codes.
how did the Russians win with the CTs?
Your inability to understand military operations is self evident. Stop embarrassing yourself.
...with so small battle areas--there is not much strategy used at all
I never said they were utilized world wide. I was discussing your statement that breaking codes was no big deal, when in fact it was everything.

Well, if the Japanese knew an assault was going to take place on the West side of the hill, you’d move all of your forces there to counter it. The tunnels were for movement within the ground as much as concealment.

And sure other codes could have been created. Half hour to code, another half hour to decode. Vs 20 seconds of “he says this” by a Navajo.

Don’t get all huffy.
.....that's right--that's what I said--the Code Talkers were not that big of a deal--not that important --not that important to winning the war/battles
Your opinion vs every military historian.
sure--we would've lost all those battles
Lousy straw man. But you need straw men.
I've been reading/researching WW2 for over 35 years
.....ALSO---until Iwo, most of these were SMALL/short/sharp/etc battles --Tarawa 76 hours !!!!---even Iwo was a very small island-small battle area compared to the Ost and Western fronts...... = Code Talkers are not going to make much of a difference in these type of battles
Not a good student then. Otherwise you’d know that every side who had their code cracked lost the war.
Code Talkers had no bearing on the Guadalcanal night battles
these were defensive battles for the US
.....that's right--that's what I said--the Code Talkers were not that big of a deal--not that important --not that important to winning the war/battles
Your opinion vs every military historian.
sure--we would've lost all those battles
Lousy straw man. But you need straw men.
I've been reading/researching WW2 for over 35 years
.....ALSO---until Iwo, most of these were SMALL/short/sharp/etc battles --Tarawa 76 hours !!!!---even Iwo was a very small island-small battle area compared to the Ost and Western fronts...... = Code Talkers are not going to make much of a difference in these type of battles
Not a good student then. Otherwise you’d know that every side who had their code cracked lost the war.
I ask one more time--how did the Aussies win WITHOUT the CTs?
Code Talkers had no bearing on the Guadalcanal night battles
these were defensive battles for the US
Guadicanal was defensive?

Good Lord, stop embarrassing yourself.

Full disclosure before you continue. I was good friends with two Guad and Iwo Marines, and my Grandfathers Brother was attached to a wind talker thru the duration of the war.

It’s your choice from here.
Code Talkers had no bearing on the Guadalcanal night battles
these were defensive battles for the US
Guadicanal was defensive?

Good Lord, stop embarrassing yourself.

Full disclosure before you continue. I was good friends with two Guad and Iwo Marines, and my Grandfathers Brother was attached to a wind talker thru the duration of the war.

It’s your choice from here. I know you don't know what you are talking about----- it was defensive until after Nov 1942
...they did aggressive patrols---I was in the USMC for 8 years---you patrol to get information/defensive purposes
YES --it was defensive---if you say it wasn't, I KNOW you don't know what you are talking about
Code Talkers had no bearing on the Guadalcanal night battles
these were defensive battles for the US
Guadicanal was defensive?

Good Lord, stop embarrassing yourself.

Full disclosure before you continue. I was good friends with two Guad and Iwo Marines, and my Grandfathers Brother was attached to a wind talker thru the duration of the war.

It’s your choice from here.
out of all of WW2, I've probably read about the Canal the most
Code Talkers had no bearing on the Guadalcanal night battles
these were defensive battles for the US
Guadicanal was defensive?

Good Lord, stop embarrassing yourself.

Full disclosure before you continue. I was good friends with two Guad and Iwo Marines, and my Grandfathers Brother was attached to a wind talker thru the duration of the war.

It’s your choice from here.
the major battles were the Japanese ATTACKING the USMC defensive positions:
Edson's Ridge
Henderson Field Battle
the US never went on the defensive really until after the USMC left
and by that time, the Japanese were done anyway
Code Talkers had no bearing on the Guadalcanal night battles
these were defensive battles for the US
Guadicanal was defensive?

Good Lord, stop embarrassing yourself.

Full disclosure before you continue. I was good friends with two Guad and Iwo Marines, and my Grandfathers Brother was attached to a wind talker thru the duration of the war.

It’s your choice from here.
the major battles were the Japanese ATTACKING the USMC defensive positions:
Edson's Ridge
Henderson Field Battle
the US never went on the defensive really until after the USMC left
and by that time, the Japanese were done anyway
Learn want a counter attack is and get back to the class with a report.
Code Talkers had no bearing on the Guadalcanal night battles
these were defensive battles for the US
Guadicanal was defensive?

Good Lord, stop embarrassing yourself.

Full disclosure before you continue. I was good friends with two Guad and Iwo Marines, and my Grandfathers Brother was attached to a wind talker thru the duration of the war.

It’s your choice from here.
out of all of WW2, I've probably read about the Canal the most
Well, while your reading about history, I’m involved in putting together what your reading.

Two More US Dead on D-Day June 6, 1944
Code Talkers had no bearing on the Guadalcanal night battles
these were defensive battles for the US
Guadalcanal was the first offensive battle of the Pacific, ignoramus.
it was a defensive battle for the US until after November
I know for sure now, you are a bootcamper when it comes to WW2
Yeah, sure. Invasion landings in enemy territory in order to take control of an island from enemy hands is a defensive action.

Thanks for the Orwellian history lesson.
Code Talkers had no bearing on the Guadalcanal night battles
these were defensive battles for the US
Guadalcanal was the first offensive battle of the Pacific, ignoramus.
you need to comprehend and learn the truth
as stated = '''defensive BATTLES''
the Japanese ATTACKED the US defensive area
now you are just being ridiculous and/or are not knowledgeable on the subject
Code Talkers had no bearing on the Guadalcanal night battles
these were defensive battles for the US
Guadalcanal was the first offensive battle of the Pacific, ignoramus.
you need to comprehend and learn the truth
as stated = '''defensive BATTLES''
the Japanese ATTACKED the US defensive area
now you are just being ridiculous and/or are not knowledgeable on the subject
You are one stupid dummy.
Normandy was defensive too because we held defensive positions!
Guadalcanal was an offensive operation. Cherry picking a few counteroffensives during the taking of the island from the enemy is laughable.
they were protecting the airfield
it was a LONG term defense
.....there were US RAIDS and long PATROLS--but the MAJOR battles were attacks by the Japanese---stated in previous posts stated, you are being silly and/or do not know the subject
they were protecting the airfield
it was a LONG term defense
.....there were US RAIDS and long PATROLS--but the MAJOR battles were attacks by the Japanese---stated in previous posts stated, you are being silly and/or do not know the subject
You’re stuck on stupid. US Marines took the island. That’s called offense.

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