From this former RW'er to current RW'ers: WHY are you still with GOP?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I have to ask this question, as a former right winger, now that the post-election shock has settled down just a bit: WHY are you right wingers STILL sticking with these GOP morons?

For one, lets just talk about basic politics 101. The Dems have a f**king mess to deal with. No doubt about that. And Obama's first 4 years were ugly. Lots of snafu's, lots of just dumb stuff, lots of spooky stuff.

But...if he and the Dems were THAT BAD....are you ready to entrust our nation to THE GROUP OF IDIOTS WHO COULDNT BEAT HIM??? If they couldnt even beat THIS president, how can they be trusted to run the country?? I mean, in a freakin recession, he said "You didnt build that" to business owners. And he beat the GOP.


The stubborness. The GOP is so damn old and stubborn. They'll commit political suicide rather than give in on social issues. They wont accept that society has changed.

The over reach. The GOP national agenda pushed a hardcore govt slashing campaign. The local and state Republicans took that and ran with it, and at first, it was a GOOD thing: They started tightening the belts of UNNECCESSARY government spending. Cutting some waste. Cutting a few parks, rec, and cultural expenditures. But then they got rabid. They started slashing into essential services like police, fire, roads. Here in South Carolina, they just announced we have a 30 BILLION dollar shortfall for road maintenance, and no clue where to get it. They also didnt fund an IT security program for the Dept of Revenue, and 4,000,000 residents had their personal info, SS number, bank numbers hacked and sent to Europe.

I cant for the life of me see how you folks will keep supporting the GOP. Does it mean you must vote Democrat? No. I didn't. Just dont vote. Let the fucking GOP die. Let it die, burn and rot in hell. They dont deserve your loyalty. And eventually, some competent people will get tired of the Democrats, and form an opposition party.

But your loyalty is the life support that keeps the GOP alive, and the status quo gonig.
I despise the GOP. If I had my choice most of the GOP, especially Rove, would be sent to a concentration camp for eventual extermination.

The GOP is useless and is no longer conservative.

If you need evidence then just read about how the House Speaker threw his tea party conservatives under the bus.

There will be a reckoning for that traitor.
I think it is the Tea Party government-slashing fanatics that have killed the GOP.

The reality of America is getting simple:

- The left wing view of gays and abortion has won
- Many, heck, MOST regular Americans LIKE the social safety net the govt provides
- Many people viewed the idea of slashing government, and were scared of what that might result in
- Most people just aren't buying the sympathy for the rich argument
I have to ask this question, as a former right winger, now that the post-election shock has settled down just a bit: WHY are you right wingers STILL sticking with these GOP morons?

For one, lets just talk about basic politics 101. The Dems have a f**king mess to deal with. No doubt about that. And Obama's first 4 years were ugly. Lots of snafu's, lots of just dumb stuff, lots of spooky stuff.

But...if he and the Dems were THAT BAD....are you ready to entrust our nation to THE GROUP OF IDIOTS WHO COULDNT BEAT HIM??? If they couldnt even beat THIS president, how can they be trusted to run the country?? I mean, in a freakin recession, he said "You didnt build that" to business owners. And he beat the GOP.


The stubborness. The GOP is so damn old and stubborn. They'll commit political suicide rather than give in on social issues. They wont accept that society has changed.

The over reach. The GOP national agenda pushed a hardcore govt slashing campaign. The local and state Republicans took that and ran with it, and at first, it was a GOOD thing: They started tightening the belts of UNNECCESSARY government spending. Cutting some waste. Cutting a few parks, rec, and cultural expenditures. But then they got rabid. They started slashing into essential services like police, fire, roads. Here in South Carolina, they just announced we have a 30 BILLION dollar shortfall for road maintenance, and no clue where to get it. They also didnt fund an IT security program for the Dept of Revenue, and 4,000,000 residents had their personal info, SS number, bank numbers hacked and sent to Europe.

I cant for the life of me see how you folks will keep supporting the GOP. Does it mean you must vote Democrat? No. I didn't. Just dont vote. Let the fucking GOP die. Let it die, burn and rot in hell. They dont deserve your loyalty. And eventually, some competent people will get tired of the Democrats, and form an opposition party.

But your loyalty is the life support that keeps the GOP alive, and the status quo gonig.

To put boils on yer butt.
I have to ask this question, as a former right winger, now that the post-election shock has settled down just a bit: WHY are you right wingers STILL sticking with these GOP morons?

For one, lets just talk about basic politics 101. The Dems have a f**king mess to deal with. No doubt about that. And Obama's first 4 years were ugly. Lots of snafu's, lots of just dumb stuff, lots of spooky stuff.

But...if he and the Dems were THAT BAD....are you ready to entrust our nation to THE GROUP OF IDIOTS WHO COULDNT BEAT HIM??? If they couldnt even beat THIS president, how can they be trusted to run the country?? I mean, in a freakin recession, he said "You didnt build that" to business owners. And he beat the GOP.


The stubborness. The GOP is so damn old and stubborn. They'll commit political suicide rather than give in on social issues. They wont accept that society has changed.

The over reach. The GOP national agenda pushed a hardcore govt slashing campaign. The local and state Republicans took that and ran with it, and at first, it was a GOOD thing: They started tightening the belts of UNNECCESSARY government spending. Cutting some waste. Cutting a few parks, rec, and cultural expenditures. But then they got rabid. They started slashing into essential services like police, fire, roads. Here in South Carolina, they just announced we have a 30 BILLION dollar shortfall for road maintenance, and no clue where to get it. They also didnt fund an IT security program for the Dept of Revenue, and 4,000,000 residents had their personal info, SS number, bank numbers hacked and sent to Europe.

I cant for the life of me see how you folks will keep supporting the GOP. Does it mean you must vote Democrat? No. I didn't. Just dont vote. Let the fucking GOP die. Let it die, burn and rot in hell. They dont deserve your loyalty. And eventually, some competent people will get tired of the Democrats, and form an opposition party.

But your loyalty is the life support that keeps the GOP alive, and the status quo gonig.

At this point, I would be happy moving the Democratic Party just a bit further to the right. Let the GOP become the ultra conservative party that so many of them want it to be. It will become irrelevant but the Dems will be controlled by more moderate thinkers who still believe in fiscal responsibility but aren't whackos about all the social issues.
This is reaching a point where it will no longer be about politics or Dems vs Repubs. Soon this will be about freedom vs tyranny. Those who have been getting a free ride and become dependent on government will side with tyranny. That's about half of the country. The other half is rapidly becoming fed up and will soon refuse to continue to subsidize the unproductive. There's gonna be a revolution sooner or later. I don't see how politics can repair the damage this administration has done. There'll be one last try in 2014, but after that fails, secession will be the only logical next step. Yeah, the GOP is dead, but tyranny is NOT an alternative and the Democratic Party represents tyranny. Where does that leave us?
Keep pushing your divisionist propaganda there comrade, eventually you'll find out the true intent of the 2nd amendment. That's all I got to say about it.
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This is reaching a point where it will no longer be about politics or Dems vs Repubs. Soon this will be about freedom vs tyranny. Those who have been getting a free ride and become dependent on government will side with tyranny. That's about half of the country. The other half is rapidly becoming fed up and will soon refuse to continue to subsidize the unproductive. There's gonna be a revolution sooner or later. I don't see how politics can repair the damage this administration has done. There'll be one last try in 2014, but after that fails, secession will be the only logical next step. Yeah, the GOP is dead, but tyranny is NOT an alternative and the Democratic Party represents tyranny. Where does that leave us?

I wish you nutters would go ahead and start your revolution. I'm sick of hearing about it. The cheap talk is beginning to gag me. So many of you threaten it, but none of you have the guts to actually kick it off.

Get on with it so we can quickly, and brutally, put an end to your "Red Dawn" fantasies.
This is reaching a point where it will no longer be about politics or Dems vs Repubs. Soon this will be about freedom vs tyranny. Those who have been getting a free ride and become dependent on government will side with tyranny. That's about half of the country. The other half is rapidly becoming fed up and will soon refuse to continue to subsidize the unproductive. There's gonna be a revolution sooner or later. I don't see how politics can repair the damage this administration has done. There'll be one last try in 2014, but after that fails, secession will be the only logical next step. Yeah, the GOP is dead, but tyranny is NOT an alternative and the Democratic Party represents tyranny. Where does that leave us?

I wish you nutters would go ahead and start your revolution. I'm sick of hearing about it. The cheap talk is beginning to gag me. So many of you threaten it, but none of you have the guts to actually kick it off.

Get on with it so we can quickly, and brutally, put an end to your "Red Dawn" fantasies.

Where's the fun in that? Today's RW has more drama queens than 1940''s Hollywood; with a particularly excessive number to be found right here @ USMB.

They are to be taken less seriously than reality TV given that they are much less informative than same. "For entertainment purposes only" is the operative phrase.

Regards from Rosie
What a blow hard OP..

It's none of your business what others do..

go lay with the dogs in your new party...enjoy your fleas
I despise the GOP. If I had my choice most of the GOP, especially Rove, would be sent to a concentration camp for eventual extermination.

The GOP is useless and is no longer conservative.

If you need evidence then just read about how the House Speaker threw his tea party conservatives under the bus.

There will be a reckoning for that traitor.

some day maybe the majority of governors and state legislatures will be democratic....but probably not in my lifetime. :lol:
I think it is the Tea Party government-slashing fanatics that have killed the GOP.

The reality of America is getting simple:

- The left wing view of gays and abortion has won
- Many, heck, MOST regular Americans LIKE the social safety net the govt provides
- Many people viewed the idea of slashing government, and were scared of what that might result in
- Most people just aren't buying the sympathy for the rich argument

oh yeah, can't have any slashing of the government...instead they just need to keep raising taxes ON PEOPLE and things you buy for you leeches
Keep pushing your divisionist propaganda there comrade, eventually you'll find out the true intent of the 2nd amendment. That's all I got to say about it.

Eventually? When is that?

You nutters sure do like to fantasize about going all revolutionary. When the fuck are you going to start?
Keep pushing your divisionist propaganda there comrade, eventually you'll find out the true intent of the 2nd amendment. That's all I got to say about it.

Funny shit. Have one thread from right wingers complaining about violence from the union members and claiming how the right never NEVER proposed violence as a means to an end.

And here we have a whack job threatening gun violence if they don't get their way.

Make up you minds and bring it on. Like old guy said; I get fuking tired of hearing about it.

Just DO IT! If you all have the balls that is.

Good thing you whack jobs aren't union members. Those guys do what they say. And they like to mix it up a little. See MI.
Keep pushing your divisionist propaganda there comrade, eventually you'll find out the true intent of the 2nd amendment. That's all I got to say about it.

Funny shit. Have one thread from right wingers complaining about violence from the union members and claiming how the right never NEVER proposed violence as a means to an end.

And here we have a whack job threatening gun violence if they don't get their way.

Make up you minds and bring it on. Like old guy said; I get fuking tired of hearing about it.

Just DO IT! If you all have the balls that is.

Good thing you whack jobs aren't union members. Those guys do what they say. And they like to mix it up a little. See MI.

have you read your post? and you're calling others whack jobs...:lol:
As screwed up as they are at least they aren't as bad as Democrats.

I'll leave it at that.

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