From this former RW'er to current RW'ers: WHY are you still with GOP?

I despise the GOP. If I had my choice most of the GOP, especially Rove, would be sent to a concentration camp for eventual extermination.

The GOP is useless and is no longer conservative.

If you need evidence then just read about how the House Speaker threw his tea party conservatives under the bus.

There will be a reckoning for that traitor.

Yes. Real "conservative" values. Complete with "reckonings" and concentration camps and "exterminations" for political opposition.

Keep pushing your divisionist propaganda there comrade, eventually you'll find out the true intent of the 2nd amendment. That's all I got to say about it.
Funny shit. Have one thread from right wingers complaining about violence from the union members and claiming how the right never NEVER proposed violence as a means to an end.

And here we have a whack job threatening gun violence if they don't get their way.

Make up you minds and bring it on. Like old guy said; I get fuking tired of hearing about it.

Just DO IT! If you all have the balls that is.

Good thing you whack jobs aren't union members. Those guys do what they say. And they like to mix it up a little. See MI.

have you read your post? and you're calling others whack jobs...:lol:

Hey stef. Read the sentence above in the big bolded letters and tell me what that poster means when he says; eventually you will find out the true intent of the second amendment.

What does that statement mean to you stef?
This is reaching a point where it will no longer be about politics or Dems vs Repubs. Soon this will be about freedom vs tyranny. Those who have been getting a free ride and become dependent on government will side with tyranny. That's about half of the country. The other half is rapidly becoming fed up and will soon refuse to continue to subsidize the unproductive. There's gonna be a revolution sooner or later. I don't see how politics can repair the damage this administration has done. There'll be one last try in 2014, but after that fails, secession will be the only logical next step. Yeah, the GOP is dead, but tyranny is NOT an alternative and the Democratic Party represents tyranny. Where does that leave us?

I wish you nutters would go ahead and start your revolution. I'm sick of hearing about it. The cheap talk is beginning to gag me. So many of you threaten it, but none of you have the guts to actually kick it off.

Get on with it so we can quickly, and brutally, put an end to your "Red Dawn" fantasies.

Revolutions are not always violent...

This is reaching a point where it will no longer be about politics or Dems vs Repubs. Soon this will be about freedom vs tyranny. Those who have been getting a free ride and become dependent on government will side with tyranny. That's about half of the country. The other half is rapidly becoming fed up and will soon refuse to continue to subsidize the unproductive. There's gonna be a revolution sooner or later. I don't see how politics can repair the damage this administration has done. There'll be one last try in 2014, but after that fails, secession will be the only logical next step. Yeah, the GOP is dead, but tyranny is NOT an alternative and the Democratic Party represents tyranny. Where does that leave us?

In your case, a serious need to take your sanity pills.

I'm always amused when RW nutters scream about freedom and liberty when they don't get their way on things.

The problem is, guy, you are a tool. You've let them fool you into going along with their destroying your nice, comfy middle class lifestyle, and then when some people turn to the government to put food on the table, you scream about "liberty" like that means anything.

Conservatism has many critical and valuable tenets to offer, not just as a balance to liberalism but as standalone, timeless ideas on limited government, the power of the individual, and the rights of all of us to pursue our dreams with minimal negative interference.

My guess is that the movement would be far better off had raving absolutists like Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage and Levin found other hobbies years ago. In their manic drive for ratings, these people (and their kind) have polluted the party with a horrible set of habits and methods. Their followers would deny this, of course, but it's not terribly difficult to see the influence of these radio hosts every single day. Worse, their followers don't seem to realize that these people allow themselves to be caricatures in their drive for ratings, not real. Like a political version of pro wrestling.

The party has (temporarily, hopefully) lost all humility. While the Democrats can claim to want to help the downtrodden, the underdog, (even by using the money others have worked hard for), the GOP is most represented by people who seem to be mimicking their favorite radio blabber. Terribly simplistic, my way or the highway, defeat the other guys, black & white. Look at the posts of many conservatives here -- it's like listening to Michael Savage if he were allowed to swear on air.

I think many remain in the GOP in spite of what it has become for two reasons: First, the alternative, liberalism, is simple unacceptable to them. Understandable. And second, they want to either play a part in the return of the party or they simply want to be there when it regains its sanity.

I remain hopeful the party will marginalize those who have so damaged it, and soon.

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This is reaching a point where it will no longer be about politics or Dems vs Repubs. Soon this will be about freedom vs tyranny. Those who have been getting a free ride and become dependent on government will side with tyranny. That's about half of the country. The other half is rapidly becoming fed up and will soon refuse to continue to subsidize the unproductive. There's gonna be a revolution sooner or later. I don't see how politics can repair the damage this administration has done. There'll be one last try in 2014, but after that fails, secession will be the only logical next step. Yeah, the GOP is dead, but tyranny is NOT an alternative and the Democratic Party represents tyranny. Where does that leave us?

It is these type of opinions from vocal part of the Republican Party that ensure it will devolve into a secondary political organization
I used to think the GOP could still be saved from the nutters.

Nominating Romney was the last straw for me.

Conservatism has many critical and valuable tenets to offer, not just as a balance to liberalism but as standalone, timeless ideas on limited government, the power of the individual, and the rights of all of us to pursue our dreams with minimal negative interference.

My guess is that the movement would be far better off had raving absolutists like Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage and Levin found other hobbies years ago. In their manic drive for ratings, these people (and their kind) have polluted the party with a horrible set of habits and methods. Their followers would deny this, of course, but it's not terribly difficult to see the influence of these radio hosts every single day. Worse, their followers don't seem to realize that these people allow themselves to be caricatures in their drive for ratings, not real. Like a political version of pro wrestling.

The party has (temporarily, hopefully) lost all humility. While the Democrats can claim to want to help the downtrodden, the underdog, (even by using the money others have worked hard for), the GOP is most represented by people who seem to be mimicking their favorite radio blabber. Terribly simplistic, my way or the highway, defeat the other guys, black & white. Look at the posts of many conservatives here -- it's like listening to Michael Savage if he were allowed to swear on air.

I think many remain in the GOP in spite of what it has become for two reasons: First, the alternative, liberalism, is simple unacceptable to them. Understandable. And second, they want to either play a part in the return of the party or they simply want to be there when it regains its sanity.

I remain hopeful the party will marginalize those who have so damaged it, and soon.


oh brother..:lol:
and the Democrat party are made up of all saints..
the ONLY way the want to help others is by STEALING money from others by force of the Federal Government..
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Conservatism has many critical and valuable tenets to offer, not just as a balance to liberalism but as standalone, timeless ideas on limited government, the power of the individual, and the rights of all of us to pursue our dreams with minimal negative interference.

My guess is that the movement would be far better off had raving absolutists like Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage and Levin found other hobbies years ago. In their manic drive for ratings, these people (and their kind) have polluted the party with a horrible set of habits and methods. Their followers would deny this, of course, but it's not terribly difficult to see the influence of these radio hosts every single day. Worse, their followers don't seem to realize that these people allow themselves to be caricatures in their drive for ratings, not real. Like a political version of pro wrestling.

The party has (temporarily, hopefully) lost all humility. While the Democrats can claim to want to help the downtrodden, the underdog, (even by using the money others have worked hard for), the GOP is most represented by people who seem to be mimicking their favorite radio blabber. Terribly simplistic, my way or the highway, defeat the other guys, black & white. Look at the posts of many conservatives here -- it's like listening to Michael Savage if he were allowed to swear on air.

I think many remain in the GOP in spite of what it has become for two reasons: First, the alternative, liberalism, is simple unacceptable to them. Understandable. And second, they want to either play a part in the return of the party or they simply want to be there when it regains its sanity.

I remain hopeful the party will marginalize those who have so damaged it, and soon.


oh brother..:lol:

I have to agree. Mac is usually more balanced but what a crock. I could rattle off just as many media loons on the left and as many problems with Liberalism but what's the point?
This is reaching a point where it will no longer be about politics or Dems vs Repubs. Soon this will be about freedom vs tyranny. Those who have been getting a free ride and become dependent on government will side with tyranny. That's about half of the country. The other half is rapidly becoming fed up and will soon refuse to continue to subsidize the unproductive. There's gonna be a revolution sooner or later. I don't see how politics can repair the damage this administration has done. There'll be one last try in 2014, but after that fails, secession will be the only logical next step. Yeah, the GOP is dead, but tyranny is NOT an alternative and the Democratic Party represents tyranny. Where does that leave us?

It is these type of opinions from vocal part of the Republican Party that ensure it will devolve into a secondary political organization

Wishful thinking. :cool:
You have to love it. Little more than a month out from the election and the the left is holding a funeral for an entire Party and Ideology because of a fluke of an election...and I don't mean Sandra.

Ebb and flow, my friends...ebb and flow. The GOP will regroup. That you can be sure of.
I have to agree. Mac is usually more balanced but what a crock. I could rattle off just as many media loons on the left and as many problems with Liberalism but what's the point?

Hell, of course the left has its weaknesses. I pointed out that it's understandable people would not want to turn to liberalism. I pointed out the value of conservatism. I pointed out that the Left can get away with its Robin Hood thing. It's all right there.

Two basic points: First, the party has lost its humility, and it's not difficult to see the influences. Second, the party just lost to an incredibly vulnerable President while unemployment is at 8% and absolutely refuses to look in the mirror. I don't know how a contemporary Republican can criticize Obama or the Democrats after that.

oh brother..:lol:
and the Democrat party are made up of all saints..
the ONLY way the want to help others is by STEALING money from others by force of the Federal Government..

People used to come here because they were lured here to be used as cheap labor. Or sometimes just kidnapped and brought here. Until we had abolition and a labor movement and stuff like that.

Incidently, as I've pointed out many time, if you want to blame someone for government dependency, you all need to look in the mirror. You can't dismantle unions and the middle class and then be all suprised when those working people go to the govenrment to keep feeding their kids.


Ten years ago. Never would have voted for a Democrat.

Now I do. There's a reason for that. And it's not just that I hate Mormons.
oh brother..:lol:
and the Democrat party are made up of all saints..
the ONLY way the want to help others is by STEALING money from others by force of the Federal Government..

People used to come here because they were lured here to be used as cheap labor. Or sometimes just kidnapped and brought here. Until we had abolition and a labor movement and stuff like that.

Incidently, as I've pointed out many time, if you want to blame someone for government dependency, you all need to look in the mirror. You can't dismantle unions and the middle class and then be all suprised when those working people go to the govenrment to keep feeding their kids.


Ten years ago. Never would have voted for a Democrat.

Now I do. There's a reason for that. And it's not just that I hate Mormons.

oh brother:lol:
Obama's election was like a puzzle. A sum of it's parts. Every group had it's reasons for voting for him and so collectively they put him over the top.

Keep in mind those groups 4 years from now many have issues that are completely new and different and which they may feel the GOP will be better at handling for any variety of reasons.

As I said, ebb abd flow...
This is reaching a point where it will no longer be about politics or Dems vs Repubs. Soon this will be about freedom vs tyranny. Those who have been getting a free ride and become dependent on government will side with tyranny. That's about half of the country. The other half is rapidly becoming fed up and will soon refuse to continue to subsidize the unproductive. There's gonna be a revolution sooner or later. I don't see how politics can repair the damage this administration has done. There'll be one last try in 2014, but after that fails, secession will be the only logical next step. Yeah, the GOP is dead, but tyranny is NOT an alternative and the Democratic Party represents tyranny. Where does that leave us?

I wish you nutters would go ahead and start your revolution. I'm sick of hearing about it. The cheap talk is beginning to gag me. So many of you threaten it, but none of you have the guts to actually kick it off.

Get on with it so we can quickly, and brutally, put an end to your "Red Dawn" fantasies.

Revolutions are not always violent...


That is correct. And we just had a non-violent one.

But it is your 'Conservatives' that are braying about second amendment solutions. And that is threatoning violence.

Conservatism has many critical and valuable tenets to offer, not just as a balance to liberalism but as standalone, timeless ideas on limited government, the power of the individual, and the rights of all of us to pursue our dreams with minimal negative interference.

My guess is that the movement would be far better off had raving absolutists like Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage and Levin found other hobbies years ago. In their manic drive for ratings, these people (and their kind) have polluted the party with a horrible set of habits and methods. Their followers would deny this, of course, but it's not terribly difficult to see the influence of these radio hosts every single day. Worse, their followers don't seem to realize that these people allow themselves to be caricatures in their drive for ratings, not real. Like a political version of pro wrestling.

The party has (temporarily, hopefully) lost all humility. While the Democrats can claim to want to help the downtrodden, the underdog, (even by using the money others have worked hard for), the GOP is most represented by people who seem to be mimicking their favorite radio blabber. Terribly simplistic, my way or the highway, defeat the other guys, black & white. Look at the posts of many conservatives here -- it's like listening to Michael Savage if he were allowed to swear on air.

I think many remain in the GOP in spite of what it has become for two reasons: First, the alternative, liberalism, is simple unacceptable to them. Understandable. And second, they want to either play a part in the return of the party or they simply want to be there when it regains its sanity.

I remain hopeful the party will marginalize those who have so damaged it, and soon.


You have to love it. Little more than a month out from the election and the the left is holding a funeral for an entire Party and Ideology because of a fluke of an election...and I don't mean Sandra.

Ebb and flow, my friends...ebb and flow. The GOP will regroup. That you can be sure of.

I've been involved in politics for 30 years. My first vote was for Ronald Reagan.

Nope, this is a lot more serious than you guys think it is.

By all electoral physics, Romney should have won. But the GOP has so alienated minorities, women and working folks that he couldn't win with all these headwinds.

Conversely, the ONLY popular vote the GOP's won in the last 20 years is 2004. By less than 2%. That was with ALL the headwinds in their favor- incumbancy, a ongoing war that wasn't unpopular yet, a decent economy, and a truly awful oppossition candidate. And still the thing was decided by about 80K votes in Ohio because they put homophobia on the ballot in that state.

And I don't see where it gets better for the GOP. They can't win back women without alienating the religious crazies. They can't get back working folks without alienating their rich backers, and they can't make headway with hispanics without alienating the nativists.

The GOP needs a Sister Souljah moment with its base. That's what Clinton did in 1992.
Obama's election was like a puzzle. A sum of it's parts. Every group had it's reasons for voting for him and so collectively they put him over the top.

Keep in mind those groups 4 years from now many have issues that are completely new and different and which they may feel the GOP will be better at handling for any variety of reasons.

As I said, ebb abd flow...

Sure the GOP will:lol::clap2::clap2::lol::badgrin:

I am very sure that they will find more groups to insult and state how these groups are irrelevant to them.
Almost 50% of the people voted REPUBLICAN in this election

so you Progressive-Liberal-Democrats who think you are a majority and the best this country has to offer, think again

and you two fake Republicans, no one cares why you supposedly switched parties..
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