From this former RW'er to current RW'ers: WHY are you still with GOP?

Exactly right.

I realized this: If Red State ideology is so much better for everyone, why is the all-Red South so fucking poor, uneducated, backwards, racist and violent??? The Southern metro areas, like Atlanta, Charlotte, Charleston, Miami, etc, are nice, and far more Democratic............but my God, go outside the cities in the South, and you see Red State policy at work: Poverty, violence, dumbed down people, obesity.

I finally realized that I'll stop listening to what people say, and just look at what the end result of policy is. And its pretty damn clear when you compare the rural areas of the Red State South to places like Connecticut, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, etc, etc.

Enough is enough.

You might want to take a look at cities like Detroit before that next sip of Kool-Aid.

Detroit, or Miami! Atlanta isn't exactly a peaceful place. obama thinks that Chicago is a model for the nation, but no rational person does.

Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, St Louis, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransisco, Seattle...

Take your pick. Populated areas do not vote Republican. It does not bode well for Republicans. Even in solid Red states, the major cities tend to be Democratic strongholds
I have to ask this question, as a former right winger, now that the post-election shock has settled down just a bit: WHY are you right wingers STILL sticking with these GOP morons?

For one, lets just talk about basic politics 101. The Dems have a f**king mess to deal with. No doubt about that. And Obama's first 4 years were ugly. Lots of snafu's, lots of just dumb stuff, lots of spooky stuff.

But...if he and the Dems were THAT BAD....are you ready to entrust our nation to THE GROUP OF IDIOTS WHO COULDNT BEAT HIM??? If they couldnt even beat THIS president, how can they be trusted to run the country?? I mean, in a freakin recession, he said "You didnt build that" to business owners. And he beat the GOP.


The stubborness. The GOP is so damn old and stubborn. They'll commit political suicide rather than give in on social issues. They wont accept that society has changed.

The over reach. The GOP national agenda pushed a hardcore govt slashing campaign. The local and state Republicans took that and ran with it, and at first, it was a GOOD thing: They started tightening the belts of UNNECCESSARY government spending. Cutting some waste. Cutting a few parks, rec, and cultural expenditures. But then they got rabid. They started slashing into essential services like police, fire, roads. Here in South Carolina, they just announced we have a 30 BILLION dollar shortfall for road maintenance, and no clue where to get it. They also didnt fund an IT security program for the Dept of Revenue, and 4,000,000 residents had their personal info, SS number, bank numbers hacked and sent to Europe.

I cant for the life of me see how you folks will keep supporting the GOP. Does it mean you must vote Democrat? No. I didn't. Just dont vote. Let the fucking GOP die. Let it die, burn and rot in hell. They dont deserve your loyalty. And eventually, some competent people will get tired of the Democrats, and form an opposition party.

But your loyalty is the life support that keeps the GOP alive, and the status quo gonig.

At this point, I would be happy moving the Democratic Party just a bit further to the right. Let the GOP become the ultra conservative party that so many of them want it to be. It will become irrelevant but the Dems will be controlled by more moderate thinkers who still believe in fiscal responsibility but aren't whackos about all the social issues.

you mean like Dean,Chris,Dudley and LaKota?......."Moderate" thinkers like that? thanks.....the Democrats can join the Republicans and both can become irrelevant.....
This is reaching a point where it will no longer be about politics or Dems vs Repubs. Soon this will be about freedom vs tyranny. Those who have been getting a free ride and become dependent on government will side with tyranny. That's about half of the country. The other half is rapidly becoming fed up and will soon refuse to continue to subsidize the unproductive. There's gonna be a revolution sooner or later. I don't see how politics can repair the damage this administration has done. There'll be one last try in 2014, but after that fails, secession will be the only logical next step. Yeah, the GOP is dead, but tyranny is NOT an alternative and the Democratic Party represents tyranny. Where does that leave us?

I wish you nutters would go ahead and start your revolution. I'm sick of hearing about it. The cheap talk is beginning to gag me. So many of you threaten it, but none of you have the guts to actually kick it off.

Get on with it so we can quickly, and brutally, put an end to your "Red Dawn" fantasies.

im more than sure your as about as brave as those you are talking you is cheap....
This is reaching a point where it will no longer be about politics or Dems vs Repubs. Soon this will be about freedom vs tyranny. Those who have been getting a free ride and become dependent on government will side with tyranny. That's about half of the country. The other half is rapidly becoming fed up and will soon refuse to continue to subsidize the unproductive. There's gonna be a revolution sooner or later. I don't see how politics can repair the damage this administration has done. There'll be one last try in 2014, but after that fails, secession will be the only logical next step. Yeah, the GOP is dead, but tyranny is NOT an alternative and the Democratic Party represents tyranny. Where does that leave us?

I wish you nutters would go ahead and start your revolution. I'm sick of hearing about it. The cheap talk is beginning to gag me. So many of you threaten it, but none of you have the guts to actually kick it off.

Get on with it so we can quickly, and brutally, put an end to your "Red Dawn" fantasies.

Where's the fun in that? Today's RW has more drama queens than 1940''s Hollywood; with a particularly excessive number to be found right here @ USMB.

They are to be taken less seriously than reality TV given that they are much less informative than same. "For entertainment purposes only" is the operative phrase.

Regards from Rosie

your right Rosie.....but i think there are an equal number of "LW" drama queens around here too.......also for Entertainment purposes only.....

Regards From Harry.....

Obama best demographics:

The young (18-29) 60%, black 93%, women 55%, no high school diploma 64%, income under 50K (family of 4) 60%.

Takers, not makers by-and-large.

Women will be pleased to hear that your party considers them to be takers
As opposed to the other demographics? Women are indeed more reliant on government, as are blacks, the young and the poor, thus the vote. The point was exactly the point. Which part did you not understand?

Those groups you deride as takers look at themselves as workers struggling to survive in an economy that is increasingly hostile to them. They are workers struggling to achieve the American Dream and finding it more and more unreachable

Republicans deride them as takers and offer trickle down solutions

America is not buying it
Keep pushing your divisionist propaganda there comrade, eventually you'll find out the true intent of the 2nd amendment. That's all I got to say about it.

so is the true intent to shoot someone if they dont follow your line of thinking?......
Almost 50% of the people voted REPUBLICAN in this election

so you Progressive-Liberal-Democrats who think you are a majority and the best this country has to offer, think again

and you two fake Republicans, no one cares why you supposedly switched parties..

No, about 47% did, and it's a shrinking number.

Romney only got as many votes as McCain did. He only won two states that McCain didn't win. And he did this spending a BILLION dollars.

Frankly, you should be wondering why folks like me and Bucs walked out.. because the GOP USED to get over 50%, not under.

They've only gotten OVER 50% once in the last six presidential elections. That's a number they ought to be worried about.
i know why you walked just wondering why you walked into another Party that is just as bad in their own way....and don't give me that "lessor of two evils" shit.....
The only problem with the GOP is that our Moderates are working with the Neo-Marxist Democrats to destroy the country

just because they can work something out with the Democrats Frank does not mean they are "Neo-Marxist"......the Far Right wont work nothing out with anyone because for some reason......they think they are the only people who live in this Country and everyone one else is visiting so their opinions dont count.....the Far Left is the same way.....Dean and LaKota dont give a fuck what anyone to their right there is a connection between the Far Left and Right.....they both think their shit don't stink....
You might want to take a look at cities like Detroit before that next sip of Kool-Aid.

Detroit, or Miami! Atlanta isn't exactly a peaceful place. obama thinks that Chicago is a model for the nation, but no rational person does.

Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, St Louis, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransisco, Seattle...

Take your pick. Populated areas do not vote Republican. It does not bode well for Republicans. Even in solid Red states, the major cities tend to be Democratic strongholds
and they all have their Ghettos were the Minorities that they feed their shit too live......
Not my fault your side got too greedy and stupid...

The rank and file of the GOP are morons who vote against their own economic interests. I was smart enough to see them running off the cliff and got off.

Exactly right.

I realized this: If Red State ideology is so much better for everyone, why is the all-Red South so fucking poor, uneducated, backwards, racist and violent??? The Southern metro areas, like Atlanta, Charlotte, Charleston, Miami, etc, are nice, and far more Democratic............but my God, go outside the cities in the South, and you see Red State policy at work: Poverty, violence, dumbed down people, obesity.

I finally realized that I'll stop listening to what people say, and just look at what the end result of policy is. And its pretty damn clear when you compare the rural areas of the Red State South to places like Connecticut, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, etc, etc.

Enough is enough.

I love this guy!

of course, he thinks he's high and mighty but he's really a low class ass.. so you love that who would of guessed
I have to ask this question, as a former right winger, now that the post-election shock has settled down just a bit: WHY are you right wingers STILL sticking with these GOP morons?

For one, lets just talk about basic politics 101. The Dems have a f**king mess to deal with. No doubt about that. And Obama's first 4 years were ugly. Lots of snafu's, lots of just dumb stuff, lots of spooky stuff.

But...if he and the Dems were THAT BAD....are you ready to entrust our nation to THE GROUP OF IDIOTS WHO COULDNT BEAT HIM??? If they couldnt even beat THIS president, how can they be trusted to run the country?? I mean, in a freakin recession, he said "You didnt build that" to business owners. And he beat the GOP.


The stubborness. The GOP is so damn old and stubborn. They'll commit political suicide rather than give in on social issues. They wont accept that society has changed.

The over reach. The GOP national agenda pushed a hardcore govt slashing campaign. The local and state Republicans took that and ran with it, and at first, it was a GOOD thing: They started tightening the belts of UNNECCESSARY government spending. Cutting some waste. Cutting a few parks, rec, and cultural expenditures. But then they got rabid. They started slashing into essential services like police, fire, roads. Here in South Carolina, they just announced we have a 30 BILLION dollar shortfall for road maintenance, and no clue where to get it. They also didnt fund an IT security program for the Dept of Revenue, and 4,000,000 residents had their personal info, SS number, bank numbers hacked and sent to Europe.

I cant for the life of me see how you folks will keep supporting the GOP. Does it mean you must vote Democrat? No. I didn't. Just dont vote. Let the fucking GOP die. Let it die, burn and rot in hell. They dont deserve your loyalty. And eventually, some competent people will get tired of the Democrats, and form an opposition party.

But your loyalty is the life support that keeps the GOP alive, and the status quo gonig.

Detroit, or Miami! Atlanta isn't exactly a peaceful place. obama thinks that Chicago is a model for the nation, but no rational person does.

Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, St Louis, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransisco, Seattle...

Take your pick. Populated areas do not vote Republican. It does not bode well for Republicans. Even in solid Red states, the major cities tend to be Democratic strongholds
and they all have their Ghettos were the Minorities that they feed their shit too live......

They also have some of the richest and better educated people in the world
Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago, St Louis, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransisco, Seattle...

Take your pick. Populated areas do not vote Republican. It does not bode well for Republicans. Even in solid Red states, the major cities tend to be Democratic strongholds
and they all have their Ghettos were the Minorities that they feed their shit too live......

They also have some of the richest and better educated people in the world

do we have to bow to them or something? they also think their shit doesn't stink, kinda like some of you here:lol:

Obama best demographics:

The young (18-29) 60%, black 93%, women 55%, no high school diploma 64%, income under 50K (family of 4) 60%.

Takers, not makers by-and-large.

Depends who you define as a "taker". I think a CEO who pays himself a 8 figure salary while cutting wages on the folks who do the actual work defines what it means to be a taker.

Mitt Romney never built anything in his life. He just looted what others built.
I cant for the life of me see how you folks will keep supporting the GOP. Does it mean you must vote Democrat? No. I didn't. Just dont vote. Let the fucking GOP die. Let it die, burn and rot in hell. They dont deserve your loyalty. And eventually, some competent people will get tired of the Democrats, and form an opposition party.
You do realize that what you just asked for is to live under one party rule also known as a dictatorship or communism don't you?

No, what I expect is the GOP to actually act like a responsible governing party.

Unfortunately, it can't do that with the Teabaggers hanging around their necks with all the crazy talk about "No new taxes" (when we are 16 trillion in debt) and "Legitimate Rape".

Obama best demographics:

The young (18-29) 60%, black 93%, women 55%, no high school diploma 64%, income under 50K (family of 4) 60%.

Takers, not makers by-and-large.

Women will be pleased to hear that your party considers them to be takers
As opposed to the other demographics? Women are indeed more reliant on government, as are blacks, the young and the poor, thus the vote. The point was exactly the point. Which part did you not understand?

The part where you fail to understand WHY those groups voted Democratic.

It was not because the Democrats "gave" them anything. This is how you guys try to pretend your loss wasn't really a loss because their votes were somehow less "Worthy" than a white male taxpayer.

If minorities, women and the young voted against Plutocracy, it was because they saw nothing in it for them.

2012 was the first election where the GOP was honest about what they were selling, rather than hiding behind the usual homophobic, racist and religious crap, because Romney couldn't sell those points smoothly.

Romney was just "Suck It, Peasents".

Yeah kids, I remember the campaign of 2012...

With unemployment at 8% and a nation in turmoil, the downtrodden Dems knew they had to come up with a brilliant, complex, multi-layered campaign approach if they wanted to have even a ghost of a chance to maintain the White House and the Senate.

So, against all odds, they huddled and plotted and planned -- and then carefully created and executed a strategy with such precision and coordination that their efforts would go down in the annals of political lore for generation upon generation:

All at once, they pointed at the GOP and said, "Hey, look at that!"

The gop and democrats have both gone off the rails and if we don't find some true leadership from somewhere soon we are all fucked. That will be difficult because too many good people aren't stepping up with all the special interests that need their egos stroked and a media that is unrelenting.

Get your local shit together because that is all we'll have when the shit hits the fan, and it is going to eventually. It's unavoidable when we are on the path we are.

Yeah kids, I remember the campaign of 2012...

With unemployment at 8% and a nation in turmoil, the downtrodden Dems knew they had to come up with a brilliant, complex, multi-layered campaign approach if they wanted to have even a ghost of a chance to maintain the White House and the Senate.

So, against all odds, they huddled and plotted and planned -- and then carefully created and executed a strategy with such precision and coordination that their efforts would go down in the annals of political lore for generation upon generation:

All at once, they pointed at the GOP and said, "Hey, look at that!"


Meanwhile, the Republicans screamed about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, 8% unemployment, low wages and said "Wouldn't you rather have us run the country?

And the voters said.....Hell No

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