From this former RW'er to current RW'ers: WHY are you still with GOP?

The gop and democrats have both gone off the rails and if we don't find some true leadership from somewhere soon we are all fucked. That will be difficult because too many good people aren't stepping up with all the special interests that need their egos stroked and a media that is unrelenting.

Get your local shit together because that is all we'll have when the shit hits the fan, and it is going to eventually. It's unavoidable when we are on the path we are.

Has it occurred to you that candor isn't a virtue that we the people reward in a politician?

The last "honest" politician in my opinion was Walter Mondale. He straight up told us that taxes had to go up in 1984. And he went on to lose 49 states.

Then Reagan went ahead and raised taxes under the guise of "Tax Reform", which really meant eliminating a lot of those middle class deductions to the Rich could keep their tax breaks. Then Bush-41 raised taxes to save the S&L industry after he said "Read my lips". Then Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy, which is actually the smart way to do it.

We are getting what we vote for, like it or not.
The gop and democrats have both gone off the rails and if we don't find some true leadership from somewhere soon we are all fucked. That will be difficult because too many good people aren't stepping up with all the special interests that need their egos stroked and a media that is unrelenting.

Get your local shit together because that is all we'll have when the shit hits the fan, and it is going to eventually. It's unavoidable when we are on the path we are.

Has it occurred to you that candor isn't a virtue that we the people reward in a politician?

The last "honest" politician in my opinion was Walter Mondale. He straight up told us that taxes had to go up in 1984. And he went on to lose 49 states.

Then Reagan went ahead and raised taxes under the guise of "Tax Reform", which really meant eliminating a lot of those middle class deductions to the Rich could keep their tax breaks. Then Bush-41 raised taxes to save the S&L industry after he said "Read my lips". Then Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy, which is actually the smart way to do it.

We are getting what we vote for, like it or not.

Of course it's occurred to me, that's exactly why we are fucked, we expect our politicians to be liars and we can't believe anything ANY of them tell us.
This is reaching a point where it will no longer be about politics or Dems vs Repubs. Soon this will be about freedom vs tyranny. Those who have been getting a free ride and become dependent on government will side with tyranny. That's about half of the country. The other half is rapidly becoming fed up and will soon refuse to continue to subsidize the unproductive. There's gonna be a revolution sooner or later. I don't see how politics can repair the damage this administration has done. There'll be one last try in 2014, but after that fails, secession will be the only logical next step. Yeah, the GOP is dead, but tyranny is NOT an alternative and the Democratic Party represents tyranny. Where does that leave us?

I wish you nutters would go ahead and start your revolution. I'm sick of hearing about it. The cheap talk is beginning to gag me. So many of you threaten it, but none of you have the guts to actually kick it off.

Get on with it so we can quickly, and brutally, put an end to your "Red Dawn" fantasies.

We are not yet living in tyranny because everyone still has a right to vote. But anyone who suggest a true revolution in the USA "can quickly, and brutally, put an end to" is the one living in fantasy land.

Our entire military can't even disarm Afghanistan after 11 years of trying. They only had 4.6 guns per 100 people. We are 50 times that size with 13 times the population and have 88.8 guns per 100 people. Our entire military & police force would be wiped out before they reduced our guns by 2%. Do you really want that bloodshed on your hands?

It will start the biggest civil war in world history. Once the civil war starts, other countries will choose sides, join in & rapidly escalate hostilities before taking control. Or other countries will jump at the chance to invade as we are busy fighting each other. If a mini-revolution starts you can be sure Russia and China will further support it to destroy the US once and for all. Revolutionaries would have access to money and a nice weapon flow as well as intelligence and logistics.

Armageddon will be the day the government thinks they ageddon our arms! The attempt to disarm worked so well for the ATF at Ruby Ridge, Waco & Oklahoma City. The media failed to tell people about how Germany helped McVeigh bomb the Oklahoma City Federal building. Andreas Strassmeir was a German agent & directly assisted Tim McVeigh, Terry Nichols & others in blowing up the ATF & the Oklahoma City Federal building. The ATF was quickly reigned in from gun confiscation or enforcement.

German agent Andreas Strassmeir now lives quietly with his parents in a well-to-do area of West Berlin. His father was once a top aide to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. His brother is a city councillor. For seven years he served in the German army and a liaison officer with the Welsh Guards.

We are not yet living in tyranny because everyone still has a right to vote. But anyone who suggest a true revolution in the USA "can quickly, and brutally, put an end to" is the one living in fantasy land.

Our entire military can't even disarm Afghanistan after 11 years of trying. They only had 4.6 guns per 100 people. We are 50 times that size with 13 times the population and have 88.8 guns per 100 people. Our entire military & police force would be wiped out before they reduced our guns by 2%. Do you really want that bloodshed on your hands?


That's probably not a good analogy.

Afghanistan is a place where they've been in a state of civil war for the last 30 years because outside powers have been funnelling arms into the place. And the people there have got jack squat, so they can go off into the hills and fight for a few months at a time.

Americans taking their fat asses off the couch and heading for the hills? Don't see it happening. Most would probably just turn in their guns.

Yeah kids, I remember the campaign of 2012...

With unemployment at 8% and a nation in turmoil, the downtrodden Dems knew they had to come up with a brilliant, complex, multi-layered campaign approach if they wanted to have even a ghost of a chance to maintain the White House and the Senate.

So, against all odds, they huddled and plotted and planned -- and then carefully created and executed a strategy with such precision and coordination that their efforts would go down in the annals of political lore for generation upon generation:

All at once, they pointed at the GOP and said, "Hey, look at that!"


Meanwhile, the Republicans screamed about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, 8% unemployment, low wages and said "Wouldn't you rather have us run the country?

And the voters said.....Hell No

Yeah, you win by a small margin...that should tell you A LOT
Since he's a Pub dupe/hater, no doubt doesn't know what socialism IS...

Example? LOL

Yeah kids, I remember the campaign of 2012...

With unemployment at 8% and a nation in turmoil, the downtrodden Dems knew they had to come up with a brilliant, complex, multi-layered campaign approach if they wanted to have even a ghost of a chance to maintain the White House and the Senate.

So, against all odds, they huddled and plotted and planned -- and then carefully created and executed a strategy with such precision and coordination that their efforts would go down in the annals of political lore for generation upon generation:

All at once, they pointed at the GOP and said, "Hey, look at that!"


Meanwhile, the Republicans screamed about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, 8% unemployment, low wages and said "Wouldn't you rather have us run the country?

And the voters said.....Hell No

Yeah, you win by a small margin...that should tell you A LOT

Yup- that big lie BS propaganda works....dupe.
The illiterate lefty buffoon and the hateful wannabe Marxist are so damn predictable that they are not even antagonistic, just tedious.

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