From what I can surmise, the shutdown is about the two P's, Trump as principled, Democrats as petty


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
On this Christmas Day I have to call it as I see it. As I listen to more and more Americans on the internet I even hear some on the left say "just give him the wall, we need to move on to other issues". I also hear often from those who claim to be independent, "this isn't the issue to play petty politics with, this is our security". Yadda yadda.

Messaging is so much easier for the GOP on this issue as from every consideration it makes sense: economically, security, safety and from the perspective of remaining a sovereign nation.

If Trump identifies any Democrats he doesn't want to go against in 2020, he should have his party, and himself if needed, directly ask that person about the Wall. When they parrot the usual political talk, "I support strong borders, but there are other means to do this", the reply should be loud and proud, "you mean you want to continue what HASN'T worked the last 40 years with some window dressing? You don't want the Wall because it is permanent, effective and cannot circumvented by a future Democratic president, right?" Game, set, match that this person isn't a problem in 2020, or, they abandon their alt-left support.

Pound away, strip them of their defense, shine the light on them and educate voters on what side they are on. This is such an easy angle that it's embarrassing to be given such an issue on a platter. For two+ years, Trump has been laying the groundwork and without question he has persuaded many to see it his way. The caravan and MSM support for the caravan was a Godsend.

Get 'er done Trump! God Bless America!

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