From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

This is THE craziest fucking thread this board has ever seen.... PERIOD!

Nuclear whatever... GET A FUCKING GRIP MAN!! HOLY FUCK!

Never EVER let your meds run out again... OK?!
onthefence said:
Dude, don't kick his bucket over. The controllers could be watching.

If he's had the time to post all the bologna in this thread without the controllers seeing, then I'll have time to kick his bucket over without being seen...
Nuclear Winter, your life is the sum of the remainder of an unbalanced equation. You are the eventuality of an anomale that, despite our sincerest efforts, we have been unable to remove from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision.

Do you know what The saddest part is? We know how the Controllers use fear, yet we still allow them to manipulate us. It's similar to a scrawny, 150 pound lion tamer keeping ten Bengal Tigers at bay inside a cage at a circus. Not only that, but he also has them perform emasculating tricks, jump through hoops, and bow to him simply because he cracks his whip. These gorgeous, regal, powerful animals are completely slavish to his desires, and so have we become this way!! It should fill everyone with rage.

Are we really any different than the tigers? Think of how great Humanity could be, and how much potential we possess. But we allow the Controllers to rule us.

We have wars and upcoming wars everywhere, starvation on a massive scale, homelessness, and a man-made AIDS virus running rampant in Africa and the Orient.

But the finger shouldn't always be pointed just at the Controllers, and our problems shouldn't always be externalized. We're the one allowing them to control us. Why? Aren't we any smarter than the Bengal Tigers in that cage? Why don't we pull together (instead of letting THEM tear us apart) and remove these Controllers from their power! There are only a few of them, and MILLIONS of us. We can do it! But we have to do it now!
Lets examine the current situation that exists in America between "liberals" and "conservatives". Each side has its supposed "agenda", but when it comes right down to it, these "labels" are all part of a larger shell game.

It's reminiscent of the story the Wizard of Oz where both sides are doing the dirty work of a hidden figure that is lurking behind a curtain. And although these individuals may disagree on the particulars, they all want the same end, so they use a variety of different means to attain it.

Two of these tactics are distraction and disinformation. The Controllers keep everyone fighting each other instead of focusing their energy on the REAL enemy. They do it by clandestinely financing each opposing group, then standing back to watch the aftermath as they fight like cats and dogs.
Don't you think that it's conceivable that, considering their sick, evil motives, certain elements of the Secret Cabal could have had pre-knowledge of the terrorist acts on September 11? Before answering, realize that there was an abundance of evidence hinting that the Lusitania was going to be sunk, thus "forcing" us into World War 1 (a war that the majority of the people in the United States adamantly wanted to stay out of). A couple decades later, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his elitist handlers were aware that Pearl Harbor was going to be bombed by the Japanese. They ALLOWED it to take place, though, so the American people would be enraged enough to enter World War 2.

That's not the end of these horrendous practices....not by a longshot. During the 1960's, Operation Northwoods was a proposed military plan where we would stage phony attacks against American citizens right after the Bay of Pigs fiasco to insure our people would get so disgusted, they'd gladly allow us to invade Cuba once again. Luckily, JFK (although not perfect by any means) nixed the plan, but it may have cost him his life in doing so.

Propaganda was admittedly used prior to our war against Iraq. You remember the stories about how the Iraqi's were butchering babies in hospitals. Our government confessed that the entire story was incorrect!

All of these events were dramatic and grand in scale in order to not only shock the public, but to appeal to their basest instincts of bloodlust and revenge. After the dust settled, our entry into whatever battle was currently being waged could then be legitimized.
The old Dan Rather State-run news along with all the other media stations are nothing more than smoke. It's all filled with soap opera drama, sex, violence, and enough titillation to keep the people perched in front of their TV or buying the latest newspaper and scandal sheet.

But every once and awhile the Controllers need to move forward and take action., and then the "play" becomes real, and people are allowed to get killed for the sake of their agenda. Pearl Harbor - 2,500 dead. The World Trade Center Towers - 3,000+ dead.

Could it really be possible that the Controllers had pre-knowledge of the catastrophe in New York City and Washington DC? Many people would say no, but Brian Williams wrote an article in Newsbytes on September 27, 2001 that the mainstream media had completely ignored. He reported, "Officials at the instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York Landmarks."

An obvious question is: Why didn't people like Dan Rather or the New York Times investigate these alligations? Why didn't anybody look into it closer?

Whats even scarier is the following scenario: What if the World Trade Center was only a "first step" and an even greater catastrophe is waiting in the wings, like a nuclear warhead being dropped upon Chicago? Or how about the one thats supposed to be exploded on L.A.?

After it dropped, everyone would be freaking out beyond words...literally going crazy. And the Controllers would be saying: "Now what will you do? No one will be safe. We could anthrax entire cities and you'd never know what hit you until it was too late. Or, since we control the entire food distribution network in this country, we'll simply quit shipping to the markets! We'll starve you people to death! Millions upon millions of you will be begging us to ship you dog food! So here's the deal. The New World Order does exist, and we expect you to bow down to us and take your implants in the palm of your hands. Oh and just remember, WE have food, and WE have underground bunkers. Now take your implants like the good little slavish robots that you are."
While reading these "words of wisdom", ask yourself, do these people have our best intentions in mind? To me, the answer is obvious.

Strobe Talbott - Council on Foreign Relations Member, to Time Magazine on July 20, 1992 in an article entitled, "America Abroad: The Birth of the Global Nation":

"In the next hundred years, nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority." He continues, "No matter how permanent and even sacred nations may seem at any one time, they are all artificial and temporary."

Dr. Carroll Quigley, Author of the frequently quoted Tragedy and Hope:

"The powers of financial capitalism have another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a World system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the World as a whole."

Notice the words "Private hands."

Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor under Jimmy Carter:

"The Technotronic Era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite; unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."

Pope John Paul II - November 5, 1995:

"The United Nations organization needs to rise more and more above the cold status of an administrative institution and become a moral center where all nations of the World feel at home."

The United Nations a Moral Center? Thanks John Paul for confirming all the rumors about Papal devilry.

Edmund Muskie, Secretary of State - July 1980, commenting on official Carter administration policy concerning the "Global 2000" report and agreeing there should be "the elimination of two billion Human Beings by the year 2000."

"I don't know what the total death count was during the past two decades, but if you look at AIDS, abortion, curable diseases that went purposely uncured, starvation, war, ect., I'd say they did a pretty good job at reaching their goal."

Henry Kissinger, after the 1992 Los Angeles Riots at a Bilderberg meeting in Evian, France:

"Today, Americans would be outraged if United Nations troops entered Los Angeles to restore order -- tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond -- whether real or promulgated -- that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the World will plead with World leaders to deliver them from Evil."

"The one thing that every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being, granted to them by their World Government."


An "Outside" force? That could be anything. Kissinger said the threat could be real or promulgated, in other words a hoax, something that has been made-up to create fear so that we'll willingly bow down to them.

President George Bush - September 11, 1990:

"Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective -- a New World Order -- can emerge. We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by it's founders."
David Rockefeller (As reported in the French periodical Lectures Francaises):

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the World if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years. But the World is now prepared to march toward a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and World bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

Thats just scary........

John Swinton , former editor of the New York Times, in 1914 at the annual dinner of the American Press Association:

"There is no such thing as an independent press in America. Not a man among you dares utter his honest opinion. Were you to utter it, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. It is the duty of a New York journalist to lie, to revile, to toady at the feet of Mammon, to sell his country and his race for his daily bread, or what amounts to the same thing, his salary."

"We are tools and vassals of the rich behind the scenes. We are marionettes. These men pull the strings, and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives and our capacities are all the property of these men -- we are intellectual property."

Well folks, the situation hasn't really changed one iota in the last 90 years.

These are all real quotes. I'm not making this stuff up. Whats really funny is that the Controllers are that bold that they will go out and make a statement like the one that David Rockefeller made above. Or Henry Kissenger when he outright stated that he and his fellow Controllers could easily trick us into giving up our rights for what he considered to be the bettering of mankind. What a crock of crap. And John Swinton was trying to wake us up to what it really means to be a journalist.
Here are the Controllers basic goals:

1. A Single, Supra-National Government.

2. A One-World Army.

3. A One-World Religion.

4. A One-World Economy where they can manipulate every facet of global finance. We moved one step closer to this sorry state in January, 2002 when the EuroDollar was introduced to Europe.

5. They want to be able to Select "elected" leaders who will rise to power and carry out their agenda for them. And they want to be able to continue having the power to dump those who don't toe the line for them.

6. They want to be able to decide which countries will go to war against each other.

7. They want to be able to create a system in which the citizenry is increasingly under surveillance.

8. They want to be able to implant microchips into the bodies of citizens in order to finalize their control.
NuclearWinter said:
Here are the Controllers basic goals:

1. A Single, Supra-National Government.

2. A One-World Army.

3. A One-World Religion.

4. A One-World Economy where they can manipulate every facet of global finance. We moved one step closer to this sorry state in January, 2002 when the EuroDollar was introduced to Europe.

5. They want to be able to Select "elected" leaders who will rise to power and carry out their agenda for them. And they want to be able to continue having the power to dump those who don't toe the line for them.

6. They want to be able to decide which countries will go to war against each other.

7. They want to be able to create a system in which the citizenry is increasingly under surveillance.

8. They want to be able to implant microchips into the bodies of citizens in order to finalize their control.

Wow, they are doing great at those goals! :rolleyes:
It's important to know that the Bilderberg meetings are only a "front". When this revolving group of influential World leaders meets at various locations each year, the real decisions concerning what is about to take place don't happen there, regardless of how secretive they are. These forums are merely another "illusion" that needs to be stripped away like the layers of an onion.

To really determine who's calling the shots, we need to research groups such as the Council of 13, the Council of 33, and the Committee of 300. Once we transcend the facade, we'll find that there are three tiers of control:

1. Hierarchy Level One - Secret societies, European nobility, and royal families such as the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and the English ruling elite.

2. Hierarchy Level Two - American dynasties such as Rockefeller, Kuhn, Sachs, Loeb, Lazard, Goldman, Schiff, and Morgan.

3. Hierarchy Level Three - Figureheads such as the Bush family.

At level 3, we can see the nuts and bolts of how a system of World hegemony is carried out through the interaction of:

* energy
* finance
* multinational big business
* military
* industry

From these octopus-type tentacles, we see the three biggest industries in the World:

* Usury
* Energy
* drugs

So with the above information in mind, it's easy to determine how we've progressed past the propaganda that's being peddled by the News organizations, the Newspapers like the New York Times, and any of the magazines sitting on your local news stand.

Another point needs to be repeated and made perfectly clear -- which is that the Controllers don't go to war over ideals because they don't have any ideals other than to maintain their power base. Rather, it's about control, and keeping the machine running. They don't care about patriotism, nationalism, or our sovereignty.
Kathianne said:
Wow, they are doing great at those goals! :rolleyes:

Well Kathianne, honestly though, if you sit back and really think about it, they are getting closer and closer to reaching every one of them.
NuclearWinter said:
It's important to know that the Bilderberg meetings are only a "front". When this revolving group of influential World leaders meets at various locations each year, the real decisions concerning what is about to take place don't happen there, regardless of how secretive they are. These forums are merely another "illusion" that needs to be stripped away like the layers of an onion.

To really determine who's calling the shots, we need to research groups such as the Council of 13, the Council of 33, and the Committee of 300. Once we transcend the facade, we'll find that there are three tiers of control:

1. Hierarchy Level One - Secret societies, European nobility, and royal families such as the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and the English ruling elite.

2. Hierarchy Level Two - American dynasties such as Rockefeller, Kuhn, Sachs, Loeb, Lazard, Goldman, Schiff, and Morgan.

3. Hierarchy Level Three - Figureheads such as the Bush family.

At level 3, we can see the nuts and bolts of how a system of World hegemony is carried out through the interaction of:

* energy
* finance
* multinational big business
* military
* industry

From these octopus-type tentacles, we see the three biggest industries in the World:

* Usury
* Energy
* drugs

So with the above information in mind, it's easy to determine how we've progressed past the propaganda that's being peddled by the News organizations, the Newspapers like the New York Times, and any of the magazines sitting on your local news stand.

Another point needs to be repeated and made perfectly clear -- which is that the Controllers don't go to war over ideals because they don't have any ideals other than to maintain their power base. Rather, it's about control, and keeping the machine running. They don't care about patriotism, nationalism, or our sovereignty.

if this group is in power why is there war in the middle east
The Cold War was largely an excuse for a massive arms build-up between the United States and Russia. Not only did it guarantee that we would base our society and economy upon a military foundation, but it also started the process of incurring a huge national debt (and thus immense interest payments to the international bankers). If we were such heated enemies with the Soviets from the early 1950's to the mid - 1990's, why did David Rockefeller maintain a branch of Chase Manhattan in Moscow since 1927!!! Something to think about, huh?

Finally, the most frightening aspect of this scenario is that these hidden elitists have already taken over almost complete control of the United States Government and mainstream corporate media. They already control our government! If the Controllers were able to execute such a coup here, who's to say that they don't control other governments and regimes as well -- even those in Afghanistan or the Middle East!

And if you concur that the Controllers finance both sides of every war, what if they're doing the same thing now, even going so far as to possess knowledge of the terrorist attacks in Washington DC and New York City on 9-11?

The Controllers badly want a New World Order and they have little concern for any of us.

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