From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Did you guys know that in the Middle Ages, drugs were used as currency and those who possessed them wielded a great deal of economic leverage?

The individuals who cornered the opium market eventually became some of the wealthiest and most influential people on the planet. They reached this state by monopolizing the shipping lanes (sea-lanes were the primary mode of transportation at that time), and thus went on to become the World's rulers.

By the 15th century, nearly every war revolved around gold, diamonds, or the opium trade. Drugs became such a prevalent aspect of civilization, that when a history book today refers to the "spice trade", it is actually a thinly veiled reference to opium.

Across the ocean, the British East India Company was the wealthiest organization on the Earth at that time, and the mighty British Empire was founded on monopolizing the opium market.

By the 19th Century, morphine was invented by a German scientist named F.W.A. Seturner between 1805-1817, and the syringe was developed during the Civil War.
American Drug Running started in 1823 with a man named Samuel Russell who began Russell & Company. This man bought opium in Turkey, then smuggled it to China. In 1830, he purchased the Perkins Opium Syndicate of Boston and established a base of operations in Connecticut. One of his primary wheeler-dealers was Warren Delano, Jr., who was the grandfather of FDR!

By 1832, along with William Huntington, Russell formed the Skull & Bones secret society at Yale. Over the years its members included family names such as Bush, Rockefeller, Taft, Whitney, Harriman, Pillsbury, Kellogg, Goodyear, Perkins, and Weyerhauser.

At the same time, people formed the nation's first intelligence operation -- the Culper Ring. So, what we see is a trend that will continue throughout the future, -- the intermingling of secret societies, drugs, and the intelligence community.
While the Skull and Bones were building their drug empire on the East Coast, two other events were also occuring on the West Coast. These events, the California Gold Rush in 1849 and the building of the Transcontinental Railroad, were instrumental in bringing drugs to America.

Chinese Coolies were used as mules to import drugs into our country. Here is the pattern once again: two of the key components that make the World go 'round: gold and drugs.

By 1889, heroin was developed by the I.G. Farben Company -- the same folks that 40 years later produced the Zyklon B used to gas the Jews during World War 2. Thus, the first true "drug wave" to hit our country occurred between 1870 - 1920.

Another factor that influenced this phenomenon was World War 1, which served to "expand" the World by moving people into areas they never would have encountered if it weren't for battle.
Heroin and morphine are pain killers. Since large numbers of people were wounded and maimed during World War 1 and were given these drugs to alleviate the pain, they became addicted. Thus, drug addition became widespread throughout the World.

By the time World War 1 ended, two more important factors entered into the equation. First, drugs were made illegal in America during the early 1920's, and also internationally by the League of Nations, thus making its distribution extremely profitable. Second, cocaine was introduced to the general public.

People in the jungles had always gotten a buzz off of chewing the coca leaves, but now the sensation was heightened by delivering it in concentrated powder form.

In the early 1930's, consumers could no longer walk into a store and buy cocaine-laced softdrinks or over-the-counter hard drugs. Now they had to buy them on the streets. This was also the same time that the Mob entered the picture.
The United States could have entirely eradicated it's drug problem during World War 2 because our attention was focused on defeating the Axis Forces. But we had already dug a hole for ourselves by entering into an agreement with the Mafia.

During World War 2, to secure Italy, the United States Government formed an alliance with the Mob -- specifically Lucky Luciano -- who was imprisoned in New York. Since Mussolini didn't hold the La Cosa Nostra in high esteem and tried to break them, Luciano turned to the American authorities and enabled us to ultimately dock and take over Italy during the war. As payment for his services, Luciano was released from prison and deported back to Italy after the war, where he revived the Mafia and established links in the United States.

This fact is very important, for after Prohibition was abolished, the Mob began trafficking drugs, which had a much higher profit margin than alcohol.
"Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened." Just as a bell that has been rung cannot be "unrung", the annoying problem with the Truth is that, once you learn it, you can not "unlearn" it."
I have one question ace.....what are they suppose to get out of it? Why would they want to control a bunch of subserviant people that because of their state in life don't get inspired to do what freedom encourages them to do. . . create. Look at the difference between Russia and the U.S. . Free people invent, the create, they entertain and they build. Slaves are only good for the most menial of labor.

NuclearWinter said:
It's important to know that the Bilderberg meetings are only a "front". When this revolving group of influential World leaders meets at various locations each year, the real decisions concerning what is about to take place don't happen there, regardless of how secretive they are. These forums are merely another "illusion" that needs to be stripped away like the layers of an onion.

To really determine who's calling the shots, we need to research groups such as the Council of 13, the Council of 33, and the Committee of 300. Once we transcend the facade, we'll find that there are three tiers of control:

1. Hierarchy Level One - Secret societies, European nobility, and royal families such as the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and the English ruling elite.

2. Hierarchy Level Two - American dynasties such as Rockefeller, Kuhn, Sachs, Loeb, Lazard, Goldman, Schiff, and Morgan.

3. Hierarchy Level Three - Figureheads such as the Bush family.

At level 3, we can see the nuts and bolts of how a system of World hegemony is carried out through the interaction of:

* energy
* finance
* multinational big business
* military
* industry

From these octopus-type tentacles, we see the three biggest industries in the World:

* Usury
* Energy
* drugs

So with the above information in mind, it's easy to determine how we've progressed past the propaganda that's being peddled by the News organizations, the Newspapers like the New York Times, and any of the magazines sitting on your local news stand.

Another point needs to be repeated and made perfectly clear -- which is that the Controllers don't go to war over ideals because they don't have any ideals other than to maintain their power base. Rather, it's about control, and keeping the machine running. They don't care about patriotism, nationalism, or our sovereignty.

I'm part of Hierarchy #1. Please tell me my role in this.
Dr Grump said:
You're a free mason? Your role is to give secret handshakes and run interference for the Illuminati while they carry on ruling the world..

I'll remember that at the next Lodge meeting.
sitarro said:
I have one question ace.....what are they suppose to get out of it? Why would they want to control a bunch of subserviant people that because of their state in life don't get inspired to do what freedom encourages them to do. . . create. Look at the difference between Russia and the U.S. . Free people invent, the create, they entertain and they build. Slaves are only good for the most menial of labor.


I see where you are coming from, but don't kid yourself man. In almost any country, it doesn't matter where, the Controllers have made sure that they are at the top while the slaves are at the bottom.

Here, Russia, or almost anywhere else for that matter. The scales always tip towards the Controllers, while we end up slaving away to make sure that it always remains that way. Things have to change soon. And I for one am sickened by the fact that over 100,000 people die everyday of starvation when we have enough money and supplies in this World to feed every single one of them. The rulers of countries (The "Controllers") don't give a shit. And I am not going to sit back here and pretend like everything is ok.
NuclearWinter said:
I see where you are coming from, but don't kid yourself man. In almost any country, it doesn't matter where, the Controllers have made sure that they are at the top while the slaves are at the bottom.

Here, Russia, or almost anywhere else for that matter. The scales always tip towards the Controllers, while we end up slaving away to make sure that it always remains that way. Things have to change soon. And I for one am sickened by the fact that over 100,000 people die everyday of starvation when we have enough money and supplies in this World to feed every single one of them. The rulers of countries (The "Controllers") don't give a shit. And I am not going to sit back here and pretend like everything is ok.

So what are you going to do?? Tell someone else to do something? :rotflmao:
dilloduck said:
So what are you going to do?? Tell someone else to do something? :rotflmao:

Knowledge leads to action my friend. But first must come the knowledge.

Such as the fact that another window of opportunity opened up after World War 2 because up until that point, Japan had dominated the manufacture and distribution of heroin. They used this money to finance their war efforts and also flooded China with it to undermine that country.

So, between 1936-1946, there was virtually no drug abuse in America. But then in 1948, as an offshoot of the OSS, the CIA was formed to "stop communism". In the process, they also became major league players in the trafficking of drugs.

By interacting with other intelligence communities, mobsters, international dealers and guerillas, they soon began running drugs from the Middle East through Europe, and eventually into the United States.
The REAL war on drugs is this: The CIA is eliminating all unwanted competition so they can have total control of running the World's drug business. It's that simple. Fletcher Prouty, the "Mr. X" in Oliver Stone's film, JFK, called this rogue element "The Secret Team".

This parallel government doesn't use its resources to stop the production, transport, and sale of drugs, but instead, uses the drugs themselves to finance it's own covert operations. Called "Black Budgets", this money is utilized above-and-beyond what Congress appropriates to the CIA in their yearly buget.

In other words, since this "Secret Team" has a clandestine, self-appointed mission that isn't authorized by any branch of the government, it needs to have a variety of ways to finance itself.

Where does this funding come from? In addition to drug dealing, the CIA runs guns and launders money (to name just a few of their "covert arts"). Not only did the CIA formerly "occupy" their own private airline (Air America), but they also joined forces with the World Finance Corporation in Florida, which is a money laundering bank, and the Nugan Hand Bank in Florida.
Of course, if times got rough the Controllers could always fall back on the Vatican to run their money for them (no traces).

While we're on the topic of front companies, there's always the Far East Trading Company that the CIA used to run opium and clean their money.

And why does the Secret Team need all this dough? Well, there's always a need for someone to run the World's illegal operations. You know what they are -- assasinations, financing puppet governments, laying the groundwork for wars in third world countries, quieting people who get out of line, inciting riots (and then quelling them), grabbing control of states or countries that we could better operate according to them; or hell, just creating entirely new governments.

And who carries out these missions? Of course you have intelligence forces, those from academia, politicians, spies, bankers, and businessmen who are working on the sly. But to really get the job done, the CIA gets those people who know how to get down n' dirty -- outlaws, warlords, and fanatical religious leaders...or anyone who is completely amoral and beyond the law.

But if you really want to read an interesting story, look into the airport at Mena, Arkansas that was a huge drop-off point while Bill Clinton was Governor of that state. The airport was the prime stopping area (known as "A-12") from South America to the United States. Or, if you're really interested in what these folks are capable of, track down a series of articles written by Gary Webb that appeared in San Jose Mercury News during 1996. These stories chronicle how the CIA flooded the Los Angeles streets with crack cocaine during the 1980's. Yeah, they're a real nice bunch of guys.
NuclearWinter said:
Of course, if times got rough the Controllers could always fall back on the Vatican to run their money for them (no traces).

While we're on the topic of front companies, there's always the Far East Trading Company that the CIA used to run opium and clean their money.

And why does the Secret Team need all this dough? Well, there's always a need for someone to run the World's illegal operations. You know what they are -- assasinations, financing puppet governments, laying the groundwork for wars in third world countries, quieting people who get out of line, inciting riots (and then quelling them), grabbing control of states or countries that we could better operate according to them; or hell, just creating entirely new governments.

And who carries out these missions? Of course you have intelligence forces, those from academia, politicians, spies, bankers, and businessmen who are working on the sly. But to really get the job done, the CIA gets those people who know how to get down n' dirty -- outlaws, warlords, and fanatical religious leaders...or anyone who is completely amoral and beyond the law.

But if you really want to read an interesting story, look into the airport at Mena, Arkansas that was a huge drop-off point while Bill Clinton was Governor of that state. The airport was the prime stopping area (known as "A-12") from South America to the United States. Or, if you're really interested in what these folks are capable of, track down a series of articles written by Gary Webb that appeared in San Jose Mercury News during 1996. These stories chronicle how the CIA flooded the Los Angeles streets with crack cocaine during the 1980's. Yeah, they're a real nice bunch of guys.
Well let me know when you accquire the knowledge you need to actually do someting other than pretending to accomplish anything.
Keep tellin yourself that bud. I'm obviously doing more than you are. And besides, gotta start somewhere right?

PS - Don't tell me how effective I am being with my efforts. You my friend, are not the judge of that. God is. And if you put yourself ahead or above me one more time like that, I will refuse to respond to any of your posts in the future.
dilloduck said:
I'm all ears----what are you doing? Starting the revolution? Where do we sign up?

Patience my friend! I have much more to post here! I am not going to jump the gun! There is still so much to expose BEFORE we can take any action. So....while it is important that everyone remain on alert because while at any moment these "Controllers" can make their move on us, we need to keep the same mindset as they do.

But I am nowhere near where I need to be on this board. And as I said before, Knowledge leads to action. And the knowledge will come first. Jesus didn't come barreling out of Heaven with loaded guns my friend, rather He spent time preparing Himself and those around Him with the proper knowledge, and today our World is a better place because of that.

Now am I comparing myself to Jesus? Of course not. But I can think of no one more fitting to use as an example than Him.

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