From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

NuclearWinter said:
Patience my friend! I have much more to post here! I am not going to jump the gun! There is still so much to expose BEFORE we can take any action. So....while it is important that everyone remain on alert because while at any moment these "Controllers" can make their move on us, we need to keep the same mindset as they do.

But I am nowhere near where I need to be on this board. And as I said before, Knowledge leads to action. And the knowledge will come first. Jesus didn't come barreling out of Heaven with loaded guns my friend, rather He spent time preparing Himself and those around Him with the proper knowledge, and today our World is a better place because of that.

Now am I comparing myself to Jesus? Of course not. But I can think of no one more fitting to use as an example than Him.

I think Jesus knew how to handle an audience better than you.
onthefence said:
Still waiting eagerly for an answer.

Tell you what....I'll get to the Freemasons and such as soon as I get there. At the moment though I am going to finish covering the New World Order and how it is going to affect every single one of us if we don't stand up to stop it.
One of the primary reasons that America was involved in the Vietnam War (apart from the obvious profit motive) was to control and monopolize the opium trade in the Golden Triangle. We were so militarily superior that we could have won that war in a matter of months. But winning the war wasn't our objective. We had another one: to gain control of the area's opium fields and the ultimate production of the drug (heroin) trade.

Before America ever entered Korea or Vietnam, the Golden Triangle was run by French Intelligence and the Corsican Mobsters. Our interest in this area began in about 1950 when we realized how important the Golden Triangle (the Southeastern Asian countries of Laos, Burma, and Thailand) and the Golden Crescent (Middle East) were in terms of opium production.

Burma was by far the Golden Triangle's focal point, and the CIA began infiltrating it until 1961, when our mercenaries were driven from the area by warlords in power who recognized their country was now a major player in the international drug scene. By the late 1960's, the Golden Triangle accounted for 70% of the World's opium production. With output sky high, entire villages became totally dependent upon opium.

As the Vietnam War raged out of control, 57,000 American soldiers were killed in those jungles and the CIA became the largest mover of drugs in the World. While our troops were fighting, at least 15-30% of them became addicted to smack ("China White").
The CIA went in with their small planes and helicopters and re-opened the transport routes that had been destroyed or made unsafe. They then moved heroin from one of the largest drug labs in the World (in Northern Laos), via three different routes into Nam (through the South Vietnamese Government), and then eventually to our troops.

If you doubt that factions of our Government were (and still are) involved in the drug trade, then you should check out the Wall Street Journal article written by Jonathan Kwitny where he reveals how heroin was shipped to the United States in the corpses of killed American soldiers. According to him, their bodies were slit open, their innards were removed, then crammed full of heroin -- sometimes up to 50 pounds per body. He says that they were then flown to America (with "Priority" status) via the CIA's own personal airline (Air America), where they landed at Norton Air Force Base, in California.

It's important to note that opium literally stinks. It has a very distinct that is inescapable. Thus, all the pilots, loaders and everyone at the bases who unloaded these "shipments" definately must have known what was going on. The CIA became so brazen in their efforts that they even set up a brand named soft drink company in Laos as a front operation for processing heroin.
By the way, that guy Webb that I mentioned about above, who was trying to expose the CIA for what they really are, well guess what, Webb happened to get "suicided" last year. Ain't that interesting. If I'm not mistaken, "he shot himself" TWICE in the head. Yeah, boy. That first shot just didn't do the trick, so he had to shoot himself AGAIN. LMFAO.

If thats not proof of the atrocities of the Controllers than I don't know what is.
After the United States "officially" pulled out of Vietnam in 1973, fighting continued in this area -- Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand -- right up through the 1980's. But after we left, guess what we left behind -- Prisoners of War.

Our government made a half-assed attempt, via Operation Grand Eagle, to rescue these men, but they didn't really want them to come home. Why? Because these guys knew too many of our dirty drug dealing secrets.

In 1986, the infamous Burmese Warlord Khun Sa stated on videotape that his country's entire supply of opium -- 900 tons per year -- was purchased by the United States Government. Numerous individuals involved in the POW recovery movement tried notifying our government and the national media of this debacle, but their attempts rained on deaf ears.
NuclearWinter said:
After the United States "officially" pulled out of Vietnam in 1973, fighting continued in this area -- Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand -- right up through the 1980's. But after we left, guess what we left behind -- Prisoners of War.

Our government made a half-assed attempt, via Operation Grand Eagle, to rescue these men, but they didn't really want them to come home. Why? Because these guys knew too many of our dirty drug dealing secrets.

In 1986, the infamous Burmese Warlord Khun Sa stated on videotape that his country's entire supply of opium -- 900 tons per year -- was purchased by the United States Government. Numerous individuals involved in the POW recovery movement tried notifying our government and the national media of this debacle, but their attempts rained on deaf ears.

I remember this from Rambo.........."I'm your worst nightmare...'
You've made a lot of statements in your posts, but do you have any proof, any links to back up what you are saying> If you could provide some legitimate, 3rd party support for your claims then people would look at you position very seriously.
Mr. Conley,

All a person has to do is to do some research on the names of some of the people that I am listing, the operations conducted by the Government, the volume numbers and articles that I am posting of, and the rest of the people and places and things that I am posting about and a person will come to find absolutely that I am speaking from the Truth. The Truth means everything to me. And I wouldn't trade it for some lies.
Prior to becoming involved with the countries that we now associate with the "Contra War", the first area of major drug trafficking occured in Cuba while Battista was still in power. During that time, Santo Trafficante Jr. ran the show, and Cuba was a major pipeline for heroin coming into the States. It also harbored scores of gangsters who kept their enterprises going with gambling, booze, arms, and prostitution.

When Fidel Castro came into power in the late 1950's, the Mob's entire operation was shut down. Since the CIA had their fingers in the same pie for years, both of them were affected by this turn of events. After seven or eight unsuccessful attempts to knock off Castro between 1959-1965 (under code names ZR/RIFLE, Operation Mongoose, and JM/WAVE in which they used poisoned cigars, hallucinogens, ect.., to kill and discredit Castro) the CIA turned their attention to new horizons -- Panama, Nicaragua, and beyond.

In the late 1970's, some of the same folks who tried to snuff Castro and who may have also been used in the Kennedy Assassination and Watergate burglary traveled to Central America. Headed by Ted Shackley, Thomas Clines, Felix Rodriguez, Frank Sturgis and Edwin Wilson, the program had over 12,000 operatives at its height. If you do any research, you'll keep finding the same names popping up over and over again.
NuclearWinter said:
Mr. Conley,

All a person has to do is to do some research on the names of some of the people that I am listing, the operations conducted by the Government, the volume numbers and articles that I am posting of, and the rest of the people and places and things that I am posting about and a person will come to find absolutely that I am speaking from the Truth. The Truth means everything to me. And I wouldn't trade it for some lies.

Are you sure you're not Nostradamus ?
The most recognizable personality from that era was Manuel Noriega. While head of the CIA in 1976, George Bush, Sr. would routinely have lunch with the Panamanian strongman and authorize hundreds of thousands of dollars in CIA payments to him each year in exchange for his assistance in transporting contraband into America.

Noriega's name also appeared on at least 50 CIA files as a drug dealer. There is even an infamous photograph of Bush and Noriega standing side-by-side with grins plastered across their faces.

Everything was rolling along smoothly until Noriega bucked the system and tried to become "independent". Here's the scenario:

1. Noriega would receive CIA payments for his involvement in the flow of drugs through Panama.

2. He then used this money to build a national, independent network in his country.

3. He eventually tried to go solo and keep all the drug money for himself instead of transferring it to the CIA.

Realizing that Noriega was out of line and unable to be controlled any longer, our Government marked him as a drug lord, vilified him in the media, invaded his country, wiped away his operations, arrested him and then put a new man in his place -- someone who'd better mind his P's and Q's.

Pretty simple. We even sent one of our notorious Golden Triangle high-rollers, Richard Armitage, to tell Noriega that he'd better get back in line, or else. Since he wouldn't see things "our way", Noriega was captured and imprisoned. What a lovely business!
Reams of material have been published that document our Government's experimentation with drugs on both witting and unwitting subjects. Administered under the CIA's nefarious "MK-ULTRA" program and also by the Department of Defense, one thing needs to be very clear, which is that segments of our government were intensively involved in experimentation with drugs and many of the agents became big-time trippers and users themselves.

Below are a few random notes that expose the tip of this disturbing iceberg:

* LSD was discovered in 1948 by Dr. Albert Hoffman, who worked for Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Switzerland.

* At the national institute for Mental Health in Lexington, Kentucky, under the supervision of Dr. Harris Isabell, seven different drug addicts were administered LSD so that they continuously tripped for 77 days straight.

* Operation Midnight Climax was an MK-ULTRA program in which hallucinogens were used on unsuspecting subjects to see if a Manchurian Candidate could be created to become an assassin, all the while testing LSD's effectiveness in regard to brainwashing.

* "Heroin" is a trade name created by Bayer.

* Eli Lilly was the first company to produce synthetic LSD for the CIA.

* Eli Lilly is the largest drug company that produces the precursor chemicals needed to manufacture cocaine and heroin. When you think about it, you have cocoa plants and poppy bulbs, but without the necessary ingredients needed to transform them into their final state, their use would never be so widespread.

* Eli Lilly sends materials directly to Columbia to process their cocoa leaves into cocaine, and our government does nothing to stop these shipments, although they know full well what they're being used for. Two recognizable political names of the 1990's own huge shares in this company -- and they are George Bush and the Quayle family.

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