From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

NuclearWinter said:
The most recognizable personality from that era was Manuel Noriega. While head of the CIA in 1976, George Bush, Sr. would routinely have lunch with the Panamanian strongman and authorize hundreds of thousands of dollars in CIA payments to him each year in exchange for his assistance in transporting contraband into America.

Noriega's name also appeared on at least 50 CIA files as a drug dealer. There is even an infamous photograph of Bush and Noriega standing side-by-side with grins plastered across their faces.

Everything was rolling along smoothly until Noriega bucked the system and tried to become "independent". Here's the scenario:

1. Noriega would receive CIA payments for his involvement in the flow of drugs through Panama.

2. He then used this money to build a national, independent network in his country.

3. He eventually tried to go solo and keep all the drug money for himself instead of transferring it to the CIA.

Realizing that Noriega was out of line and unable to be controlled any longer, our Government marked him as a drug lord, vilified him in the media, invaded his country, wiped away his operations, arrested him and then put a new man in his place -- someone who'd better mind his P's and Q's.

Pretty simple. We even sent one of our notorious Golden Triangle high-rollers, Richard Armitage, to tell Noriega that he'd better get back in line, or else. Since he wouldn't see things "our way", Noriega was captured and imprisoned. What a lovely business!

tell me more !! please tell me more !!!
"Sargent Shriver and Richard M. Nixon have "excellent vibrations" or the good of America and will serve their country well. The former, however, must guard against assassination attempts."

Richard M. (Í'm not a crook, resigned from presidency in disgrace, oil embargo, open the door to China) Nixon served his country well? I think Jeane missed the boat on that one.
1. Jeane Dixon, the famed "seer" from Washington DC, predicted a major international confrontation over "peaceful islands of the South Pacific" in 1983. She also predicted that Princess Diana would release news of a new pregnancy "before the year 1983 is very old."

2. Jeane Dixon saw the Reverend Jimmy Swaggart's ministry being "saved" by a last minute donation in 1990, rather than being destroyed by another scandal involving a prostitute.

3. Jeane Dixon predicted in the January 17, 1995, issue of the Star, saying, "A new, antibiotic-resistant strain of influenza causes coast-to-coast misery in early winter and again in early spring. Scientists will trace the virus to polluted water." It's not surprising. Antibiotics don't work on viruses, which is why you don't prescribe them for the common cold, flu, AIDS, etc.

4. Washington, D.C., "psychic," Jeane Dixon, who supposedly has a "gift of prophecy," saw that Fidel Castro would be overthrown, possibly resulting in Cuba's becoming part of the United States, and that Virginia governor Douglas Wilder would gain enough support for a "vice presidential invitation." President elect Bill Clinton, however, she described as "the Democratic shooting star," and said that "an organization of women will try to block his path. President Bush's ratings would climb, resulting in his reelection." She also predicted "a promising economic upturn in the spring," and that "broccoli will become the miracle vegetable of the nineties."

5. Jeane Dixon issued her predictions for the aftermath of the Gulf War. While she did contain the correct prediction of the release of the Western Hostages in Lebanon, she also predicted that Saddam Hussein would either be assassinated or be put to trial for war crimes in a Moslem court. She also saw terrorist attacks being made against the British Royal Family and Monaco's Prince Rainier (now impossible with his death) and predicted that the world would be stunned as "the old order" in China, Korea, and Japan suddenly fell apart like the Berlin Wall. No major changes occurred in any of these governments during 1991.

6. Jeane Dixon, one of the country's best known psychics, in the July, 1995, issue of the Star, forecast: "a stunning outcome to the O.J. Simpson trial will be a result no one predicted. I can see that O.J. will walk." She was right. But Dixon could just as easily claimed success if Simpson had been found guilty or the jury had failed to reach a decision. "A guilty verdict or hung jury will keep O.J. Simpson in jail through most of this year," she predicted in the January 17, 1995 issue of the Star. "I don't see him walking away a free man until an appeal," Dixon predicted in the April 25, 1995, issue of the tabloid.

7. Dixon predicted a holocaust for the 1980s and that Rome would then rise and become the world's foremost center of culture, learning, and religion; and that the Middle Eastern child whose birth she "witnessed in the vision with Queen Nefertiti" on February 5, 1962, will unite all warring creeds and sects into one all-embracing faith (ibid.: 193).

8. Ms. Dixon claimed that she first began peering into the future when she was about five years of age. Thousands around the country swore by her claims, and many would scarcely make a significant decision without consulting Dixon’s horoscopic advice.

As a prophetess, however, the lady was a dismal failure - as all her kind are. What do the following predictions have in common?

Russia will be the first nation to land a man on the moon.
World War III will break out in October, 1958.
Walter Reuther will be a Democratic candidate for President in 1964.
There will be no significant congressional legislation in 1965.
Their commonality is this: They all proved to be false “prophecies.”

Russia has never put a man on the moon. World War III has not broken out yet. Walter Reuther was never a candidate for President. And in 1965, congress passed both the Medicare bill and the Civil Rights Act.

9. The endless chain of Dixon's major failed predictions (such as Tom Dewey as “assistant president,” the fall of India's Nehru that never happened, Richard Nixon's return to office, germ warfare in 1958 with China, a monster comet striking the Earth, and the election of a female U.S. president——the last two to have taken place in the 1980s——and the dissolution of the Roman Catholic Church before 1990) establish that her actual, written record is hardly impressive.

10. False Prophecies Although Jeane Dixon supposedly has made some predictions that have come true, she has made many other prophecies that have failed. These include:

A. World War III would begin in 1954. (See other World War III date in #8)
B. Red China would be admitted to the United Nations in 1958. This did not occur until 1971.
C. The Vietnam war would end in 1966. It did not end until 1975.
D. On October 19, 1968, she predicted Jacqueline Kennedy was not thinking of marriage. The next day Mrs. Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis!
E. Union Leader, Walter Reuther, would run for President in 1964. He did not
NuclearWinter said:
Reams of material have been published that document our Government's experimentation with drugs on both witting and unwitting subjects. Administered under the CIA's nefarious "MK-ULTRA" program and also by the Department of Defense, one thing needs to be very clear, which is that segments of our government were intensively involved in experimentation with drugs and many of the agents became big-time trippers and users themselves.

Below are a few random notes that expose the tip of this disturbing iceberg:

* LSD was discovered in 1948 by Dr. Albert Hoffman, who worked for Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Switzerland.

* At the national institute for Mental Health in Lexington, Kentucky, under the supervision of Dr. Harris Isabell, seven different drug addicts were administered LSD so that they continuously tripped for 77 days straight.

* Operation Midnight Climax was an MK-ULTRA program in which hallucinogens were used on unsuspecting subjects to see if a Manchurian Candidate could be created to become an assassin, all the while testing LSD's effectiveness in regard to brainwashing.

* "Heroin" is a trade name created by Bayer.

* Eli Lilly was the first company to produce synthetic LSD for the CIA.

* Eli Lilly is the largest drug company that produces the precursor chemicals needed to manufacture cocaine and heroin. When you think about it, you have cocoa plants and poppy bulbs, but without the necessary ingredients needed to transform them into their final state, their use would never be so widespread.

* Eli Lilly sends materials directly to Columbia to process their cocoa leaves into cocaine, and our government does nothing to stop these shipments, although they know full well what they're being used for. Two recognizable political names of the 1990's own huge shares in this company -- and they are George Bush and the Quayle family.




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Obviously you have already done a lot of research on this topic. Why not simply post links to where this information is from? That way, people will take your position much more seriously. I realize that any of us can "look this stuff up," but that is not our duty. The responsiblity is on you to back and prove your claims. If you want to be taken seriously by at least me, then please provide some evidence.

Mr. Conley
Mr.Conley said:
Obviously you have already done a lot of research on this topic. Why not simply post links to where this information is from? That way, people will take your position much more seriously. I realize that any of us can "look this stuff up," but that is not our duty. The responsiblity is on you to back and prove your claims. If you want to be taken seriously by at least me, then please provide some evidence.

Mr. Conley

Mr. Conley, which of the variety of subjects that I am covering would you like me to provide a website for? And you must understand that there isn't always a "website" for everything that I am covering here. Much of it is fact. However, there are many other ways to find out if this information is true or not besides clicking on a link from your computer. Alot of it WOULD require work on your guys part if you expect to prove it one way or the other. Sitting on the fence and wondering if it's true or not is not going to give you all the answers.

With that said, I have provided the names of many magazines and articles as well as a whole Sh!t load of keywords for you guys to type in at any search engine on the internet to see what you can come up with. I guarantee you that every name that I am providing here, every event or story that I am describing, is absolute historical fact. And if anyone on this board disagrees with me on that comment, then I would simply challenge them to try and prove me wrong.
fabb1963 said:
1. Jeane Dixon, the famed "seer" from Washington DC, predicted a major international confrontation over "peaceful islands of the South Pacific" in 1983. She also predicted that Princess Diana would release news of a new pregnancy "before the year 1983 is very old."

2. Jeane Dixon saw the Reverend Jimmy Swaggart's ministry being "saved" by a last minute donation in 1990, rather than being destroyed by another scandal involving a prostitute.

3. Jeane Dixon predicted in the January 17, 1995, issue of the Star, saying, "A new, antibiotic-resistant strain of influenza causes coast-to-coast misery in early winter and again in early spring. Scientists will trace the virus to polluted water." It's not surprising. Antibiotics don't work on viruses, which is why you don't prescribe them for the common cold, flu, AIDS, etc.

4. Washington, D.C., "psychic," Jeane Dixon, who supposedly has a "gift of prophecy," saw that Fidel Castro would be overthrown, possibly resulting in Cuba's becoming part of the United States, and that Virginia governor Douglas Wilder would gain enough support for a "vice presidential invitation." President elect Bill Clinton, however, she described as "the Democratic shooting star," and said that "an organization of women will try to block his path. President Bush's ratings would climb, resulting in his reelection." She also predicted "a promising economic upturn in the spring," and that "broccoli will become the miracle vegetable of the nineties."

5. Jeane Dixon issued her predictions for the aftermath of the Gulf War. While she did contain the correct prediction of the release of the Western Hostages in Lebanon, she also predicted that Saddam Hussein would either be assassinated or be put to trial for war crimes in a Moslem court. She also saw terrorist attacks being made against the British Royal Family and Monaco's Prince Rainier (now impossible with his death) and predicted that the world would be stunned as "the old order" in China, Korea, and Japan suddenly fell apart like the Berlin Wall. No major changes occurred in any of these governments during 1991.

6. Jeane Dixon, one of the country's best known psychics, in the July, 1995, issue of the Star, forecast: "a stunning outcome to the O.J. Simpson trial will be a result no one predicted. I can see that O.J. will walk." She was right. But Dixon could just as easily claimed success if Simpson had been found guilty or the jury had failed to reach a decision. "A guilty verdict or hung jury will keep O.J. Simpson in jail through most of this year," she predicted in the January 17, 1995 issue of the Star. "I don't see him walking away a free man until an appeal," Dixon predicted in the April 25, 1995, issue of the tabloid.

7. Dixon predicted a holocaust for the 1980s and that Rome would then rise and become the world's foremost center of culture, learning, and religion; and that the Middle Eastern child whose birth she "witnessed in the vision with Queen Nefertiti" on February 5, 1962, will unite all warring creeds and sects into one all-embracing faith (ibid.: 193).

8. Ms. Dixon claimed that she first began peering into the future when she was about five years of age. Thousands around the country swore by her claims, and many would scarcely make a significant decision without consulting Dixon’s horoscopic advice.

As a prophetess, however, the lady was a dismal failure - as all her kind are. What do the following predictions have in common?

Russia will be the first nation to land a man on the moon.
World War III will break out in October, 1958.
Walter Reuther will be a Democratic candidate for President in 1964.
There will be no significant congressional legislation in 1965.
Their commonality is this: They all proved to be false “prophecies.”

Russia has never put a man on the moon. World War III has not broken out yet. Walter Reuther was never a candidate for President. And in 1965, congress passed both the Medicare bill and the Civil Rights Act.

9. The endless chain of Dixon's major failed predictions (such as Tom Dewey as “assistant president,” the fall of India's Nehru that never happened, Richard Nixon's return to office, germ warfare in 1958 with China, a monster comet striking the Earth, and the election of a female U.S. president——the last two to have taken place in the 1980s——and the dissolution of the Roman Catholic Church before 1990) establish that her actual, written record is hardly impressive.

10. False Prophecies Although Jeane Dixon supposedly has made some predictions that have come true, she has made many other prophecies that have failed. These include:

A. World War III would begin in 1954. (See other World War III date in #8)
B. Red China would be admitted to the United Nations in 1958. This did not occur until 1971.
C. The Vietnam war would end in 1966. It did not end until 1975.
D. On October 19, 1968, she predicted Jacqueline Kennedy was not thinking of marriage. The next day Mrs. Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis!
E. Union Leader, Walter Reuther, would run for President in 1964. He did not

I respect your opinion.

I take a different viewpoint about times and dates for psychic predictions though.

I believe in psychic ability. I believe that true psychics really can see whats coming in the future. I do not believe that they should slap a date and a time on their predictions however, because time is an illusion, and in reality, it doesn't even exist.

They do not get visions that come stock with a clock watch. Or 99% of the time I am willing to bet that they do not see time in their visions, or anything to do with time at all. In fact, the "awake" psychics (not those like Edgar Cayce), have to look at their visions in retrospect. What are the people wearing in their visions? What do the buildings look like? What do the cars look like? What do they see that could place that vision at a future time frame? It's not easy for them, and much of the time they have to guess at when they are going to happen.

I know they can see visions, and I know they can see things that are coming, the actual outcomes of events if we allow them to occur. And in some cases events that we have no control over.

I do however believe that the information in this thread is correct and is about as accurate as you may find for the next 6 year period starting from this year (2006). For many different reasons, but lets just say that I believe that the next 6 years includes all of these predictions within that time frame.

I am not basing it off of old dates that have worn out. I am basing it off of the Bible Code along with the Mayan Calendar along with just pure visions along with the tribulation period along with my own gut feelings along with a bunch of other things. That is how I figured out the time frame. At least what I believe to be the time frame anyways.

I never go by what a psychic says when they give an exact date for their vision. I just go by their visions, and try to do my best to see the truth in their occurences. It wasn't easy narrowing them down to the next 6 years, it definately took alot of studying and work on my own part, but I really do believe that the final product is correct. And I guess that only "time" will really tell.
Drugs are used as a tool by the Controllers to quell what they see as "problems".

To reiterate a few things: First, there are mind-boggling amounts of money to be made from trafficking drugs. (The World's four largest industries are: 1. Usury, 2. Energy, 3. Drugs, and 4. War.)

Political takeovers, business empires and personal fortunes have been built on the above four premises. Some people even say the CIA is the biggest drug dealer in the World, and it's no secret that their Black Budgets are largely financed via the transport of drugs, arms, and money laundering. The "Secret Team's" practices are also well-known by all branches of the government, including the FBI, the National Security Council, the State Department and DEA, and every potential investigation into it is quickly thwarted.

Finally, if all illegal drugs were completely eliminated at one time, it would send the World's economy into such a tailspin, that it would make the Great Depression look like a day at the circus.
With this information in mind, we need to look at the recent figureheads who have "run" this country: George Bush Sr., and Bill Clinton. Elder Bush was the head of the CIA from 1975-76 and his link with this organization dates back to the late 1950's or early 1960's. His Zapata offshore oil rigs have also been linked to the transfer of narcotics shipments from South America to the United States.

When the biggest drug smuggler in American history (Barry Seal) was killed by a volley of gunfire, guess whose private phone number was found in his wallet? George Bush Sr's! As head of the CIA, do you really think he didn't know what was going on? C'mon!

As for Bill Clinton, his link to the Mena Airport in Arkansas is so strong that it would be easy to graduate from turning a blind eye at the state level to a national scale. Now we need to look at our current President -- George W. Bush. Considering who his father is and his own cocaine/party past, do you think there's any possibility that he's ignorant of what the Secret Team is doing? Fat chance.
Some people say, "Since everyone knows that the CIA is the biggest drug dealer in the World, why not just legalize drugs."? The answer is this: We can't legalize drugs because there is too much of a MACHINE associated with it. Think about how many people LEGITIMATELY make their livings off of drugs -- drug companies, pharmacists, people in the court system, many corrupt police officers, many corrupt officials in the DEA, corrupt parole officers, investigators, prisons (which have been at one time or another the largest growth industry in the United States), as well as corrupt Laywers. It's immense! So once again, drugs = money.

Henry Kissinger said to Bob Woodward at the Washington Post: "Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy."

That statement doesn't directly have anything to do with drugs, but it does reflect the amount of contempt the World leaders (Controllers) have for us. If Kissinger can talk negatively about the military, just think how he sees us -- mere "peasants"!

This comment leads to the Controllers use of drugs as a tool against it's own citizenry. Consider, if you will, drugs as a method to undermine the efforts of those who would potentially be "trouble".

During the late 1960's, the protest movement became such a threat to the Controllers that they seriously thought it would crumble their house of cards. So, what did they do? Most everyone knows about how prevalent marijuana use was during the 1960's. But toward the end of that decade and into the early 1970's, harder, more dangerous drugs began hitting the scene, especially in one of the hotbeds of fissent - Haight-Ashbury.
In the span of a few years, the scene went from loving "Flower Children" to speed freaks, junkies and con men all strung-out and looking for an easy buck.

Another example is the Black protesters who wanted equal rights. Realizing that these folks were serious about wanting change, what happened? The controllers began shipping heroin out of the Golden Triangle in the early 70's and pumping it into the inner cities, right where the protesters lived. Soon we had our first big wave of heroin use in the United States in the early-to-mid 1970's, and the Cause quietly faded away. And do people really think it was all just "coincidence"?

Of course drugs weren't the only factor in the demise of these movements, but it was a definate contributor.

Another example concerns the English Punk Rock movement of the mid-late 1970's. At that time the economic situation in Great Britain was abysmal. Scores of angry teenagers were politically mobilized by a new musical craze - Punk Rock. Through the Sex Pistols, Clash, Generation X, Siousxie Sioux and the Banshees and others, this movement actually became dangerous to the English Elite.

To counter it, Johnny Thunders, ex-New York Dolls guitarist and quite possibly the most notorious junkie in rock'n'roll history (which is saying alot) and Nancy Spungen (Sid Vicious's girlfriend who was stabbed to death under suspicious circumstances) traveled to England. Thunders joined the Sex Pistols for a total death drag tour, while Nancy set her sights on (and landed) poor old Sid. Within months, as Johnny Thunders bragged, every Punk Rocker in England was a junkie.

Johnny and Nancy, neither of whom had two pennies to rub together, somehow still managed to have unlimited access to smack and turned everyone onto it whom they met. Kinda makes you wonder how they were able to afford it all huh? Within less than two years, the Pistols disbanded, Nancy and Sid were dead, and Punk Rock fizzled into New Wave Music, which was safer, more sanitary, and much more focused on money than revolution.

It's a perfect Hegelian Dialectic at work:

Thesis: dangerous, political Punk Rock.

Anti-thesis: destructive, readily available heroin.

Synthesis: antiseptic, less threatening New Wave music.
And then of course we have the marijuana farmers in the hills of Kentucky, West Virginia, and the surrounding areas. These folks are mostly dirt-poor locals who eke out a few extra bucks a year by growing weed up in the hill country. The Government stumbled on this phenomenon a few years ago, and realizing they had competition, decided that they'd put an end to the marijuana growers.

Here's what happened. The DEA spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to eradicate little thousand-dollar patches way up in the hills of "Deliverance" country. They'd bring in agents, helicopters, and hi-tech heat-sensing equipment just to mess with these dirt farmers.

But those guys in Kentucky are a resilient bunch, so they kept moving deeper and deeper into the woods, setting up more intricate traps and tip-off devices. Realizing that they'd never eradicate the marijuana crops, the Government took a more novel approach.

Rather than fighting fair, the Feds flooded the backwoods market with Oxycontin (nicknamed "Hillbilly Heroin"). It seems like every partier and pharmacist in the state had a 'script for this stuff. These guys were getting so high on Oxycontin, that they didn't care about marijuana any more. This ended the competition for our Government, and at the same time they even made money off of the pharmaceutical drugs.

Whenever you view the subject of drugs in relation to Governments, just remember, their fingers are not just dirty, they're filthy.
Yes, as hard as it is to believe for many people, one of the CIA's primary roles is to support the United States economy by bringing illegal drugs into this country. How can this be, you ask? Well, one of the CIA's main responsibilities is to provide much needed cash flow banks and stock trading houses. If you find this relationship hard to swallow, then why did six of the first seven CIA directors come directly from Wall Street, with many others having strong ties to the banking community? What does being an Intelligence director have to do with high-finance? The answer can be found with George Bush, Sr. His father, Prescott, was a financial director for the Brown Brothers Harriman subsidary (Union Banking Company) that directly financed Hitler before and during World War 2 by laundering money for the Nazi War Machine!

But lets get back to the point here, because in a January, 2001 report, it was disclosed that $1.5 trillion dollars a year is laundered through the World's banking system, and that approximately $500-600 (about 1/3) comes from the drug trade. The CIA's role, then, is to make sure that as much drug money as possible comes into our economy.

Illegal drug trafficking is the fastest growing industry in America, and the truth is that the growth of many multi-national companies and international banks was financed through the sale of illegal drugs. And who's the leader in laundering this narcotics money? American banks. To support this claim, Mike Ruppert, a former investigator for the Los Angeles Police Department, has reference to a survey conducted with the top business and banking leaders of America. 99 out of 100 of these corporate leaders said that it would be better to keep $500 billion a year of laundered money going through the system than it would be to stop the flow of illegal drugs into our country. For, if we stopped laundering this money, mutual funds would plummet, the stock market would crash, and any possibility of paying off our national debt would be futile (as it already is). We are, regrettably, addicted to drug profiterring in this country.
Democrat4Bush said:
You have way to much free time!!

That avatar did it to me again, I spit frappacino on to my keyboard AGAIN when I opened your post. Easily one of the funniest things I have ever seen, don't change it! :coffee3:
Why do people think that the American Government became so obsessed with Afghanistan, a remote, desolate country? To find an answer, you have to see things the way that our Government does. Before 1980, Afghanistan produced 0% of the World's opium. But then the CIA moved in, and by 1986 they were producing 40% of the World's heroin supply. By 1999, they were churning out 3,200 TONS of heroin a year -- which is nearly 80% of the total market supply.

But then something happened. The Taliban rose to power, and by 2000 they had destroyed nearly all of the opium fields. Production dropped from 3,000+ tons to only 185 tons, a 94% reduction! This enormous drop in revenue subsequently hurt not only the CIA's Black Budget projects, but also the free-flow of laundered money in and out of the Controller's banks. These powerful folks didn't like this turn of events (and the easy money being taken out of their pockets). So, to retaliate, we went to war with them, and you all know the rest of the story.

I mean, come on people. Didn't anyone think to themselves why all of the sudden our economy turned to Shi! and then all of the sudden curious George Bush announced that Afghanistan was our enemy? I mean it doesn't take a genious to put the two together. In 2000, the Taliban destroyed the Opium fields in Afghanistan, and in 2000 our economy took a major tailspin for the worst. And in 2001, (after the 9-11 events), George Bush announces that Afghanistan is a country that harbors terrorists (of which it did) but that it was also the country we were going to go to war with. Hmmm...I wonder what the real reason that George Bush picked Afghanistan was....could it have been the opium fields!!!
After we invaded Afghanistan, the Afghanistan Northern Alliance, backed by the CIA, chased the Taliban out and re-planted all of the opium crops again. Even more horrifying is that while the opium crops were destroyed, the Afghanistan farmers were planting actual FOOD crops such as wheat so that their people could eat. But then the CIA went in, dug-up the wheat, and re-seeded the opium fields. You know, when you think about these actions, it's downright sickening. So now the Afghanistan rebels run the poppy fields, and everything is back to "normal" again (albeit a very dirty, corrupt kind of normal).

So, with this very interesting foundation laid, people can learn even more about these horrible skeems that have been played upon the people of America. They can learn about the truth about many things, including the Bush-Bin Laden family connection just to skim one from the top.

The truth is out there. All people have to do is uncover it.
Considering how prevalent drug trafficking is in certain political and business circles, we need to ask ourselves why the United States really went to war with Afghanistan. To answer this question, one thing must be made perfectly clear. The Controllers don't go to war over "ideals" such as patriotism, freedom or national sovereignty. Do you know why? It's because these people don't give a damn about those concepts. In fact, they hold them in contempt.

So, why did we really go to war with Afghanistan? Historically, wars have been fought for three main reasons: gold, diamonds, and drugs. As you can tell, drugs are the constant. With that in mind, remember that in 1999, Afghanistan produced 4,600 tons of opium, which was 75% of the World's total supply. The Worlds! Their output accounted for 60% of the entire Afghan economy, and was so prevalent that they even surpassed that of the Golden Triangle.

Large portions of the CIA's "black budgets" are derived from drugs (along with arms and money laundering). Afghanistan was thus a very important piece of the puzzle. As is Iraq. As is the entire Middle East. But of course the Controllers are taking it one step at a time. Again, When the fanatical religious group, the Taliban, came to power in Afghanistan and Opium production came to a halt, the American Government got "pissed" to say the least. As time grew on, Afghanistan was only exporting less than 100 tons of opium (or 1/50th of their previous production), and the Controllers weren't going to stand for that.
Our other motivation for seizing control of Afghanistan was this: inside Russia there exists an immense oil field in the remote Capsian landscape that could produce enough fuel to fulfill the United States needs for over 27 years (If it all went to our Country). There's only one problem though, because to get this supply to our existing oil lines, we had to do away with a tiny roadblock -- it's a country called Afghanistan.

The biggest problem with this scenario is that we're still relying on a form of "old-thought". Fossil fuels are choking our Planet. If General Motors and Mobil have things their way, we'll soon have a billion cars in China. Sure, it's great for the profit margin, but it's extremely terrible for the Planet! It's literally choking us to death.

The other natural resources that Afghanistan has in addition to natural gas and petroleum are coal, copper, and zinc. The Controllers know that if they can tap into those resources, they'll be less reliant upon foreign countries such as Saudi Arabia, which now produces half of the World's oil supply. And when you think about it, from the time of the Crusades up until the 1920's, the Middle East was nothing more than a sandbox to the Controllers. They didn't care at all about it. But now, this area wields an amazing array of power. The horrifying aspect of their influence is that, by and large, many of these people are so diametrically opposed to our way of life, that they truly despise us! And yet, the Controllers and the American Government keep catering to them so that the oil doesn't stop flowing!

Whenever you hear media talk about the Controllers setting up a "puppet government" in Afghanistan, just remember what's really going on. We're only there for two reasons -- opium and oil. To reinforce this point, why, on October 21, 2001, did the military say that they were actually running out of targets to bomb in Afghanistan? If that's the case, why didn't they go in and torch all the opium fields so that they'll guarantee that no more heroin comes out of there for the next couple of years? It's something to think about.

On September 27, 2001 in the Pakistani newspaper, Unmat, Osama bin Laden said:

"Drug smugglers from all over the World are in contact with the U.S. Secret Agencies. These agencies do not want to eradicate narcotics cultivation and trafficking because their importance will be diminished. The people in the United States drug enforcement department are encouraging drug trade so they can show performance and get millions of dollars worth of budget. General Manuel Noriega was made a drug baron by the CIA and, eventually, he was made a scapegoat....Is it not that there exists a government within a government in the United States? That secret governments must be asked who made the attacks"?

I love America myself, and I think bin Laden is a rat, but he hit pretty darn close to the mark with his comment. And now that bin Laden is on the run, we should turn our attention back towards the Controllers.
Hey Whatever,

Where are you copying this crap from? There is no way you are writing this garbage on your own, are you a plant from the controllers? You come up with this far out bunch of fairy tales and secure their identity by proving to all of us that this couldn't possibly happen.Who are the controllers, who are you really working for? Hasn't it occured to you that you are a pawn, that the source of all of this junk is nonother than your controller...........pretty scary isn't it. Or maybe there isn't a middle man at all, maybe you are one of the controllers purposely exposing everything to us and trying to sound insane so that even if someone credible would discover the same things you have already discredited it by saying the same thing earlier......and you are obviously insane.

I'm scared! Run away!!!!!!!!!!!!The controllers are after me!!!! They are trying to si le nc e me.......ugh.......goodbye board, run for your lives . . . . .. argh. . . . .

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