From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Mr.Conley said:
About 27 years if the oil just went to the US...not that it would.
Alright so we have finally gotten the factual number then that the United States would be most concerned with. Or at least according to you it's the proper number. I went back to my original post regarding the 500 year period and changed it to your number (at least for now), so that people won't get confused.

Now...27 years still sounds like a hell of a long time. And yes, I understand about the not all going to our country part. But come on man...are you going to tell me that there is something like that right next to Afghanistan and the United States Government wants nothing to do with it? Because that was my original point in the beginning. We kind of got lost with all the numbers. (By the way if I ever have trouble with number crunching I'll definately know who to ask for help).

I assure you that the Controllers in our country have every intention of trying to tap into that resource just like they try to tap into all the others. And it will probably be just a matter of time before that entire area, the Caspian region, begins to shine in the lime light and the media, and becomes an issue of War.

PS - I would be more concerned about China and the United States soon focusing their attention on that part of the World. The last thing we need is a War between China and the United States over who gets to be the one to tap into the oil there.

Of course, both could tap into it, but something tells me that the Controllers wouldn't allow for such a peacefull process. In fact, something tells me that Red China and the United States Government are going to be at eachothers throats about it. Just another problem easily created by the Controllers to piss both countries off. And another door opened for them to spark off their World War 3.
And now it's time for something that I think every single person on this board should know about. No my friends, there is no second guessing the numbers needed in this one, these are just the plain cold facts.

After World War 1, the Treaty of Versailles was formulated to force Germany into making reparations for their destruction. The Treaty of Versailles was implemented by a host of international bankers for their OWN benefit, and was ultimately approved and sponsored by the United States government. Out of this treat, J. P. Morgan orchestrated the Dawes Plan, which was a series of loans made from American banks that ultimately resulted in the formation of I. G. Farben. This super-powerful company came about because Germany diverted some of the money that was intended to pay off their loans into the merger of two chemical and steel companies, thus creating the notorious I. G. Farben Company.

After the Dawes Plan failed, the Young Plan (1928) was implemented. But all this program did was create hyperinflation, send unemployment through the roof, and fill the German people with such abject disgust that it paved the way for Hitler's rise to power. Thus, these treaties and plans were supposed to return peace to the World and instead they accomplished the opposite. The international bankers turned into manipulative statesmen and reaped huge profits through interest payments, while Germany's war machine and I. G. Farben were created in the process.

As money was diverted from loan payments into Germany's re-armament, I. G. Farben, an immense chemical empire, stood at center stage and acted hand-in-hand with the Nazi's. Created in 1925 (three years before the Young Plan was enacted), I. G. Farben became THE powerhouse industrial force in Germany. Now here's where it gets interesting. A man named Max Warburg was on the Board of Supervisors at I. G. Farben; and his brother Paul, founder of the Federal Reserve, was also a member of Farben's American subsidary.
So, do you see what's going on? American bankers in the guise of statesmen created treaties and plans to loan money to the Germans, who siphoned off the money and formed I. G. Farben. Then - and here's the kicker - Farben set up a slush fund and funneled money to finance Hitler's rise to power. It's all starting to make sense now, huh?

After establishing himself as the Fuhrer, Hitler told I. G. Farben that Germany needed to be self-sufficient in regard to rubber production, gasoline, oils, minerals, and explosives. Within a short time, Farben owned coal mines, electric power plants, iron & steel factories, banks, research units, and chemical refineries.

Farben's monopolistic control of Germany was so vast that the company produced the following statistics:

I. G. Farben Production (For the year 1942)

Synthetic Rubber - 100% of Germany's supply

Plastics - 90% of Germany's supply

Explosives - 84% of Germany's supply

Jet Fuel - 46% of Germany's supply

Oil - 100% of Germany's supply

Gunpowder - 70% of Germany's supply

Gasoline - 33% of Germany's supply

Zyklon B - 95% of Germany's supply

Yes, you saw that last item correctly. Zyklon B. It was the poison used to gas the Jews in the concentration camps during World War 2! Did you ever wonder where it came from? Now you know. I. G. Farben, the company that extorted reparation money and financed Hitler, was the one who produced it!!

And to give you a little view of the American arm of I. G. Farben at that time, here is a list of which American companies had representatives on I. G. Farben's Board of Directors:

1. Federal Reserve Bank of New York

2. Bank of Manhattan

3. Standard Oil of New Jersey

4. Ford Motor Company

Pritty sick and twisted!
Do you know who owned Standard Oil of New Jersey? The Rockefeller family! And, would you like to know a little tidbit of information? In 1939, when World War 2 was kicking in full-bore, Standard Oil of New Jersey sold 20 million dollars worth of aviation gasoline to a German company. Who do you think this company was? I. G. Farben! When news reports chronicled Germany's blitzkrieg across Europe and their fighter pilots were decimating cities, a Rockefeller-owned American company was selling them fuel! It makes you wonder, huh?
NuclearWinter said:
Do you know who owned Standard Oil of New Jersey? The Rockefeller family! And, would you like to know a little tidbit of information? In 1939, when World War 2 was kicking in full-bore, Standard Oil of New Jersey sold 20 million dollars worth of aviation gasoline to a German company. Who do you think this company was? I. G. Farben! When news reports chronicled Germany's blitzkrieg across Europe and their fighter pilots were decimating cities, a Rockefeller-owned American company was selling them fuel! It makes you wonder, huh?

No---rich people don't take sides.
Tell you what,

For those who don't know who the Rockefellers are, or anything about their family, now would be a perfect time for you to learn.

Walter Cronkite - CBS Reported:

"The Rockefellers are the epitome of the nation's permanent Establishments: governments change, economies fluctuate, foreign alliances shift -- the Rockefellers prevail.

On September 29, 1916, the New York Times called John. D. Rockefeller America's first billionaire.

The Rockefellers protect their money via Trusts and Foundations. Ever since 1913 when the Federal Income Tax was implemented, Congress allowed the wealthy elite to protect their money so that it wouldn't be subjected to the same enslaving taxation that hinders the rest of us. By placing their money in Trusts and Foundations, these wealthy individuals give up "ownership" of their properties, but they ultimately retain control of it via positions on each foundation's Board of Directors. Thus, they don't have pink slips or titles because their assets are in trusts, yet they ultimately keep control while not having to pay income, probate, estate, or inheritance taxes. Pretty sneaky, huh?

The Rockefellers have controlled at least 200 trusts/funds at once, but the number could well be in the thousands if one uncovered all the complex layers of their financial empire. Because of all these complexities, they virtually pay no taxes. In fact, in 1970 Nelson Rockefeller testified before a Judiciary Committee and stated that although his income tax was 33 million dollars the year before, he paid NO INCOME TAXES.

He then admitted that his actual income was 198 million -- not 33 million. But the particulars were the same -- no income taxes paid by one of the richest men in America.
The Rockefeller Estate in Pocantico Hills consists of over 7,500 acres and has 70 miles of private roads, 75 buildings, and underground entranceways so the "help" can enter without being seen by the followers. Gee, I wonder who else enters this way.....

The Rockefeller Estate employs 500 persons full-time to maintain the grounds.

The Rockefellers own a significant portion of America's top 50 companies: IBM, Chase Manhattan, Mobil, Kodiak, GE, Texas Instruments, and Exxon.

Their money is used to control the government, big business, energy, banking, the media, religion, and education.

John. D. Rockefeller once said, "competition is a sin." He deduced that the only efficient way to run anything was via a monopoly.

When John. D. started his oil business in 1859 as a small fry, he used bribery, coercion, violence, spies in his competitor's workplace, and a variety of financial schemes to one-up the next guy. Within 30 years, by 1890, 90% of all American crude oil was refined by John D Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company.
John D. Rockefeller eventually controlled two of the most valuable commodities on Earth, money and fuel -- thus giving him the ability to create financial or energy crisis whenever it best suited his (or the Controllers) interests.

Here are some of the companies that are under the Rockefeller umbrella:

1. Chase Manhattan - not the largest bank in the World, but one of the most influential.

2. The largest controlling block of stock in at least 21 major corporations, including United Air Lines, Northwest, Long Island Lighting, and Atlantic Richfield.

3. Majority control in IBM, Mobil, Texaco, IT&T, Westinghouse, Boeing, International Paper, Sperry Rand, Xerox, and National Steel.

4. Transportation companies under the Rockefeller corporate thumb: Penn Central, TWA, Eastern Airlines, United, Delta and Northwest.

5. Other corporations where they have financial interest: AT&T, Motorola, Honeywell, General Foods, and Burlington Industries.
When someone owns a powerful financial institution, they can make loans to specific companies and governments, then call the shots for these entities and make them jump through hoops. If they don't toe the line, they don't get the money. This is the gist of high-finance in a nutshell, and one of the primary reasons why we still don't have gasoline-free cars in America. No one's lending money (or enough of it) to the companies that are trying to find alternative-source automobiles.

The Rockefeller web envelopes 37 of the top 100 industries, 9 of the top 20 transportation firms, 1 utility company, and 3 of the 4 largest insurance companies.

The Washington Post once described the Rockefellers in these terms: "The power of the family fortune is beyond measure."

Quote from the Author: "Philanthropy is the essential element in the making of Rockefeller power. Philanthropy generates more power then wealth alone can provide."

In the early 1900's, John D. Rockefeller was one of the most hated men in America, his reputation horrible. So, what did he do? He hired a public relations firm to re-make his image.

How so? Well, whenever John D. Rockefeller would walk around in public, he carried dimes and threw them to all the little street urchins (of course, only when camera's were there to catch the moment).
Here's the way foundations work: Once someone like the Rockefellers donate money to one of these entities (or creates a foundation themselves), they assume control of it and have this foundation spend money on their companies to bring them even more wealth!

It's great for them because it's all a big cycle of donating money (tax free), then waiting for this money to be incorporated back into their own companies to generate more profits. John D. Rockefeller called it, "The Principle of Scientific Giving"!

The Rockefellers also supported the passing of a bill on graduated income tax in 1913 because they found ways to avoid it! While the rest of us keep supporting THEIR governments by paying taxes, we're also kept DOWN because we can never rise to their level. Why? The answer's easy -- we're playing on an uneven field.

A graduated income tax also keeps competitors at bay because they have to continue paying taxes (they haven't risen to the elite level yet), while the Rockefellers hide their money in trusts and foundations. Thus, their assets are non-taxable, then passed from generation to generation, perpetuating the family's king-of-the-hill status.

The Rockefellers then use groups like the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) to carry out their government plans.

Fred Gates, who was in charge of the Rockefeller's General Education Board, said in Occasional Paper No. 1:

"In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands."
In regard to higher education, the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations provided two-thirds of all endowment funding to colleges from 1900-1933. Who do you think controls these institutions of higher learning? They have become a quasi Ministry of Education, exerting a high degree of control over their curriculum and what is taught.

Author Gary Allen states: "I believe those who control education will, over a period of several generations, control a nation."

Allen goes on to say that, considering all the money the Rockefeller's have given out over the past century, "we have been unable to find a single project in history of the Rockefeller Foundations which promotes free enterprise. Almost all the Rockefeller grants have been used directly or indirectly to promote economic and social collectivism, i. e. socialism-facism.

He continues: "The easiest way to control or eliminate competition is not to best them in the marketplace, but to use the power of the Government to exclude them from the marketplace."

And how does one do that? By controlling the Government!

John Franklin Campbell once wrote in New York Magazine, "Practicly every lawyer, banker, professor, general, journalist, and bureaucrat who has had any influence in the foreign policy of the last six presidents -- from Franklin Roosevelt to Richard Nixon -- has spent some time in the Harold Pratt House (home of the CFR)."

George Wallace (former Presidential candidate) said: "There isn't a dime's worth of difference between the Democratic and Republican parties."

Admiral Chester Ward, U. S. Navy; described the goal of the CFR as the submergence of U. S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one World Government.
James Warburg (February 17, 1950), CFR Member testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said:

"We shall have World Government whether you like it or not - by conquest or consent."

The Trilateral Commission, in the Triangle Papers released between October 1973 and December 1974, said their four major goals were:

1. Renovation of the World's monetary system. (Nearly the entire European continent just switched their currency to the EU in January, 2002).

2. Loot the United States of their resources for radicalization of the "have-not" nations.

3. Step-up trade with communist countries. (In the 1990's both NAFTA and GATT were passed by the United States Congress.)

4. Create energy crisis for greater international control. (Think back to the gasoline and fuel oil disasters a few years ago when gasoline prices rose to nearly $2.000 a gallon. Or how about what happened to gas prices after Katrina.

Dr. Medford Evans once said: "Energy makes the World go round. Who controls what makes the World go 'round controls the World."

Thomas Jefferson once said: "Since acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day, but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, unalterable through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery."
When John D. Rockefeller had almost total control of the oil industry in the early 1900's, his favorite way to topple a competitor was from the inside. He'd plant spies (bugs) in their offices or bribe certain employees to undermine the firm's operations.

The Rockefeller's influence in Presidential politics began in 1894 with the election of William Mckinley, but they didn't really start determining policy until FDR was elected in the 1930s. That's when they got their hands dirty.

The New Deal wasn't implemented to help business and the stock market recover from the effects of the Great Depression, but to drag it out for a few more years. The reason? They wanted to keep the stock market on a downswing so they could buy more shares at lower prices.
The two largest tank producers of World War 2 were Opel (which was a subsidary of General Motors and controlled by J. P. Morgan), and Ford A. G.

A few of the industrialists who helped Germany build it's War Machine were:

Dupont - armaments

Standard Oil - synthetic fuel products

International Harvester - arms manufacturing

The Kepler Circle was a group of German businessmen who supported Hitler's rise to power before the outbreak of World War 2. This Inner Core, as it was called, had representatives on it's Board from Wall Street, Standard Oil of New Jersey, and I.T.T. From 1933 to as late as 1944!

Finally, there is strong evidence that after the United States government got into World War 2 and began mass bombings of Germany, every time the Air Force targeted an area, if an I. G. Farben plant was present, they were instructed BY NO MEANS to destroy it! I. G. Farben WAS the German War Machine.
You are right about I.G. Faben doing business with Standard Oil.

However, I have to ask for proof about the whole "Investment bankers designed the Treaty of Versailles" thing. I looked up a bit, but could not find anything.
Mr. Conley, or anyone else for that matter,

Just to let you guys know, Mr. Bush himself announced on TV today that he is planning to introduce a National ID Card for the Illegal immigrants in this country.

On the surface, this may appear to be a good idea. But if you guys have been reading anything I have been posting, then you will know that this is the first step to Introducing their Full Blown New World Order Agenda here in the United States. They have been planning this all along! FOR YEARS!


And you are probably saying, what are you talking about? The cards will be for illegal aliens and not for U.S. citizens. Are you crazy? At first the cards will be for illegals yes, but they are purposely designed to fail! Yes, you heard that right, they are designed to not work out! And the next step will be the implants into the illegals palms so that they can all be tracked "without problems".

And so again, perhaps you are saying, yes but the chips will be for the illegals and not for us. Yes at first the chips will be for the illegals, but it's all part of the Controllers plans people! Wake up! Eventually, they will introduce the chips to everybody! The illegal situation is just a tool for that to happen! They are using the illegals as a means to Start their programs!

And when you think about it, they were pritty clever with this idea. What illegal in the United States right now is going to complain about receiving ID cards as long as they and their families can remain here and work here for as long as they want? Do you think any illegal will complain about that? Of course not! And the Controllers know it!

And again, there is only massive group of people here in the United States who would not feel bad about getting their hands chipped after the ID cards turn out to be a bad idea. And who do you think they are? The Illegals! Of course! These people lose limbs and arms and what not just to get here and risk their lives in the desert! Who thinks they will actually complain about getting a fricken chip into the palm of their hands if it means they can be here forever!? They won't give a damn! And at first the American people won't either, until the Controllers announce that it is time for ALL AMERICANS TO GET CHIPPED! FOR "SAFETY REASONS".

People, we need to wake up now. If we allow for the Controllers and their puppet Bush to introduce these ID cards into the United States, then they will have been successful in introducing their first steps for New World Order in this country! And the loss of our rights and the equivalent of slavery will be the end result!

If we don't stop them for doing this, we're screwed.
Some of the strangest and most unsettling information about World War 3 revolves around Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company. Not only did the Ford family profit from both the Allied and Axis war efforts, but Henry Ford was actually decorated by the Nazi's for his service to Nazism!

Henry Ford once claimed that there were two classes of financiers:

1. Those who profit from war and use their influence to bring about war for profit.

2. "Constructive" financiers.

There are men who PROFIT from war and use their influence to bring about war for profit. That's some heavy information! The ramifications of this statement are mind-boggling, and point directly to evidence of PURE EVIL existing in this World. Think about it - the atrocities of war created to pad somebody's pocket? How sick!
In a 1938 interview with Henry Ford that appeared in the New York Times, Ford is quoted as saying:

"Somebody once said that sixty families have directed the destinies of the nation. It might well be said that if somebody would focus the spotlight on twenty five persons who handle the nation's finances, the World's real war-makers would be brought into bold relief."

Here's a man in the know confirming the existence of a shadowy, conspiratorial, octopus-like group that controls the World from behind the scenes.

Henry Ford then went on to say:

"If these financiers had their way, we'd be in a war now. They want war because they make money out of such conflict - out of the Human misery that wars bring."

Now this wasn't Joe Schmo drinking beer in some bar and spouting off his mouth. This was Henry Ford, the man who invented the assembly line concept to mass-produce automobiles, and a man who was certainly gifted with inside knowledge of how the System truly operates.
But Henry Ford was no Saint by any means either. He was the man who built the Soviet Union's first modern automobile plant in Gorki in 1930. He also knowingly profited from both sides of the war, for his French and German affiliated plants produced vehicles for the Axis, while his American factories profited from the United States Army. In 1928, Henry Ford merged his German assets with I. G. Farben, while in 1942, Edsel Ford urged his associates at French Ford to arm the German Wehrmacht. In essence, then, Henry Ford's factories produced vehicles that were used against American soldiers that landed in France in 1944.

If this was all there was to the story, someone could dismiss the above information as being coincidental, or circumstancial,. But regrettably, there is more.

In The New York Times dated December 20, 1922, a headline read: "BERLIN HEARS FORD IS BACKING HITLER," while the subsequent article stated, "A rumor is current here that Henry Ford, the American automobile manufacturer, is financing Adolf Hitler's Nationalist and anti-semitic movement in Munich. Indeed, the Berlin Tageblatt has made an appeal to the American Ambassador in Berlin to investigate and interfere."

There were many people who were either directly or indirectly associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's who said that they had no idea about their anti-Semitic underpinnings. But just remember - this New York Times article ran in 1922, over a decade BEFORE World War 2 even began!

The same New York Times article stated: "The wall behind his desk in Hitler's private office is decorated with a large picture of Henry Ford. In the antechamber there is a large table covered with books, nearly all of which are a translation of a book written and published by Henry Ford."
Henry Ford's book that Hitler had on his desk was titled, The International Jew. It was widely circulated by the Nazi's and translated into a dozen different languages. Adolf Hitler even went so far as to quote sections of Henry Ford's book word for word in Mein Kampf!

There is a quote from Jonathan Leonard's The Tragedy of Henry Ford that was relayed by Vice President Auer of the Bavarian Diet at a 1923 trial that reads: "Herr Hitler openly boasts of Mr. Ford's support and praises Mr. Ford as a great individualist and a great anti-Semite. A photograph of Mr. Ford hangs in Herr Hitler's quarters...."

Now, if this were the end of the story, it would be damaging enough. But it doesn't end there. The final blow to Henry Ford comes from him not only being the most famous of Hitler's foreign backers, but on August 1, 1938, a disturbing photograph appeared in The New York Times where Henry Ford is receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Firtz Heiler and Karl Kapp. Now think of the year - 1938. Another World War was about to begin (Germany had already begun its expansion), and its impact would later be felt Worldwide. But what is Henry Ford doing? He's receiving the highest Nazi decoration that can be given to a foreigner - the first time that it was ever awarded in the United States!

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