From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

NuclearWinter said:
For a person who uses the quote about stumbling over the Truth, you sure do stumble over it often times yourself.

oh man---everyday----you're really sent here by the controllers to throw us off track, right?
dilloduck said:
oh man---everyday----you're really sent here by the controllers to throw us off track, right?
No it's just funny. You use the quote about stumbling over the Truth and picking yourself up as if nothing happened. And here right before my eyes I see you doing the same exact thing. Ironic. Thats all.
NuclearWinter said:
No it's just funny. You use the quote about stumbling over the Truth and picking yourself up as if nothing happened. And here right before my eyes I see you doing the same exact thing. Ironic. Thats all.

hey--I believe ya---controllers are running everything-what do you suggest we do?
dilloduck said:
hey--I believe ya---controllers are running everything-what do you suggest we do?
Well, the first thing I would recommend is for you to take bits and pieces of the information here and check them with the facts. After you find out that what I am posting here is true, then I guess the rest is up to you.
He is obviously a liberal Dillo. He rambles on and on for 199 posts and never even hints at a path to follow to get out of this nightmare that we have been put in by the ultimate evil controllers. I guess the controllers have figured out that cryogenic shit so they can live forever to make the destruction of the world as we know it worth while. What is the point for George Bush Sr. to sell out his countrymen when he is going to be lucky to live another decade?
sitarro said:
He is obviously a liberal Dillo. He rambles on and on for 199 posts and never even hints at a path to follow to get out of this nightmare that we have been put in by the ultimate evil controllers. I guess the controllers have figured out that cryogenic shit so they can live forever to make the destruction of the world as we know it worth while. What is the point for George Bush Sr. to sell out his countrymen when he is going to be lucky to live another decade?

I guess we're screwed. We're just controller meat from here on out, dammit.
The Thyssens got assistance in this endeavor from the Dutch Royal Family, who cooperated to hide their accounts in a variety of Dutch banks. This point is significant, for the chief perpetrator was Prince Bernhard. And what did he go on to create? Answer: The infamous Bilderberg group during the 1950's!

UBC, then, became a secret pipeline for Nazi money as it went from Germany to Holland to the USA. And when they needed to replenish their supplies, Brown Brothers Harriman shipped their funds right back to Germany. Are you starting to see how this operation worked? UBC received the money from Holland, and Brown Brothers Harriman sent it back out. And who was on the Board of Directors of both companies? Yup, Prescott Bush! He was the Nazi's primary money launderer!

Their practices became so blatant and injurious to Americans that on October 10, 1942 the U.S. Government ordered the seizure of all Nazi Germany banking operations in New York City that were being conducted by Prescott Bush. UBC, with Bush as it's director, was charged under the "Trading with the Enemy Act" and all their stocks were seized. And do you remember who owned all these stocks? There were only seven people - Prescott Bush, three Nazi financiers, and three Americans.
The Government crackdown didn't end there though; not by a long shot. On October 26, 1942, the government ordered seizures of two other front companies that were run by Prescott Bush for the Harriman Banking firm. And they were:

1. Holland-America Trading Corporation

2. Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation

Then, on November 11, 1942, ANOTHER company managed by Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker was seized under the "Trading with the Enemy Act" - Silesian-American Corporation. I don't know if you'd agree, but if such great lengths were taken in order to shut down the Bush Family's operations, you can say that they were involved in some seriously nasty business.

John Loftus, said of this traitorous situation: "It is bad enough that the Bush Family helped raise the money for Thyssen to give Hitler his start in the 1920's, but giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war is treason. The Bush bank helped the Thyssens make the Nazi steel that killed Allied soldiers."

Tarpley and Chaitkin, in George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, said it even more succinctly: "The President's family fortune was largely a result of the Hitler project."
Still not convinced?

Well, how about this. The Union Banking Corporation, which Prescott Bush ran, in unison with Fritz Thyssen's German Steel Trust, produced the following percentages of the Nazi War Machine:

- 50.8% pig iron

- 41.4% universal plate

- 36% heavy plate

- 38.5% galvanized steel

- 45.5% pipes and tubes

- 22.1% wire

- 35% explosives

All of the above materials are needed to build tanks, fighter planes, guns and bombs - roughly 1/3 of the entire German War Machine - all of it bankrolled by not only an outward Nazi in Fritz Thyssen, but also the Bush Family as well.

Anyway, if you're not disgusted enough already, let's jump forward a few years. The war ends in 1945, and Fritz Thyssen subsequently dies in 1951. Upon his death, the remaining shareholders at UBC liquidated their stock (these were the same assets frozen by our government under the "U.S. Alien Property Custodian Act" in 1942 and not given back until 1951). And guess who one of the beneficiaries was. You got it - Prescott Bush! And how much money did he receive? 1.5 million. Coincidentally, Mr. Bush took these profits and instantly plunged them into starting his own business. Convenient, huh? Worse, Prescott Bush's cohorts (the same Wall Street backstabbers that financed Hitler) are also the same ones that (over time) made George Bush Sr. CIA Director in the 1970's and put him and his son into the White House! Now do you see why people like Dan Rather and the New York Times never gave you this information?
To confirm the above details, new information surfaced in 1996 that came from thirteen different sources: A) Dutch journalist Eddy Roever B) U.S. Freedom of Information Act S.S. files and C) Alien Property Custodian Archives,. To name a few. The information derived from these sources paints an even nastier picture of this situation. It seems that UBC in New York City was owned by the Thyssens. Thus, the Bush Family's primary banking facility was owned by, and their boss was, one of the most notorious behind-the-scenes Nazis of all-time! The big question at this point is, was Prescott Bush aware of his Nazi links and business dealings? Considering all the information brought out here, you could easily say that as DIRECTOR of UBC, it was HIS ultimate responsibility to oversee every investment, including who they were made to and where they went.

Another interesting note is that the Rockefeller Family also invested heavily in the Nazi War Machine. As it turns out, UBC was an essential element for the laundering of dirty money that was derived from the Rockefeller's investments in Germany during the War. This scenario becomes even more interesting when we find that the Rockefeller's bank - Chase Manhattan - wound up with 31% ownership of the Thyssen Group after World War 2.

This point is very important because TBC (the Thyssen Group) is the largest industry in Germany today, worth over $50 billion. They're so huge that they even bought out the Krupp Family, who were infamous weapons suppliers for the Nazis. In essence, they are one of the richest companies in the World, and where did their start-up money come from? The Nazis!
What we have then are links to the three major secret trade organizations in the World. Prince Bernhard, who founded the Bilderbergs, enabled the Thyssen Family to launder their money through Holland while the Rockefellers bought nearly 1/3 of the controlling interests of Thyssen (David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission). And finally, Brown Brothers Harriman and UBC, through which Nazi money was funneled into America, was largely formed by Yale's Skull & Bones members, all of whom were instrumental in forming the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Do you see how these organizations are connected like the giant tentacles of an Evil octopus?

Finally, in regard to the Bush Family, you have read how the Bush Family fortune was mounted on the back of Nazi blood-money. Plus, you have also learned that the Bush Family has enjoyed business relations with the bin Laden Family for the past thirty years, and that both belonged to the Carlyle Group. Knowing this, what type of loyalties and decisions do you think George W. Bush will make for all of us citizens? Those that benefit everyday Americans? Or those made by his puppet-masters?

If you ask me, I'd say we're in trouble.
NuclearWinter said:
What we have then are links to the three major secret trade organizations in the World. Prince Bernhard, who founded the Bilderbergs, enabled the Thyssen Family to launder their money through Holland while the Rockefellers bought nearly 1/3 of the controlling interests of Thyssen (David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission). And finally, Brown Brothers Harriman and UBC, through which Nazi money was funneled into America, was largely formed by Yale's Skull & Bones members, all of whom were instrumental in forming the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Do you see how these organizations are connected like the giant tentacles of an Evil octopus?

Finally, in regard to the Bush Family, you have read how the Bush Family fortune was mounted on the back of Nazi blood-money. Plus, you have also learned that the Bush Family has enjoyed business relations with the bin Laden Family for the past thirty years, and that both belonged to the Carlyle Group. Knowing this, what type of loyalties and decisions do you think George W. Bush will make for all of us citizens? Those that benefit everyday Americans? Or those made by his puppet-masters?

If you ask me, I'd say we're in trouble.

DUH--we all coulda told ya that.
Anyway I thought the controllers with no identities ran the show. That would make the trilateral commission and all these other "thugs" puppets.
NuclearWinter said:
I am going to list a mix of current information and psychic predictions for the World War that is supposed to occur within the next 3 years involving China, Libya, Syria, USA, Russia, and a few others.

All of the psychic sources that I will be using are TRUE psychics who have been tested over time and who have proven themselves time and time again.

I think alot of people will enjoy the information that I will be posting in this thread, but I must warn you, it can be a little scary at first, so brace yourselves for some of the events we have coming ahead.
- The key is not to scare you, but to instead prepare your mind for the changes that we will soon be facing. I am putting this information out there because there is no way that I could keep this all to myself without allowing other people the chance to see whats coming.

After the catastrophe of September 11, it was evident how many people in this country love and adored the United States of America. We hung flags, cried, rallied together and showed how much this nation meant to us. With this outpouring of support in mind, we should ask ourselves this question: Why are we allowing politicians, international bankers and corporate heads to slowly run this country into the ground? Why?

These monsters don't have respect for sovereignty, nationalism, or freedom. In fact, they have contempt for these concepts.

To prove this point, did you know that Bill Clinton, while still President in 1997, signed Bill # PDD60 that says that in case of a nuclear strike on the United States, we must absorb it and not retaliate or launch on warning?

This means that we're only allowed to return our nuclear warheads AFTER our enemy's missiles have already landed on our soil. Think about it. If we can't answer until their nukes hit us, where does that leave our warheads? Sitting in their silos! Instead of the silo's being empty (because the warheads have already been launched), they'll be sitting ducks -- ultimately destroyed because we haven't been given a chance to fight back.
If the above scenario ever does take place, we're all screwed anyway, so what's it matter? Can you see what's happening? Isn't it obvious that there are forces at work within our own country....people who are calling the shots that aren't working in our best interest?

The United States is on it's way to it's final Doom. Don't think it can happen? Unless we do something about it very soon than thats exactly whats going to occur. What if one of the "Controllers" after declaring that the New World Order does indeed exist and that there's nothing we can do about it, then says that our Constitution and Bill of Rights have been declared null and void. Can't happen? Why not? What if right now we are being replaced as the World's preeminent superpower? Well guess what folks, thats the Controllers plans, and guess what country they want to have take our place......China.

Think of the assurances and rights that we've been given in this country. The same ones many of us take for granted on a daily basis. Also, consider what a truly remarkable "experiment" the United States has been. For the first time in modern history, people actually had the legal right to speak and act freely without being crushed by the heavy hand of an overlord. This is the first time in modern history that a large segment of the population has been able to enjoy the benefits of a middle-class lifestyle. Prior to the founding of this nation, there were primarily two classes -- the elite rulers or kings and the lowly serfs or slaves.

The lower classes were ultimately forced to spend the majority of their time simply trying to stay alive -- raising crops, finding food, maintaining their shelter and clothing their family. Now we actually have "leisure" time!

But we are now in the process of being knocked from our collective reality. And now we are slowly beginning the process of America's deliberate demise.
To reinforce this point, take a look at the British Empire. Before we came along, they were the big boys, the "king of the hill". And I'll bet that if you had asked them during their reign if they thought that they were going to be replaced, they would have laughed at the absurdity of such a notion. They were the British Empire, for Pete's sake -- militarily, economically, and culturally superior to everyone! Right?

But guess what? A bigger fish came along -- the United States of America -- that held the potential to be economically developed, manipulated and exploited one-thousand times more than the British. So, what happened? The English were deliberately diminished and America was lifted up on the pedestal. Today, ask most Americans if we can be beaten militarily, economically, or financially. They'd laugh at such a notion. I mean, we're the American Empire!

Hey folks, listen closely. There's an even BIGGER fish in the ocean. And it's China. Consider how many more people and how much more land they have that can be developed, manipulated, and economically exploited. It's dizzying, and it's taking place right now.
If anyone has ever seen video footage of China these days, than you can honestly say that in many places, if you didn't know better, you'd think that you were looking at America! Right now, China is being primed to assume control as the new "King of the Hill". And when you think about it, do the Controllers care? No! They hate concepts such as nationalism and sovereignty.

The Controllers are only concerned with maintaining and expanding their control and -- the bottom line -- profit margins. Right now, with the largest population in the World, China has the highest potential for future profits for the Controllers. It's scary, but true.

The truth is that there is a secretive plot fomented by the Controllers to deliberately undermine America while at the same time enabling China to become the next World Superpower.

Aided by parts of the Israeli Government, and especially the Mossad, Red Communist China is undoubtedly this nation's greatest threat - a plotting, inhuman beast ready to strike at us when we've been sufficiently weakened.
NuclearWinter said:
If anyone has ever seen video footage of China these days, than you can honestly say that in many places, if you didn't know better, you'd think that you were looking at America! Right now, China is being primed to assume control as the new "King of the Hill". And when you think about it, do the Controllers care? No! They hate concepts such as nationalism and sovereignty.

The Controllers are only concerned with maintaining and expanding their control and -- the bottom line -- profit margins. Right now, with the largest population in the World, China has the highest potential for future profits for the Controllers. It's scary, but true.

The truth is that there is a secretive plot fomented by the Controllers to deliberately undermine America while at the same time enabling China to become the next World Superpower.

Aided by parts of the Israeli Government, and especially the Mossad, Red Communist China is undoubtedly this nation's greatest threat - a plotting, inhuman beast ready to strike at us when we've been sufficiently weakened.

LET'S STRING UP THE CONTROLLERS (after we figure out who they are)
In the starkest terms possible, our country is being set up to take a mighty fall, and when our economy and military are stretched to their thinnest points, there is a very high chance that Red China is planning to storm in and give us a royal ass-whipping. And if it turns out that we are beaten to a pulp and thoroughly defeated, China will reign supreme as the next Global "king of the hill".

The wheels are being set into motion to implement a massive shift in World power. The Controllers have their sights on China, viewing it as a huge untapped market waiting to be exploited.

If that happens and America has been knocked from its perch and loses its vaulted position atop the pyramid of control, try to imagine the resulting consequences. Our standard of living will drop, our influence around the World will plummet, and somebody else - an entire country with a Communist Government that views us with disdain -- will be the vehicle through which the Controllers will try and continue to pull their evil shenanigans.

In other words, all of the privileges we've come to enjoy will be stripped away from us and given to Red China.

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