From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

And yet all of the "devils" from Kissinger Associates, the Bilderbergs, the CFR and the Trilateral Commission keep telling our Government to pump software, hardware, weaponry, computers, and advanced technology into their country. What's going on? We need to wake up quickly or the hammer is going to drop.

What China is doing with the technology we're laying at their doorstep is also very telling in determining what type of society they plan to create. The answer would make George Orwell shudder in his grave. Yes, Big Brother has become such an integral part of China's long-term planning that Gordon Thomas writes, "By the year 2001, technology had become like drug addiction in China."

Here is what the Chinese are currently doing, and intend to do in the future:

* Long before 2010, they would like every street in China to be equipped with closed-circuit television.

* They plan to experiment with the attachment of microchips to the Human brain. Once in place, the authorities could use a device that would read a person's mind and relay the information to a computer. As I'm sure you can imagine; this invasion into the deepest realms of our thought process would be the ultimate surveillance weapon!

* They want to Develop a new radar system that could locate any American stealth fighter plane that we have.

* Privacy International, a London based Human rights group, has reported that any foreigner going to China will be entered into at least 300 different databases, all of which will be interconnected. The traveler's every move will then be detailed - e-mails, laptop activity, room service, financial transactions, phone calls, ect. - everything monitored.

* They plan to install hundreds of thousands of cameras on buses, trains, and elevators.

* Residents will essentially be filmed all day long from the time they leave their home. All public buildings, roads, and apartment complexes will also be staked-out with cameras, and new housing projects will eventually have "seeing-eyes" in every room!

* The Red Chinese Government's ultimate goal is to monitor people every second of the day from birth to death; much of this activity arising from technology will either be purchased or stolen from the United States.

Gordon Thomas says, "In China, surveillance is an integral part of pacification, intimidation, obfuscation, propaganda and control. In its most pernicious form, surveillance is used for behavior modification, including adverse conditioning.
NuclearWinter said:
Next we should really take a look at a document released awhile back entitled, "Global Trends 2015". Here are a few of the CIA's very startling predictions:

1. China's economic growth will be greater than that of all of Europe by the year 2010, while Russia's will only be 1/5th of the United States.

2. China will incite a full-scale trade war by 2010.

3. China will promote various terrorist groups to align and atack the U.S.

4. By 2015, the U.S. will surrender its role as World policeman.

5. By 2015, a MAJOR WAR will break out between the U.S. and China!

6. Finally, a direct quote from the CIA's "Global Trends 2015" report: "China, as it becomes increasingly the NEW SUPERPOWER of the Third Millennium, is likely to provide biological and chemical weapons and "suitcase" nuclear devices to wage terror against the United States."

That was a CIA report people! And you know how corrupt our CIA can be, so for them to come out blatantly with predictions like those must mean that they know what the Controllers have in store for us.

Now, I don't buy too much stock into the dating of their predictions, because as you can see from the title of this thread I really do believe that our war with China is coming very soon, and that it will happen alot sooner than 2015, and in fact from what I have studied I truly believe that it's coming within the next 3 years or so. Before 2012. But regardless of the dates, the fact remains simple, which is that China is slated to take us on for control of the World's marketplace and will undoubtedly end up in battle with our country over who gets to be the dominant nation of the World.

It would be nice if you ever stayed and chatted. Thanks for calling him Said!
(btw I call foul--this was only supposed to go up to 2012 and you went to 2015)
dilloduck said:
It would be nice if you ever stayed and chatted. Thanks for calling him Said!
(btw I call foul--this was only supposed to go up to 2012 and you went to 2015)

You don't understand Dillo.

That was the CIA REPORT which said it would happen by 2015.

My personal feelings, AS I STATED IN THE SAME POST THAT YOU QUOTED....was that I feel that it will happen way before then. Anywhere between 2006-2009.

NuclearWinter said:
Now, I don't buy too much stock into the dating of their predictions, because as you can see from the title of this thread I really do believe that our war with China is coming very soon, and that it will happen alot sooner than 2015, and in fact from what I have studied I truly believe that it's coming within the next 3 years or so. Before 2012. But regardless of the dates, the fact remains simple, which is that China is slated to take us on for control of the World's marketplace and will undoubtedly end up in battle with our country over who gets to be the dominant nation of the World.

lol. If people want a really good laugh than all they would have to do is read your last post where you had that quote posted along with it.

Forgive me...but does my quote not state in plain words.....I really do believe that our war with China is coming very soon, and that it will happen alot sooner than 2015, and in fact from what I have studied I truly believe that it's coming within the next 3 years or so. Before 2012.

Ummmm....were you not wearing your glasses or something when you posted that?
Not only is Red Chinese Intelligence obsessed with "obtaining" America's deepest technological, defense, and computer secrets, but they were also responsible for helping Saddam Hussein upgrade his defense network. China is also among the top two purchasers of Russian arms, and reached a peak of $2.7 billion in weapons sales in 1999 (with the volatile country of Pakistan, which was a few years ago on the brink of nuclear war with India, being its primary buyer). Their role is so troublesome that the New York Times, on August 20, 2001, quoted the "Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations 1993-2000" report published by the Congressional Research Service, saying: "China can present an important obstacle to the developing World where political and military tensions are significant."

But the aspect of Chinese society is the difference in outlook between the Red Chinese Government and the Americans. The Red Chinese "Machine" does not care about truth or public opinion, but are much better and more comfortable with censorship and propaganda. Nor do they cater to or create media hysteria when an event takes place. Instead, they simply stand back and observe, then take notes and wait.

Waiting is the key; then at the right moment, they lunge forward and they strike.
At the core of the Red Chinese Machine - its intelligence, its propaganda - its military leaders, its politicians - is one belief: it despises America's fear of casualties.

From their perspective, every time America enters a war (from Korea and Vietnam to Afghanistan) or needs to "remedy a situation", they always worry about public opinion and body counts. But the Red Chinese don't place such an emphasis on Human life. Rather, they teach their soldiers that although America has an array of sophisticated weaponry, they're afraid of death!

According to them, we can be beaten in war because we are soft. That's why the Red Chinese Government admires the Israeli Government and Military. The Israeli Government, in their view, holds this same lack of regard for death. The "individual" does not hold as much importance as does the society or nation.

Thus, Red China and Israel's Government are linked once again, which brings us to the infamous downing of an American spy plane in May, 2001. When this event took place and was plastered across the daily newspaper, guess who the Red Chinese invited and promised full-access to inspect the plane and its sophisticated secrets? A team of Israeli technicians was secretly flown to Hainan Island where the plane was disabled.
Do you see a pattern evolving? But Chinese subterfuge towards the U.S. doesn't end there. On the day of 9-11, the day America was horrendously attacked - guess what the Chinese were doing? One of their PLA (People's Liberation Army) planes landed at Kabul, Afghanistan, and on board were a team of defense contractors, secret service members and some senior Army officers.

This was on September 11, 2001! And why did they arrive there? To sign contracts giving the Taliban state-of-the-art electronics defense equipment, plus advocating warning and missile tracking systems that helped bring these terrorists into the modern age. Does this action sound like one carried out by a trusted ally of the United States? Hell no, especially on THE DAY we were viciously attacked. Up until then, the Taliban was nothing but a rag-tag operation with a total of 150 tanks, 15 helicopters, 20 bombers, and a few old Russian Kalashnikov rifles. That was it.

But lo and behold, China updated them! So the Taliban received military equipment in return for a promise that the Muslim fundamentalists would not attack their mainland.
NuclearWinter said:
You don't understand Dillo.

That was the CIA REPORT which said it would happen by 2015.

My personal feelings, AS I STATED IN THE SAME POST THAT YOU QUOTED....was that I feel that it will happen way before then. Anywhere between 2006-2009.

lol. If people want a really good laugh than all they would have to do is read your last post where you had that quote posted along with it.

Forgive me...but does my quote not state in plain words.....I really do believe that our war with China is coming very soon, and that it will happen alot sooner than 2015, and in fact from what I have studied I truly believe that it's coming within the next 3 years or so. Before 2012.

Ummmm....were you not wearing your glasses or something when you posted that?

I was really just curious to see if you even pay attention.
2012 is supposed to be the start of a new "time cycle" or something according to like Mayan new agey stuff or something.
rtwngAvngr said:
2012 is supposed to be the start of a new "time cycle" or something according to like Mayan new agey stuff or something.

It's hard to keep track of all this stuff that's supposed to happen.
dilloduck said:
It's hard to keep track of all this stuff that's supposed to happen.

Well this is the BIG ONE brother. 2012 is NO JOKE. We aren't talking about the 2000 millenium computer virus or some "end of the World in 2000" fantasy land made up by the church, or some stupid thing like that. We're talking about something thats been prophesized all over the World for thousands of years in just about every corner of the Globe.

The Golden Age of the Messiah.

I'll be posting more on that later though if anyone is interested in reading more about it. But for's back to the Controllers and their "New World Order" Agenda that they are so close to finally creating for us all.
It's also important to note that Osama bin Laden made several trips to China in the years preceding 9-11.

Also, how can we forget about Bill Clinton? Bill Clinton is right up there when it comes to aiding and abetting the Red Chinese. Here are a few quotes:

General Accounting Office - (June 19, 1998):

"President Clinton issued wavers on military items valued at $36.3 million and licensing of commercial military exports worth $313 million."

Jeff Garth - New York Times (October 19, 1998) on how nearly $2 billion in annual trade has been removed from federal scrutiny:

"The Pentagon was traditionally the strongest voice against technology exports, and Clinton made several appointments calculated to change the culture. The former president said at that time, "One reason I ran for President was to tailor export controls to the realization of a post-cold war World."

The Cox Report:

The thrust of this report revolves around how the Clinton administration helped China get more technology and conveniently paved the way for them to steal and engage in espionage against this country. As Oklahoma Senator James M. Inhofe notes, "As the Cox report points out, nuclear espionage by China is only one part of the problem. China's efforts to acquire U.S. military-related technology is pervasive. Operating through a maze of Government and quasi-Government entities and front companies, China has established a technology-gathering network of IMMENSE PROPORTIONS. They are willing and able to trade, bribe, buy or steal to get U.S. advanced technology - all for the purpose of enhancing their long-term military potential. Their success is often determined largely by our willingness to make it easier for them to get what they want."
The following items come from "The Hansen Case: A Trifle Compared to Clinton-China Connection" written by Sam Smith for on February 22, 2001:

Commerce Secretary Ron Brown: Allowed American-made engines to be sold to China to put into their cruise missiles. The only problem is - this was strictly military equipment; but that didn't matter. Brown got around this little "snag" by reclassifying all the engines as "civilian".

New York Times - Clinton took over $2 billion worth of items that we exported to China off the list of things that could come under inspection by our National Security forces. This included nearly 80 supercomputers that could unscramble classified data and also design nuclear weapons. Many of these items were ultimately used by China's military, yet the Clinton administration refused to allow a peep of scrutiny here in the U.S.

President Clinton: Signed National Security waivers to let four U.S. commercial satellites to be set into orbit by the Red Chinese even though China knowingly was exporting nuclear and missile technology to Iran, Pakistan, and other terrorist countries.

Conclusion to "The Hansen Case" (VERY IMPORTANT): "The brunt of the evidence was that the Red Chinese Government had obtained more American military secrets over the past two decades than had all of the previous spies in American history put together! They had basic information on all nuclear weapons systems, they got our most advanced supercomputers, and they gained extraordinarily important information about satellite systems. Some of this knowledge they used for themselves, some they retrofitted and repackaged and sold to other countries like Iraq, where it is used against our own fighter planes."

Smith continues, "While the problem occured under both Republican and Democratic administrations, it got completely out of hand under Clinton....a stunning proportion was obtained either as a direct result of political and economic decisions by the Clinton Administration or as a result of what best be described as premeditated indifference."
Can you see what's going on? The Bush administration, plus Clinton's dog-and-pony show are mere puppets; facilitators who implement decisions from above to prepare China for their showdown with the United States. This is scary stuff, folks, and you may be wondering, when are they going to strike? The answer is simple - whenever they're ready. And what do they need to get them ready? More and better U.S. technology! Isn't it obvious? We're the ones who are allowing the Controllers to dig our own graves! And while all this occurs, Red China waits silently (for the most part), as the "ultimate perpetrator" as Gordon Thomas calls it, holding America in contempt for one thing - for being TOO SOFT!

And do you know what? If we keep allowing this atrocity to take place, then China is right - we ARE too soft because we're not doing anything to stop these preparations for our own demise. It's like our next door neighbors pointing guns, cannons, bazookas, missiles and bombs at our houses; and we just sit there watching it happen, wondering, "I wonder if they're going to attack us?"

Well we're damn right they're going to lay siege upon us, and if something isn't done to stop it, who is ultimately to blame? We are, for letting it all happen.
So after all I have posted so far, which country do you guys think will man the helm if the Controllers are successful in getting us all to fall for their World War and if they are successful in their attempts for America to lose it? Who do you think is going to be the recipent of the "Controllers" good graces to lead our World into the 21st century? One word. China.

If history repeats itself and is any indicator, we need to learn a few lessons about nations on the rise and their behavior. Samuel Huntington encapsulates in the following quote what all Americans should be wary of. "Every other major power, Britain and France, Germany and Japan, and the U.S. and the Soviet Union, has engaged in outward expansion, assertion, and imperialism coincidental with or immediately following the years in which it went through rapid industrialization and economic growth. No reason exists to think that the acquisition of economic and military power will not have comparable effects in China."

Here it is folks - Red China - America's greatest threat - A Confucian civilization that has never known freedom in the entirety of its history - a culture that advocates yielding to authority, a structured hierarchy, surrender of individual rights, consensus, meekness, and the State over personal freedom. This is a country that flaunts absolute power and frowns upon checks and balances while telling its people to bow in subservience. This is a civilization so diametrically opposed to our own that you can almost liken them to something alien. Red China possesses, quite literally, everything that the New World Order crowd craves - a conditioned, freedom-less populace and an iron-fisted, tyrannical Government.
If anyone thinks that the above characterization is inaccurate or too strong, simply hearken back to what happened at the Tiananmen Square student uprising again. The Chinese Military swooped down and killed with a vengeance, and those protestors not eliminated on the spot were executed shortly thereafter without a trial. These are vicious, bloodthirsty leaders that won't bat an eye at further enslaving their people.

Here is the perfectly docile, unquestioning automaton citizenry portrayed in George Orwell's 1984, yet with an obedient army of millions and plenty of newfound Western technology. Forget about Afghanistan and Iraq. They're only precursors being used to prime the pump. Then, when we're sufficiently weakened, BAM, the Chinese could come in and lay us out and land the final death blow! If this description is still not enough, ask yourself this question: would your life be freer under Red Chinese rule? The answer is obvious. If the Chinese leaders haven't respected freedom of speech or individual rights for the last few thousand years, what makes you think that they'll start now?

The primary reason why China has become such a force to be reckoned with is because the Controllers have been inundating them with enormous amounts of Western technology for the past decade from both the private and public sectors. This includes computer hardware and software, satellites, military technology and weaponry, and the means of advanced production for their factories. The growth of their gross domestic product has more than doubled in twenty years from 6% in 1972 to 13.5 in 1993, and as Kishore Mahbubani wrote in the CFR's Foreign Affairs January-February edition, "The Red Chinese economy will become the World's largest early in the twenty-first century."
With the second and third largest economies in the World in the 1990's, Asia is likely to have four of the five largest and seven of the ten largest economies by 2020. If everything remains the same, then by that date Asian societies are likely to account for over 40% of the global economic product.

Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim told the International Herald Tribune on January 31, 1994 that, "Asia's increasing prosperity means that it is now in a position to offer serious alternatives to the dominant global, political, social, and economic arrangements."

These words are coming from political leaders and CFR members that the global elite listen to intently. And what they are saying is that Asian civilizations are primed to assume a leadership role on the World stage, replacing us as king of the hill. And folks, the writing is on the wall. This is going to happen if things do not change. And why? Because the New World Planners have funded and provided for Red China's economic independence so that they can expand their influence, maximize profits, and capitalize on cheap, docile Asian labor. Not only does this phenomenon strengthen the Pacific Rim, but it also weakens our manufacturing base in the United States at the same time. It is actually cheaper for companies in this country to import steel manufactured in China and to ship it across the ocean than it is for them to produce it domestically! There is something seriously wrong with that equation, and the result is that our economy falters while Red China becomes more self-reliant and primed to move forward.
NuclearWinter said:
With the second and third largest economies in the World in the 1990's, Asia is likely to have four of the five largest and seven of the ten largest economies by 2020. If everything remains the same, then by that date Asian societies are likely to account for over 40% of the global economic product.

Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim told the International Herald Tribune on January 31, 1994 that, "Asia's increasing prosperity means that it is now in a position to offer serious alternatives to the dominant global, political, social, and economic arrangements."

These words are coming from political leaders and CFR members that the global elite listen to intently. And what they are saying is that Asian civilizations are primed to assume a leadership role on the World stage, replacing us as king of the hill. And folks, the writing is on the wall. This is going to happen if things do not change. And why? Because the New World Planners have funded and provided for Red China's economic independence so that they can expand their influence, maximize profits, and capitalize on cheap, docile Asian labor. Not only does this phenomenon strengthen the Pacific Rim, but it also weakens our manufacturing base in the United States at the same time. It is actually cheaper for companies in this country to import steel manufactured in China and to ship it across the ocean than it is for them to produce it domestically! There is something seriously wrong with that equation, and the result is that our economy falters while Red China becomes more self-reliant and primed to move forward.

Dude--I caught 2 controllers and locked em in the basement. Problem is, I don't know who I can trust to interrogate them.
Awaiting further instructions,

olliD (ssssh it's code)
One thing that is very important for people to understand is that East Asian economic development is altering the balance of power between Asia and the West, specifically the United States.

The most immediate danger of this situation is obvious: the stronger and more independent China and the Orient becomes, the less we will be able to stop them from their negative activities. Plus, their increasing energy demands will have to be met one way or the other. This dilemma opens up the possibility of a truly horrifying scenario which should really be addressed.

China's increasing needs for oil are likely to impel it to expand it's relations with Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia as well as Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Such an arms-for-oil axis won't have to take orders from London, Paris, or Washington anymore.

As China and it's Asian counterparts are moved to the forefront by the Controllers, we need to examine how these changes will affect America. The most profound explanation comes from a man named Samuel P. Huntington, who says in the starkest terms possible, "China's emergence as a major power will dwarf any comparable phenomena during the last half of the second millennium." Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first Prime Minister, also said that, "It's not possible to pretend that this is just another big player. This is the biggest player in the history of man!"
Is the importance of this upcoming change starting to hit you guys yet? The Controllers want to run this World through China, and they're setting the stage with non-Western arms proliferation in North Korea, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, India, and China. Once the Red Army officially takes control of the Asian theater, things will only get worse. And others with hostile feelings towards the U.S. will side with them!

Samuel Huntington once said that, "In politics a common enemy creates a common interest, Islamic and Sinic (Chinese) societies which see the West as their antagonist thus have reason to cooperate with each other against the West."

Nearly half of the World's military manpower will belong to the Chinese and Muslims soon and all of you guys will eventually be forced to realize the magnitude of what we'll all be up against. It is truly horrifying. To make matters worse, take a look at the following two quotes by Samuel Huntington to determine how the Red Chinese Government feels about us:

"The most important group in China with an antagonistic view towards the U.S. is the military."

"By the mid-1990's Chinese officials and agencies routinely portrayed the U.S. as a hostile power."
Please remember that these opinions are coming from a New York Times best-selling author and one of the New World Order's most lauded academics.

You can read more about what Samuel Huntington has to say on the China subject as well as the New World Order and the class of civilizations at

That is a link to an interview that he gave for U.S. News & World Report. it is very interesting and I recommend that everyone who is worried about Red China's growth should read it in order to gain a better perspective.

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