From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Abbey Normal said:
Damn. I love Chinese food.

Is Thai ok?


Hey Abbey,

What is your favorite Entree'.......I like the Sweet and Sour Rottle(a hybrid of a Standard Poodle and Rottweiler). The flanks are marinated in a soy/hot chili oil marinade for 9 years then battered and deep fried, then that is thrown in a wok with bok choi, onions, pea pods, bamboo shoots and finally bean sprouts. Szechuan Peppery Hot Sauce is added to duck sauce and wow, what flavor....

hehehehehehe just kidding, I would never eat anything with Poodle in it....Now Great Dane and German Sheperd, The hind(also known as butt steaks) steaks.......huge! Who can eat a whole one?:dev1: :laugh:
sitarro said:
Hey Abbey,

What is your favorite Entree'.......I like the Sweet and Sour Rottle(a hybrid of a Standard Poodle and Rottweiler). The flanks are marinated in a soy/hot chili oil marinade for 9 years then battered and deep fried, then that is thrown in a wok with bok choi, onions, pea pods, bamboo shoots and finally bean sprouts. Szechuan Peppery Hot Sauce is added to duck sauce and wow, what flavor....

hehehehehehe just kidding, I would never eat anything with Poodle in it....Now Great Dane and German Sheperd, The hind(also known as butt steaks) steaks.......huge! Who can eat a whole one?:dev1: :laugh:

Sittaro, the proper order is: study first, beer second.
;) :D
Oh SHIT....He's right!!!!!!!!

The Controllers are meeting!

World's who's who hold secret talks in Ottawa
Jun 09 9:57 PM US/Eastern
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The world's political elite, top thinkers and powerful business folk gathered here for an annual, ultra-secretive Bilderberg conference as heavy security kept conspiracy theorists and curious onlookers at bay.

Global luminaries such as former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, US banker David Rockefeller and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands were greeted at the airport by limousine drivers holding single-letter "B" signs late Thursday, said local reports.

They were quickly whisked away to the Brookstreet Hotel in a serene suburb of Ottawa for three-day talks on oil markets, security concerns tied to Iran's nuclear ambitions, terrorism, and immigration, the Ottawa Citizen reported.

Conspiracy theorists who follow the group accuse it of plotting world domination at its informal annual gatherings.

But, Richard Perle, former US defence policy advisor, upon his arrival in Ottawa, denied allegations the group crafts public policy behind closed doors. "It discusses public policy," he stressed to a Citizen reporter.

A statement from the group said the meetings were private to encourage "frank and open discussions."

But skeptic Daniel Estulin, who flew from Spain to try to cover the conference, said their intent is to "create a world government ruled by an elite group of people whose main objective is to control all the natural resources on the planet."

Another local observer commented to the Citizen: "There are all sorts of gaps in what politicians say and do. This is just another example of the circumventing of the democratic process."

The talks are by invitation-only. Because discussions are off-the-record, the group has been subject to similar criticisms and speculation about its intentions since 1954 when the first conference was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands.

Several sources say Poland's Joseph Retinger, former Belgian prime minister Paul van Zeeland, and former Unilever chief executive Paul Rijkens organized the first meeting to unite European and US elites amid growing cross-Atlantic tensions a half-century ago.

Its success spawned similar talks at posh hotels and palaces in Europe, the United States and Canada each year since.

Other attendees seen arriving in Ottawa on Thursday included former Canadian ambassador to Washington Frank McKenna, Royal Dutch Shell chairman Jorma Ollila, former World Bank president James Wolfenson and Scandinavian Airlines chairman Egil Myklebust, according to reports.

Former New York governor George Pataki, Iraq's deputy prime minister Ahmad Chalabi, the heads of Coca-Cola, Credit Suisse, the Royal Bank of Canada, several media moguls, and cabinet ministers from Spain and Greece, were also expected to attend.
We will over throw these Controllers, and I'll tell you why. Because a handful of corporations and their controllers cannot control over 290 million Americans who do not wish to cooperate with that control. And thats what we are going to achieve. Total Independence from these Controllers and their Machine. And the minute that we all decide to stop playing their game, thats when their control will cease to be.

You see, it takes a secondary source of energy in order to run a machine. And in the Controller's case, they use Human Beings as the fuel for running their Agenda. But the second that we all decide to stop going to work, and to stop allowing them to strip away our rights, and to stop playing the game by their rules, then we win, and they will lose. And thats how we will gain back our independence.

People have asked me for the solution, and I'm telling you this is it. Even if the Controllers re-instated the draft, in order to force us to fight in their World War 3, then there would be no way for that to happen if everyone fought the draft all at once.

And so what if they put us in jail. Could they put 290 million people in jail? Of course not. Their game would be over. And some of you might be thinking that all of the American people do not have the courage to stand up together all at once. Well let me tell you this, you must never ever lose faith in your fellow Brothers and Sisters, because as soon as you do that you have already lost the battle.

Rather, you should all be seeking to empower the people around you, so that they can all join you on your quest to defeat these Evil Controllers. Problem, Reaction, Solution, we will use their own system against them.

Many people know in their hearts that the way we will defeat these Controllers is not through violence and destruction. No, these are the forces that the Controllers operate from. We can not fight Evil with Evil. It will not work.

How many Human Beings are willing to choose death over killing their Brother or their Sister? Perhaps many. But how many Human Beings are willing to choose death over not going to work? It's the things that the Controller's see as our greatest weaknesses that will end up being our greatest strengths. And in the end it will be the controllers greatest strengths that will end up causing them all to fall from their power.

To quote author Robert Anton Wilson:

"Every conspiracy collapses eventually because of the psychological likelihood that those who are superlatively clever at deceiving others become equally clever at deceiving themselves. Disinformation eats those who create it."
If I was you guys, I would start looking at the people who head up some of the major corporations of our World. Also, I would look into family bloodlines relating to Royal Power, and some of the many corrupt Government Hierarchy Officials. I would look into the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds, and into the Federal Reserve Scam in this country. Then I would start watching every day what the Controllers are pumping out in the news. Not that you should believe much of what they say, but it will allow you to sit back and objectively watch what they are cramming down our throats in order to get us ready for what they have in store for us.

With that said, there are many of these people who work behind the scenes. In the shadows so to speak. These people do not show their faces for a reason, but that does not mean they aren't the ones who are giving the orders. The puppets are usually the ones that show themselves to the public, but the real people at the top remain hidden from our sight.

Now, even though that may be, the results will still be the same. If we overthrow the Controller's System, then the Controllers will go down with it. Including the ones at the top who operate from the shadows. On this planet, there is no force stronger than the force of God within us. And working together as it should be, there will be nothing we can't accomplish.
I am talking in terms of what we need to do as an entire people. We need to all pull together to remove the system from existence.

Look, it doesn't really matter if not everybody totally understands what I'm saying. And there may be no way for me to change their mind. I understand that too. However, there is one thing that all people need to realize. Very soon, these same "Controllers" are planning to start a World War 3. It will be the biggest and bloodiest conflict this World has ever seen. And it doesn't NEED to happen! Thats right. You read that right. It doesn't need to happen at all. There is an alternative to war. And there always has been.

So please, if you guys understand one thing, please understand this. There is no reason at all for us to go along with their war. And when they announce that there is no other option but for us to invade Iran, please understand that there IS another option. And later down the line, in a couple of years or so, when they announce that it is time for us to invade Korea (after North Korea invades South Korea), please understand that it would be the dumbest decision our country ever made.

We would be slitting our own throats. Invading North Korea would be their final step to lure us all into their plans for World War 3 because it would take us face to face with a war against Red China. And this is what they want! I don't care if a fricken nuke goes off in the USA, we cannot allow them to bring our country into World War 3. Thats been their plan for us all along. And we can't allow for that to happen. So we will have to do whatever it takes so that it doesn't. Because I promise you folks, if we allow these people to bring us into another war, a World War beyond the scope of your imagination, then this Country and our entire Planet will turn into a living Hell. And I do mean that in the worst sense possible.

So, whatever it takes, whatever we have to do as a nation and as a race, we have to do it soon. And we have to take a stand. Don't let them fool you with threats, and don't turn to them for help after something major happens in this country. A man-made disaster that will shake the World. They will try to do anything and everything in their power to lure us into another Great War. And we cannot allow for that to happen. If it does, this country will fall apart, and we will all become slaves for their New World Order. Mark my words people I promise you as someone who cares about the lives of every single one of you, if we allow for this all to go down as they have it planned for us, then they will have won and we will all be reduced to nothing but slaves for their Agenda.
Personally, I don't believe that after the Controllers fall this time, and they will, that they will be able to muster up anything close to what they have done for quite some time. It won't be for about 1,000 years or so before they will even begin to be able to try again what they have apparently been so successful at before. But by that time, we Humans will have evolved to immense proportions, and by that time, alot of the Gifts and things that have been forgotten over time will be remembered, and we will be better equipped to handle any of these forces with all of the tools we will have at our disposal. my mind, we are finishing out God's plan for us. And God's plan for us, to me anyways, would never be a continual cycle of the same thing over and over. Once the lesson has been learned, it's time to move onto a new one. And unfortunately we Humans just haven't been able to get the damn thing right yet. But we are close....very close. And soon I think you will be seeing more of the WE consciousness than the I consciousness that has dominated this planet for over 15,000 years. Especially within the last 1,000.

Not sure if you guys are fimilar with Numerology, but the number 2 has very special meaning when determining which way our race as a whole will be leaning towards. 2 as in the Year 2,000 - 3,000. Each number has it's own special meaning. But the number 2 represents the WE consciousness, and the number 1 represents the I consciousness. Together, we will make this next 1,000 years an extremely peaceful time, but you have to remember that something like this could have only been done together.

Of Course, I plan to cover two more VERY important subjects in this thread as the time passes on. But for now, it's important to cover the Controllers so that people get the jist of whats actually going on right now.
As this overview of China comes to a close.....we need to cover the World's current hot spots - Eurasia and the Middle East.

America's most recent interactions with the Islamic World occurred when the Russians invaded Afghanistan in 1979. This event had vital historical importance for not only did the United States give armaments and technological aid to the Afghan rebels, but the USSR's humiliating defeat was one of the factors ultimately leading to its demise. The ramifications of that war continue to reverberate to this day, for although Saudi Arabia was Afghanistan's primary backer, the fledgling Taliban and Al Quaeda were trained by the ISI (Packistan's secret service) and our own CIA. Pakistan also served as a conduit for U.S. money and weapons to the Muslims.

Thus, a seemingly beneficial link was established between the U.S. and Islamic World, but if we jump ahead to 1991's Gulf War and our invasion of Iraq, problems start to arise. Even though the Muslim World supported America's intervention (at least on the surface), they also saw the battle between Kuwait and Iraq as an inter-family squabble to be settled among themselves. At that time, a fitting analogy would be like Iran attacking our Southwest after Texas and Oklahoma got into a tussle.

Another factor that strained this situation was the Bush Administration, via U.S. Ambassador April Gillespie, giving Saddam Hussein the okay to invade their neighbor by telling him, "We have no opinion on Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait." Worse, it was later discovered that the story of 300 premature babies at Kuwait's Maternity Hospital that were supposedly removed from their incubators and slaughtered by Iraqi soldiers was completely untrue and nothing more than a propaganda stunt to sway the public opinion.
The truth is that much of the Arab World saw our Iraqi invasion as nothing more than a means to protect our self-interests (oil), plus a way to keep them under our thumb. Worse, as the U.S. soundly whooped the Iraqis, the Muslim World felt a sense of humiliation in that their civilization was once again defeated by the West. And last but not least, many Arabs still feel that the United States blatant favoritism of Israel over every other Muslim country is patently unfair.

Two years later, in February 1993, our World Trade Center was bombed for the first time, and then on September 11, 2001 tragedy struck with the infamous terrorist attacks. The World changed that day, and the machinations for the Controllers to move forward with their New World Order Agenda were ignited.

Thus, we should take a look at how this debacle is playing out. First of all, the power elite realize that problems face both of their Cold War super-powers - the U.S. and USSR - none the least being that they are "mature" societies with low birth rates, aging populations, sluggish economies, and no continuing vigor to expand their territories (despite how the media portrays American imperialism). Compared to other hungry countries like those in Asia, India, or the Islamic World, the U.S. and Russia are seen by the Controllers as being satisfied with the status quo.

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