From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

I'm speaking in terms of everyone on this board who is interested. Suggestions from everyone are important. No suggestion should be overlooked when it relates to a solution.

Never be afraid to stand up for whatever it is you believe in. Even if you end up being the only one who's standing.
NuclearWinter said:
I'm speaking in terms of everyone on this board who is interested. Suggestions from everyone are important. No suggestion should be overlooked when it relates to a solution.

Never be afraid to stand up for whatever it is you believe in. Even if you end up being the only one who's standing.

The butler did it !!!!

It was that simple wasn't it ??? damn
But to the Controllers, war is a necessary step in their overall plan. Because once we get so sick of the bloodshed and violence...when we can't tolerate even one more second of fighting....these people are hoping that we'll finally lie down and accept their New World Order. Can't you see? It's CONTROLLED CONFLICT, and they're the ones in charge. They'll kill millions of innocent people -- they already have -- in order to promote their agenda and to seize more control. Fear and chaos will be the main ingredients in their equation. Out of Chaos...order....a New World Order.
Some will say that there is no such thing as the "Illuminati" or "Controllers". To them, history is nothing more than a series of random events. But don't believe them. Franklin Roosevelt said it best: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

Folks, I implore you to listen. The greatness of this country is about to be taken from us. We're not as invincible as we once thought. Our fallen World Trade Center proves that. We are very vulnerable and very replaceable. Why? Because, quite simply, China now holds more economic potential than we do. Think about it. China is a virtually undeveloped market with over a billion residents, many of them without simple modern luxuries that we ignore like telephones and televisions. To the Controllers who have seized World control primarily via financial means, China is the ultimate frontier....the final payoff.

Look at the British Empire of old. They had the greatest military on Earth, the greatest banks, and the most advanced political system ever known. They were literally "king of the hill". But did their dynasty endure forever? No. We became the next superpower because, in simplest terms, we held more potential.

America was bigger; it could hold more people, and it could be exploited economically a thousand times more than England. So we REPLACED them.
Now look at China. Unlimited land, a billion people, and 99% don't have a tenth of the appliances, gadgets, vehicles, and "toys" that we enjoy. They are very EXPLOITABLE. Also, the labor is extremely cheap; and even better, the Chinese have never known freedom -- ever! That means they won't be trouble makers like us pesky Americans with our Constitution, free speech, guns, and Bill of Rights.

They're already a slave culture, and if things don't change over there then they always will be. Americans will soon be implanted with microchips to guarantee their docility. But right now most of the Chinese people don't even need them. They're already living like slaves!

With all of this information in mind, what are the leaders of our country doing? Everything in their power to stop Red China's economic locomotive? Hell no! The Controllers behind-the-scenes are using America -- our great nation -- to facilitate China's ultimate rise.

We are the ones who are operating under trade agreements that benefit Red China while harming our domestic producers and manufacturers. Our trade imbalance with them is so insulting it's a crime. In addition, we have given them "most favored nation" status. We are also giving them their computer hardware, technology and know-how to build their technological infrastructure.
manu1959 said:
i disagree with your statement about clinton doing nothing to dismantle that capability.....

he cut spending...closed bases and messed up the way the various inteligence agencies communicate....that said the military did a fair job of overcomming his cuts....but clinton is the reason we got wacked in somolia..kobar...uss I etc........

We're speaking of two different things here. Clinton did let the military fall by teh wayside by cutting the budget. He did not do anything directly to dismantle the US's capability to conduct a two-front war. If anything, the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Bill did more to hurt the military in that regard than anything Billybob did.

Clinton's piss-poor handling of Somalia is yet another separate issue. That was called not having any balls.
NuclearWinter said:
Perhaps you haven't been paying enough attention? I've been slipping hints in since this threads beginning.

Rather than come up with the entire solution by bout working as a team to figure it out? I'm speaking in terms of everyone on this board who is interested. Suggestions from everyone are important. No suggestion should be overlooked when it relates to a solution.

You want us to pay for your therapy?
NuclearWinter said:
Did you know that all-together, Red China's Army has as many soldiers in their military as we have people in our ENTIRE country? Think about how scary that is. Once we spread ourselves too thin in war after war, the Red Chinese are going to come in an wipe us away on the battlefield. Once that happens, the stock markets will collapse, financial havoc will ensue, and America will be thrust into a nightmare like none they've ever seen before.

Sure they are.:tinfoil:

Take a look at the big picture. We are on the verge of disaster in this country, and no one is doing anything to stop it. The people who are aware of it -- and they should be highly commended -- can only go so far. But let's be truthful. If all we do is read more books, magazines, articles and watch more videotapes, then nothing is going to stop this juggernaut of destruction. Have they so far? No! And here's the reason why:

The Controllers, those people running much of the World, are evil. Pure and simple. If you don't believe me, just take a look at whats happening. One-hundred thousand people die every day from starvation on this planet. One-hundred thousand! And guess what? We currently have the money, resources, and technology to feed every one of them. But we don't. We let them go so long without food that they DIE!

These people running nations and Governments are supposed to be adults! But they sure don't behave like it. These people have wealth beyond comprehension, but they don't act to make our World a better place. We're still killing eachother like crazy, with the United States now ready to invade other countries.

Alrighty then.:laugh:
GunnyL said:
Alrighty then.:laugh:

Laugh all you want to Gun.

But when the Truth comes at you soon, because of your current outlook on the situation, it's going to hit you like a ton of bricks.
NuclearWinter said:
Laugh all you want to Gun.

But when the Truth comes at you soon, because of your current outlook on the situation, it's going to hit you like a ton of bricks.

You're cool. You know all this special stuff that no one else knows !
Waht's really cool is that you keep it all to yourself so no one can tell if you're correct or not ! You hold the secret to life and you won't share it. You're really selfish.
dilloduck said:
You're cool. You know all this special stuff that no one else knows !
Waht's really cool is that you keep it all to yourself so no one can tell if you're correct or not ! You hold the secret to life and you won't share it. You're really selfish.

I suppose that would be a hell of an arguement then Brother if only any of it were true.
Look whats happening right now with our country. We make sure that our President visits Red China regularly to pave the way for even further advances. It was our ex-President (Bill Clinton) who gave them nuclear technology so that they could further develop their atomic weapons.

We are cows being led to slaughter, and we don't even know it! How are you going to like it when the next World leaders speak to you in Chinese?

This is the bottom line: America is being deliberately destroyed by a hidden cabal of Controllers who are intent on furthering their own agendas at our expense. Don't you get it? They're using us as a means to an end.

What does it take to get you mad or enraged? We need to topple this regime! And that's what it is -- a political and economic monopoly that's sick in it's depravity -- a thousand times worse than all the legions of organized crime.

Look at what they've done! They've allowed for the toppling of the World Trade Center right before our eyes. They've assassinated presidents in broad daylight, created the AIDS virus, assumed total control of our media, stolen our vote via Votescam, and lied to us every step of the way.

Wake up! They're killing us without conscience, undermining our way of life, and setting us up for a brutal downfall. Worse, they're doing it while we wave flags and rally around their War Machine. Try to imagine life in these respects. Instead of calling our own shots, we'll be listening to and looking up at the Chinese Communists as they parade around on center stage!

We won't have as many freedoms, we won't have as much money (a lower standard-of-living), and we won't have nearly as much dignity. We will be reduced to followers instead of leaders, no longer masters of our own destiny.
So another question to be asked is, How will you enjoy being dominated by the United Nations and the Red Chinese Government? How will you people enjoy paying a World Tax? How will you like no longer being able to speak freely? The Chinese people aren't blessed with freedom of speech at this moment. Do you think that Red China's Government will let you embrace it once they assume control? Not a chance. And guns? Forget about it. They'll all be gone.

As it stands now, the United States of America, as a whole, is eating steak while many other parts of the World settle for Hamburger Helper (or worse). It's a great feeling to eat until we're filled. But how will you feel if you are the one eating the slop while the United Nations and the Red Chinese Government dishes it out to you? The taste will be even more bitter if we knew we had a chance to alter this situation and didn't do anything to change it while we could.

Yes, we have things pritty good in this country for the time being. But if we refuse to act, if we settle into a state of complacency and if we're too afraid to stake everything we have on keeping what we have, I assure you, it will be gone.
We've lost control of our own home - our nation - to a band of sinister manipulators who act in their own best interest, not ours. These people have become so arrogant in their power, that they're virtually unreachable.

Don't believe me? The same thing exists with our politicians! Try to get a face-to-face meeting with Congressman Hillary Clinton. It's virtually impossible to have her even respond to an email.

Isn't it clear? The people on TV are lying to you, and they've been lying to you for eons. The Media's job isn't to give you the nightly news. It's to give you a daily dose of conditioning.

Likewise, our Government leaders don't make any REAL decisions (at least meaningful ones). They only implement those made by the ones who pull their strings. Why? Because the people who call the shots aren't located in Washington, DC.

The real power brokers sit in places like New York City skyscrapers and tell our "selected" officials in the nation's capital what to do. I'm sorry to say, but that is the brutal reality of our situation.

At this point, we need to ask ourselves: Is America worth fighting for? And I don't mean against some cave-dwelling psychopaths in Afghanistan. I mean for the true, essential soul of our country -- the America we've come to know and love.
Well I'll tell you one thing guys. If all of us keep sitting around crosslegged and passing the same question back and forth to eachother, than NOTHING is ever going to change.

But I am going to let you all in on a little secret. There is something soon coming that is far greater than any World disaster you have ever come to imagine. It will be so devastating, so World reaching, so powerful and so Purifying, that it will wipe away most of the Evil forces we see today. However, what happens after that is completely up to us. And no one is going to be there to take care of everything for us.

So....we can all sit here...and keep learning for the meantime. Which is a good thing. And we can all come up with our OWN individual plans, and do what we know is right, until that very moment when the Earth decides that enough is enough and erases most all of the Evil influences that currently reign on our Planet, all I can do, and all you can do, is to continue pressing forward. And even if it results in massive retaliation. Why not give Mother Nature a little hand?

The real question we should all be asking ourselves is this. How much do we really value our Human life on planet Earth? Do you value it more than your Soul? If so, then I promise you now that you will be in for a World of Hell. And unless you release that attachment to this "Corpse" as Jesus called it, then no one, not even God, will be able to save you from yourself.

Jesus Said:

"Woe to the Flesh dependent on the Soul; Woe to the Soul dependent on the Flesh."

Jesus Said:

"Whoever has come to know the World has found The Body. Whoever has found that Body, the World is not worthy of Him."

Jesus Said:

"Wretched is a Body depending on a Body, and wretched is a Soul depending on These Two."

Jesus Said:

"The Dead do not Live, and the Living will not die."

Jesus Said:

"Whoever has known the World has found a Corpse; Whoever has found that Corpse, the World is not worthy of Him."
If people still aren't sure whether America is worth fighting for then please let me ask you this question. Do you want to be a citizen or a sevant? What's the difference? A citizen takes responsibility for their rights and freedoms and fights to preserve them. A servant simply follows orders that are bestowed on them from above. The choice is clear. Citizens will fight to keep America first; servants will lie down and allow themselves to be trampled over by the New World Order.

If you are willing to fight to save this great nation, what must you do? First: EXPOSE the lying, sick, evil-dog New World Order. Once anyone sees what their true motives are, it will be much easier to overthrow them. And yes, I am talking about revolution! But don't get me wrong. I'm not referring to the overthrow of our American Government -- only those secretive, hidden Controllers who have slithered their way into it.

Of course, they're going to fight back, but don't allow yourself to be sucked into their deceit machine. You see, here's how they operate. It's all based upon the old notion of "divide & conquer". To implement this technique, nearly every bit of information given to us is based on five variables: race, gender, class, party and religion. Look at your local newspaper and watch the nightly news. Almost every story is intended to divide us. Whether it's man vs. woman, black vs. white, Muslim vs. Christian, gay vs. straight, old vs. young, rich vs. poor, or Democrat vs. Republican, the result is still the same.
The longer that we keep fighting against each other, the less time we'll have to focus our attention on the REAL enemy -- the Controllers.

So don't fall for these obvious tricks any more. Instead, we need to start calling our local newspaper or TV station. We can't just suggest to them....we need to DEMAND that they start running stories on how destructive the New World Order and it's Controllers are.

Don't let them get off the hook. Call every day and tell them you refuse to be inundated with spin doctoring and propaganda day-in and day-out. Then tell every one of your friends and relatives to do the same. It won't take long before they get the idea.

The media needs to be addressed directly! Whether they admit it or not, they are playing an increasingly vital role in implementing this New World Order. They are being duped! Either wittingly or unwittingly.

Whats the solution? They need to stop taking it any longer. They need to defy their editors, owners and station heads. They need to run stories that tell the truth, not just a slew of sanitized lies. The media needs to stop allowing the Controllers to bamboozle them. They are responsible for the truth. They need to start giving it to us!
NuclearWinter said:
The longer that we keep fighting against each other, the less time we'll have to focus our attention on the REAL enemy -- the Controllers.

So don't fall for these obvious tricks any more. Instead, we need to start calling our local newspaper or TV station. We can't just suggest to them....we need to DEMAND that they start running stories on how destructive the New World Order and it's Controllers are.

Don't let them get off the hook. Call every day and tell them you refuse to be inundated with spin doctoring and propaganda day-in and day-out. Then tell every one of your friends and relatives to do the same. It won't take long before they get the idea.

The media needs to be addressed directly! Whether they admit it or not, they are playing an increasingly vital role in implementing this New World Order. They are being duped! Either wittingly or unwittingly.

Whats the solution? They need to stop taking it any longer. They need to defy their editors, owners and station heads. They need to run stories that tell the truth, not just a slew of sanitized lies. The media needs to stop allowing the Controllers to bamboozle them. They are responsible for the truth. They need to start giving it to us!

Give me the name of a controller so I can hunt one down--just 1.

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