From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

rtwngAvngr said:
wonder twin powers activate!

There you go!
Mr.Conley said:
Okay, we know that the controllers are shitty, what do we do about them?

I'd say ignoring them and/or mocking them is the best policy.
NuclearWinter said:
It all falls into the same category for me Rtwng.

I do however, believe that more and more people are waking up. Thats the good news. Had it been 100 years ago it would have looked hopeless. Now...because we are so close to the Age of Light....I see things tilting towards the better when it comes to the MASS conciousness of the World.

And thats the irony of this whole situation.

One the one can say that we are in for 6 of the worst years Humanity has ever experienced. Which would be True.

On the other, you could say that we are closer to World Peace than we may have ever been before. Which is also True.

6 more years is the log that we all have to walk on in order to get across this river. Many people simply won't make it to the other side. It's sad but it's reality.

I just noticed this "age of light" business. THis is the satanic dawn you know.
Not even close Rtwng.

Satanists aren't nearly old enough to call this Age their own.

This "Age of Peace" or "Age of Light" or "Golden Millenium" or "Age of the Messiah" is much older than any Satanic cult.

It has been prophesized for thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years.

It does not belong to the Satanists. Although they would like to think it does.
NuclearWinter said:
Not even close Rtwng.

Satanists aren't nearly old enough to call this Age their own.

This "Age of Peace" or "Age of Light" or "Golden Millenium" or "Age of the Messiah" is much older than any Satanic cult.

It has been prophesized for thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years.

It does not belong to the Satanists. Although they would like to think it does.

Aliens? The watchers are not meant to meddle in human affairs you know.
So you believe in Aliens as well then? Thats a separate issue all-together. Or is it? :)~

But to keep on this subject, the Bible itself came WAY WAY WAY later than the prophesized Golden Millennium. This goes way back to the days of the Ancient Egyptians/Mayans. And actually even before that.

And you could use the ET theory to argue that, but you have to remember, even an "Alien" civilization falls under certain laws and rules of the Universe.

But to get back to my point....most if not all Satanic cults came after the creation of the first Hebrew scriptures. And the Hebrew scriptures are not very old at all in the bigger scheme of things.
NuclearWinter said:
So you believe in Aliens as well then? Thats a separate issue all-together. Or is it? :)~

But to keep on this subject, the Bible itself came WAY WAY WAY later than the prophesized Golden Millennium. This goes way back to the days of the Ancient Egyptians/Mayans. And actually even before that.

And you could use the ET theory to argue that, but you have to remember, even an "Alien" civilization falls under certain laws and rules of the Universe.

But to get back to my point....most if not all Satanic cults came after the creation of the first Hebrew scriptures. And the Hebrew scriptures are not very old at all in the bigger scheme of things.

I'm open to many ideas. My conception of morality is actually trancendant of any known religions. I read all theories I can regarding humanity, history, to figure out what's right. I believe the utlimate morality respects individual sovereignty and honest genius over hierarchical oppression and deceptive opportunism.
One of the most intrusive devices in our modern lives is Carnivore/DCS1000, which uses both hardware and software to read our incoming and outgoing e-mail, including who sent the message, who received it, the body of the e-mail, and also the message subject. Worse, Carnivore can also monitor everything a computer user has ever downloaded, and also their web searches.

It can even go so far as to scan all the electronic traffic from an ISP (Internet Service Provider), more commonly known as a "server".

I don't know about you, but I don't want the FBI, CIA, National Security Agency or any other Governmental body looking through what I do, or listening to my telephone conversations. But that is precisely what is going on right now,and there is furnished proof of it. It is a fact that phones are being monitored, e-mail transmissions are being red, misdirected, or "munched".

In an article entitled "Stop Carnivore Now", the author says that the FBI could, with their electronic wiretapping equipment:

* Ban any language content found to be objectionable by interception, deletion, or alteration.

* Monitor the country's communications and target any person who was found or suspected to be a "problem". The judge of who or what is "a problem"? The FBI.

* Invoke mandatory standards for web sites, such as a rating system.

* Shut down or shut off the communications of any one person, website, company, or ISP.

The same article continues: "A few years down the road when your phone company, your cable TV provider, radio stations, and cell phone company are all part of your "ISP" and Carnivore/DCS1000 is installed there, the FBI will have exclusive control of what you can and can't watch, say, or do while using these technologies."

The author concludes, "One of the great powers of the Internet is the fact that it still exists beyond the control of any person or agency."

Ask yourself this question: Shouldn't we keep it that way?
In March, 2002, Washington DC's Mayor Anthony A. Williams told reporters from the Washington Times that the nation's capital must mimic the actions of cities such as Sydney and London in regard to the expansion of its camera monitoring program. Thus, Mayor Williams was exposing the plans of the Controllers to make DC comparable to England,, where the Government now maintains over two million surveillance cameras in city parks, school yards, trains and bus depots, intersections, airports, and even in residential neighborhoods.

This plan is a prototype to be used all across the country in every city, town, and municipality. Considering that we already have cameras pointed at us in department stores, elevators, lobbies, malls, banks, gas stations, and at many traffic light intersections, we have to ask ourselves how many more are needed to keep an eye on us. (Not to mention the Global tracking satellites that hover above our planet and can photograph you from outer space.)
After reading George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm or Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, many people are overtaken by a sense of dread, and yet they try and rationalize the scenario by saying that it's either somewhere down the road in the future, or else it couldn't possibly happen at all. But considering the above information (which is literally only the tip of the iceberg), not only is Big Brother very close to becoming a reality; some say it already IS a reality!

If you're still not convinced, rent the movie, Enemy of the State with Will Smith, Gene Hackman, Jon Voight, and Lisa Bonet. After viewing it, you'll have a pritty good idea of what the Controllers are capable of.

And yet while all this stuff is happening, we sit back, watch, take it all in, and LET it continue! Do we really want Big Brother to know our every move (and thought in some cases), or to keep constant vigilance over us, and ultimately to "stomp his boot into our Human faces?"

If we don't take action soon, real soon, then get ready to start cringing, 'cause those guys are going to start kicking!
"Food is power! We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize."

-- Catherine Bertini, Executive Director U.N. World Food Program

When one thinks about raising crops, the concept seems pretty simple. Farmers plant seeds, tend to them as they grow, then harvest the end result, whether it is corn, wheat, or alfalfa. But did you know that less than twenty multinational corporations now own the patents to all the seeds in the World?

One of the giants trying to corner, or manipulate this market is Monsanto, based in St. Louis, Missouri. A Global leader in agricultural biotechnology, Monsanto is now in a position to control the food chain from seed to upper table. A few companies such as Dupont in Wilmington, Delaware, W.M. Grace, Bayer, Pfizer, and Archer Daniels Midland have placed the entire control of the World's food supply into the hands of a few companies. In fact, the Rockefeller Foundation controls the patent on seeds for 95% of the Earth's major cereal crops.
Why should this statistic alarm you? The answer lies in a little publicized technological breakthrough called "The Terminator Gene." Before devling into the ramifications of this concept though, you should read this overview of the "food chain" as it stands now in the World of corporate farming.

To begin with, the above listed companies, along with others in the multinational food network that are maintained by the Controller's octopus-like grip, have a virtual lock on what we ultimately consume. To put it in the bluntest terms possible, these companies plan our food, harvest, warehouse, transport, and eventually sell it. Also, an alarming few corporations also own the EXCLUSIVE patents on many of the seeds sold to farmers.

The Controllers have quietly assumed such a stranglehold over this vitally important industry, that they essentially hold the powers of life-and-death in their hands.
This is crucial information folks. And let me tell you why......

The Controller's:

1. Set the crop prices via subsidies and market manipulation.

2. Decide who can purchase and sell the various crops through multinational trade agreements and Government deals.

3. Control the logistics of food transportation by monopolizing the shipping industry, especially trucking, where independent movers have all but been eliminated! What this means is, if a farmer decides to buck the system, he can keep growing crops, but he won't be able to find anyone to bring his harvest to the market. The Controllers have a way of shutting down "troublemakers".

4. Create a slew of regulations that hassle small farmers and/or mavericks out of business.

5. Control fertilizer production (which is an essential element of the overall process).

6. Control the seed market via "terminator genes."

7. Control storage facilities (i.e. grain silos).

8. Refuse bank loans to troublemakers, while granting them (with interest!) to those who are compliant to their demands. These loans are ultimately under the juristiction of such New World Order entities as the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank for International Settlements, the World Bank, European Monetary Institute, and the World Trade Organization, among others. The United Nations is also fighting for the ability to levy a "World tax" not only on certain "wealthy" nations, but also on individuals as well. Proceeds will be used to pay for a variety of U.N., World Bank, and IMF programs. Thanks a lot!

9. Become more influential on a daily basis with the establishment of corporate farms (as opposed to individually owned ones), and their dominance of meat packing and processing plants.

10. Manipulate agricultural statistics to paint whatever picture they deem necessary, thus never allowing us to truly see where we stand. (Read George Orwell's Animal Farm to understand how numbers are continually used to deceive people.)

11. Use satellite technology to monitor the farms and fields.

12. Develop weather modification.

13. Ship American food overseas, thus raising prices domestically.
The Controllers have taken almost complete control of the World's food supply.

To really gain control of the food chain, one needs to start at the crux of it all - with the seeds. This is how the cowardly clandestine shadow-dwellers have ultimately decided to control the World's food supply.

Instead of a traditional farmer taking the seeds that he got from his current crop and saving them to be used the following year, now we have hybrid seeds that have been introduced to the farming industry over the years which produce stronger, higher-yielding crops. Over time, farmers didn't see the need to save the "old" traditional seeds and became reliant upon the genetically altered hybrids. Of course, the patents and ownership of these seeds are in the hands of those companies listed earlier -- the Monopolists.

Ken Corbitt stated in the August/September 1994 issue of Nexxus Magazine that "total control of the World's seeds and ultimately the survival of mankind itself is now in the hands of an elite cartel of multinational corporations."

What makes this scenario even more terrifying is an earlier mentioned entity called "The Terminator Gene", which is a "bio-engineered element that mutates a seed's genetic structure, rendering the seed barren and unable to reproduce itself."

In other words, the altered seed will produce a crop -- but only for one year -- and will not reproduce again the following year! Thus, in order to get new seeds, the farmer must go to the corporation that owns the patents on the transformed, genitically altered seeds. These seeds only produce one-time because of the built in "Terminator Gene" that gives all control to those who own the patents.
Here's the trade-off: farmers are sold high-tech seeds that are sure to produce high-volume crops and can easily stave-off diseases. In return, they have to go back to their seed companies EVERY year and buy more seeds rather than stockpile them because of the internalized terminator gene. Can you see how this situation places every farmer on the planet in a perilous position? What if they do something to enrage the powers-that-be, or buck the system? What happens? Those in control simply refuse to sell them more seed! Don't ya just love the Controllers, and how they always have our best interests in mind? To create further dilemmas, the Plant Breeders' Right Act states that anyone who breaches these patents or refuses to pay royalties on them could face a six month prison term and/or a $250,000 fine.

Geri Guidetti, in a July/August 1998 Jubilee newspaper article entitled, "Seed Terminator and Mega-Merger Threaten Food and Freedom" says, "Never before has man created such an insidiously dangerous, far-reaching and potentially "perfect" plan to control the livelihoods, food supply, and even survival of all Humans on the planet." She continues her article by declaring, "Widespread Global adoption of the newly patented Terminator Technology will ensure absolute dependence of farmers on multinational corporations."
Jim Hightower, former Texas Secretary of Agriculture, adds, "In their latest scheme, Government scientists and corporate profiteers have teamed up to mess up one of Nature's basics: seeds. The geniuses at USDA have used our tax dollars to develop a seed that will not germinate when replanted. Who would want such non-germinating seeds? The seed corporations, of course, since it means every farmer in the World would have to come to them to buy new seeds."

So, what does this all mean? In simplest terms, the Terminator Gene has now placed total control of the World's food supply into the hands of the New World Order. It's that plain and simple. To show the dangers of this situation, here are a few quotes from Government officials that will reinforce the points made here. They will also show the true aims of the New World Order, and how farmers in the future will be seen as nothing more than serfs, peasants, and sharecroppers. In addition, the very survival of our race is now in the hands of a few devils who truly don't give a care about our welfare.

If we don't buckle to their demands and act as they wish us to act (ultimately to be implanted with microchips), they could conceivably cut off our food supply and starve us to death. If this ever happens, we need to ask ourselves a question: who will keep getting food and continue to live a life of leisure -- us, or them?

And just remember, the New World Order isn't right around the corner. It's already here! Are you ready to welcome it with open arms?

Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State, at a Bilderberg meeting in the 1990's said:

"By controlling energy we can control nations, and by controlling food we can control individuals."

Pope John Paul II, as quoted by Father Malachi Martin, declared in Keys of this Blood:

"By the end of this decade we will live under the first One World Government that has existed in the society of nations....a Government with absolute authority to declare the basic issues of Human survival and Human prosperity."

Al Gore, former Vice President:

"We're continuing to have our spy satellites in the sky: they're there to help us. What we're doing is mapping and monitoring the entire World, including every square inch of the United States."

Dwayne Andreas, Archer Daniels Midland Chairman, said:

"People in the Midwest do not understand -- this is a Socialist country."
To reinforce the information above comes these quotes from people who are trying to expose the Controller's plans:

Doctor Carroll Quigley wrote in Tragedy in Hope:

"There does exist an international network whose aim is to create a World system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the World."

Larry Bates wrote in The New Economic Disorder:

"I have said for many years that the term "New World Order" is merely a code word for one-World socialism, with an elite ruling class to govern the rest of us under their demonic system."

John G. Gordon wrote in Veritas newspaper, July, 1996:

"Rules made by the World Trade Organization made it illegal for the United States to retain sufficient supplies of grain for emergencies. The U.S. was compelled to sell our grain reserves to the rest of the World. The sad reality of this is that Americans in the land of the free which feeds the World over 80% of its food could actually starve to death while the rest of the World eats."

Congressman Louis McFadden, Chariman of the House Committee on Banking & Currency, in the 1940's said:

"The Depression was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The International Bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair so that they might emerge the rulers of us all."

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