From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Finally, Lary Bates again tells us in The New Economic Disorder about a visit that he had to the United Nations:

"I couldn't keep still any longer and I blurted out (intending to be facetious), "Why don't you just take everybody's money, checking accounts, savings accounts, bonds, real estate, and all their other assets and just put everything in one big pile and redistribute it to everybody in the World?"

"Our United Nations guide replied, "A very good idea -- it's what we are trying to do here."

In the same vein, former President Bill Clinton stated at a news conference in Argentina on September 19, 1997: "What I am promoting is the reorganization of the World."
As I mentioned before, The Controllers are the ones responsible for releasing the AIDS virus on the Human population. They've killed millions of people already. Do you think they give a damn about you or me?

Something that all people should be aware of, is that AIDS was created in 1974 at Fort Detrick, Maryland, which is now called NCI - The National Cancer Institute. Officially, it was called the Fort Detrick Biological Warfare Center, which was an integral part of the National Cancer Institute.

The AIDS virus was developed under the supervision of a CIA program called MK-NAOMI by the SOD - Special Operations Division -- of the Army.

Ok so now that you know where AIDS was originally created, now it's important to know why it was created.

There are a few reasons actually. You have to understand that back in the mid-to-late 60's, The Controllers realized that ever since the end of World War 2, the number of people on this Planet was skyrocketing. They called it the "Population Bomb". To find a way to equal out the increasing birth rates, these men came up with three ways to bolster the death rates.

The First was proposed in the infamous Report from Iron Mountain that essentially said that World peace is not a desirable thing. So, instead of beginning another catastrophic war that would undoubtedly end in nuclear annihilation, they proposed a series of small, ongoing, isolated wars. In fact, did you guys know that at times there have been over 39 different wars taking place in the World? And it wasn't just coincidence. And you have to ask yourself, who are the people fighting these wars? The answer - young, foreign men that are most likely to reproduce.
So the Controllers knew that if they killed people off in a "quiet" way with wars in remote regions of the World, that they would have successfully taken the first steps towards lowering birth rates.

The other two solutions that the Controllers came up with for lowering the population of the World were abortion and as i mentioned before the creation of the infectious disease called AIDS.

War, abortion, and disease. The Controllers methods for population control. Decrease the birth rate and increase the death rate. Thats what they were aiming for. All managed by the Controllers like a game of chess.

So the ironic part is that the AIDS virus was created by cancer researchers working in biological warfare research.

But first lets get back to the Controllers reasons for creating it. The Population problem. The first study of this problem actually took place in 1957 in Huntsville, Alabama. A group of scientists met there and came up with a rudimentary plan called "Alternative 3". Eleven years later, in 1968, there was a Club of Rome study on how to limit population growth. They called this plan "Global 2000", and one of the prominent people in attendance was Doctor Aurelio Peccei, who founded the Club of Rome. He said that a microbe should be developed that attacks the Human immune system. Not only that, but he also suggested that a cure should be developed to counteract the disease. Around the same time, the Bilderbergs commissioned the Haig-Kissinger Depopulation Policy, which again focused on methods of keeping population growth to a minimum.
It's very important to see how all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place.

If someone were to ever take a look at the Congressional House Bill 15090, they would find out that it relates to funding, or appropriations , for the Department of Defense in the fiscal year 1970.

You would also see words such as "91st Congress", "First Session", "June 19th, 1969," "Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee of Appropriations," "House of Representatives," and "Budget - $10 million." This Bill helped fund what would eventually become project MK-NAOMI , where the DOD asked for and received 10 million dollars.

You see, there was a man named Dr. Donald MacArthur who was the Deputy Director of DOD's Research and Technology Division. He's the one who provided the outline for this project that would be carried out by a small group of scientists. MacArthur testified before the House Committee in 1969 in hopes of producing a new virus or bacteria that would attack and destroy the body's immune system. They called this a "Refractory Virus."

Refractory is just another way of saying resistant. It means a germ that will resist the body's own natural defense system. If you think about it, what better way is there to "acquire" an immune deficiency than to have it deliberately put there? And the Controllers knew this.
Also, if someone were to ever read the Congressional House Bill 15090, they would also find this statement written into it:

"Molecular Biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly, and eminent biologists believe that within a period of five to ten years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been aquired."

Below that statement there is a section entitled, "Synthetic Biological Agents". In this section MacArthur reveals that:

"It is a highly controversial issue, and there are many who believe that such research should not be undertaken lest it lead yet to another method of massive killing of large populations."

The report continues with:

"Within the next five to ten years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective-micro-organism which would differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organism. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious agents."
Another source for people to take a look at to prove that AIDS was deliberately created by the Controllers would be to check out the World Health Bulletin Volume 47:257-63, dated 1972, which states that:

"An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune functions. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired of the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively on the cell responding to the virus."

Also included in this bulletin is a statement relating to the fact that there were members of the W.H.O. (World Health Organization), who wanted to make a virus that would selectively destroy the T cell system. The statement reads:

"An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function, e.g., by.....affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens."

So basicly, this is PROOF that the World Health Organization was looking into the possibility of creating a virus that selectively, thats the key word....selectively destroys the T cell system of Human Beings.
The AIDS virus wasn't an accident. It was deliberately created, and the World Health Organization was one of the agencies that asked for the production of the virus. And this happened in 1972, which was the same year that the DOD made another request of Congress by coming right out and asking for the funds to their own words, "a virus that selectively destroys the cells responsible for processing the virus." Did you notice the use of the word "select" again?
The use of the word "select" is an important thing to remember because in 1972, the World Health Organization chose a few geographical sites that they wanted to target with a smallpox vaccine.

The sites that the WHO chose are Uganda and Central Africa, plus Haiti and Brazil. All of these places had huge outbreaks of AIDS, didn't they? And Africa was practicly decimated by AIDS. But before I post about that, lets continue with the timeline.

Since the Controllers wanted both the death rate to increase and the birth rate to decrease, guess what happened in 1973? Abortion was legalized in the United States. You see, the big Club of Rome meeting that I mentioned earlier took place in 1968 where an overall plan was set in motion to achieve their objectives. Two years later, in 1970, Gloria Steinem co-founded the Women's Action Alliance, which was the beginning of the modern-day Women's Liberation Movement. Then, lo and behold, in 1973, the green light was given to abortion. It all fits into place quite nicley, don't you think?

It's crazy to realize how easily the Women of our World have been duped by the Controllers. Not that guys haven't too, but damn. Killing your own babies for them? Kinda makes you think....
So in 1974, an alarming warning was given by the National Academy of Sciences. They recommended that, "scientists throughout the World join members of their committee in voluntarily deferring experiments linking animal viruses."

Just keep that little tidbit of information in mind for a little while. It's important.

In the meantime, the actual AIDS virus was created in 1974 at Fort Detrick, and by 1977, the World Health Organization staged the first catastrophic act of disseminating the virus into the Population.

How did they do it? The W.H.O. went into Africa and spread the virus through a series of smallpox vaccinations.
Thats right folks! Smallpox vaccinations.

Let me guess...some of you might be asking yourselves, "Whatever happened to the Green Monkey theory?" You know, the one about the monkey that bit an African man on his ass, and that's how the disease was started. Hmmm, I wonder who started that rumor. Could it have been.....the Controllers?

Anyways, you guys don't seriously believe that theory do you? I hope not because it's one of the biggest hoaxes and the biggest LIES of all-time. Yeah, according to their story, a green monkey bit an African man on the ass; then this man had sex with someone and passed on the disease. Then that person had sex with someone else and spread the disease. But simultaneous to this "event", AIDS is also breaking out in Brazil, Haiti, other parts of Africa, and the United States. What were those green monkeys doing, flying around the Globe with jet packs on their backs?

How many people even know what a green monkey is? If this monkey DID bite a man on the ass, it's still statistically impossible for the disease to spread so exponentially and to reach such epidemic proportions in so many places around the Globe...all from a simple monkey bite. If people would ever look at the numbers, they would see that it was disseminated around the World, proving that the disease was deliberately spread rather than just happening "by accident" as the result of a monkey bite.

Another interesting note is that if someone was to ever take a look at the gene structure of a green monkey, they would discover that it is genetically impossible to transfer AIDS from a monkey to a man by natural means.
Did you guys know that in Africa as opposed to this country, AIDS is largely a heterosexual disease?

What does that mean?

It means that the virus can be pinpointed....or at least its very SELECT audiences. In fact, in the early days of the AIDS catastrophe, certain groups of people were targeted to be the recipients of this virus. And at least in Africa, the whole thing was run by the World Health Organization.

However, in the United States there was something called "Operation Firm Hand" that was administered by the National Institute of Health and the Centers for Disease Control.

And for those of you wondering what "Operation Firm Hand" was all about....please allow me to spill the beans again.

You see, before 1978, there was no such thing as Aids in the United States. Then, in November of 1978, an experimental Hepatitis B vaccine was introduced to New York City. The word was put out that this free vaccine was available at a local blood bank headed by Dr. W. Szmuness.

Dr. W. Szmuness was a Polish doctor that immigrated to this country in 1969, and he later became the head of the New York City blood bank where the vaccine was administered. But what does a blood bank have to do with AIDS you might be asking? Well you see thats where the Hepatitis B vaccine was administered, but of course it wasn't given to just anyone. The participants had to fill out a detailed-questionnaire. But I'll get into that here in a second.
Ok so in regards to the "questionnaires" that I was talking about, they were created for one group and one group only, and can you guys guess who it was? Gay, non-monogamous men between the ages of 20 and 40. Ring a bell? Another big rumor that was started was that Gay men created the Aids virus through their butt-f!cking. Well I'm here to tell every single one of you...thats another MAJOR LIE. Gay people have been arround for millennia, perhaps not in the public eye, but I guarantee you that AIDS was not around when the first two Gay people had sex with eachother.

So anyways...the blood bank wanted Gay men. And in all, they wanted between 1,040 and 1,083 gay men to be inoculated with this "vaccine". I feel very sorry for the men that signed up for this treatment, because they had no clue what they were getting themselves into.

You also have to remember what the times were back then. It was the late 1970's, and the concept of lethal sex disease hadn't even really been heard of. I mean for crying out loud, you had clubs like Studio 54, cocaine, and even gay bathhouses.

The fact is, people screwed like crazy back in those days. And then, in 1979 and 1980, these same "vaccination" programs were repeated in Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Denver. Now, if you take only the New York City men who participated in this program - approximately 1,000 of them - and figure they had 50 different sex partners over the next few years - what do you come up with? 50,000. Thats right. And say these 50,000 men had 50 different sex partners. What do you come up with? A quarter of a million. Now multiply 250,000 by all the other cities that I just mentioned, plus throw in all the junky intravenous drug users, and what do you get?

Also, did you guys know that by 1984, the CDC did a report on the New York City men that received this inoculation, and they found that 64% of them had either contracted AIDS or had already died from it? Well it's true, and it's truly sickening.

After that, all of the sudden any further statistics mysteriously became "unavailable". I'll bet if they were found though, the number could be 100% just a few years later.

So think about this. If you drove up to the Centre Community Hospital and asked them, "If you had a vaccination program, say for the flu, and six years after it was administered 64% of the people that received it were infected with a lethal, incurable disease, what would you think?" They'd flip out.

Now I want you all to take this information and compare it to the Green Monkey theory or any other monkey theory for that matter. Which one seems more plausible when viewed in terms of an exponential explosion?

It's a downright crime!
NuclearWinter said:
Also, did you guys know that by 1984, the CDC did a report on the New York City men that received this inoculation, and they found that 64% of them had either contracted AIDS or had already died from it? Well it's true, and it's truly sickening.

After that, all of the sudden any further statistics mysteriously became "unavailable". I'll bet if they were found though, the number could be 100% just a few years later.

So think about this. If you drove up to the Centre Community Hospital and asked them, "If you had a vaccination program, say for the flu, and six years after it was administered 64% of the people that received it were infected with a lethal, incurable disease, what would you think?" They'd flip out.

Now I want you all to take this information and compare it to the Green Monkey theory or any other monkey theory for that matter. Which one seems more plausible when viewed in terms of an exponential explosion?

It's a downright crime!

We know all this stuff already----we're just seeing how much has leaked out and to who.
There is a researcher named Waves Fores who wrote an article called "Designer Diseases: AIDS as Biological and Psychological Warfare". At one point in this column he said, "Another indication that AIDS has multiple origin points is that the 14-month doubling time of the disease cannot nearly account for the current number of cases if we assume only a small number of initial infections starting in the late 1970's."

So people..isn't it clear here? This whole cover story about AIDS starting at one specific point is....Bullshi!

Thats right. Because a very organized effort was behind it. And by 1981, AIDS had become part of the popular consciousness. When it was never there before! At first, due to the nature of who it infected in this country, the disease was originally called "Gay Cancer". From 1979 to 1981, the scientific community labeled it GRID - Gay Related Immune Deficiency. That was actually the first official name for AIDS.

But to keep the timeline going....

In 1983, a New York Congressman named Theodore Weiss said:

"As far-fetched as it may seem, given the attitudes toward homosexuals and homosexuality by some segments of society, the possible utilization of biological weapons must be seriously considered."

Now that's a United States Congressman saying this! In 1984, then, the AIDS virus was officially "discovered" by Dr. Robert Gallo.

And people should know that there was even a newspaper article printed in the London Times on May 11, 1987 titled - "Smallpox Vaccine Triggered AIDS." Of course, not surprisingly, this information never filtered into the American mainstream media.
dilloduck said:
We know all this stuff already----we're just seeing how much has leaked out and to who.

Funny you should mention that. Whether you were serious or not.

I've met my fair share of of x-soldiers in my life, and some of the ones that served during the time that AIDS was created have all but admitted to me that AIDS was created by the Government.

I even had one guy tell me that he was "scared of going to Levenworth" or something like that. So he didn't want to dig too deep into his memory if you get what I'm saying.

However, I find that just because certain soldiers signed contracts which forbid them from exposing certain Government operations, that it doesn't matter anyways, because it's usually not the soldiers who end up leaking this information to the public, because it's usually people who never served in the military at all.
NuclearWinter said:
Funny you should mention that. Whether you were serious or not.

I've met my fair share of of x-soldiers in my life, and some of the ones that served during the time that AIDS was created have all but admitted to me that AIDS was created by the Government.

I even had one guy tell me that he was "scared of going to Levenworth" or something like that. So he didn't want to dig too deep into his memory if you get what I'm saying.

However, I find that just because certain soldiers signed contracts which forbid them from exposing certain Government operations, that it doesn't matter anyways, because it's usually not the soldiers at all who end up leaking this information to the public, but it's usually people who never served in the military at all.

Wierd that the controllers would let all this info out ain't it.
dilloduck said:
Wierd that the controllers would let all this info out ain't it.

lol. They didn't have a choice in the matter.

By all the laws that help hold the Universe together, what goes around comes around.
NuclearWinter said:
lol. They didn't have a choice in the matter.

By all the laws that help hold the Universe together, what goes around comes around.

Controllers are bound by the laws of nature ? naaaaaaaaaaa

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