From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Obviously my goal is to point out that we have had this strange secret society called Masons before any college fraternity had ever been created. Before any college had ever existed. Before the United States had ever existed.

And our first President was a Mason. And the people who wrote the laws of the constitution were Masons. And our President in office right now is a Mason. And the British have their own sects of Masons. And the majority of people in High Power positions are Masons. And their ancestors were Masons. And their ancestors ancestors were Masons.

And so I say to myself, what the hell is going on here? Many of the presidents wives were Masons. Their family blood have been Masons. They married a Mason. Then those Masons had children who would become future Masons.

So what I am saying is this. I am not a Mason. Many of the people in this country (who are being controlled without really knowing it) are not Masons. But the higher up Masons are rich, they are in power, they help to control the country, they have ties to the illuminati, they have been known to worship Lucifer (The dark angel) and they have killed people in the past for rubbing the wrong way with them. Presidents have been killed in the past for this same exact reason. And the majority of the people who killed them were Masons!

So I don't understand how people can just sit back and say, "Whats the big deal? Masons help to control our country? So what. Who cares. Let's go play some pool."

I mean I'm sorry but I am not going to just sit back here with all these coincidences (there is no such thing as coincidence) going on and pretend like everything is a bowl of cherries. It's not a good thing that these people are in power and until we no longer have the same government structure that we have today we may never be able to remove them from it.

Only when we no longer have a single president who can become a puppet for the Masons and do whatever they want him to do will we finally be able to get our true freedom back. Lets see, 2004 we voted for nothing but Masons, once again, because they were the only ones on the ticket.

And Masons are brothers in a brotherhood. That comes before their presidency trust me. If you think that Bush and Kerry really had any hostility towards eachother at all you are wrong. Sure they were both going after the same position, but all along they were "playing politics" and they both knew that whoever lost it wouldn't even matter because they were both Masons and so they knew that they couldn't lose either way.

And lastly, just because of the fact that Presidents are chosen by their bloodline and not by the people who think they are electing them because of their credentials and principles is kind of scary. They have us all fooled at the moment.

If you look at how many presidents have been related it's not even funny. When I say they are chosen by their bloodline I am not kidding. The kids are born, and they are prepared from day 1 by the Masons to be president. They don't come out of kindergarden and say, I'm gonna be the President of the USA when I get older! No, they are chosen by the Masons, because their whole family is made up of Masons, and then they are guided along the path until they finally take their pre-ordained position as the leader.
So I guess the real question is, which Mason are you voting for in 2008? What you say? I don't want to vote for a Mason. Well guess what, you have no choice if you want to vote. If you vote at all, you will be voting for a Mason. Because they and other secret societies practicly run this fricken country! Hell, at the moment, they are attempting to run the whole world!

Wake up! Don't cast your vote for these people! They are wicked beyond words. It doesn't matter who you vote for, because the system is rigged! Only Masons can get elected. This has been the case for the past 20 years! It's sick. And it needs to stop! I'm not voting for **** in 2008 I'll tell you that much. Although if everything pans out correctly, Hillary Clinton has already won! Because they will use the woman card to make her more appealing and gain the sympathy of the World! They are scheming to put her in office. Think about it, shes too closely tied with the Bush family.

And the worst part is. Even if I am wrong and she doesn't win, Another Mason will! So they win everytime. Come on people, after all the proof I have just provided here, how can you deny that the Masons have been running this country since it's roots? Many of us are so brainwashed by their media and other teqniques that we don't even realize it! Well thats not gonna be the case with me anymore. I'm done being brainwashed. I see the bigger picture. And hopefully now you guys will too!
NuclearWinter said:
Obviously my goal is to point out that we have had this strange secret society called Masons before any college fraternity had ever been created. Before any college had ever existed. Before the United States had ever existed.

And our first President was a Mason. And the people who wrote the laws of the constitution were Masons. And our President in office right now is a Mason. And the British have their own sects of Masons. And the majority of people in High Power positions are Masons. And their ancestors were Masons. And their ancestors ancestors were Masons.

And so I say to myself, what the hell is going on here? Many of the presidents wives were Masons. Their family blood have been Masons. They married a Mason. Then those Masons had children who would become future Masons.

So what I am saying is this. I am not a Mason. Many of the people in this country (who are being controlled without really knowing it) are not Masons. But the higher up Masons are rich, they are in power, they help to control the country, they have ties to the illuminati, they have been known to worship Lucifer (The dark angel) and they have killed people in the past for rubbing the wrong way with them. Presidents have been killed in the past for this same exact reason. And the majority of the people who killed them were Masons!

So I don't understand how people can just sit back and say, "Whats the big deal? Masons help to control our country? So what. Who cares. Let's go play some pool."

I mean I'm sorry but I am not going to just sit back here with all these coincidences (there is no such thing as coincidence) going on and pretend like everything is a bowl of cherries. It's not a good thing that these people are in power and until we no longer have the same government structure that we have today we may never be able to remove them from it.

Only when we no longer have a single president who can become a puppet for the Masons and do whatever they want him to do will we finally be able to get our true freedom back. Lets see, 2004 we voted for nothing but Masons, once again, because they were the only ones on the ticket.

And Masons are brothers in a brotherhood. That comes before their presidency trust me. If you think that Bush and Kerry really had any hostility towards eachother at all you are wrong. Sure they were both going after the same position, but all along they were "playing politics" and they both knew that whoever lost it wouldn't even matter because they were both Masons and so they knew that they couldn't lose either way.

And lastly, just because of the fact that Presidents are chosen by their bloodline and not by the people who think they are electing them because of their credentials and principles is kind of scary. They have us all fooled at the moment.

If you look at how many presidents have been related it's not even funny. When I say they are chosen by their bloodline I am not kidding. The kids are born, and they are prepared from day 1 by the Masons to be president. They don't come out of kindergarden and say, I'm gonna be the President of the USA when I get older! No, they are chosen by the Masons, because their whole family is made up of Masons, and then they are guided along the path until they finally take their pre-ordained position as the leader.

Now THIS is something RWA should be able to dig into...
NuclearWinter said:
So I guess the real question is, which Mason are you voting for in 2008? What you say? I don't want to vote for a Mason. Well guess what, you have no choice if you want to vote. If you vote at all, you will be voting for a Mason. Because they and other secret societies practicly run this fricken country! Hell, at the moment, they are attempting to run the whole world!

Wake up! Don't cast your vote for these people! They are wicked beyond words. It doesn't matter who you vote for, because the system is rigged! Only Masons can get elected. This has been the case for the past 20 years! It's sick. And it needs to stop! I'm not voting for **** in 2008 I'll tell you that much. Although if everything pans out correctly, Hillary Clinton has already won! Because they will use the woman card to make her more appealing and gain the sympathy of the World! They are scheming to put her in office. Think about it, shes too closely tied with the Bush family.

And the worst part is. Even if I am wrong and she doesn't win, Another Mason will! So they win everytime. Come on people, after all the proof I have just provided here, how can you deny that the Masons have been running this country since it's roots? Many of us are so brainwashed by their media and other teqniques that we don't even realize it! Well thats not gonna be the case with me anymore. I'm done being brainwashed. I see the bigger picture. And hopefully now you guys will too!

WOW-- nice piece but it sorta got slow towards the end.
Before I get further into the FreeMasons let me provide some important quotes that might peek some of your guys interests:


"History tells us that man learns nothing from History".

Franklin Delano Roosevelt:

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet that it was planned that way."

Jeffrey Baker, Author of a book on FreeMasons:

"Unfortunately for America, the Princes have well-insulated themselves from mass exposure to the public at large through control of the propaganda that we call news. I do not believe that Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, or Peter Jennings are maniacal men with evil intent. They are, if you will, utopian dreamers so enamored with their own intelligence that they are blinded by their own "illumination", and professing themselves to be wise, they become utter fools."

Manley P. Hall (famed Masonic writer who says that the legend of Atlantis is central to the teachings and philosophies of ALL secret societies):

"Freemasonry is a shadow of the great Atlantean Mystery School which stood with all it's splendor in the ancient City of the Golden Gates where now the turbulent Atlantic rolls in unbroken sweep."

Ignatius Donnely (noted Atlantis authority - in 1822 - when comparing the Great Flood story from the Bible to the destruction of Atlantis, he says that the two are the same event):

"The deluge plainly refers to the destruction of Atlantis and that it agrees in many particulars with the account given by Plato. The people destroyed were, in both instances, the ancient race that had created civilization; they had formerly been in a happy and "sinless" condition; they had become great and wicked; they were destroyed for their "sins" - they were destroyed by water."

William Still (New World Order):

"Information about Atlantis is still possessed by the highest initiates of the secret societies."
Manley P. Hall (The Secret Destiny of America):

"Plato wrote about Atlantis in 400 B.C., and his information was taken from accounts given by Solon, who was the father of Greek democracy. Solon learned about Atlantis by studying with priests in the Temple of Isis in Sais, Egypt. In 595 B.C., these priests took Solon to an underground cave where the Nile flowed. There they got on a boat and sailed to an island where they saw artifacts that were left by the "Lost People". In the remains of this society, they found laws that were inscribed on columns that were intended to guide mankind. This information became the basis for the secret societies and mystery religions that ensured."

Albert Pike (Who was the Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Freemasonry from 1859-1891, wrote in a letter to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World in July 14, 1889):

"That which we must say to the crowd is we worship God. But it is the God that one adores without superstition. You may repeat it to the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees -- the Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (Yahweh) and his priests calumniate him?"

Manly P. Hall (The Lost Keys of Freemasonry):

"When the Mason learns the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of the living power, he has learned the mystery of the Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy."
William Shnoebelen (Masonry beyond the Light):

"Set (Lucifer) is the acknowledged god of Masonry."

Edith Starr Miller (The Occult Theocrasy, 1933):

"The real masonry of the Cabalistic degrees which is in touch with all secret societies, Masonic as well as non-Masonic, have been able to state that Luciferian Occultism controls Freemasonry."

Ralph Epperson (The New World Order):

"The Masons know that they must conceal their horrible secret from the people. That secret is simply the fact that certain of their members worship Lucifer."
Eliphas Levi - (Cabalist, Magician - The Book of Splendors):

"Satan is not the ruler of the realm of shadows, he is the agent of light behind a veil. He is of service to God, he performs God's work: God has not rejected him, for he holds him still in his hand....what is the Devil, then, in the final analysis? The Devil is God working evil."

William Guy Carr (One time Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy, on Albert Pike):

"While Pike was Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry and Head of the Illuminati during the 1870's, he revised and modernized the ritual of the Black Mass celebrated to emphasize the Luciferian and Satanic victory achieved in the Garden of Eden and over Christ to end his mission on Earth. Lucifer is worshipped as The Giver of the True Light; the fountain of ALL wisdom; and as the greatest of all Supernatural Beings."
Des Griffin (Fourth Reich of the Rich):

"Albert Pike was an evil genius of the first magnitude. He was a man of many talents who invariably used his abilities to destructive ends. He was very literate; being able to both read and write in 16 ancient languages. He was an avowed worshipper of Satan by name who practiced necromancy and all forms of sorcery."

Albert Pike (Morals and Dogma):

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! It is he who bears the Light!"

Albert Pike (in a speech to the 23 Supreme Councils, June 14, 1889):

"The true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay (Yahweh); but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil."

Albert Pike (Morals and Dogma - on how members in the lower ranks of Masonry are deliberately lied to about the true meaning of the Masonic symbols):

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explanation is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry."
Copin Albancelli (In 1908 - showing the distinction between the lower level and upper-echelon Masons):

Lower level Masonic motto: "To the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe."

Upper level Masonic motto: "To the Glory and Love for Lucifer! Hatred! Hatred! Hatred! To God, accursed, accursed, accursed!"

Albert Pike:

"Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabalah."

Albert Pike:

"Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately, Adonay (Yahweh) is also God, for the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black. For the absolute can only exist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive."

Albert Pike:

"Every Masonic lodge is a temple of religion and its teachings are instructions in religion."
Don't listen to what certain people tell you.

It was Lucifer (The Devil) who tempted Jesus.

Lucifer is the Dark Angel. The Angel that used to be a member of "Heaven".

Lucifer fell from "Heaven". Satan is another name for Lucifer.

Lucifer chose to leave God on his own accord. Now he is condemned to Earth until it is decided otherwise.

Lucifer is Evil. He represents the Dark. He is the opposite of Good. He lead other Angels astray from Heaven.

He was in charge of Music and Worship in "Heaven" before he left. He was an important Angel while he was in "Heaven" doing God's work. Greed overtook him. Now he sits in misery and boredom.

Don't be fooled. Upper level Masons worship the darkness. George Bush and other such high level Masons are a part of the whole program. They trick you everytime they get on tv and lie to you.

Don't fall for it anymore. Don't listen to their words. Just watch their actions closely.
manu1959 said:
you can never beat one will belive you:dev3:
Ben Franklin was a Mason. So were some others:


* John Adams - Spoke favorably of Freemasonry -- never joined
* Samuel Adams - (Close and principle associate of Hancock, Revere & other Masons
* Ethan Allen - Mason
* Edmund Burke - Mason
* John Claypoole - Mason
* William Daws - Mason
* Benjamin Franklin - Mason
* Nathan Hale - No evidence of Masonic connections
* John Hancock - Mason
* Benjamin Harrison - No evidence of Masonic connections
* Patrick Henry - No evidence of Masonic connections
* Thomas Jefferson - Deist with some evidence of Masonic connections
* John Paul Jones - Mason
* Francis Scott Key - No evidence of Masonic connections
* Robert Livingston - Mason
* James Madison - Some evidence of Masonic membership
* Thomas Paine - Humanist
* Paul Revere - Mason
* Colonel Benjamin Tupper - Mason
* George Washington - Mason
* Daniel Webster - Some evidence of Masonic connections
Kathianne said:
Ben Franklin was a Mason. So were some others:


* John Adams - Spoke favorably of Freemasonry -- never joined
* Samuel Adams - (Close and principle associate of Hancock, Revere & other Masons
* Ethan Allen - Mason
* Edmund Burke - Mason
* John Claypoole - Mason
* William Daws - Mason
* Benjamin Franklin - Mason
* Nathan Hale - No evidence of Masonic connections
* John Hancock - Mason
* Benjamin Harrison - No evidence of Masonic connections
* Patrick Henry - No evidence of Masonic connections
* Thomas Jefferson - Deist with some evidence of Masonic connections
* John Paul Jones - Mason
* Francis Scott Key - No evidence of Masonic connections
* Robert Livingston - Mason
* James Madison - Some evidence of Masonic membership
* Thomas Paine - Humanist
* Paul Revere - Mason
* Colonel Benjamin Tupper - Mason
* George Washington - Mason
* Daniel Webster - Some evidence of Masonic connections

link? what about general sherman?
NuclearWinter said:
Don't listen to what certain people tell you.

It was Lucifer (The Devil) who tempted Jesus.

Lucifer is the Dark Angel. The Angel that used to be a member of "Heaven".

Lucifer fell from "Heaven". Satan is another name for Lucifer.

Lucifer chose to leave God on his own accord. Now he is condemned to Earth until it is decided otherwise.

Lucifer is Evil. He represents the Dark. He is the opposite of Good. He lead other Angels astray from Heaven.

He was in charge of Music and Worship in "Heaven" before he left. He was an important Angel while he was in "Heaven" doing God's work. Greed overtook him. Now he sits in misery and boredom.

Don't be fooled. Upper level Masons worship the darkness. George Bush and other such high level Masons are a part of the whole program. They trick you everytime they get on tv and lie to you.

Don't fall for it anymore. Don't listen to their words. Just watch their actions closely.

why should we listen to you....maybe you are one of lou cifer's henchmen

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