From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

manu1959 said:
link? what about general sherman?
LOL! From the civil war? I don't know. Personally, the masons don't scare me! :teeth:
Kathianne said:
LOL! From the civil war? I don't know. Personally, the masons don't scare me! :teeth:

mum's side of the family is sherman

my dad's dad was a was my dad....

i escaped....
manu1959 said:
mum's side of the family is sherman

my dad's dad was a was my dad....

i escaped....
Personally, with so many founders/framers 'leaning' or belonging, I'll take my chances they aren't bringing the country down.
Kathianne said:
Personally, with so many founders/framers 'leaning' or belonging, I'll take my chances they aren't bringing the country down.

no kidding.....people freaking out that masons...that founded the country....are still running the country....imagine that.....and they want in god we trust on the help me god in nation under god in the pledge.....damn is reverse psy ops man
manu1959 said:
no kidding.....people freaking out that masons...that founded the country....are still running the country....imagine that.....and they want in god we trust on the help me god in nation under god in the pledge.....damn is reverse psy ops man
I know, don't even go into NWO, nazihides, and 'the jews run everything.' Conspiricists are just that. If it's not one boogeyman, I've got another...
Kathianne said:
I know, don't even go into NWO, nazihides, and 'the jews run everything.' Conspiricists are just that. If it's not one boogeyman, I've got another...

really...i get confused.....

is it the masons? the fundies? the jews? the corporations? soros and buffet? rockefeller?

i can't keep up which group is in charge.

more wine dear?
manu1959 said:
really...i get confused.....

is it the masons? the fundies? the jews? the corporations? soros and buffet? rockefeller?

i can't keep up which group is in charge.

more wine dear?
Thanks, it's late. I've switched to diet! :laugh:
The meaning of the word “Lucifer” is “light-bearer.” The Scriptural basis for applying this name to Satan can be found in Isaiah 14:12. The Catholic Douay-Rheims version translates “Day Star” as “Lucifer,” whereas the Catholic Edition of the Revised Standard Version (RSV CE) uses the more linguistically accurate “Day Star.” In the literal sense of the scripture verse, the Babylonian empire is being referenced. However, in the spiritual sense, the Church has long recognized that the passage speaks of a fallen angel, namely Satan:

“How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low!” (RSV CE).

A New Testament passage that somewhat parallels the spiritual sense of

Isaiah 14:12 can be found in Luke 10:18 which states:

“And he said to them, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.’”

For more reading on the angels, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 391-95, 414, and 760. See also the entry for “Demons” in the Catechism’s Index.
In contrast with the good qualities, the evil and the indifferent ones originate not in the goodness and wisdom of God, whose substance underlies the universe, but in the blindness and willfulness of certain spiritual entities.

True "Angels of Light" are spirits, upon whom great power, wisdom and holiness have been bestowed by God.

The word Angel means "messenger", for the most frequent role of angels is that of messengers and mediators between the PLEROMA and the world of humans.

There are supposably nine orders or "choirs" of angels: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions (or Dominations), Virtues, Powers, Principalities (Kingdoms), Archangels and Angels. The canonical scriptures mention three angels by name: the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. The Gnostic church adds to these a fourth: Uriel. Gnostic scriptures mention most of these angels and add numerous others such as the rescuer of Gnostics, Eleleth, and many others.

Positive Angels help Humans by praying for them, by acting as messengers between the PLEROMA and our earthly dwelling place, and by serving as our guardian angels.

Guardian angels pray for us, protect us from spiritual harm (or at times also from physical harm).

The visitation of the Holy Virgin Mary by the Archangel Gabriel and the revelation of the Koran to Mohammed by the same Archangel are two examples of Angels who were supposed to have been seen.

There are spiritual beings who have become estranged from God and from the PLEROMA and who are thus at best unwise and at worst evil.

They are found primarily in connection with the material universe and its mental and emotional aspects, for they are primarily responsible for the creation and management of the negative realms and for the suffering and sorrow that abide therein.

One of the Original names for Lucifer/Satan was Demiurge or "half-maker" because he was supposed to have taken the divine substance and fashioned out of it a world. He is the spiritual being who had become forgetful of his origins, even of God. He thinks that he is God and there is no other God before him.

In Gnostic scriptures he is called YALDABAOTH (child of chaos), SACLAS (fool) and SAMAEL (blind one). Later he was at times identified with LUCIFER or SATAN, the prince of the powers of air.

Not all the images of God in the Old Testament come from the same source. A good many are descriptions of the Demiurge. Some, such as those in the Wisdom Literature and in some Psalms, are of a much more exalted nature. Some Gnostic teachers held that the teachings of the Old Testament were a mixture attributable to three sources: the Demiurge, the elders of Israel and the True God.

Aside from Lucifer (Also known as Demiurge and or Satan) There is suppose to exist monstrosities of evil which populate hellish regions in association with earth. Their origins are unknown. The name of one demon mentioned in Gnostic scriptures is YACHTANABAS, although there are others.
So apparently Lucifer (The Dark Angel), has been known by many names.

It also appears that the name Demiurge was one his first known names to mankind.
NuclearWinter said:
So apparently Lucifer (The Dark Angel), has been known by many names.

It also appears that the name Demiurge was one his first known names to mankind.

Is that like half an urge ?
According to Greek philosophy the Demiurge (The Devil) is not necessarily identical with God, as first and supreme source of all things; he may be distinct from and inferior to the supreme spirit, though he may also be the practical expression of the reason of God, the Logos as operative in the harmony of the universe. In this sense, i.e. that of a world-maker distinct from the Supreme God, Demiurge became a common term in Gnosticism. The Gnostics, however, were not satisfied merely to emphasize the distinction between the Supreme God, or God the Father, and the Demiurge, but in many of their systems they conceived the relation of the Demiurge to the Supreme God as one of actual antagonism, and the Demiurge became the personification of the power of evil, the Satan, with whom the faithful had to wage war to the end that they might be pleasing to the Good God.

The term Demiurge became still more complicated when in some systems he was identified with the Old Testament, and was brought in opposition to Christ of the New Testament, the Only-Begotten Son of the Supreme and Good God. The purpose of Christ's coming as Saviour and Redeemer (According to the New Testament) was to rescue us from the power of the Demiurge, the lord of the world of this darkness, and bring us to the light of the Good God, His Father in heaven.
Point being...

Don't let people blind you with a lie.

Lucifer was and still is an Evil Being.

Higher Masons worship Lucifer. Lucifer is the Devil and he presides over the material World.

I believe God views the attatchment to things that don't last forever as vanity. Attatchment to The Material World would place a person in the position of committing vanity.

Things that don't last forever are considered vain.

Anything that lasts forever is considered of the highest priority in "Heaven".
NuclearWinter said:
According to Greek philosophy the Demiurge (The Devil) is not necessarily identical with God, as first and supreme source of all things; he may be distinct from and inferior to the supreme spirit, though he may also be the practical expression of the reason of God, the Logos as operative in the harmony of the universe. In this sense, i.e. that of a world-maker distinct from the Supreme God, Demiurge became a common term in Gnosticism. The Gnostics, however, were not satisfied merely to emphasize the distinction between the Supreme God, or God the Father, and the Demiurge, but in many of their systems they conceived the relation of the Demiurge to the Supreme God as one of actual antagonism, and the Demiurge became the personification of the power of evil, the Satan, with whom the faithful had to wage war to the end that they might be pleasing to the Good God.

The term Demiurge became still more complicated when in some systems he was identified with the Old Testament, and was brought in opposition to Christ of the New Testament, the Only-Begotten Son of the Supreme and Good God. The purpose of Christ's coming as Saviour and Redeemer (According to the New Testament) was to rescue us from the power of the Demiurge, the lord of the world of this darkness, and bring us to the light of the Good God, His Father in heaven.

I've noticed a disturbing trend in some reading I've done to identify satan and god as an inseparable duality, leading to the acceptance of evil. This is pure satanism as far as I'm concerned.
NuclearWinter said:
Point being...

Don't let people blind you with a lie.

Lucifer was and still is an Evil Being.

Higher Masons worship Lucifer. Lucifer is the Devil and he presides over the material World.

I believe God views the attatchment to things that don't last forever as vanity. Attatchment to The Material World would place a person in the position of committing vanity.

Things that don't last forever are considered vain.

Anything that lasts forever is considered of the highest priority in "Heaven".

How about the vanity of writing a really really long post?
Higher level Masons are attatched to the Material World indeed. I know it from the way they treat the World as well as society in General.

The primary tool that the "Controllers" use for their agenda is money.

Money can be seen as the material World at it's finest.

When more people begin to understand the greed that surrounds these types of Secret Societies and their purposes, then they will understand how it all evolves around the Material World and the Devil.
And yes....people who worship the Devil don't care about outcomes my friend. They care about destruction and separation from the Father. They are trapped in their own Mind-Prison. A Mind-Prison that they created for themselves. A snare so to speak.

They have no conscience.

3 qualities of such a person are these:

1. They don't like God.

2. They don't like Animals.

3. They don't like Children.

Watch out for people such as that.

Watch for those 3 qualities whenever you run into somebody who you are not sure you can trust.

If they state one of those three things to you, it would be best to stay away from them. Don't bother asking them why they feel that way....because there answer can never be justified.

If they don't state them to you, but yet their actions prove to be would be best to stay away from them.

The same goes for if they lie to you. Politicians lie all the time to every one of us. Never go by what a person says. Let that spark your interest. But never let it determine or influence your reality.

Go by what they do.
Whats most interesting to me is the three things that Satanists are most known for:

1. Their Sacrifice of Children.

2. Their Sacrifice of Animals.

3. Their condemnation for God.

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