From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)


Trust me...they won't change the names of it.

They will continue to call it by what it is.....

One World Government...

New World Order....

Global Unification....

Whatever the f-ck ever.
NuclearWinter said:

Trust me...they won't change the names of it.

They will continue to call it by what it is.....

One World Government...

New World Order....

Global Unification....

Whatever the f-ck ever.

Hell--the NWO has never asked me to do anything.

My God....they don't usually ask when they do something.

Funny you should mention that. They like to kind of work it in slowly so to speak.
Their favorite thing to do is throw situations at you...which were created by them....and then throw their own solutions at you....which were created by them.

It's a win win situation. For them not you that is.
NuclearWinter said:

My God....they don't usually ask when they do something.

Funny you should mention that. They like to kind of work it in slowly so to speak.

If you really expect anyone to stop the NWO you are going to have to give everyone some specific things to do or you're just pissing up a rope. offense...but I don't give a flying monkey sh-t how you decide to REFUSE THE NEW WORLD ORDER. There are many options. I just hope that you will have the balls in the end to pick one.

And that goes for EVERYBODY.
NuclearWinter said:
Their favorite thing to do is throw situations at you...which were created by them....and then throw their own solutions at you....which were created by them.
I'm having to go with Dillo on this. Exactly what are you speaking of? How do they 'throw situations' or 'solutions at us?' Give some examples, please. It's like you are speaking in riddles. You seem more 'NWO' than anything I've come across.
NuclearWinter said: offense...but I don't give a flying monkey sh-t how you decide to REFUSE THE NEW WORLD ORDER. There are many options. I just hope that you will have the balls in the end to pick one.

And that goes for EVERYBODY.

hey Thanks for all the information and advice---it helped a lot !:huh:
If I haven't given you enough examples with the information contained within this entire thread.....than perhaps there will never be enough examples for you to learn from.
NuclearWinter said:
If I haven't given you enough examples with the information contained within this entire thread.....than perhaps there will never be enough examples for you to learn from.

Face it---you have no practical advice whatsoever to stop the NWO.
These people "The Controllers" are obsessed with Order.

They want to introduce their New World Order so badly, that they are willing to create Chaos in order to make sure that it gets established.

What these people really despise is Chaos though. They only use it to restore their power over the people when things get out of hand.

When people are allowed to think for themselves, and to speak freely and act however they want to, that allows for chaotic behavior. The "Controllers" hate chaotic behavior. They want everything and everyone to be Controlled and to be put into Order.

Whats going on right now in the Middle East is a perfect example of how they operate. They are going to create their "Order of out Chaos" process over there. Right now things are chaotic over there. But what they plan to have is an Obedient Middle East when this great War is all over. Thats right. A completely Obedient Middle East under their New World Order. This is what they are hoping for. And they will spend however much money they need to and allow for hundreds of thousand of people to die in the process. As long as it results in Order at the end of it all.

Thats how sick this whole thing is going to be if we allow them to implement the NWO.

It means that freedoms and liberties will mean nothing. The only thing that will matter to these bastards is that the World is controlled in an "Orderly" fashion.

These people don't think like your every day common criminal. They don't operate sporaticly or chaoticly. They are so obsessed with Order that they even implement their strategies in an orderly way, by executing major events on certain days of the year. The days of which are symbolic and meaningful only to the Controllers.

These people are Satanic in nature. They are ritualistic to a fault. They sometimes wait years to kill a person and plan the entire thing out so that it fits in with their rituals and that it's all done in Order.

Ultimately, Bush doesn't give a damn about "freedom" and "liberty" like he says he does on TV. No....what he cares about is Order. And that goes for the rest of the "Controllers" who belong to these sick Satanic societies and who operate behind the scenes in extremely powerful positions around the World so that they can all make sure that when the time is right, they will declare Martial Law on the citizens of the World, and Implement their New World Order accordingly.

It's so simple how they operate. But it amazes me how many people haven't figured out their motives yet. And how many people are still blind to the fact that there is no such thing as coincidence. And that everything happens for a reason. And that whenever money is the power source behind something, such as a major war or conflict, that it can always be traced back somewhere...and I guarantee you...that in all cases of wars that we have had within the last few centuries, that when you trace the money behind them back to it's original roots, you will find the trail that leads directly back to these Controllers.
These people "The Controllers" are obsessed with Order.

They want to introduce their New World Order so badly, that they are willing to create Chaos in order to make sure that it gets established.

What these people really despise is Chaos though. They only use it to restore their power over the people when things get out of hand.

When people are allowed to think for themselves, and to speak freely and act however they want to, that allows for chaotic behavior. The "Controllers" hate chaotic behavior. They want everything and everyone to be Controlled and to be put into Order.

Whats going on right now in the Middle East is a perfect example of how they operate. They are going to create their "Order of out Chaos" process over there. Right now things are chaotic over there. But what they plan to have is an Obedient Middle East when this great War is all over. Thats right. A completely Obedient Middle East under their New World Order. This is what they are hoping for. And they will spend however much money they need to and allow for hundreds of thousand of people to die in the process. As long as it results in Order at the end of it all.

Thats how sick this whole thing is going to be if we allow them to implement the NWO.

It means that freedoms and liberties will mean nothing. The only thing that will matter to these bastards is that the World is controlled in an "Orderly" fashion.

These people don't think like your every day common criminal. They don't operate sporaticly or chaoticly. They are so obsessed with Order that they even implement their strategies in an orderly way, by executing major events on certain days of the year. The days of which are symbolic and meaningful only to the Controllers.

These people are Satanic in nature. They are ritualistic to a fault. They sometimes wait years to kill a person and plan the entire thing out so that it fits in with their rituals and that it's all done in Order.

Ultimately, Bush doesn't give a damn about "freedom" and "liberty" like he says he does on TV. No....what he cares about is Order. And that goes for the rest of the "Controllers" who belong to these sick Satanic societies and who operate behind the scenes in extremely powerful positions around the World so that they can all make sure that when the time is right, they will declare Martial Law on the citizens of the World, and Implement their New World Order accordingly.

It's so simple how they operate. But it amazes me how many people haven't figured out their motives yet. And how many people are still blind to the fact that there is no such thing as coincidence. And that everything happens for a reason. And that whenever money is the power source behind something, such as a major war or conflict, that it can always be traced back somewhere...and I guarantee you...that in all cases of wars that we have had within the last few centuries, that when you trace the money behind them back to it's original roots, you will find the trail that leads directly back to these Controllers.

We know-----you told us already. Enough already.
My experience has always been that for some reason, people turn a blind eye to this entire NWO situation because they figure as long as they got their cars, their girls, their money in their wallets, and their families to come home to, that whatever else thats going on in the World really doesn't matter. As long as it's not happening anywhere near them or their neighborhood of course.

It's a big joke. Really. Too many people buy into the concept that, if you believe that Life is peachy, then it's peachy.

Perception does help to create a state of reality, yes, but it does not affect others around you or the World for that matter. It only affects the individual.

So it doesn't matter if we have 50 rich people coming home every night to their cozy beds after a nice little party and talking about how blessed they are and how happy their lives are, because while those people are doing that, there are 50 people in other parts of the World who are sleeping on the cement wondering why there were abandoned by those who should have been there for them while they rummage through trashcans and try to keep their 1 set of clothes from smelling too bad that nobody wants them around.

Individual reality only goes as far as the individual. But the collective, WORLD reality at the moment, is that there is something very destructive and sinister playing out right now, that is going to affect EVERYBODY, regardless of what state of reality they have created for themselves, and regardless of how safe and secure they feel at the moment.

It's ok to enjoy life and create a reality of peace and prosperity for yourself. It is completely wrong however to ignore the rest of the World and the people around you just because they don't fit into your illusion.

If we don't start caring about eachother NOW, right NOW, and start telling people like President Bush to stop talking so damn much about making the Middle East a better place, and start focusing on our own f-ckin country and the problems we have RIGHT HERE AT HOME, then we become utter fools who fall victim to our own traps and for their ideals.

Just once, I want to see President Bush get on tv and address the homeless situation in this country. And to show solid proof that he and his administration are doing something to solve the problem.

Just once, I would like to see President Bush get on tv and talk about the problems in Africa, where kids (black kids mainly), are dying everyday with their stomachs puffed out and their ribs sucked in. While their parents have to watch and are helpless to save them. I want to hear President Bush get on tv and show that he has some balls and that he cares about those people and I want him to do it NOW. Not later. NOW!!!!!!!!!!

I am so pissed off at how many people including myself sometimes worry more about what kind of food I'm going to eat today than I do about my fellow brothers and sisters dying all over the World. If Bush wants to claim that he cares about the people of this World, and that he wants to take care of his fellow Americans and keep them safe, then I want him to f-ckin prove it! He's a liar! A bold faced liar! He has the World's attention focused on the Middle East for a reason. He has blinded us all to the reality of our own situation here at home. It's all part of their agenda. Don't fall for it. Don't ever fall for it. If you allow for people to put fear into your body, by telling you that you are "unsafe", and that they have the answer to the problem for you, then you have become your own fool. Because you are NEVER 100% safe. People are dying everyday! Everywhere! For different reasons! 99% of which is not Terrorism!

People who are asleep! Wake the F-ck up!

This is not a game. We are not puppets.

Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!
My experience has always been that for some reason, people turn a blind eye to this entire NWO situation because they figure as long as they got their cars, their girls, their money in their wallets, and their families to come home to, that whatever else thats going on in the World really doesn't matter. As long as it's not happening anywhere near them or their neighborhood of course.

It's a big joke. Really. Too many people buy into the concept that, if you believe that Life is peachy, then it's peachy.

Perception does help to create a state of reality, yes, but it does not affect others around you or the World for that matter. It only affects the individual.

So it doesn't matter if we have 50 rich people coming home every night to their cozy beds after a nice little party and talking about how blessed they are and how happy their lives are, because while those people are doing that, there are 50 people in other parts of the World who are sleeping on the cement wondering why there were abandoned by those who should have been there for them while they rummage through trashcans and try to keep their 1 set of clothes from smelling too bad that nobody wants them around.

Individual reality only goes as far as the individual. But the collective, WORLD reality at the moment, is that there is something very destructive and sinister playing out right now, that is going to affect EVERYBODY, regardless of what state of reality they have created for themselves, and regardless of how safe and secure they feel at the moment.

It's ok to enjoy life and create a reality of peace and prosperity for yourself. It is completely wrong however to ignore the rest of the World and the people around you just because they don't fit into your illusion.

If we don't start caring about eachother NOW, right NOW, and start telling people like President Bush to stop talking so damn much about making the Middle East a better place, and start focusing on our own f-ckin country and the problems we have RIGHT HERE AT HOME, then we become utter fools who fall victim to our own traps and for their ideals.

Just once, I want to see President Bush get on tv and address the homeless situation in this country. And to show solid proof that he and his administration are doing something to solve the problem.

Just once, I would like to see President Bush get on tv and talk about the problems in Africa, where kids (black kids mainly), are dying everyday with their stomachs puffed out and their ribs sucked in. While their parents have to watch and are helpless to save them. I want to hear President Bush get on tv and show that he has some balls and that he cares about those people and I want him to do it NOW. Not later. NOW!!!!!!!!!!

I am so pissed off at how many people including myself sometimes worry more about what kind of food I'm going to eat today than I do about my fellow brothers and sisters dying all over the World. If Bush wants to claim that he cares about the people of this World, and that he wants to take care of his fellow Americans and keep them safe, then I want him to f-ckin prove it! He's a liar! A bold faced liar! He has the World's attention focused on the Middle East for a reason. He has blinded us all to the reality of our own situation here at home. It's all part of their agenda. Don't fall for it. Don't ever fall for it. If you allow for people to put fear into your body, by telling you that you are "unsafe", and that they have the answer to the problem for you, then you have become your own fool. Because you are NEVER 100% safe. People are dying everyday! Everywhere! For different reasons! 99% of which is not Terrorism!

People who are asleep! Wake the F-ck up!

This is not a game. We are not puppets.

Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if you still believe if all those predictions you made a while ago about the "pole shift" and ultimate world destruction will happen by the end of the decade.
I wonder if you still believe if all those predictions you made a while ago about the "pole shift" and ultimate world destruction will happen by the end of the decade.


Only I didn't make those predictions. I merely posted them.
John Rankin (U. S. Representative on the floor of the House of Representatives):

"The United Nations is the greatest fraud in all history. Its purpose is to destroy the United States."

Malachi Martin (The Keys of This Blood):

"At the round table of international politics, no ruler could command, no government could function without the nod of the Roman Pope."

Robert Anton Wilson (Cosmic Trigger II):

"Language and hypnosis form the foundation on which Humans create Worlds of consciousness and of fantasy....Very few people know how to dehypnotize themselves."
Original Writings of the Order of the Sect of the Illuminati:

"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; never let it appear in any place in it's own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation."

Illuminati Requirements: - (a) Always remain hidden behind the scenes, (b) never let your true identity and purpose be known, (c) keep the truth hidden from the people.

Manly P. Hall:

"Freemasonry is a faternity within a faternity - an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elite."

Alice Bailey (A World Problem, 1950):

"A new world religion is on its way to externalize the Earth. It is the Masonic ritual, the role of the Solar Angel."

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