From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

The final step is to get someone into HIGH elected office that hasn't already been bought, sold and controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, or the Bilderbergs. Thomas Jefferson once said that there should be a revolution every generation to keep those in power honest.

That revolution is long overdue. We need a true revolution...not one to overthrow the framework of our Government, but one that will finally rid our political system of the slimy, sickeningly evil Controllers.

If you think America is worth fighting for, this is what we have to do. I don't know about you, but I'm throwing my hat in the ring and I'm coming out swinging.
Here's where we get into the nitty-gritty of the Controller's ultimate motives. The elite desperately need to create a work force of unquestioning slaves to let them survive the coming cataclysm that I will be posting about in a short while. Whether people know it or not, something big is on the horizon, and the Controllers know full well of it.

Add to that the threat of Nuclear war, the arrival of a rogue planet or comet, Worldwide viruses, a global warming to the point of burning us out, and you can easily see how the Controllers (via access to catches of hidden knowledge) are fully aware that our days on this planet in our current form are numbered. Why do you think they've already built scores of underground bunkers all around the country (and World) and are rapidly constructing new ones in places like Indiana? Is it because of a band of rag-tag terrorists from Afghanistan or Iraq? Hardly.

The Controllers know that when disaster strikes, the majority of us won't survive. It's happened before to the Mayans, Incas, and on Atlantis, so don't write this scenario off as inconceivable. If it weren't a direct possibility, why would the Controllers be building and updating their bunkers with such fevor? Hell, George Bush even admitted to their shadow Government preparations in underground bases.

Regrettably, once they're inside of them and the doors are locked, guess who won't have a set of keys to get in? Yup - you and me!

While all the rest of us will be similar to robotic machine-like slaves, the Controllers will capitalize on every technological breakthrough available to them. Basicly we will be working our asses off to help ensure their survival! If you think there's a huge chasm between the "haves" and the "have nots" in the World right now, then you haven't seen anything yet.
Do you know what the Controllers are promoting at this moment in time on our planet? The answer: Death. Yup, the Controllers are behind the management of a death-culture. What is meant by a "death-culture"?

Well, look at our global society for a moment. The man-made AIDS virus is ravaging a variety of locales in our World. Two-thirds of Africa is 35-50% infected with the virus and it is also hitting epidemic proportions in Asia. Nearly 100,000 people die from starvation every day on this planet, even though we have the resources, technology, and money to feed every one.

Then there's the subject of war. Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel and the Palestinians, India and Pakistan, plus a rash of other localized "skirmishes" across the globe. If you analyzed this situation, where do you think most of our wars are taking place? In the wealthy, affluent countries? Hell no. The wars are being waged in the poor areas. You'd think these downtrodden people could be better served with food, clothes, and medicine, don't you? But what are the Controllers forwarding to them? Weapons to kill eachother!

Can't you see it's a Death Culture? And as much as I love this country, guess who's by far-and-leading the way in this sordid endeavor of feeding the War Machine? The USA. In fact, during the year 2000, The United States sold 36.9 billion worth of international arms - 68% to underdeveloped countries. And that's up 8% from the year before. Almost forty billion dollars! $36.9 billion! Half of all weapons sold on the World market came from the US! The next highest seller was Russia, at 7.7 billion, while China only sold $400 million - 1/90th of what we dealt.

(This Data is from the "Conventional Arms transfer to Developing Nations, 1993-2000," published by the Congressional Research Center).

I have to ask you - WHAT ARE WE DOING?

Thirty-six billion in arms sales - and $30 billion the year before, and $30 billion the year before, and $38 billion the next year, and $38 billion the following year. Think of how messed-up our priorities are. Starvation, poverty, and doing what's right don't register to the Controllers. Instead, huge profits are squirreled away in their pockets every year from this appalling practice. War is Hell, but war is also "Sell" (and the Controllers are behind it).
NW. please quote this message and respond if you're not an automated web program. This is a test.
NuclearWinter said:
Do you know what the Controllers are promoting at this moment in time on our planet? The answer: Death. Yup, the Controllers are behind the management of a death-culture. What is meant by a "death-culture"?

Well, look at our global society for a moment. The man-made AIDS virus is ravaging a variety of locales in our World. Two-thirds of Africa is 35-50% infected with the virus and it is also hitting epidemic proportions in Asia. Nearly 100,000 people die from starvation every day on this planet, even though we have the resources, technology, and money to feed every one.

Then there's the subject of war. Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel and the Palestinians, India and Pakistan, plus a rash of other localized "skirmishes" across the globe. If you analyzed this situation, where do you think most of our wars are taking place? In the wealthy, affluent countries? Hell no. The wars are being waged in the poor areas. You'd think these downtrodden people could be better served with food, clothes, and medicine, don't you? But what are the Controllers forwarding to them? Weapons to kill eachother!

Can't you see it's a Death Culture? And as much as I love this country, guess who's by far-and-leading the way in this sordid endeavor of feeding the War Machine? The USA. In fact, during the year 2000, The United States sold 36.9 billion worth of international arms - 68% to underdeveloped countries. And that's up 8% from the year before. Almost forty billion dollars! $36.9 billion! Half of all weapons sold on the World market came from the US! The next highest seller was Russia, at 7.7 billion, while China only sold $400 million - 1/90th of what we dealt.

(This Data is from the "Conventional Arms transfer to Developing Nations, 1993-2000," published by the Congressional Research Center).

I have to ask you - WHAT ARE WE DOING?

Thirty-six billion in arms sales - and $30 billion the year before, and $30 billion the year before, and $38 billion the next year, and $38 billion the following year. Think of how messed-up our priorities are. Starvation, poverty, and doing what's right don't register to the Controllers. Instead, huge profits are squirreled away in their pockets every year from this appalling practice. War is Hell, but war is also "Sell" (and the Controllers are behind it).

Cut to the chase
lol. Rghtwing...

You should have posted that test to 3/4 of our World.

Should have looked like this....

rtwngAvngr said:
People of the World, please read this message and respond if you're not an automated web program. This is a test.
The Controllers are Death Mongers and Death Merchants. Peace is a fallacy and doesn't mean a thing to them. Rather, they want to keep all the "little people" at eachother's throats so they can keep the War Machine rolling.

And folks, if you think all this war and terror talk in the media is justification for such a disgusting practice, you need to look at the World leaders whose strings are being pulled by the Controllers. What if many of these secret societies that lurk in the shadows around the Globe are actually under the same domain of one ruling power? Think about it. If Gordon Thomas was able to get such a wealth of information about the Mossad's dealings with the CSIS for his book, Seeds of Fire, do you think that it's fathomable that those "above him" aren't aware of what's going on? No way. All these leaders are part of the same plan - the same script - and are carrying out their roles to further promote the War Machine. Globalism, and the Death Culture.

Or, as Eric Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins says in an interview with Rick Martin for The Spectrum newspaper (May, 2000): "There's no conflict going on with the Arab nations. All of the Arab nations are under the command of Masonic kings or ayatollahs. Saddam Hussein is no enemy of George Bush; they're both brothers, brothers of the lodge."
By the way, relating to that interview above, when Martin says that George Bush Sr. and Saddam Hussein were business partners, Phelps replies, "Sure. Thats why they never killed Saddam. They could have easily killed him. The CIA can kill anybody they want to. They could have easily killed Saddam and gotten out. They could have used their own Arab agents there. Saddam was a very important tool."
Also, regarding what I was posting about before, there may actually be some hope relating to China after all.

Reports have been filtering out of China that their economy isn't as healthy as the Controllers wished it to be. In fact, Gordon Chang stated on June 2, 2002 in the Asian Wall Street Journal that, "The People's Republic can go from both boom to bust in just a few short years." The article in which this was reported goes on to say that "high expectations from the Chinese economy are grossly exaggerated" and "China's economic growth is declining and its banking system is in disarray, posing a threat of destabilization to the international economy."

Thus, similar to the Controller's grandiose schemes for making Russia into a super-power, China may also prove untenable as a World leader. But it won't be because the international bankers aren't trying. With high unemployment, inflation, a growing deficit, reckless spending, power grabs and dissatisfication among the masses, China might not pan out to be such a glimmering diomand in the Controller's eye. But we shouldn't gloat yet, for if China's (or any other World power's economy collapses), the ramifications will be felt globally, especially here.
So, will we keep fiddling around as Nero did and disregard the signs of a disastrous, impending storm, or will we take destiny into our own hands and destroy the Controllers? That's what it's going to ultimately take - total destruction. Because if we allow these Evil monsters to fulfill their aims, dire consequences await us. Folks, we're not talking any longer about saving this country, or control of our minds. No, the very survival of Humanity itself is at stake, for if the Controllers continue to pursue the routes they are taking, everything we know and Love is going to be gone! I repeat......gone!

Everyone needs to ask themselves, "Is this what we really want?"

It's time to take some action!
George Orwell, author of the infamous novel 1984, described the horrors of a technological Big Brother future as "a boot stomping on a Human face." During the past two months, it has become increasingly clear that all of us are being transformed into mechanistic cogs that more resemble monitored automatons than Human Beings.

This trend fits part-and-parcel into the Controller's overall goals of Global dominance and subservience among the masses. To better understand the direction our society is heading, take a look at what has transpired in the year 2002 alone.

For years, the dreaded "Mark of the Beast" was spoken about by "crazy conspiratologists" as proof that Big Brother would finalize his quest for control by injecting us with computer microchips. These miniature devices would be retrieved by scanner-like receivers. Over time, no one would be able to buy, sell, obtain a driver's liscence, log onto a computer, or be admitted into a hospital without the chip.

But nah, that was all "paranoia talk" the debunkers and unbelievers said. We'd never be implanted with computer microchips that revealed our medical backround, family history, financial records, video purchases, brushes with the law, or information about what Internet sites we looked at. This wouldn't happen to us. I mean, Americs IS the land of the free right?

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint all the skeptics, but guess what? The future is now. Applied Digital Solutions recently announced that on April 4, 2002, the FDA granted them permission for the "sales, marketing, and distribution of the VeriChip in the United States." Then, on May 10, 2002, at the VeriChip Center in Palm Beach County, Florida, the Jacobs Family got "chipped" with a miniaturized, implantable, radio frequency identification device."
This chip will have a pesonalized verification number for each recipient and the information will be stored in a registered database.

Now take a second and let this news sink in. This is the real thing. The dreaded "MARK OF THE BEAST"! Folks, this is the beginning of a new era in which we are forfeiting control of our privacy and sovereignty.

Sure, at first these companies will make everything sound tame and benign; but beware! I guarantee that more and more information will be stored in these chips, and that they'll be required for more and more activities until the day when all Human Beings will be FORCED to be injected, probably at birth.

Is this the future you want for yourself? Because it damn sure isn't the one I want for me.
NuclearWinter said:
This chip will have a pesonalized verification number for each recipient and the information will be stored in a registered database.

Now take a second and let this news sink in. This is the real thing. The dreaded "MARK OF THE BEAST"! Folks, this is the beginning of a new era in which we are forfeiting control of our privacy and sovereignty.

Sure, at first these companies will make everything sound tame and benign; but beware! I guarantee that more and more information will be stored in these chips, and that they'll be required for more and more activities until the day when all Human Beings will be FORCED to be injected, probably at birth.

Is this the future you want for yourself? Because it damn sure isn't the one I want for me.

It's too hard for everyone to get off the neocon dick. God forbid someone call them a POPULIST or RACIST or ANTISEMITIC. Words will break these people's fragile little bones, apparently. Nobody want to be lumped in with "white trash" they're "better than that". What do you think of the noahide court system and the jewish angle? The Sanhedrin is reforming, have you heard the good news?
I wonder if china is going south, as you say, if they might try to expedite the plan a little. It seems they may be. The dubai port deal was tipping their hand too early. same with this
rtwngAvngr said:
It's too hard for everyone to get off the neocon dick. God forbid someone call them a POPULIST or RACIST or ANTISEMITIC. Words will break these people's fragile little bones, apparently. Nobody want to be lumped in with "white trash" they're "better than that". What do you think of the noahide court system and the jewish angle? The Sanhedrin is reforming, have you heard the good news?

It all falls into the same category for me Rtwng.

I do however, believe that more and more people are waking up. Thats the good news. Had it been 100 years ago it would have looked hopeless. Now...because we are so close to the Age of Light....I see things tilting towards the better when it comes to the MASS conciousness of the World.

And thats the irony of this whole situation.

One the one can say that we are in for 6 of the worst years Humanity has ever experienced. Which would be True.

On the other, you could say that we are closer to World Peace than we may have ever been before. Which is also True.

6 more years is the log that we all have to walk on in order to get across this river. Many people simply won't make it to the other side. It's sad but it's reality.
NuclearWinter said:
It all falls into the same category for me Rtwng.

I do however, believe that more and more people are waking up. Thats the good news. Had it been 100 years ago it would have looked hopeless. Now...because we are so close to the Age of Light....I see things tilting towards the better when it comes to the MASS conciousness of the World.

And thats the irony of this whole situation.

One the one can say that we are in for 6 of the worst years Humanity has ever experienced. Which would be True.

On the other, you could say that we are closer to World Peace than we may have ever been before. Which is also True.

6 more years is the log that we all have to walk on in order to get across the river. Many people simply won't make it to the other side. It's sad but it's reality.

Nuclear Winter and RWA join forces. What more could the NWO want?
Kathianne said:
Nuclear Winter and RWA join forces. What more could the NWO want?

wonder twin powers activate!


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