From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

NuclearWinter said:
The truth is that much of the Arab World saw our Iraqi invasion as nothing more than a means to protect our self-interests (oil), plus a way to keep them under our thumb. Worse, as the U.S. soundly whooped the Iraqis, the Muslim World felt a sense of humiliation in that their civilization was once again defeated by the West. And last but not least, many Arabs still feel that the United States blatant favoritism of Israel over every other Muslim country is patently unfair.

Two years later, in February 1993, our World Trade Center was bombed for the first time, and then on September 11, 2001 tragedy struck with the infamous terrorist attacks. The World changed that day, and the machinations for the Controllers to move forward with their New World Order Agenda were ignited.

Thus, we should take a look at how this debacle is playing out. First of all, the power elite realize that problems face both of their Cold War super-powers - the U.S. and USSR - none the least being that they are "mature" societies with low birth rates, aging populations, sluggish economies, and no continuing vigor to expand their territories (despite how the media portrays American imperialism). Compared to other hungry countries like those in Asia, India, or the Islamic World, the U.S. and Russia are seen by the Controllers as being satisfied with the status quo.

And your suggestions? Should we just self-destroy?
Well first Kathianne it's important for people to realize how the Controllers benefited from these events.

Because you see, by wanting to lay a New World Order foundation in these other countries before they got too strong while minimizing the risk of monumental personal losses, the Controllers came up with a grand scheme. First of all they baited the American people into finding a new enemy by allowing three airliners to crash into our Pentagon and World Trade Centers. We naturally wanted revenge, so a Wag the Dog scenario unfolded complete with widespread flag-waving and conditioned patriotism. Soon we were bombing an invisible enemy (Osama bin laden) in Afghanistan to take back the poppy fields for the CIA (heroin), and the natural resources for the Controllers' oil companies.

Not content with a mere takeover of Eurasia, the war-hawks next pushed America into invading Iraq (and they plan to go beyond). Now, if you remember the Controller's motivation behind World War 1 - to rid Europe of its old World Governing system of kings, princes, and royal families - well, the same rationale applies to the Middle East where they want to replace the sheiks and oil families with those more receptive to their Globalist game plan.

But World sentiment is against the war, as it is even within our own borders. So, the Controllers can either rally support via another outrageous catastrophe reminiscent of 9-11, or they can "allow" the U.S. to invade the Middle East and do their dirty work for them. But things are already on shaky ground in America. Our national debt is skyrocketing once again, layoffs continue in the manufacturing field, the economy is stalled or in reverse, our stock market has at times been anemic despite rock-bottom interest rates, and oil prices are through the roof. In addition, a war with Iraq and our subsequent "restructuring" will cost upwards of $100 billion.

But the Controller's don't care guys, for once America's usefulness has been outlived and we've rid the Middle East of their royal families and old-style rulers, the door will finally be opened for China - the next "king of the hill" - to waltz through. And what will we do about it? Who knows. But consider that we'll be broke, unable to get loans from the international bankers, and our military will be exhausted. At this point everything will become clear as we finally see how we had been set-up for a double-sucker punch from Red China and her allies.
To be honest, I don't believe that if any Nuclear attack comes from Iran within the next few years at all, that it's going to be from something that was produced there. I have a personal belief that any nuclear attack that is launched will not come from materials produced in Iran, but will instead come from materials that were put together in Libya. A country that we have all turned a blind eye towards just because they pretended to end their programs. Are you serious? These people have been preparing their weapons since they started them. Do people really believe Libya when they said they were sorry and that they gave up all their work on their nuclear research project?

It's a joke. The whole World has bought into the lie that Libya produced. I will bet any amount of money that Libya is still conducting it's nuclear research behind the scenes and that by now it has successfully developed weapons of some sort or another which are capable of nuclear destruction. Now it's just a question of when. Keep in mind though, just because Iran will not be producing these weapons any time soon, doesn't mean they won't be using the ones that will be available from their neighbors. Only by the time a nuclear attack finally commences, people all around the World will be left scratching their heads wondering how they were able to do it.
NuclearWinter said:
To be honest, I don't believe that if any Nuclear attack comes from Iran within the next few years at all, that it's going to be from something that was produced there. I have a personal belief that any nuclear attack that is launched will not come from materials produced in Iran, but will instead come from materials that were put together in Libya. A country that we have all turned a blind eye towards just because they pretended to end their programs. Are you serious? These people have been preparing their weapons since they started them. Do people really believe Libya when they said they were sorry and that they gave up all their work on their nuclear research project?

It's a joke. The whole World has bought into the lie that Libya produced. I will bet any amount of money that Libya is still conducting it's nuclear research behind the scenes and that by now it has successfully developed weapons of some sort or another which are capable of nuclear destruction. Now it's just a question of when. Keep in mind though, just because Iran will not be producing these weapons any time soon, doesn't mean they won't be using the ones that will be available from their neighbors. Only by the time a nuclear attack finally commences, people all around the World will be left scratching their heads wondering how they were able to do it.

I will bet any amount of money that Libya is still conducting it's nuclear research behind the scenes and that by now it has successfully developed weapons of some sort or another which are capable of nuclear destruction.

Shit dude--who would be dumb enough to bet against someone who knows the future? You seem to be the kind who wouldn't pay up anyway.
The final outrage will occur when people look back upon these major events, for remember, the victor always writes the history books. And if China is the victor and if we allow our Country to get lured into World War 3, Then that new king will be Red China, and they'll put forth the same line that was used on Germany after World War 2 - that the Nazis were aggressors who wanted to expand their territory and were hated WorldWide. But nowadays, think about who is being called the aggressor nation, the imperialist, and who is invoking global hostility. We are! The United States of America. And our President is even being characterized by some as another Adolf Hitler! Can't you see whats going on? We are being set-up to take a fall, only to be written off as another militaristic Nazi Germany-like aggressor!

The only question remaining is: will we do anything about our predicament before it's too late? Do we have the intestinal fortitude to fight back against this impending atrocity, or will we roll over and play dead? If we choose to do the latter, then please remember these haunting words written by historian Carroll Quigley in The Evolution of Civilizations:

"A civilization, no longer able to defend itself because it is no longer willing to defend itself, lies wide open to "barbarian invaders" who often come from another younger, more powerful civilization."

America, it is now time to lay aside our complacency and apathy and summon the courage that made this nation great. If we fail to do so, we're finished. It's just that plain and simple.
Folks, I am not going to post this to you by saying "My fellow Americans", or any of that other phony nonsense. Nor will I post this to you in a calm soothing voice as if you were eighth graders like Hillary Clinton or Al Gore would do. They don't have any respect for you. In fact, they view the "everyday man and woman" with disdain. But myself and many others still believe in you! And we don't have time to mess around with such trivialities.

Instead, I need to lay this out in the most truthful and starkest terms without any of the silly games that people like politicians like to play. So here it goes.

If we allow the Controlling faction of international bankers, multinational corporate heads and secret society members to continue their rule of America, the luxuries, rights, privileges, and benefits that we currently enjoy will soon be gone. Take a look at what's happening in the World today. We're on the brink of World War 3. We're already at war with Iraq, but then there is the Jews and Palestinians tearing each other's throats out. And let's not forget about Iran. When America intervenes in these blood baths, North Korea will invade South Korea; then there is a chance that India will even invade Pakistan. Do you remember the Allied/Axis division in World War 2? George Bush has already thrown down the gauntlet, setting us against the "Axis of Evil". Does the terminology sound eerily familiar? It should, because the same forces that manipulated and financed every war of the 20th century are the same ones who are setting the stage for World War 3.
Please, Listen! We need to either save this nation right NOW, or surrender it! The people of the United States don't control their Government. Worse, neither do our elected officials.

So you may be asking: Then who does? The Answer: an evil oligarchy lurking in the shadows. These deceitful devils, representing a "New World Order", have their sights set on bringing the American reign to an end, then leading the monstrous nation of China to the forefront as the World's next exploited superpower.

Folks, this is what's happening. Don't listen to the lies on TV, or to the propagandists that are weaving masterful illusion. America is going to be brought to it's knees if we don't do something soon.

Think it can't happen? Neither did the Romans, the French, Genghis Khan or the British Empire. But guess what? As arrogant and mighty as they all were, each was defeated and replaced by another. The British, one of the greatest dynasties of all time, NEVER thought they'd be knocked from the top of the mountain. But they were -- by us!

Now we think the same way. Many Americans say whole heartedly, "America is the greatest -- economically, militarily, socially and morally." And do you know what? It's understandable why you feel that way. But what you need to understand is that there is a sick, nefarious cabal of evil men that are plotting America's demise as we speak! How so? Realistically, America is not equipped at this moment to fight a war on more than one front (thanks to those who manipulated Bill Clinton). But with Afghanistan, Iraq/Iran, and the Israeli/Palestinian debacle, we'll be spread too thin. Then if India, Pakistan and the Koreas flare up, all hell is going to break loose and we won't be strong enough to contain the situation. And thats where Red China enters the picture.
NuclearWinter said:
Please, Listen! We need to either save this nation right NOW, or surrender it! The people of the United States don't control their Government. Worse, neither do our elected officials.

So you may be asking: Then who does? The Answer: an evil oligarchy lurking in the shadows. These deceitful devils, representing a "New World Order", have their sights set on bringing the American reign to an end, then leading the monstrous nation of China to the forefront as the World's next exploited superpower.

Folks, this is what's happening. Don't listen to the lies on TV, or to the propagandists that are weaving masterful illusion. America is going to be brought to it's knees if we don't do something soon.

Think it can't happen? Neither did the Romans, the French, Genghis Khan or the British Empire. But guess what? As arrogant and mighty as they all were, each was defeated and replaced by another. The British, one of the greatest dynasties of all time, NEVER thought they'd be knocked from the top of the mountain. But they were -- by us!

Now we think the same way. Many Americans say whole heartedly, "America is the greatest -- economically, militarily, socially and morally." And do you know what? It's understandable why you feel that way. But what you need to understand is that there is a sick, nefarious cabal of evil men that are plotting America's demise as we speak! How so? Realistically, America is not equipped at this moment to fight a war on more than one front (thanks to those who manipulated Bill Clinton). But with Afghanistan, Iraq/Iran, and the Israeli/Palestinian debacle, we'll be spread too thin. Then if India, Pakistan and the Koreas flare up, all hell is going to break loose and we won't be strong enough to contain the situation. And thats where Red China enters the picture.

I'm all ears dude. We dodge the draft--then what?
NuclearWinter said:
Please, Listen! We need to either save this nation right NOW, or surrender it! The people of the United States don't control their Government. Worse, neither do our elected officials.

So you may be asking: Then who does? The Answer: an evil oligarchy lurking in the shadows. These deceitful devils, representing a "New World Order", have their sights set on bringing the American reign to an end, then leading the monstrous nation of China to the forefront as the World's next exploited superpower.

Folks, this is what's happening. Don't listen to the lies on TV, or to the propagandists that are weaving masterful illusion. America is going to be brought to it's knees if we don't do something soon.

Think it can't happen? Neither did the Romans, the French, Genghis Khan or the British Empire. But guess what? As arrogant and mighty as they all were, each was defeated and replaced by another. The British, one of the greatest dynasties of all time, NEVER thought they'd be knocked from the top of the mountain. But they were -- by us!

Now we think the same way. Many Americans say whole heartedly, "America is the greatest -- economically, militarily, socially and morally." And do you know what? It's understandable why you feel that way. But what you need to understand is that there is a sick, nefarious cabal of evil men that are plotting America's demise as we speak! How so? Realistically, America is not equipped at this moment to fight a war on more than one front (thanks to those who manipulated Bill Clinton). But with Afghanistan, Iraq/Iran, and the Israeli/Palestinian debacle, we'll be spread too thin. Then if India, Pakistan and the Koreas flare up, all hell is going to break loose and we won't be strong enough to contain the situation. And thats where Red China enters the picture.

The US is and has been since WWII, prepared in every way to fight a two-front war. Clinton did nothing to dismantle that capablilty. All worse-case scenarios involving the US military include a two-front war scenario.

Your scenario proposes a FOUR-front war, with the US involving itself in regional wars that we would not. Israel doesn't need anyone's help with Palestine, and we have yet to interfere with India/Pakistan.

Korea is a joke. Kim il Sung gets off one shot and is squashed. Period. The military power to blow N Korea back into the Ice Age is ALREADY prepositioned in the area, and has been since 1950.

Obviously, your knowledge of US military capability is marginal at best, but mostly just ignorant. Stick to what you know.
GunnyL said:
The US is and has been since WWII, prepared in every way to fight a two-front war. Clinton did nothing to dismantle that capablilty. All worse-case scenarios involving the US military include a two-front war scenario.

Your scenario proposes a FOUR-front war, with the US involving itself in regional wars that we would not. Israel doesn't need anyone's help with Palestine, and we have yet to interfere with India/Pakistan.

Korea is a joke. Kim il Sung gets off one shot and is squashed. Period. The military power to blow N Korea back into the Ice Age is ALREADY prepositioned in the area, and has been since 1950.

Obviously, your knowledge of US military capability is marginal at best, but mostly just ignorant. Stick to what you know.

i disagree with your statement about clinton doing nothing to dismantle that capability.....

he cut spending...closed bases and messed up the way the various inteligence agencies communicate....that said the military did a fair job of overcomming his cuts....but clinton is the reason we got wacked in somolia..kobar...uss I etc........
Did you know that all-together, Red China's Army has as many soldiers in their military as we have people in our ENTIRE country? Think about how scary that is. Once we spread ourselves too thin in war after war, the Red Chinese are going to come in an wipe us away on the battlefield. Once that happens, the stock markets will collapse, financial havoc will ensue, and America will be thrust into a nightmare like none they've ever seen before.

Take a look at the big picture. We are on the verge of disaster in this country, and no one is doing anything to stop it. The people who are aware of it -- and they should be highly commended -- can only go so far. But let's be truthful. If all we do is read more books, magazines, articles and watch more videotapes, then nothing is going to stop this juggernaut of destruction. Have they so far? No! And here's the reason why:

The Controllers, those people running much of the World, are evil. Pure and simple. If you don't believe me, just take a look at whats happening. One-hundred thousand people die every day from starvation on this planet. One-hundred thousand! And guess what? We currently have the money, resources, and technology to feed every one of them. But we don't. We let them go so long without food that they DIE!

These people running nations and Governments are supposed to be adults! But they sure don't behave like it. These people have wealth beyond comprehension, but they don't act to make our World a better place. We're still killing eachother like crazy, with the United States now ready to invade other countries.
So I guess the real question guys is this. Haven't we learned anything yet? Can't these ADULTS who are supposed to be running nations do any better than to let people starve, or supply them with weapons so that they can keep on killing each other?

Yes, think about it. Where are these wars being waged? Along the castle-lined rivers of affluence in Europe, or the fancy mansion rows of Long Island or Washington DC? Of course not. Poor people are waging the wars. Most of them don't have enough money to feed their families or build houses that we could even consider living in by American standards. Yet, mysteriously, they have guns and rocket launchers to kill each other with.

Where are these weapons and resources coming from? Do they suddenly appear out of thin air? Hardly. They come from the "foreign aid" that the Controllers give them.

How many years have we been giving them this supposed "foreign aid" to end starvation? At least four or five decades, and yet 100,000 people die every day from hunger. How many billions of dollars have we spent around the World to create peace? But recently at times we have had over 30 wars going on, with World War 3 possibly right around the corner.
Doesn't the entire situation seem preposterous? Something's not right, and it isn't right because certain factions are guaranteeing that it's NOT made right. These factions are what we call the Controllers -- the New World Order - the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergs and the Club of Rome (among others).

These people want to create a one-World political, economic, and religious framework that will once and for all put and end to the sovereign existence we currently enjoy in America.

The ONLY way to stop these destructive forces is to EXPOSE them, and then takeover the system they currently monopolize. Their ultimate plan is to assume absolute control by turning chaos into order.

This cabal controls all the banks, and they control most Governmental entities. Using these two vehicles, with a compliant media to pave the way, the shadow powers will launch the next Great War. The terrorist attacks on 9-11 were a symbolic beginning, and if you think that catastrophe was horrific, World War 3 will truly sicken you. This is going to be the real thing if we don't stop it - obliteration on a grand scale that mankind has never seen before.
NuclearWinter said:
Doesn't the entire situation seem preposterous? Something's not right, and it isn't right because certain factions are guaranteeing that it's NOT made right. These factions are what we call the Controllers -- the New World Order - the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergs and the Club of Rome (among others).

These people want to create a one-World political, economic, and religious framework that will once and for all put and end to the sovereign existence we currently enjoy in America.

The ONLY way to stop these destructive forces is to EXPOSE them, and then takeover the system they currently monopolize. Their ultimate plan is to assume absolute control by turning chaos into order.

This cabal controls all the banks, and they control most Governmental entities. Using these two vehicles, with a compliant media to pave the way, the shadow powers will launch the next Great War. The terrorist attacks on 9-11 were a symbolic beginning, and if you think that catastrophe was horrific, World War 3 will truly sicken you. This is going to be the real thing if we don't stop it - obliteration on a grand scale that mankind has never seen before.

You not really exposing much except for your penchant to drone on and on without being open to discussion
NuclearWinter said:
Always open for discussion. As long as it relates to the facts.

That's what I'd like to hear. Some facts as to what you think can be done to change anything that these "controllers" have in store for the world.
Perhaps you haven't been paying enough attention? I've been slipping hints in since this threads beginning.

Rather than come up with the entire solution by bout working as a team to figure it out? I'm speaking in terms of everyone on this board who is interested. Suggestions from everyone are important. No suggestion should be overlooked when it relates to a solution.
NuclearWinter said:
Perhaps you haven't been paying enough attention? I've been slipping hints in since this threads beginning.

Rather than come up with the entire solution by bout working as a team to figure it out?
How about cutting to the chase?

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