From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

By the way guys, it looks like things are alot worse than I already thought. It turns out that not only are the Illegals going to be issued a "temporary legal status" ID card, but that ALL AMERICANS are going to receive a National ID card in the year 2008. And that This card goes into effect in 2008.This will be coupled with the standardized national drivers' license in the same year. State govts. are complaining about the cost of the nationalized and standardized drivers license because of the technology involved.

So it's alot worse than I was thinking then. I actually thought for a second like we might have a chance to curb the ID before they made it official. Well, too late for that I guess.

But I have been trying to figure out what the Controllers and the Government have been up to with this whole Illegal Immigration thing. Yesterday I truly thought I had it nailed, that is until you told me the card is already official! I couldn't believe that when I read it. Now it's just a matter of time before we get "chipped" then? Shit......what's next?

I truly do believe that they are going to use these people as pawns for their game. The illegals will do anything for the right to be here...and the U.S. Government knows it. Their ID is the one I would worry about most. Because people coming here illegally from all over the World will find ways to conterfeit it. This will cause the American people to get extremely angry with the ID card for temporary legal status. And they will ask the Government to do something about it because the problem of illegals pouring in won't get any better. And theory is that this is when the Government will try and push ahead with their Microchip program. Which will pritty much be purposely designed to be flawless in the Government's eyes, and they will try to make a case for them to the people. And the U.S. Government, in my opinion, is going to solve the whole conterfeiting problem by "chipping" the ones who they permit to come in and out of the United States for temporary status. And don't think they can't do it. If they can issue an ID for people who live in other countries, and who don't officially live here, and one that will be recognized whenever they enter this country, then they can sure as hell go ahead and issue them microchip implants as well. Vicente Fox or any other foreign President is not going to be complaining considering that the foreign Governments of these other countries are part of the reason that these people are flocking here by the masses.

But anyways, this is what I think is going to go down. I don't think our National ID cards in 2008 are going to be the mechanism for the Government introducing it's MicroChip program, because it just doesn't make sense. Why would Americans counterfeit their own national ID's? Why would we need to? We would still have our birth cirtificates ect. to show that we were born here. But the illegals from other countries on the other hand? They are going to have a field day with their newly issued temporary status ID's. They are going to be conterfeiting them and passing them around like they were Gold! And this is how I truly believe the Government is going to make it's case for the Microchipping program that it soon plans to implement. Problem (Illegal Immigrants conterfeiting their ID's) - Reaction (The American people demanding for something to be done) - Solution (The American Government announcing it's Microchip program). Which will eventually be used on Every U.S. Citizen.


It's how they get us every time.
After reading the stuff I posted above about Henry Ford and his involvement with the Nazi's, you can pritty much conlcude that the implications of these facts are so profound that World events can never be seen in the same light again. Rather than unfolding independently and accidently, it now becomes crystal clear that wars, business transactions, monetary dealings, and back door deals are the order of the day. Instead of things "just happening", it is evident that strings are certainly being pulled from behind the scenes by a cabal of shadowy figures who are more interested in World power and profits than they are about Human lives or our best interests.

What we have in effect, then, is an entrenched group of international bankers who worked in unison with big business to create a series of political upheavals that eventually lead to World War 1. After this global catastrophe, these very same figures implemented treaties and plans that padded the banker's pockets with huge loan profits while resulting in German hyper-inflation and unemployment. After the Stock Market Crash in 1929, these hidden Controllers eventually backed two world leaders - Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler.

And what was the motivation for these manipulative machinations? Quite simply, the Controllers wanted another war in Europe. As sickening and repulsive as this is, it's true. THESE ARE THE TYPES OF INDIVIDUALS WHO CONTROL OUR GOVERNMENTS! This is the truth once you peek behind the veil of illusion.
The infamous Carroll Quigley, author of Tragedy and Hope and a professor of International Relations at Georgetown University,summarized the situation very succinctly when saying, "....The powers of financial capitalism had enough far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a World system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the World as a whole."

So, what is the end result of this fiasco? Essentially, the Federal Reserve Bank now has a virtual monopoly over the American economy, while groups like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission determine our foreign policy. The international bankers, controlling all of the above groups, then set the tone by aquiring markets and establishing an economic market base that is run by a tight-knit cadre of individuals that continue to increase taxation, perpetuate wars, manipulate our money, and keep us under their thumbs.
NuclearWinter said:
After reading the stuff I posted above about Henry Ford and his involvement with the Nazi's, you can pritty much conlcude that the implications of these facts are so profound that World events can never be seen in the same light again. Rather than unfolding independently and accidently, it now becomes crystal clear that wars, business transactions, monetary dealings, and back door deals are the order of the day. Instead of things "just happening", it is evident that strings are certainly being pulled from behind the scenes by a cabal of shadowy figures who are more interested in World power and profits than they are about Human lives or our best interests.

What we have in effect, then, is an entrenched group of international bankers who worked in unison with big business to create a series of political upheavals that eventually lead to World War 1. After this global catastrophe, these very same figures implemented treaties and plans that padded the banker's pockets with huge loan profits while resulting in German hyper-inflation and unemployment. After the Stock Market Crash in 1929, these hidden Controllers eventually backed two world leaders - Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler.

And what was the motivation for these manipulative machinations? Quite simply, the Controllers wanted another war in Europe. As sickening and repulsive as this is, it's true. THESE ARE THE TYPES OF INDIVIDUALS WHO CONTROL OUR GOVERNMENTS! This is the truth once you peek behind the veil of illusion.

Cut to the chase and name names--this is getting boring as hell.
dilloduck said:
Cut to the chase and name names--this is getting boring as hell.

As if I haven't provided you with enough evidence already. The names of individuals are not going to solve this problem. You can bet that as of this moment the Bushwacker (President Bush) is deeply involved in this process, along with people like Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Bush Sr., The entire Trilateral Commision (meaning all the members), The Council on Foreign Relations (meaning all the members), the Club of Rome (Meaning all the members), the CIA (Meaning those at the very top who are corrupt and pulling the strings) the National Security Agency (Those who are working for the Controllers and who are being told exactly what to do to the American People), Fema (Who is supposably working with others to implement concentration camps for the masses), David Rockefeller and the Rothchilds and their family (The ones connected to the WhiteHouse and top corporations in this World). Plus the Royal Family of England Including the Queen herself along with a host of other organizations and people.

I am giving you the evidence my friend. I am showing you the proof. I am describing these people's evil motives, I am telling you that your ass is grass if we don't pull together soon and do something about all this as an entire Human race. And the only thing you can say is "this is getting boring"?

My friend, if this is how you truly plan to act when all this stuff gets going, then it will be people like you who will be the reason for the Controllers bringing us into modern-day slavery like they will. Or worse....for those who will try to resist them.
NuclearWinter said:
As if I haven't provided you with enough evidence already. The names of individuals are not going to solve this problem. You can bet that as of this moment the Bushwacker (President Bush) is deeply involved in this process, along with people like Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Bush Sr., The entire Trilateral Commision (meaning all the members), The Council on Foreign Relations (meaning all the members), the Club of Rome (Meaning all the members), the CIA (Meaning those at the very top who are corrupt and pulling the strings) the National Security Agency (Those who are working for the Controllers and who are being told exactly what to do to the American People), Fema (Who is supposably working with others to implement concentration camps for the masses), David Rockefeller and the Rothchilds and their family (The ones connected to the WhiteHouse and top corporations in this World). Plus the Royal Family of England Including the Queen herself along with a host of other organizations and people.

I am giving you the evidence my friend. I am showing you the proof. I am describing these people's evil motives, I am telling you that your ass is grass if we don't pull together soon and do something about all this as an entire Human race. And the only thing you can say is "this is getting boring"?

My friend, if this is how you truly plan to act when all this stuff gets going, then it will be people like you who will be the reason for the Controllers bringing us into modern-day slavery like they will. Or worse....for those who will try to resist them.

Cmon --gimme the names of the --lets say top 3 controllers.
The top 3 controllers don't have proof of their own existence. And thats the way they made it. didn't think it was possible to "not exist" in this World to the rest of us without not actually being here? lol. Come on my friend, The people at the top are so protected and so secretive that they wouldn't use the things that we all do for knowing that we even exist. Birth cirtificates, social security cards, ect. Would mean nothing to the "top three Controllers".
NuclearWinter said:
The top 3 controllers don't have proof of their own existence. And thats the way they made it. didn't think it was possible to "not exist" in this World to the rest of us without not actually being here? lol. Come on my friend, The people at the top are so protected and so secretive that they wouldn't use the things that we all do for knowing that we even exist. Birth cirtificates, social security cards, ect. Would mean nothing to the "top three Controllers".

In other words--you don't know?
dilloduck said:
In other words--you don't know?


They don't have official names either. Why would they need them? Like I said, they don't play by the rules that they set for all of us. And my guess is that most of them only go by what people call them.

In fact, your number 3 is off anyways. There may only be 1 at the top. Who knows for sure?

I do know of a name though. Pintar (or Pindar). This person...whoever he is, is extremely high on the todum pole.

I guarantee you that whoever holds that name is a very scary person indeed. So high up that the Queen of England herself would piss her pants if he were to threaten her.

PS - If you want to get really REALLY technical, then Lucifer (The Dark Angel) who many people believe is the "Light Bearer", is himself a prime-time player for the Controllers. But I'll get into that later.

Hell, Hitler was scared of at least 1 person or "entity" on this Earth. He admitted it. And Hitler was not one to admit that he was scared of anybody.
FAQ: How Real ID will affect you

What's all the fuss with the Real ID Act about?

President Bush is expected to sign an $82 billion military spending bill soon that will, in part, create electronically readable, federally approved ID cards for Americans. The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the package--which includes the Real ID Act--on Thursday.

What does that mean for me?

Starting three years from now, if you live or work in the United States, you'll need a federally approved ID card to travel on an airplane, open a bank account, collect Social Security payments, or take advantage of nearly any government service. Practically speaking, your driver's license likely will have to be reissued to meet federal standards.

The Real ID Act hands the Department of Homeland Security the power to set these standards and determine whether state drivers' licenses and other ID cards pass muster. Only ID cards approved by Homeland Security can be accepted "for any official purpose" by the feds.

How will I get one of these new ID cards?

You'll still get one through your state motor vehicle agency, and it will likely take the place of your drivers' license. But the identification process will be more rigorous.

For instance, you'll need to bring a "photo identity document," document your birth date and address, and show that your Social Security number is what you had claimed it to be. U.S. citizens will have to prove that status, and foreigners will have to show a valid visa.

State DMVs will have to verify that these identity documents are legitimate, digitize them and store them permanently. In addition, Social Security numbers must be verified with the Social Security Administration.

What's going to be stored on this ID card?

At a minimum: name, birth date, sex, ID number, a digital photograph, address, and a "common machine-readable technology" that Homeland Security will decide on. The card must also sport "physical security features designed to prevent tampering, counterfeiting, or duplication of the document for fraudulent purposes."

Homeland Security is permitted to add additional requirements--such as a fingerprint or retinal scan--on top of those. We won't know for a while what these additional requirements will be.

Why did these ID requirements get attached to an "emergency" military spending bill?

Because it's difficult for politicians to vote against money that will go to the troops in Iraq and tsunami relief. The funds cover ammunition, weapons, tracked combat vehicles, aircraft, troop housing, death benefits, and so on.

The House already approved a standalone version of the Real ID Act in February, but by a relatively close margin of 261-161. It was expected to run into some trouble in the Senate. Now that it's part of an Iraq spending bill, senators won't want to vote against it.

What's the justification for this legislation anyway?

Its supporters say that the Real ID Act is necessary to hinder terrorists, and to follow the ID card recommendations that the 9/11 Commission made last year.

It will "hamper the ability of terrorist and criminal aliens to move freely throughout our society by requiring that all states require proof of lawful presence in the U.S. for their drivers' licenses to be accepted as identification for federal purposes such as boarding a commercial airplane, entering a federal building, or a nuclear power plant," Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, a Wisconsin Republican, said during the debate Thursday.

You said the ID card will be electronically readable. What does that mean?

The Real ID Act says federally accepted ID cards must be "machine readable," and lets Homeland Security determine the details. That could end up being a magnetic strip, enhanced bar code, or radio frequency identification (RFID) chips.

In the past, Homeland Security has indicated it likes the concept of RFID chips. The State Department is already going to be embedding RFID devices in passports, and Homeland Security wants to issue RFID-outfitted IDs to foreign visitors who enter the country at the Mexican and Canadian borders. The agency plans to start a yearlong test of the technology in July at checkpoints in Arizona, New York and Washington state.

Will state DMVs share this information?

Yes. In exchange for federal cash, states must agree to link up their databases. Specifically, the Real ID Act says it hopes to "provide electronic access by a state to information contained in the motor vehicle databases of all other states."

Is this legislation a done deal?

Pretty much. The House of Representatives approved the package on Thursday by a vote of 368-58. Only three of the "nay" votes were Republicans; the rest were Democrats. The Senate is scheduled to vote on it next week and is expected to approve it as well.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan has told reporters "the president supports" the standalone Real ID Act, and the Bush administration has come out with an official endorsement. As far back as July 2002, the Bush administration has been talking about assisting "the states in crafting solutions to curtail the future abuse of drivers' licenses by terrorist organizations."

Who were the three Republicans who voted against it?

Reps. Howard Coble of North Carolina, John Duncan of Tennessee, and Ron Paul of Texas.

Paul has warned that the Real ID Act "establishes a national ID card" and "gives authority to the Secretary of Homeland Security to unilaterally add requirements as he sees fit."

Is this a national ID card?

It depends on whom you ask. Barry Steinhardt, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's technology and liberty program, says: "It's going to result in everyone, from the 7-Eleven store to the bank and airlines, demanding to see the ID card. They're going to scan it in. They're going to have all the data on it from the front of the card...It's going to be not just a national ID card but a national database."

At the moment, state driver's licenses aren't easy for bars, banks, airlines and so on to swipe through card readers because they're not uniform; some may have barcodes but no magnetic stripes, for instance, and some may lack both. Steinhardt predicts the federalized IDs will be a gold mine for government agencies and marketers. Also, he notes that the Supreme Court ruled last year that police can demand to see ID from law-abiding U.S. citizens.

Will it be challenged in court?

Maybe. "We're exploring whether there are any litigation possibilities here," says the ACLU's Steinhardt.

One possible legal argument would challenge any requirement for a photograph on the ID card as a violation of religious freedom. A second would argue that the legislation imposes costs on states without properly reimbursing them.

When does it take effect?

The Real ID Act takes effect "three years after the date of the enactment" of the legislation. So if the Senate and Bush give it the thumbs-up this month, its effective date would be sometime in May 2008.

Here's a quick story on the bill from Puerto Rico which will have to comply with the legislation.
Federal government enacts law requiring national IDs

States and U.S. territories, including Puerto Rico, will be required to issue federally approved national ID cards by 2008


National identification (ID) cards are on the way. Starting in 2008, if you live or work in the U.S., or any U.S. territory, including Puerto Rico, you will be required to carry a federally approved national ID card. That is, U.S. citizens will need the national ID to travel on an airplane, open a bank account, collect Social Security payments, or take advantage of nearly any government service.

In February, Congress approved a Republican-backed measure compelling states and U.S. territories to issue ID cards and passports with radio frequency identification (RFID) chips embedded in them by no later than 2008. The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved an $82 billion military spending bill that will, in part, create federally approved ID cards for all U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

"All states and U.S. possessions, including Puerto Rico, will have to comply with the national ID card requirement. If you want to get into a federal building, on a train or airplane, or even receive your Social Security check, you will need this identification," explained Eduardo Bhatia, executive director of the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration.

The authorizing language requires all states and U.S. possessions to enhance their driver’s license program. It will require the Commonwealth digitalize all drivers’ licenses with readable media and a digital photo. "Additionally, and this is the part of greatest contention among the states, all applicants’ immigration status must be verified," Bhatia said.

The authorizing legislation requires several changes to the existing system for the issuance of drivers’ licenses, including the digitalization of the actual license with readable media and a digital photo. The legislation also requires additional clearances for issuing agents and extra security requirements for issuing locations.

According to the bill, no funds are allocated to states or possessions to implement the necessary technology and equipment to issue the new identification cards. However, the authorizing language allows for a grant appropriation to states for the implementation of these provisions. The secretary of Homeland Security will determine these grants.

Those who don’t carry valid licenses will need to get the national ID card. Every U.S. citizen or U.S. resident will be required to have a uniform national ID.

Critics of this measure argue the Real ID Act gives the Department of Homeland Security unfettered authority to design and issue state ID cards and drivers’ licenses, may also hinder religious freedom, and will create a national database. Supporters of the measure, however, state the need for a national database, uniform security measures to diminish fraud, and a system for immigration checks.

National ID likely to replace state-issued driver’s license

Although still being discussed, Department of Homeland Security sources expressed the possibility for "biometric information such as retinal scans, fingerprints, DNA data, and RFID tracking technology." At a minimum, national ID cards will include a person’s full name, birth date, gender, ID number, digital photograph, address, machine-readable technology, person’s signature, and physical security features designed to prevent tampering, counterfeiting, or duplication of documents for fraudulent purposes.

"States and U.S. territories, including Puerto Rico, must require and verify the following before issuing a driver’s license or ID card: a photo identity document for all applicants [a nonphoto identity document is acceptable if it includes both the person’s full legal name and date of birth], documentation showing the applicant’s date of birth, proof and verification of the applicant’s social security account number, and documentation showing the applicant’s name and address of principal residence," explained Bhatia.

The bill also establishes the new driver’s license, or national ID card, will include a data chip with evidence of an applicant’s lawful status. For immigrants temporarily residing in the U.S., the ID must clearly indicate it is temporary and can be renewed only with documentation verifying the residency status has been extended by the secretary of Homeland Security.

States also will be required to subject employees working with or producing drivers’ licenses and ID cards to a security clearance, establish fraudulent-document-recognition training programs, and provide electronic access to information contained in the motor vehicle database of other states. The drivers’ licenses will be valid for eight years.

"People will get an ID through the state motor vehicle agency, and it most likely will take the place of a driver’s license; the identification process will be very rigorous," stated House Judiciary Chairman Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.). "This bill adheres to the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, and it is needed to hamper the ability of criminal aliens to move freely throughout our society," he pointed out.

National ID cards are nothing new. "Many European countries, such as Spain and France, as well as many Asian countries, require their citizens to carry such documents at all times, with legal punishments in place for those caught without them," said Sensenbrenner. Yet, countries with similar English common-law legal systems, such as Australia and New Zealand, have rejected such national IDs.

As far back as July 2002, the Bush administration has been talking about creating measures to curtail abuse in drivers’ licenses. Plans to embed RFID chips in all U.S. passports and foreign visitors’ documents are underway.

By Sept. 11, all states and Puerto Rico will have to file a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. This MOU mandates all states and U.S. territories verify the immigration status of everyone soliciting a driver’s license.

On May 14, President George W. Bush signed the National ID bill into law. Although in less than three years Puerto Rico residents will be required to carry a national ID, there has been no word from the Acevedo Vilá administration regarding either the impact of this new federal law on the island or when the local government will begin implementing the technology required for the drivers’ licenses on the island.


Yeah, it's worse than I thought. RFID chips can be hacked. The possibility for identity theft and fraud remains. The national ID and related programs are to build a database on the populace and control it.
Have you ever wondered how Adolf Hitler , a destitute artist who lived in flophouses, was able to become Germany's preeminent Furher-god in the 1930's and 1940's? How many near-homeless people are you aware of that have such a good fortune befall them? As many of you know, the Nazi phenomenon was not accidental. Instead, Wall Street bankers (among others) were the hidden financiers behind their meteoric rise to power. Even more regrettable is the fact that our current President's family were among those who bankrolled and profited enormously from the German War Machine.

Authors Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, in George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, sum up the situation as such: "By deciding that Prescott Bush [George W. Bush's grandfather] and the other directors of the Union Banking Company were legally FRONT MEN FOR THE NAZIS, the government avoided the more important historical issue: In what way were Hitler's Nazis themselves hired, armed and instructed by the New York and London cliques of which Prescott Bush was an executive manager?"

The Dutch Intelligence and U.S. Government files 'confirm absolutely' a direct link between Prescott Bush, the Thyssen Family, and death profits derived from our second World War. They derived this blood-money via the Union Banking Corporation (UBC), where Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker joined forces with German manufacturer Fritz Thyssen and bankrolled Adolf Hitler prior to, and during, World War 2.
Now, even though plenty of other companies helped the Nazis (like the Rockefeller's Standard Oil and Chase Bank, plus prominent American auto makers), Prescott Bush's interests were much deeper and sinister. Not only was there a monetary link, but also business ties that were much more involved.

A good portion of the Bush family's financial foundation was established through their assistance to Adolf Hitler. Can you feel the famifications of this statement? The current President of the United States, plus his father (an ex-President, V.P., and CIA Director) rose to the top of the American political ladder because their grandfather and in-laws aided and abetted the Nazis. The questions you should be asking are this:

1. Why won't President Bush admit to these family crimes?

2. Why won't the media directly question him about these abhorrent acts?
Naturally, some of you may not believe that the Bush Family directly assisted the Germans, in essence committing treason against their own country. But sadly, it's true. To prove it, let's start from the beginning.

In 1922, W. Averill Harriman, the infamous railroad magnate, traveled to Berlin where he met the members of the Thyssen Family to set-up a branch bank. And who became the President of this bank? George Herbert Walker, Prescott Bush's father-in-law. Two years later, in 1924, the Union Banking Corporation (UBC) was created to join forces with Fritz Thyssen's "Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart." And who was appointed to DIRECTLY MANAGE UBC? Prescott Bush. Even better for Prescott was the fact that George Herbert Walker gave him a tremendous break in 1926 by making him vice president and managing partner in Brown Brothers Harriman. And who did Prescott bring along with him to this firm? A handful of his Yale classmates from Skull & Bones. Plus, Prescott Bush was only one of seven shareholders in UBC.

Right at the end of the Roaring Twenties, something happened that, when viewed in the context of Prescott Bush, puts everything into perspective.

Authors Tarpley and Chaitkin once again in George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, stated that: "The great financial collapse of 1929-31 shook America, Germany and Britain, weakening all Governments. It also made the hard-pressed Prescott Bush even more willing to do whatever was necessary to retain his new place in the World. It was in this crisis that certain Anglo-Americans determined on the installation of a Hitler regime in Germany."
And who would be one of the key figures to initiate the change of the guard in Germany? The Bush Family's business partner - Fritz Thyssen. This would be a good time to take a look at what type of crowd the Bush's were running around with.

Fritz Thyssen was the first man to get the newly-formed Nazi party off the ground by giving them $25,000 in the mid-1920's. In 1931, he joined the Nazi Party, and soon became close friends with Adolf Hitler. Over the years, Thyssen came to be known as "Hitler's most important and prominent financier". And this was the Bush Family's business partner! Fritz Thyssen also became one of the primary figures in Hitler's rise to power. Thyssen was fascinated by Hitler, as he once boasted, "I realized his orator gifts and his ability to lead the masses. What impressed me most, however, was the order that reigned over his meetings, the almost military discipline of his followers."

By September, 1932, Thyssen invited a cadre of German manufacturers to meet with Hitler, and all walked away overjoyed after he answered each question to their "utmost satisfaction". Thyssen was so overt in his praise and support for Hitler that he even wrote a book entitled, I Paid Hitler where he comes clean about the role he played in Nazism since October, 1923.

The proof is in the pudding! The Bush family had ties to the Nazis through their business partner Fritz Thyssen!
Fritz Thyssen was so influential in establishing the "German Steel Trust" which was founded in 1926 by Wall Street high-roller Clarence Dillon. And who was one of Dillon's cohorts on this project? Prescott Bush's father, Sam Bush. Thus, Fritz Thyssen became one of the men at the core of Germany's War Machine due to his position at German Steel. His family also owned a slew of banks (on the sly, of course) that allowed the Thyssens to move their money from Berlin to Holland to New York City. That way, after World War 2 came to a close, they wouldn't have to surrender their profits!

The Thyssen Family established three highly important banks during the 1920's:

1. August Thyssen Bank - Berlin.

2. Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart - Holland.

3. Union Banking Corporation (UBC) - New York City.

Now we're starting to get somewhere. Why? Because the Thyssens received their initial financing from two places to start their War Machine Operations: Brown Brothers Harriman, and UBC. And who were key figures at both of these places? George Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush! Thus, UBC was set-up to transfer funds between Manhattan and Germany via Thyssen's Dutch banks.
NuclearWinter said:
Have you ever wondered how Adolf Hitler , a destitute artist who lived in flophouses, was able to become Germany's preeminent Furher-god in the 1930's and 1940's? How many near-homeless people are you aware of that have such a good fortune befall them? As many of you know, the Nazi phenomenon was not accidental. Instead, Wall Street bankers (among others) were the hidden financiers behind their meteoric rise to power. Even more regrettable is the fact that our current President's family were among those who bankrolled and profited enormously from the German War Machine.

Authors Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, in George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, sum up the situation as such: "By deciding that Prescott Bush [George W. Bush's grandfather] and the other directors of the Union Banking Company were legally FRONT MEN FOR THE NAZIS, the government avoided the more important historical issue: In what way were Hitler's Nazis themselves hired, armed and instructed by the New York and London cliques of which Prescott Bush was an executive manager?"

The Dutch Intelligence and U.S. Government files 'confirm absolutely' a direct link between Prescott Bush, the Thyssen Family, and death profits derived from our second World War. They derived this blood-money via the Union Banking Corporation (UBC), where Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker joined forces with German manufacturer Fritz Thyssen and bankrolled Adolf Hitler prior to, and during, World War 2.

Hurry up with the story dude---a controller is gonna "erase" you for spilling the beans and we will never hear how this ends.
dilloduck said:
Hurry !!!!!!!! the ending please !!!!!!!!!!!!

For a person who uses the quote about stumbling over the Truth, you sure do stumble over it often times yourself.

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