From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

I got one.

What if monkeys flew out of my ass?

Not every question that pops into your head needs an answer. Sometimes, something is so out of the realm of possibilities, that it doesn't matter.

But don't lose heart. When I see you on the corner with your sign that says "THE END IS NIGH", I'll drop a nickel in your bucket. Hell, maybe even a quarter.
onthefence said:
I got one.

What if monkeys flew out of my ass?

Not every question that pops into your head needs an answer. Sometimes, something is so out of the realm of possibilities, that it doesn't matter.

But don't lose heart. When I see you on the corner with your sign that says "THE END IS NIGH", I'll drop a nickel in your bucket. Hell, maybe even a quarter.

lol. Well, I guess I'll take that as a compliment? Night for tonight guys.
gop_jeff said:
Anal probing is real.


Terrorist hijackers steer their planes into the World Trade Centers on a sunny Tuesday morning -- flames, smoke, people leaping 90 stories to their death, screaming, sirens, pandemonium, then the Towers come crashing to the ground in Battery Park. And, oh yeah, television cameras....many many television cameras, then the major networks and news channels re-broadcasting the horrifying event over and over again -- every scene, every angle, every snippet of the jets, flames, impact, and both Towers falling to the Earth.

Over and over and over...the hijacked jet, the Towers, the moment that forever changed American life. September 11, 2001 -- TV, TV, TV, bleary eyes fixated on CCN, Fox, CBS, NBC, and ABC. Amongst others. Television -- TV -- video images drawing viewers to it like a morbid magnet.

Shortly thereafter, anthrax scares send the whole country reeling with more panic. Don't open your mail, white powder, respiratory damage, biological terrorism, Senators evacuated, postmen falling dead -- and every day on the radio, on TV, in newspapers and magazines -- more hysteria, more coverage, more fear.

During the same time, air travelers are filled with anxiety -- everyone suspected of being a terrorist -- long waiting lines, the National Guard holding M16's, evacuations, more long lines, inspections, X-rays, no toenail clippers, bomb threats, and rumors of more terrorists lurking behind every pillar.

Now we have pipe bombs in mailboxes, the new weekly computer virus that makes us tremble with fear over emails and attachments, plus color-coded terror alerts and reports about banks, malls and train stations being targeted for destruction. And all the while there's CNN, the New York Times and Newsweek continuing their psychic driving hour after hour, day after day.

Psychic driving? What's that? Psychic driving is the repeated exposure to a specific message over and over and over again -- a continued, systematic replay of the same theme until the subject is thoroughly indoctrinated into accepting a certain belief. In this day and age....pure, oozing, strip-away-the-veneer Total Fear.
NuclearWinter said:
Terrorist hijackers steer their planes into the World Trade Centers on a sunny Tuesday morning -- flames, smoke, people leaping 90 stories to their death, screaming, sirens, pandemonium, then the Towers come crashing to the ground in Battery Park. And, oh yeah, television cameras....many many television cameras, then the major networks and news channels re-broadcasting the horrifying event over and over again -- every scene, every angle, every snippet of the jets, flames, impact, and both Towers falling to the Earth.

Over and over and over...the hijacked jet, the Towers, the moment that forever changed American life. September 11, 2001 -- TV, TV, TV, bleary eyes fixated on CCN, Fox, CBS, NBC, and ABC. Amongst others. Television -- TV -- video images drawing viewers to it like a morbid magnet.

Shortly thereafter, anthrax scares send the whole country reeling with more panic. Don't open your mail, white powder, respiratory damage, biological terrorism, Senators evacuated, postmen falling dead -- and every day on the radio, on TV, in newspapers and magazines -- more hysteria, more coverage, more fear.

During the same time, air travelers are filled with anxiety -- everyone suspected of being a terrorist -- long waiting lines, the National Guard holding M16's, evacuations, more long lines, inspections, X-rays, no toenail clippers, bomb threats, and rumors of more terrorists lurking behind every pillar.

Now we have pipe bombs in mailboxes, the new weekly computer virus that makes us tremble with fear over emails and attachments, plus color-coded terror alerts and reports about banks, malls and train stations being targeted for destruction. And all the while there's CNN, the New York Times and Newsweek continuing their psychic driving hour after hour, day after day.

Psychic driving? What's that? Psychic driving is the repeated exposure to a specific message over and over and over again -- a continued, systematic replay of the same theme until the subject is thoroughly indoctrinated into accepting a certain belief. In this day and age....pure, oozing, strip-away-the-veneer Total Fear.

I do not get your posts. I admit that. I find you a conspiracy, sci-fi nut. I'm prejudiced. I admit it. Truth is, coverage of 9/11 and anthrax was muted. On 9/11, until about 2pm, CST it was real, then they went into the Religion of Peace mode. The administration helped that, mightily.
Alright, perhaps I didn't explain it all that well Kathianne. I will try and make it even shorter and smoother. Hopefully this time will be the charm.

What I am trying to say here is that these people are Master Manipulators and they know the art of Instilling Fear into your body. You have the final say as to whether or not you will allow that Fear to seep inside you....but I know there is not one person currently in the World who has not feared something in their life, and who can tell me that they have not allowed an outside Fear to affect them internally.

The key is to be able to do exactly what it is that the Controllers Fear. For all of us to be able to take control of our own emotions.
NuclearWinter said:
Alright, perhaps I didn't explain it all that well Kathianne. I will try and make it even shorter and smoother. Hopefully this time will be the charm.

What I am trying to say here is that these people are Master Manipulators and they know the art of Instilling Fear into your body. You have the final say as to whether or not you will allow that Fear to seep inside you....but I know there is not one person currently in the World who has not feared something in their life, and who can tell me that they have not allowed an outside Fear to affect them internally.

The key is to be able to do exactly what it is that the Controllers Fear. For all of us to be able to take control of our own emotions.
Ok, I'll assume you mean this seriously, big assumption. On 9/11 and for months after, I was waiting for the next 'big event.' Anthrax didn't cut it, seriously. I was very upset when the media chose to curtail coverage, focusing on those looking for those that were incinerated, rather than focusing on the perps.

I couldn't stop that, not the non-coverage of the attacks a year later, simply to prevent 'anger and feelings of retribution.' Yeah, all is right with the world now. It's all 9/10. No problems. We are all brothers and sisters. There's a few wackos out there, no doubt. The abortion clinic bombers for instance. When was their last hit? The tube bombers in UK? Disconnected immigrants, just look at what US does to Mexicans, could they be blame if they did the same?

We deserve it. yeah. right.
Yes Kathianne, it appears that you are a very perceptive person. And that is a good thing.

The whole thing is a ruse. Sure, a few people had their mail boxes blown up by a mind controlled punk rock zombie, and a few citizens died from anthrax (not-high ranking officials, if you noticed). But in all, those who are setting this entire theater of fear into motion are the REAL terrorists -- the international Controller cabal that's ready to raise another level on their pyramid of power.

A few events in the recent past have set the stage for this onslaught of fear tactics where the government takes advantage of a bad situation in order to spread fear across the World. The first WTC bombing is a perfect example among others. Same with the Oklahoma bombings, and same with the Colombine shootings. Sprinkle in other bad moments in history, and you can easily see how the government uses both the media and their own legislators to induce fear into the public and to strip away more of our rights.

The pivitol point for taking control of America can be said to have begun on September 11, 2001, with the World Trade Center terrorist attacks.

The Controllers usually do things in small steps, patiently boiling us like frogs in a pot. But every once and awhile they need to kick it up a notch, a la taking advantage of the WTC attacks. That way, similar to the Charles Manson murders, a huge, indelible emotional scar is permanently imbedded on the Human psyche. These are the events that rip us to shreads, give our children nightmares, and leave many of us trembling in the relative safety of our homes.
NuclearWinter said:
The Controllers usually do things in small steps, patiently boiling us like frogs in a pot. But every once and awhile they need to kick it up a notch, a la taking advantage of the WTC attacks. That way, similar to the Charles Manson murders, a huge, indelible emotional scar is permanently imbedded on the Human psyche. These are the events that rip us to shreads, give our children nightmares, and leave many of us trembling in the relative safety of our homes.

Those things are scary. I don't think they are constructed as such by anyone, they actually are scary. I don't want to be killed by a cult would you?
Said1 said:
Those things are scary. I don't think they are constructed as such by anyone

Oh they are definately constructed by someone. Whether the "Controllers" are responsible for constructing it or not, or if it was just some "crazy" terrorist, it is still constructed by somebody.

But....I know what you were getting at. And I don't want to give you the wrong impression here. I never said that certain factions of the Government or the "Controllers" as I like to call them were the ones who carried out these acts. It is possible that they are definately connected with them, and in many cases it's a fact that they are, but what I actually said was that you can bet that the Controllers and their corporate owned media are definately going to take advantage of a bad situation in order to twist it so that it works for their Agenda. And that means anything major that happens, not only will they allow for it to happen, such as they did with 9-11, and other attacks, but they will make sure that it gets all the publicity in the World and that the media covers it day in and day out and that Fear is the ultimate result of their equation.

So in other words, it doesn't need to be carried out by the Controllers, because it only needs to be one of two things. Either orchestrated and planned by them, or allowed by them in order to maximize the effects. Thats what I was trying to explain above.
In September 2001 this country was essentially chopped off at the knees. We reeled day in and day out from the psychological impact. But don't get fooled into thinking it's over. Our society is being crippled by a faceless, nameless form of fear that is being crammed down our throats by every media source available. Radio talk show hosts, television images, newspaper editorials and op-ed letters, gory magazine photographs, plus Internet rumors and half-truths are all contributing to this fear. And both the World and America are falling prey to it.

Where did our fighting Spirit go? With overwhelimg evidence that the Controllers not only knew about the 9-11 attacks, but allowed them to happen; with this evidence now openly reported in the mainstream press, why aren't we gathering in the streets to bring these monsters to their knees like they did to so many of us???

These same Controllers are setting up America for a great Fall, only to replace us with Red Communist China as the next-World super-power. But we sit idly by without taking action. Why? Even as we watch our own government continue to give technology to Red China and continue to pump up their economy and military!!

We are numb with fear. The entire planet has for a long time been "kept in it's proper place" because of Fear. Religions use it, as do governments, police, parents, social groups, schools and faceless bureaucratic institutions such as the IRS. Soon this fear will be all-encompassing in the image of Big Brother, just as George Orwell predicted in his novel, 1984.
NuclearWinter said:
In September 2001 this country was essentially chopped off at the knees. We reeled day in and day out from the psychological impact. But don't get fooled into thinking it's over. Our society is being crippled by a faceless, nameless form of fear that is being crammed down our throats by every media source available. Radio talk show hosts, television images, newspaper editorials and op-ed letters, gory magazine photographs, plus Internet rumors and half-truths are all contributing to this fear. And both the World and America are falling prey to it.

Where did our fighting Spirit go? With overwhelimg evidence that the Controllers not only knew about the 9-11 attacks, but allowed them to happen; with this evidence now openly reported in the mainstream press, why aren't we gathering in the streets to bring these monsters to their knees like they did to so many of us???

These same Controllers are setting up America for a great Fall, only to replace us with Red Communist China as the next-World super-power. But we sit idly by without taking action. Why? Even as we watch our own government continue to give technology to Red China and continue to pump up their economy and military!!

We are numb with fear. The entire planet has for a long time been "kept in it's proper place" because of Fear. Religions use it, as do governments, police, parents, social groups, schools and faceless bureaucratic institutions such as the IRS. Soon this fear will be all-encompassing in the image of Big Brother, just as George Orwell predicted in his novel, 1984.
You are so wrong. There is no follow up to remind the American People of what happened 9/11. There was a stated rationale to erase the video record, for the reason that they would inflame the desire for 'retribution.' It was stated that people might focus their rage on Saudis/Muslims, so the record has been deleted for the present. I assume the record is intact for the future historical record. If not, there is plenty on the private record.
Nuclear Winter,
Do you know where these "Controllers" are? I was wondering wondering if you could 'hook me up' so to speak. Acheiving absolute power over the affairs of all mankind has always been a goal of mine.

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