From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

And this is not saying that I claim to completely understand exactly what the Creator is, but I guarantee you that there is more Truth to this than you will ever find in any Mind Prison World Religion.
Jesus Said:

"If They ask You, "Where are You from?" reply to Them, "We have come from the place where Light is produced from Itself. It came and revealed Itself in Their image."

"If They ask You, "Are You it?" reply to Them, "We are His Sons. We are chosen ones of The Living Father."

And so again, what exactly is it that produces Light? It's Matter. When two Photons (A form of matter) crash together then this is how we get Light. More to the process than that but this is the basic concept I am using here.

Jesus understood this concept way way way before our modern day scientists did. He understood the laws and fundamentals of the Universe. He was gifted with the power of Christ. As were many other people before Him.
If we can all come to understand the truth about what Jesus was teaching us, then we can all begin to understand how ignorant the concepts of Human religions really are.

And this is exactly why the 3 parts that Christianity claims is what makes up our Creator (the so called Trinity concept) is a completely false one. To acknowledge only 3 parts of God which Christianity claims is Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, is to separate God from everything else that exists, which is not the truth at all, because as I stated before God is everything, because everything is God/Matter/Energy, and so to acknowledge the Trinity concept and to not include yourself and everything around you as a part of it is to separate yourself from the Truth.

In other words, Just as Jesus claimed that "we all come from the place where Light is produced from itself", we can begin to understand that we all come from Matter, because Matter produces Light from Itself, which is exactly what Jesus was trying to say.

So we all come from Matter. And I believe that Matter = God in all of it's various forms.
And this is not saying that I claim to completely understand exactly what the Creator is, but I guarantee you that there is more Truth to this than you will ever find in any Mind Prison World Religion.

Why do you come in here and flood us with stuff all the time ? Are you unable to discuss things like normal people?
In 2012 many Great Beings of Light from our "past" will come back into this World in the form of Love and Light and Mass Consciousness, many of you might be saying, "thats ridiculous."

But is it really? How ridiculous is it to say that their Spirits (in the form of Matter) will change into what I have just described?

We all know that matter can change form. This is a fact. And we all know that matter can be invisible and yet at the same time still exist. Just as your cells and body grow and multiply as you age and die, and can easily change from a solid form into something that looks quite different, so can all energy from other dimensions enter back into the Earth in a very different form for a set purpose known only by that which it had been Created from - AKA - The Creator.
If any of you truly want to know one of the simplest equations for remembering who or what God really is....then it is an extremely easy one to remember:

Nothing exists without God. And God exists within everything.

Remember this simple fact whenever you get confused about God and or Yourself and Your surroundings.

Every time you take a step on the Earth, you are walking on another form of God. Everytime you eat a good meal you are enjoying yet another form of The Creator. Everytime you run from someone who is trying to hurt you, you are running from a Form of the Creator. All-be it a very negative form "filled with darkness" as Jesus had stated, but a form of God none of the less.

And this is all very important to remember folks. Because everytime you kiss your sweetheart, shake hands with your friend, hug your brother or sister, you are interacting with another form of God.

So please, whenever possible, treat everything you see, smell, hear, touch, and taste as multiple forms of your Creator, because thats exactly what they are. As am I. As are you. And as is the rest of all Creation.
I would ask you all one question....What are your true intentions in this lifetime?

Is it your intention to laugh at those who are not a part of your religion because in your own mind you truly believe that they will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven simply because they don't belong to your same group?

Is it your intention to put yourself ahead of another and reach what ever level of material "success" you wish to achieve without having any regard for your fellow Brothers and Sisters?

Because if this is what you really believe in then you should know that you are living a complete lie. And that your intention has been revealed before the Universe.

Jesus Said:

"Do not lie. If there is something that You hate, do not do it, for everything is revealed beneath Heaven. Nothing hidden will fail to be displayed. Nothing covered will remain undisclosed."

Jesus Said:

"When You give rise to that which is within You, what You have will save You. If You do not give rise to it, what You do not have will destroy You."

When You understand Yourselves You will be understood. And You will realize that You are the Sons of the living Father. If You do not know yourselves, then You exist in poverty and You are that poverty.
Or still yet, are you the type of person that believes that because you have joined a particular religion that you are now somehow qualified to "save" another person's Soul? This too is a complete lie.

Jesus Said:

"You see the splinter that is in Your Brother's eye, but You do not see the log that is in Your own eye. Remove the log from Your own eye, and then You can clearly see to remove the splinter from Your Brother's eye."

Jesus Said:

"If a Blind Person leads another Blind Person , both of Them will fall into a ditch."

Jesus Said:

"One who knows everything else but who does not know Himself knows nothing."

And do you really believe that religious organizations who's true purpose is to control, and who's many followers know this and who also set out to control, will actually Enter into the Kingdom with that state of reality? Of course not. They have 0 chance if they continue remain with that way of thinking...

Jesus Said:

"A Grapevine was planted outside of The Father but, as It did not strengthen, They will pull It up by It's roots and It will die."

Jesus Said:

"They do not pick Grapes from Brambles, nor do They pick Figs from Thistles, for These do not yield The Proper Fruit."
I am a Christian myself (Not exactly in the religious sense), but I believe in Christ. And am a follower of Christ. So therefore, it's going to be pritty hard for me not to mix some of my own beliefs in with my work.

However, I will do my best not to cram it down anyones throat as I post it.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Thats for sure.

I believe in God and God's word. I also believe that Christ is God's word. And so I believe in Him too.

Please don't get my beliefs in Jesus and Christ confused however. I believe that Christ has had many forms and that Jesus was only one of them.

I believe that you're a whack job that is totally looney tunes and bring the cause of Christianity back centuries everytime you mention it.If you are reading the crap you post out loud, you just might be the cause of global warming. Walk away from the keyboard....walk away!
The Masters words will always ring true my friend.

My job is simply to pass along His bubbling wisdom.
So what I am asking you to do, the very few people who will stand up and realize what the Father truly is, and understand that everything came from Him and eventually everything will return from Him, that you very few will stand up and realize that the Father is both the Beginning and the End and therefore you few who truly understand this will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus responded:

"When You make the Two into One, and when You make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the upper like the lower and the lower like the upper, and thus make the Male and the Female the same, so that the Male isn't Male and the Female isn't Female. When You make an eye to replace an eye, and a hand to replace a hand, and a foot to replace a foot, and an Image to replace an Image, then You will enter The Kingdom."

Jesus said:

"The Earth and the Sky will roll up right in front of You. Anyone living from The Living will not die."

Blessed is Anyone who will stand up in the Beginning and thereby know the End and never die.

And if you don't wake up now, and if you don't choose to see that the Father is everything around you while you are Alive, and that He truly does exist inside you and everywhere outside of you, then you will not be able to See Him when you die.

Jesus said:

"Look at The Living One while You live, for if You die and then try to see Him You will not be able to do so."
You really should come to understand that the reason that Jesus said that there is "Light within a Man of Light", is because even 2,000 years ago Jesus knew the truth which is that there is Light within every single one of us, and that all of us have the ability to Light up this whole World, if only we would recognize what is inside of us, and right in front of us, and all that there is to know will eventually be revealed to us.

Jesus said:

"Recognize what is right in front of You, and that which is hidden from You will be revealed to You. Nothing hidden will fail to be displayed."

Jesus Said:

"I stood in the midst of the World. I came to Them in the flesh [sarx]. I found all of Them drunk. I found not One of Them to be thirsty. My soul was saddended by The Sons of Men for They are mentally blind. They do not see that They have come into the world empty and They will go out of the world empty. But now They are drunk. When They sober up They will repent."

Jesus Said:

"When You understand Yourselves You will be understood. And You will realize that You are the Sons of the living Father. If You do not know yourselves, then You exist in poverty and You are that poverty."

And we literally are. We are all SUNS of the Living Father. In different forms, yes, but we are all made of the same basic components of the stars/suns that make up the Universe. There is not one element that you can find in the stars that you can't find in the Human body. Photons, Nuetrons, Magnetic Electricity, each and every one of us contains these same properties.

And so I ask all of you, because Jesus asked all of us as well, to use this Light within you, and to spread it and teach it to the entire World.

Jesus Said:

"What you Hear in you Ears preach from Your Housetops".

Jesus Said:

"He who has ears to hear let Him hear."
Can a person comprehend anything more complicated then a physical answer to life, and death?

The question of the Millenium.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "It's all the same in the end"?

I bet many of you have heard that phrase used by someone in your presence before. I am also willing to bet that many of you have found yourselves nodding your heads in agreement to that statement without ever really thinking twice about it.

But have you ever really considered what that phrase really means? Or better yet, have you ever wondered why you have such a strong tendency to want to totally agree with such a statement?

The reason for that is simple. It's because that single phrase represents the Ultimate Truth. And your Soul knows it. Which is that all of us were the same in the Beginning and that all of us will be in the End. And that what we really are is just the Creator experiencing Itself through multiple personalities.
Can a person comprehend anything more complicated then a physical answer to life, and death?

The question of the Millenium.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "It's all the same in the end"?

I bet many of you have heard that phrase used by someone in your presence before. I am also willing to bet that many of you have found yourselves nodding your heads in agreement to that statement without ever really thinking twice about it.

But have you ever really considered what that phrase really means? Or better yet, have you ever wondered why you have such a strong tendency to want to totally agree with such a statement?

The reason for that is simple. It's because that single phrase represents the Ultimate Truth. And your Soul knows it. Which is that all of us were the same in the Beginning and that all of us will be in the End. And that what we really are is just the Creator experiencing Itself through multiple personalities.

I wish the controllers would hurry up and take this guy out.

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