From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

I wish the controllers would hurry up and take this guy out.

With the scales tilting as they are, it won't matter anymore in the longrun.

For every person that is "taken out" while shining their Light on the World, a thousand more will soon come to follow in their footsteps. And the numbers will only be increasing as the Golden Age approaches.
One thing to remember though, is that as non-Western civilizations continue to gain more prominence on the global stage, their financial and military presence becomes more obvious. China and other Oriental nations are perfect examples of a new economic force, while North Korea's threats to expand their nuclear arsenal reveal a new player in the game.

The problem in regard to the United States is that we are being deliberately set-up to take a fall. How does one arrive at this conclusion? One of the major indicators that rarely get mentioned in the media is the way in which we use our resources. What do we do with the billions of dollars raised through taxation of the American people? Do we use it to strengthen our borders, prop-up our industrial base, and reinforce our infrastructure to be the best in the World? No, our political leaders (guided by their New World Order puppet masters), are sending more and more of it outside our borders via foreign aid, foreign weapons build-ups, and as enormous payoffs to foreign nations for the use of their military bases. (Turkey is a perfect example).
The big question is, who is making these decisions? Is it just our Congressmen and our President? Of course not. They're also mostly being made by the elitists who belong to the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, or by the elitists who meet yearly with the Bilderbergs or at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. These individuals - bankers, international businessmen, government officials, intellectuals, and media moguls - do not act in the best interest of the United States.

Lets take a look at who were the attendees of the 2003 Davos Conference, which was largely unreported in the American mainstream media:

John Ashcroft - U.S. Attorney General
Bill Clinton - Former President of the United States
Cristopher Dodd - Connecticut Senator
Orrin Hatch - Utah Senator
Colin Powell - U.S. Secretary of State
Bill Richardson - New Mexico Governor
Laurence Summers - President, Harvard University
Tommy Thompson - Secretary of Health and Human Services
Chrstine Todd Whitman - EPA Administrator
Richard Sergay - Senior Producer for ABC News.
Stephen Case - Chairman of AOL Time-Warner
Alexander Higgins - Associated Press Bureau Chief
Thomas Fenton - CBS News
Jim Bitterman - CNN
Peter Sutherland - Chief Executive of BP Oil, and a Bilderberg luminary
Yosef A. Maiman - Former Mossad agent
Bill Gates - Microsoft
Thomas Friedman - New York Times
Ross Perot - Former Presidential candidate
George Soros - Interpol

Instead of taking actions which benefit America, their aim is to further their own Globalist goals. Their power is incredible. Davos people control virtually all international institutions, many of the World's Governments, and the bulk of the World's economic and military capabilities.
All of the people that attended the 2003 Davos Conference are part of the New World Order power hierarchy.

The scary part is that although nation-states still have some control over their own destiny, they are losing importance and will soon be replaced by international institutions which will have the "right to judge and to constrain what states do in their own territory". To those who don't realize it, this is precisely what the definition of the NEW WORLD ORDER is! This international ruling body will assume the role previously performed by sovereign nations, with a Globalist bureaucracy directing the citizenry, not a duly-elected Government.

Of course we have already taken quite a few steps toward this nightmare with the establishment of the United Nations, European Union, IMF, ect, and the New World Order elite realize that to maintain their positions of power they need to promote a concept called "Universalism". In other words, whenever a conflict presents itself outside the sphere of their influence, the Globalists try to bring the troublemaker into their stable.
Samuel P. Huntington:

"The West is attempting and will continue attempting to sustain its preeminent position and defend its interests by defining those interests as the interests of the WORLD COMMUNITY."

One of the ways they like to do this is by easing non-Western civilizations into their economic system via loans or aid packages through the IMF or World Bank. But Georgi Arbatov, a long-time Russian politico, CFR member, and author of The System: an Insiders Life in Soviet Politics, likened the IMF crowd to "neo-Bolsheviks who love expropriating other people's money, imposing undemocratic and alien rules of economic and political conduct and stifling economic freedom."

In other words, they suck OUR money out of our pockets, then they dole it out to those who will further their self-serving goals.

In reality, this practice is nothing more than Global Socialism with those at the top acting as plantation owners, while we slave away to keep them in power. It's a sick little game that we shouldn't keep falling for.
Now I would like to cover the Federal Reserve system and how it has been destroying the United States since it's creation. Many people know alot about this subject as is, so I would like to cover it as quickly as possible.
The Panic of 1907 was an artificially created event in which rumors were circulated that all the banks were going under and would lose their money. J. P. Morgan, one of the great influential bankers of all-time, started the rumors.

So the Panic was basicly created by "Standard Oil" crowd. These were the same people who were running the show all along: John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, ect. In other words, those who benefited most from the Panic (after a Central Bank was created) were the same people who caused the disaster in the first place.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created the Federal Reserve, which now has complete control over interest rates, and also the creation of money (taking this privilege away from Congress). They now control the size of our national money supply here in the U.S., which directly affects inflation, depressions, ect.

Although called "federal", the Federal Reserve is privately owned. Its policies are not subject to the President of the United States or Congress. It can create - and inflate, and it has the ability to relax or tighten the money supply as it sees fit.

Neither the Congress, the President, or the American people can issue money. Only private bankers can do it - and at a PROFIT for themselves!! The United States of America has to borrow money from THEM.
To pay off the HUGE debt that we owe these private bankers (via the interest on loans), our Government had to create the Income Tax (also in 1913!). Prior to the year 1913, there was no income tax except for a few years during the Civil War and Reparation Period. Our Government kept itself afloat by tarriffs and excise taxes.

But here's the ploy behind the Income Tax scam. The rich evade it by funneling their money into tax-free "foundations", while the rest of us get manipulated because of a "graduated" tax system. In other words, the more you make, the more the Government takes. That way, it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, for people to ascend up the ladder and get into the Controller's league.

The truth is, 1913 was a horrible year for the United States. Again, 1913 is the year that The Federal Reserve (a central bank) was created. This institution loaned HUGE amounts of money to the United States Government. To pay off this debt, the Federal Income Tax Law was enacted, which proceeded to STEAL money from the American citizenry. But when the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, they found....or CREATED....a reason very shortly thereafter. World War 1. And it began in 1914!

Oh yes my friends, the International Bankers profited immensely from World War 1. Banker Bernard Baruch's profits totaled over $200 million. Also, shortly after World War 1 ended, the League of Nations (a predecessor to the United Nations) was formed.

World War 1 was devised to get the United States involved in World conflict, and thus to borrow MAJOR amounts of money. To do this, the Lusitania was deliberately allowed to be sunk by the Germans - 128 Americans died in the process - raising our cockles and guaranteeing that we'd enter the fray.

Joseph Kenworthy - British Naval Intelligence:

"The Lusitania was deliberately sent at a considerably reduced speed into an area where a U-boat was known to be waiting and with her escorts withdrawn."

Folks, this was AFTER the British had already cracked Germany's naval code and they knew exactly where all their U-boats were located.
Our nation's original Constitution was written to keep the Government out of our hair. This was called a "laissez faire" policy. Government had little or no influence on business, education, religion, or other aspects of our lives. We practiced free enterprise, which meant there was competition. With this philosiphy and practice, everyone had a chance to make it to the "top".

But then the monopolists entered the picture in the late 1800's. People like John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan and others - and they eliminated competition. John D. Rockefeller said, "competition is a sin."

These people wanted to be able to call the shots via Governments, banks and business institutions that were already bought and paid for (controlled). Think about all the monopolies that our Government runs. Education, money (Federal Reserve), Post Office, NASA, military, Court systems, Taxation, ect.

Our Government is a MONOPOLY - thus, regulation, socialism, and communism are all graduated forms of monopoly.
So in a nutshell, how these people (The Controllers) have attempted to control the World is by a process of lending money to Governments or Nations. Then, in order to repay their loans, these Governments and Nations levy taxes on their citizenry. But not only do the international bankers make these loans, they also attach strings to them. In other words, the Governments grant these bankers a privilege - a "say" in their policies.

It's important to remember what the most lucrative event for bankers is. WAR. Nothing generates more government borrowing faster than war.

To rule a country, one must first establish a monopoly over that nation's money supply by creating a central bank (The Federal Reserve).
Our nation's original Constitution was written to keep the Government out of our hair. This was called a "laissez faire" policy. Government had little or no influence on business, education, religion, or other aspects of our lives. We practiced free enterprise, which meant there was competition. With this philosiphy and practice, everyone had a chance to make it to the "top".

But then the monopolists entered the picture in the late 1800's. People like John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan and others - and they eliminated competition. John D. Rockefeller said, "competition is a sin."

These people wanted to be able to call the shots via Governments, banks and business institutions that were already bought and paid for (controlled). Think about all the monopolies that our Government runs. Education, money (Federal Reserve), Post Office, NASA, military, Court systems, Taxation, ect.

Our Government is a MONOPOLY - thus, regulation, socialism, and communism are all graduated forms of monopoly.

Is this when we kill all the capitalist?
The Jekyl Island meeting in 1910 is where the idea of a Federal Reserve Bank was conceived. It was conceived out of ignorance and greed.

Jekyl Island was a hideaway that was owned by J. P. Morgan. When the bankers met there to create the Federal Reserve, they were called "The First Name Group", because all of the attendees were only allowed to be called by their first names (or code names) while addressing eachother.

But....if any of the Wall Street names became associated with a Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Bill would surely be labeled with a kiss of death by the American people. Americans at that time were strongly opposed to the concept of a Central Bank, so it was formed in such a way that it seemed like bankers actually opposed it publicly. But in reality, they were the ones who designed and promoted it!

They were so sneaky, that even President Woodrow Wilson thought he was signing a bill that took financial power AWAY from the Wall Street financiers.

But the key name to remember here is Paul Warburg, because if anyone was responsible for doing all this, his name would be the first one on the list. Our Federal Reserve Bank was modeled after the German Reichbank.
Lets take a little look at the Jekyl Island Meeting Attendees:

1. Senator Nelson Aldrich - Father in law of John. D. Rockefeller.

2. Paul Warburg - German banker - founder of Kuhn Loeb and the Federal Reserve.

3. Harry P. Davison - J. P. Morgan

4. Benjamin Strong - Bankers Trust

5. Frank Vanderlip - National City Bank

6. Charles D. Norton - First National Bank.

Folks....the Federal Reserve is what we get when we allow a bunch of slimy bankers to make our decisions for us.
Lets take a little look at the Jekyl Island Meeting Attendees:

1. Senator Nelson Aldrich - Father in law of John. D. Rockefeller.

2. Paul Warburg - German banker - founder of Kuhn Loeb and the Federal Reserve.

3. Harry P. Davison - J. P. Morgan

4. Benjamin Strong - Bankers Trust

5. Frank Vanderlip - National City Bank

6. Charles D. Norton - First National Bank.

Folks....the Federal Reserve is what we get when we allow a bunch of slimy bankers to make our decisions for us.

Now ??? Do we kill all the capitalists now?????:scratch:
The League of Nations was created as a front for the real conspirators behind the Federal Reserve System and it had it's origins in three institutions - the RIAA (Royal Institute of International Affairs), the Council on Foreign Relations, and the House of Rothschild.

It's also important to note that all of the financiers were emissaries of Baron Alfred Rothschild, who commissioned them to create a Central Bank modeled after the Reichsbank, the Bank of England, and the Bank of France - all of which were controlled by the House of Rothschild!
Six New York banks eventually bought controlling interest in the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. Even as late as 1983, only five banks held 53% of all the shares. These five are: Citibank, Chase Manhattan, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Manhattan Hanover, and Chemical Bank.

So in other words, America is still practicly being run by 5 banks!
The Federal Reserve Act joined American and European bankers together so that they could more easily bring about World War 1 in 1914. This war was fought to enable the International Conspirators a better opportunity to start the Russian (Bolshevik) Revolution in 1917. It was the same with the English Revolution in 1640, the French Revolution in 1789, and the American Civil War in 1860.

The Federal Reserve included only 12 total banks by 1946. That year their reserves totaled 45 billion dollars. During World War 2 alone, they made 42 BILLION DOLLARS in profits!

In 1912, The International Bankers and the Grand Orient Lodge of Freemasonry met in Switzerland, where they decided to have Archduke Francis Ferdinand assassinated to start World War 1.

The group of people who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand (among others) were a revolutionary organization affiliated with Freemasonry.

Vladimir Lenin:

"The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals."
Lets take a quick look at who the financers of the Bolshevik Revolution were, shall we?:

1. Max Warburg - Brother of Paul Warburg, who founded the Federal Reserve; he was also the head of the German Secret Police during World War 1.

2. J. P. Morgan & Company.

3. Rockefeller Oil Company

4. Alfred Milner Rothschild

5. Jacob Schiff - he invested $20 million.
Jacob Schiff controlled Kuhn, Loeb, & Company; the top Rothschild agent in the United States who financed J. D. Rockefeller, Edward Harriman (the railroad magnet), and Andrew Carnegie's steel empire. He also provided $20 million directly to the Bolshevik Revolution (which helped spawn Communism).

And lets not forget about World World War 1, which created astronomical debts for every nation involved. Wars are always lucrative for those who finance them.
Remember that during the Panic of 1907, the "insiders" made a financial killing and that the Panic also created the need for a central bank.

Vladimir Lenin:

"Establishing a central bank is 90% of making a country Communist."

Also try and remember that after the Federal Reserve Act was passed, it granted control to privately owned central banks in regard to interest rates and the size of the national money supply.

1971 New York Times Magazine - Congressman Louis McFadden - Chairman of the House Committee on Banking & Currency from 1920-1931:

"The Federal Reserve Act brought about a super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists together to enslave the World for their own pleasure."

We have two governments in this country; one is "elected" and the other is an independent, uncontrolled government of the Federal Reserve.

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