From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

When you think about there no better way even to this day than to transport mass amounts of people from one place to another then the use of boxcars and trains? Pritty creepy.

The same tools the Nazis used back in the day are still the most efficient form of transport for mass amounts of people.
Hear the testimony of Doc Marquis, former Illuminist, regarding this:

"As a former high level Illuminati planner for the New World Order, I was brought to the site of the future FEMA death camp in the Mojave. I knew exactly what it would be used for: the termination of resisters of our 'PLAN' to seize this nation under martial law for our New World Order. My reaction when I stood within it's deadly confines when a Satanist? Sheer joy! I rejoiced over the thought of Christs followers being terminated in this place."

(Testimony from Doc Marquis, former high level Illuminati, now a follower of Christ and director of Believers EXPOSING THE OCCULT.)

There may very well be coming a time throughout America for many believers in which there will be no other option BUT to confess Jesus Christ is Lord before men and to die for that testimony.
According to author Doc Marquis, a secret association called the Illuminati actually plots to take over the world, but "encoded" their plan to falsely implicate the Jews. To decode the plan, he says, simply change Jew, Jewry, Jewish to Illuminist, Illuminati, Illuminism; Goyim to chattel, and Zion to Sion. The Illuminati's Protocols includes a "decodified" version of the original text, selections from The Protocols, and further information to help readers spot the Illuminati. There's even an appendix that analyses what Marquis calls "The two seals of our doom"--the Great Seals of the United States.

(Hint: when carefully combined, the words "Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum" and the year MDCCLXXVI contain the letters M-A-S-O-N.)
From the declassified documents here is information relating to the "Civilian Inmate Labor Program" that is supposed to be implemented for the concentration camp members (the slaves).

e. Participants. Only inmates classified as minimum level security will participate in the Civilian Inmate Labor Program. Minimum level security inmates do not need constant guard. Corrections facilities will be responsible for ensuring that only minimum level security inmates participate in the inmate labor program and for selecting inmate participants.

(1) Memoranda of agreement with the corrections facility will state that the installation commander will direct the
removal of any inmate deemed undesirable or detrimental in any way to the mission, soldiers, family members, or
civilian employees of the installation.

(2) Under no circumstances will the following types of inmates be permitted in the Civilian Inmate Labor Program:

(a) A person in whom there is a significant public interest as determined by the corrections facility superintendent in
coordination with the installation commander.

(b) A person who has been a significant management problem in their current corrections facility or in another

(c) A principal organized crime figure.

(d) An inmate convicted of a sex offense or whose criminal history includes such conduct.

(e) An inmate convicted of a violent crime or whose criminal history includes such conduct.

(f) An inmate convicted of the sale or intent to distribute illegal drugs who held a leadership position in any drug
conspiracy, or has been involved with drugs within the last 3 years while in prison.

(g) An escape risk.

(h) An inmate who poses a threat to the general public as determined by the corrections facility superintendent in
coordination with the installation commander.

AR 210–
Civilian Labor Inmate Program?

WTF people.....

They are going to work us while we're in there!!! And of course...should that be such a shocker? I mean really...Slavery is their ultimate agenda.

Keep the good citizens as the obiedient workers, and cut out all the other ones in the article above. Makes sense to me how they would view that situation. Make sure your "Laborers" are not Resisters (Fighters) or Disrupters.

Looks to me like they already have it all "worked out". <--- Document in question.

All one needs to do is look at this one sentence in the article....

Minimum level security inmates do not need constant guard.

Minimum level security inmates? Sounds like the more "obiedient ones". Then it says that they won't need "constant guard". And that makes sense to me too. Why would they? They would be going about their business like they're told to and bowing down for the NWO. - This one is pritty good....I'd say it's worth taking a look at. ---- If you looked at that one then I guess you'll have to take a look at this one too. --- This one is supposed to be a list of some of the concentration camps that are built around the country. Not sure if every one of them really is....but hey...I already believe this stuff is coming so...why the hell do I need to be convinced? =)~ --- Supposably an X-CIA members take on the coming concentration camps. --- Here's some pritty interesting info.

Hope you find them interesting AT LEAST. Never throw away valuable information even if you disagree with it. This stuff could all prove to be true, or most of it anyways, and at least you'll have it as a backup in case you need it.
I don't know about you guys....but chapter 3 of the Document in question that I posted about above is all about how to "Install a civilian inmate labor program" at various army bases within the United States.

And to "negotiate" with correction facilities around the United States.

Serious stuff here folks....I wouldn't hesitate to consider the possibilities.

Anytime you have the words "Army", "Civilian", and "Labor program" all used in the same sentence and within a Government document....It would be cause for GREAT concern.
I have one memory that stands out relating to Hurricane Katrina much more than the others. And thats the memory of the way our Government and FEMA handled the situation.

Soldiers blocking off paths to other cities, where people could get food, water, and shelter.


We're supposed to have one of the most technologically advanced militaries and some of the most advanced equipment in the World! We have boats, fighter planes, jumbo jets, helicopters up the yang, you name it!

And for almost a week after Hurricane Katrina....our Government, and FEMA along with it, sat back and watched as people died. As people murdered. As people starved. Like it was all a big game for them.

That was on a minor scale people. Imagine whats going to happen when they take advantage of a major attack on our Homeland. They will announce "Martial Law" on ALL citizens, and when it happens it's going to make Hurricane Katrina look like another day at the Circus.
Satanist hate crimes are rampant throughout our nation. Satanist infiltration into church organizations and ministries is widespread.

The Satanist/Illuminist subculture has successfully infiltrated America's schools, Universities, law enforcement, government, judicial and in fact penetrated every level of our society. They are networking furiously together to bring forth their New World Order/Luciferian based agenda. And they are destroying countless innocent lives in the process, and will destroy millions more in their bloody pursuit. Satanist recruitment into covens is at an all time high...recruiters even go out on Friday nights in college towns or cities and recruit kids on the streets, dressed fully in black robes!

And where is the Church??? God has commissioned His people unto whom he has entrusted power and authority to wage mighty Spiritual warfare against the works of the enemy. Even the Bible declares "Jesus Christ was manifested to DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL." He did not commission the police...nor the local judge... nor the sheriff's department (they are all infiltrated by Satanists anyhow!) He has commissioned HIS PEOPLE to stand in the gap, to wage war against the enemy who is destroying countless lives across our nation continually.

Because God has not given us a spirit of FEAR, but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND, and has continually instructed us to FEAR NOT, we are to therefore march boldly forward with the power of God and CRUSH THE WORKS OF THE ENEMY.

People should be ashamed of the priests/pastors who have admitted that they are too afraid to deal with Satanism in their city...too afraid to stand up and do something about it.

It is time to make a difference...NOW!

Satan has already gotten away with murder unchallenged much too long...and wait 'til you see what they have in mind for YOU under coming martial law!!! make the difference.
This should be cause for great concern and an awakening of the people of God in America!


And now that our nation is indeed and irrevocably in the ominous beginning stages of martial law, how long will you hide behind denial and refuse to seek the Lord NOW for the grace to remain faithful throughout the testing that is to follow??? NOW is the time to prepare your hearts to seek the Lord. If you have been turning your back to the Creator, REPENT from your rebellion and get right with Him. You will not have the confidence in the Lord that you shall need to stand fast and to overcome, if your heart is not right with God.
I am a Christian myself (Not exactly in the religious sense), but I believe in Christ. And am a follower of Christ. So therefore, it's going to be pritty hard for me not to mix some of my own beliefs in with my work.

However, I will do my best not to cram it down anyones throat as I post it.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Thats for sure.

I believe in God and God's word. I also believe that Christ is God's word. And so I believe in Him too.

Please don't get my beliefs in Jesus and Christ confused however. I believe that Christ has had many forms and that Jesus was only one of them.
REFUSE to allow fear to fill your heart, and choose instead to RESPOND WITH FAITH. God has NOT given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER, of LOVE, and a SOUND MIND...the MIND OF CHRIST, to be exact.



MEDITATE on God's love day and night.

PRAY when you feel the need to.

Be CONFIDENT that what Jesus has promised, that He shall also perform.

CONQUERORS through Him that loves us.

And, that nothing can separate us from the love of God and Christ our Lord.

Through Faith in Jesus Christ...

-YOU were redeemed to become CONQUERORS,...not those conquered.
-YOU were redeemed to become VICTORS...not the victims!
-YOU were redeemed to be OVERCOMERS...not those overcome.

"And this is the VICTORY that overcomes the world, EVEN OUR FAITH!" 1 John 5:4-b

"America, your days of liberty and freedom may be numbered. Make the most of your freedoms while you can. And determine in your heart now that you will continue to stand up for God and Liberty...even when a corrupt government declares our days of freedom are finished."

-Pam Schuffert
I believe that God has only one Law. And that Jesus has only one Gospel. And that both of them are the same. And that neither of them can be found in a religious book, but must instead be discovered through Yourself. Myself. Ourselves.

We can only receive direction through the material World including through such things as portions of the Bible. But, there is absolutely no need for religion or religious books. They will all give you what you could have already found if only you had looked inside Yourself the entire time.

I believe that God's Complete Law for us is:

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy mind, all thy heart and thy body; and thy Neighbor as Thyself. Do this and thou shalt have Eternal Life"

That law came straight from Jesus's mouth.

I believe that when Jesus said "Thy Neighbor", that He used that as a symbol for representing all of Humanity. And that to enter back into Eternal Life means that we have obeyed this very Law to the best of our ability relating to our Wills. Portions of the Bible and other religious books like some of the Hindu scriptures and the Koran are really just trying to describe that Law. But they are not the Law. They are interpretations of that Law. And just about all of the people who have learned from sources like that have been way off as far as how they have gone about trying to Live it. It is the same in any language or culture, or in any version of spiritual or religious texts.

All people should know that within our own Selves are immutable Laws that we can never escape from. Therefore, so as we condemn others, we will be condemned. As we do unto our Brothers and Sisters, so it will be the same as doing it to God!

These are laws that exist within every single one of us. They are truths, they are unfailing. And just because at times it might seem as if the result of a horrible act has gone unpunished for way too long, and that it might appear that God is slow in meting our results for a Person's actions, will not alter or change those Laws. An error, a fault, a failure, must be met. And as we have heard before, though the Heavens and the Earth shall pass away, God's Law will never pass away. His Law IS the way, the Truth, and the Light. Therefore Every Soul must pay for their actions and decisions to the final jot. And the way they pay is redeemed through Karma.

The continuing problem of Man and Women is to combine all of our Minds, Emotions, Awareness, and Consciousness, with our Wills and Purposes, so that we can all again be ONE with the Creator. Until that time, we as individuals will remain Earthbound, or within the confines of our own Solar System. The ever present stumbling block to this return to our True Self (Atonement with God), is our Ego or Self Interest, Self indulgence, Self-purposefulness. And all "sin", all error, all evil, indeed the only "sin" is the Self which became as separate from the Father!
The one problem that so many people seem to be forgetting is that the Bible is not the Word of God. Christ is the Word of God. He has stated that Himself. Even the Bible states that God's Word will never pass away. And nor will Christ. Christ will always remain....even when the Heavens and the Earth pass away.

But the Bible never states anything about the Bible being God's Word. Thats because the Bible is just a collection of different teachings over time. But many of those teachings are false and or have been twisted or altered to fit religion. Christ however perfectly and clearly stated that HE is the Word of God. And the Bible also states that. It says that God's Word is the Truth, the Way, and the Light. But what the Bible doesn't mention on the other hand is itself, which is because it is not what is really important.

So we have the facts. The Bible, among many other texts outside the Bible, such as the Gospel of Thomas and other gnostic texts, all state that Jesus was the Way, the Truth, and The Light. And the same is said about God's Word. So therefore, it would be impossible to conclude anything other than that Jesus IS God's Word, and that Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Light.

God gave the Word.

Christ IS that Word.

Christ gave the Law.

The Law is "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy mind, all thy heart and thy body; and thy Neighbor as Thyself. Do this and thou shalt have Eternal Life".

The Law is the Truth.

The Truth is the Way.

The Way is The Light.

And the Light is the Life.

Must we as Human Beings continue to constantly try and place a name on Our Creator? Wouldn't the World be a better place if we all stopped trying to claim The Creator as the leader of a particular group or race?

Did Jesus Himself not say that if we try to pin point the location of The Father then other things would be able to see Him/Her before us?

They asked Him:

When is The Kingdom coming?

He replied:

"It is not coming in an easily observable manner. People will not be saying, “Look, it’s over here” or “Look, it’s over there.” Rather, the Kingdom of The Father is already spread out on the earth, and People aren’t aware of it."

Jesus Said:

"If Your leaders say to You “Look! The Kingdom is in the sky! Then the Birds will be there before You are. If they say that the Kingdom is in the sea, then the Fish will be there before You are. Rather, the Kingdom is within You and it is outside of You."

Can the same not be said about religions who act likewise? Use Jesus's above parrable to realize the truth that is contained in it.

If God is Alah, then the Muslims will see Him before everyone else.

If God is a Hindu God, then the Hindus will see Him before anyone else.

If God is only the Christian Trinity (Father, Son, And Holy Spirit), then the Christians will see Him before anyone else.

If God is Budah, then the Budhists will see Him before anyone else.

No. This is not the truth. The Creator has no name. The Creator has no face. The Creator has no color nor does the Creator have a religion. Rather, Just as Jesus has stated for us all, The Creator is both within us and without us.
And so therefore what would the Creator truly be? Well my friends, as we have learned through science and many other sources, The Universe and everything within it is composed of Matter. And why is Matter so important? Because Nothing can exist without it. Nothing.

And who was it that created Matter? No one. And how do we know this? Because Matter is infinite. It will always be and it has always been. Therefore, what remains inside us and without us that is eternal just like "The Kingdom of Heaven" which is the very same parrable that Jesus used to describe this substance? You guessed it, it's Matter.
Jesus Said:

"I am the light above everything. I am everything. Everything came forth from me, and everything reached me. Split wood and I am there, Lift up a rock, You will find me there."

Jesus Said:

"You are pleased when you see Your own likeness. When You see Your Images that came into being before You did, immortal and invisable Images, how much can You bear?"

Jesus Said:

"The images are revealed to People. The Light within Them is hidden in the Image of the Fathers Light. He will be revealed. His Image is hidden in His Light."

He responded,

"He who has ears let Him hear. There is light within a man of light, and He lights up all of the world. If He is not alight there is darkness."

Therefore I say that if One is unified One will be filled with Light. But if One is divided One will be filled with Darkness.

So if God made everything and anything from ITSELF, then wouldn't it be logical to understand that God is composed of Matter in it's purest form?

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