From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

The Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans adopted the science of the Ancient Atlanteans. And with it they made other combinations with the same numbers. And the discovery of their numbers/codes reveals their secrets. Only because of their codes can a person discover the points of connection between the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans and present the undeniable proof that they must have had an identical origin.

Many of the Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Mayan rules were worked out in places like "The Double House of Life", which is a temple in Egypt or in other corresponding temples in South America. These ancient schools with their "Holy Secrets" were the basic source of all the knowledge of both civilizations. They relied therefore upon the calculations made by their ancestors in the "Circle of Gold" which was a structure in Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis).

These Laws remained with the survivors of the previous catastrophes. It was their decision, and again that of their progency after them, as to whether they would continue to use such a gift and to what end it would be used for.
The recovered knowledge provides excellent proof of the advanced science that these ancient civilizations possessed. The Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans were much more developed civilizations than was originally thought possible. Why? Because they knew things like the orbit of the Earth around the Sun, ect. And many times they disguised their knowledge with code numbers.

By taking literally the statements of the Ancient Atlanteans, Egyptians, and Mayans, you can stumble upon a manner of calculation within an orderly system. Their is a similar system behind the pattern of thinking of these ancient giants of mathematics and science. When focusing on it, a magic world of numbers appears, full of unexpected but undeniable and strange similarities.

With the connection of Venus and the periods of the previous two Pole-Shifts one can stumble upon the similarities between the Sothic cycle of Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Mayan's numbers.

The correlation between the Ancient Mayan super-numbers and the Ancient Egyptian Sothic numbers is extensive. Several Ancient Mayan numbers are multiple of Ancient Egyptian Sothic numbers multiplied by code numbers.

The Ancient Mayan and the Ancient Egyptian way of calculation are both supported, undeniably, by the same series of numbers. For this reason it can be said that the Ancient Mayans and the Ancient Egyptians have the same origin, in this case, Aha-Men-Ptah/Atlantis.
We should take the Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Mayan warnings about the coming Pole-Shift very seriously because they were capable of making extremeley accurate predictions about planetary orbits and the past two disasters.

Our ancestors warned us about the coming Pole-Shift through their coded messages. They knew exactly which kinds of mechanisms were hiding behind the biggest atmospheric and Earth changes. With unmatched accuracy they were able to follow and depict the Zodiac, and they even calculated the exact dates of the previous two Pole-Shifts.

Many of the riddles that puzzle many astronomers, geologists, physicians and others can be solved in one go by the catastrophe theories of the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans. They knew that when a beam of lightning hits a magnet, its poles reverse. Beams of lightning from the Sun, or in more scientific terms, Sunstorms, can also cause this phenomenon on the Earth if they are big enough and strong enough, like the ones we will soon be facing.

After all, the Earth is one big magnet. The moment the ionized particles from the Sunstorm force their way into the poles, a gigantic short-circuit will occur. Just as with a normal magnet, the magnetic North Pole will change places with the magnetic South Pole. The Earth will start turning around the other way with catastrophic consequences for mankind. Cooled down magma with a reversed polarization already found by geologists proves this abundantly.

It is for this reason that the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans payed so much attention to this phenomenon. They knew that when the Earth would short circuit again, in our current days, that the core of the Earth would reverse all at once. At the same time super earthquakes would shake the entire Earth.

Folks...this is what our planet will soon be enduring.
Deciphering the main meaning of the Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Mayan codes are possible, but only if you decipher these scientific masterpieces together. It's about time we respect these highly developed scientists for their knowledge. Then we can ring the alarm Worldwide and try to help at least part of Humankind to survive. We will either encounter our Armageddon, or sow the seeds of the next civilization coming after us.
The Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans were Sun worshippers. They had every reason for doing this, as the Sun not only gives Life but also brings Death.

The Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans had extremely accurate knowledge regarding the time it takes for the Earth to make a revolution around the Sun. With their incredible accuracy, they had no trouble calculating the time it takes for a revolution of the Sun's magnetic fields.

This is why the warnings of the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans have to be taken very seriously. The fact that they were aware of these theories is Earthshaking in itself!

Thanks to some of the Ancient Egyptian papyruses that are more than 5,000 years old, we know absolutely that the Ancient Egyptians were capable of calculating extremely difficult mathematical problems. As were the Ancient Mayans.

Just to give one example of what the Ancient Egyptians could do, they were able to calculate the volume and surface area of a half sphere. This problem appears in the Papyrus of Rhind, which can be found in Moscow. Its age is estimated at over 5,000 years, and it was copied from even older documents.

This is just further proof that the Ancient Egyptians knew alot more than many modern scientists are willing to admit.
The Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans knew the magnetic Sunspot cycle theory. This is clear evidence that they could do the job, unconditional proof that they were both of similar origin, and that they had brilliant mathematicians and astronomers that were in many ways far superior to even contemporary scientists.

For both civilizations the magnetic Sunspot cycle was central to their lives. This is not hard to believe when you realize that a giant solar storm, stemming from a culmination of the Sunspot cycle, will soon be switching the polar fields of our planet. The resulting catastrophe will kill billions of people, probably almost all of mankind.

What is very important is that many of our Nuclear plants be completely shut down before the Pole-Shift occurs because of the destruction that will befall them by enormous Earthquakes. If many of the plants are not shut down before this coming catastrophe, it is quite possible that much of the Earth will become a giant radioactive ball.
Just as the Rosetta stone induced the start of Egyptology, the decoding of the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayan codes will cause a revolution in the knowledge of antiquity. It is a crucial link to the existence of our civilization. In a certain way these numbers belong to an esoteric numerology. These are essential numbers, which can be processed to find the basic components. When those are processed in turn, they lead to the same numbers!

The relavent numbers are a metaphor for the pre-calculated Pole-Shift that is very soon going to ravage our whole Earth. They are the intriguing climax of a search into the reasons for the Pole-Shifts, the "falling down of skies", the destruction of land, animals and people.

Brought together in an essential symbolism, an immense complexity of mythology, religion, science and mathematics, is hidden in the ancient's simplicity.
The omnipresence of the symbolic numbers used by the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans is no coincidence. It underlines a strange but understandable similarity. The numbers are the synthesis of a super-civilization (Atlantis) that was confronted with the end of its time - calculated by mathematical "gods" who cleverly incorporated their mythology and knowledge into one big idea which became a source of disturbingly exact scientific knowledge.

Research indicates that the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans both had the knowledge of the Ancient Atlanteans. They also were aware of the two points in a year where day and night are equal. This can be proven because several of their temples were built at the point where the Sun rose above horizon at the beginning of the Spring.

The Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans also knew that it takes 72 years before the Sun shifts one degree over the ecliptic. This is a remarkably precise calculation according to the astronomers of today. Only science of a mathematically and astronomically high standard can produce such accuracy. The precession cycle is a majestic machine of extraordinary complexity. And yet these ancients were able to figure it out.
The Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans, as descendants of the legendary Atlanteans, predict an even even more violent that is supposed to occur on our Earth sometime between the years of 2009-December 21, 2012.

They calculated that after almost 12,000 years, there will be another gigantic reversal of the magnetic field of the Sun! When that happens, there will be trillions of particles that will reach the Earth's poles and set them on "fire". This will put alot of pressure on the Earth and its magnetic field will become overcharged. Alot of electrical forces will be generated which will fill the Earth's poles with auroras from the falling particles of the Sun. And then, inevitably, the Earth's magnetic field will crash.

After the magnetic field of the Earth crashes, it will then soon after reverse. Once it reverses completely, our entire planet will start spinning the other way.
Many scientists have tried to pass off our Earth's magnetic field as being "weak". This is completely false. When you measure the size of the Earth's magnetic field you will see figures that will flabbergast you, and you will realize that it is a colossal structure.

The Sun also has two equally spectacular magnetic fields. If you zoomed in closer to the Sun, you would see a super-impressive rotating field that is driven by the magnetic fields. Should you watch the field of the Sun's equator from a spaceship, you would be overwhelmed by the image in your retina. The equatorial field of the Sun rotates around its own axis at the incredible speed of 7,000 kilometers per hour! And with it, cluttered masses of matter are dragged along. It is a gigantic, burning top, with solar flames tormenting its surface.

If you projected the Earth onto a small solar flame, you would only detect it as a tiny pinhead in all that violence. The magnetic powers of the Sun are, to this extent, out of this World! And when they explode onto our Earth during the next Pole-Shift, we will experience something that the people of the Earth haven't had to endure for 12,000 years.
Thousands of years ago, the predecessors of the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans discovered the powers of solar magnetism. They knew that grim events hide behind this phenomenon. Further research helped the ancient scientists discover that the rotating field of the Sun winds itself like a coil, like a fight between competing powers. On one hand gravity tries to merge all matter, while on the other hand magnetic powers fight against this. For awhile, these competitive powers succeed in keeping in balance with each other, and live peacefully side-by-side. However, when instabilities start taking place, these forces are unleashed in a powerful manner.
The Ancient Egyptians and Mayans had solved alot of other enigmas as well, such as the phases of the Moon, and the solar eclipses and seasons. They could explain, for instance, the solar eclipses, by the fact that the geometrical positions of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon were at that moment aligned. This is due to a regular manner in which these celestial bodies move around each other in defined trajectories. These things happened because of scientific patterns.

But what about sudden events on the Sun? What chain of causes lay behind these? By thinking logically, they also knew that earthquakes were the result of the accumulation of tensions in the Earth crust.

Their faith became their driving force: every super-eruption on the Sun was caused by a portending event. Even when you can only understand a part of the total image, in principle there has to be a superior mechanism behind it all, something that rules all other things. With the help of that mechanism, it had to be possible to predict the violent future of the Sun and its repercussions on the Earth.
The Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans discovered a geometrical order about the Sun that, once it reached a crucial phase, would cause an obscure "short-circuit". The field would run wild then die a violent death in a super Sunstorm. Shortly after this, it would reverse the Earth's magnetic field resulting in a super catastrophe for all living beings on the planet.

The Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans realized that the future hangs by a thread, and that it is as fragile as the Earth will be in the bursting violence of the Sun. Therefore they had to find the answer to this imperative question: When will the rotating field of the Sun decidedly change the cycle of life and death on Earth? And find the answer they did.

The Ancient Egyptian Zodiac and the Ancient Mayan codices are both crown jewels of mathematical and astronomical mastery. Like crown jewels of pure gold, inlaid with super-bright diomands of the highest quality. When you see the groundwork behind their codes, you simply cannot deny it.
The panorama of the codes is unveiling a grim view of events that will spare very few Human Beings. Our lives and the continuity of mankind depend on these secrets being revealed. For many people the decipherings will seem too complicated, but they will surely understand its astonishing revelations.

In scientific dissertations, a real deciphering has to contain a bit more than just a hunch. It has to be convincing and should be supported by consistent principles. And the Ancient's codes are such.

Mathematicians have the greatest respect for theories that are developed on a strict mathematical basis. And the Ancient's codes are also such. They contain results and comparisons that enable further decoding. Anybody who can add, subtract, divide, and multiply can confirm this.
Astronomers need to research the Sunspot cycle urgently. Just like the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans, they should then be able to calculate the fatal date we have awaiting us. This way, we will not only be aware of what is coming, but we can also take the necessary measures to rescue mankind.

The fatal date that the Ancients gave us must be taken extremely seriously. Besides the fact that they worked with round Holy Numbers, they also knew with wild accuracy some very important details.

Through logical reasoning, a person can calculate one thing on the basis of another. This shows an undeniable relation between the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans. They knew the secrets of Atlantis, as well as the Atlantean way of calculating what is to occur as we ALL approach December 21, 2012.
No offence.

You have been talking to yourself for over a hundred posts.

No offense taken. I don't have time to wonder who's reading and who's not. The important thing is that I'm posting what I believe is important. And that's all that matters to me.

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